Problem started a couple of weeks ago. Mac Mail worked fine then all the sudden it won't load aol mail. I researched and deleted the account in mail and added back worked for a bit. I think each time I shut down my mac it seems to undo everything having to do with aol mail. I have to delete the account and start over and that is not even working all the time now. Then when I go and add back a signature for that account it seems to mess it up again. What is up with this. I have contacted AOL twice. They help me get it working again but it keeps reverting back in mac mail and won't pull in the AOL mail. The outgoing server only shows as AOL not a real address.
today i found that Mail has stopped working for no obvious reason.It wont send or receive emails, but when i check by signing into .mac itself, the messages have arrived and everything appears normal.Mail won't quit either... then every so often a box with the following text appears:'Some actions taken while the account 'enter.mac address here' was offline could not be completed online.Mail has undone actions on some messages so that you can redo the actions while online. Mail has saved other messages in mailbox "on my mac" in "on my mac" so that you can complete the actions while online.Additional information: The connection to the server "" on port 143 timed out.
I can not send or receive. It seems the mail is in a perpetual cycle (of retrieving or sending) but nothing ever happens. When I shut down the computer, I get a message that mail is still open and I have to hard-quit.
I changed my Internet Service Provider from Sky Broadband to Virgin Media.
The Internet is working fine, but I cannot receive email. I have two hotmail accounts, they are called "" and " 2" the first one is working again after I went into Connection Doctor, but the other one is saying "Trying to log in to this SMTP account failed. Verify that the username and password are correct"
I checked the settings in the Preferences menu and these all look OK, so I can't work out why it's not working. I even tried adding it as a new account but it tells me that the email address is already set up.
If I go directly to gmail and sign in it works perfectly. However I have looked up my preferences and it all appears correct. but every time i go to send out an email it asks for my password then rejects it. I recently have been having strange things happening to my iphone access as well could this be coneccted? I have not changed anything in my settings in a very long time.
i am using MAIL in mac. i am using a macbook pro and i want to set up my mail. i set it up before and now its not working. i changed something and now i have no idea what i am doing.
what is the outgoing and incoming, and the port number and all the settings. i have never had this comcast mail working correctly. when i first set it up i would have to "refresh" the MAIL all the time so it would get my mail. i can not recieve or send mail anymore.
I am on travel and thus not at home. The Macbook Pro is running 10.6.8 with max memory and a 750GB HD. I suspect this is associated with moving my accounts to iCloud. And I assume Apple will sort this out either in the next few hours or the next few days.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
In the Mail app, I'm getting a circle with a triangle and an exclamation mark inside it. I can't receive or send my from this (Outlook Express) account. It's a work email account, but it has been working fine until now. I clicked Rebuild from the app menu (trying to fix it!), but that only removed all existing emails in the mailbox.
I've read previous posts, and no one seems to have a current answer. It appears as if the past solutions are no longer working, so does anyone know how to get Yahoo! Mail working on Mac Mail?
New to technology full stop really, but decided to go with Mac instead of Pc back in January...
My problem is that my mac mail account...I think called .mac was working great...but about 2 months ago I suddenly stopped being able to receive any mail whatsoever.
It started around the same time I was trying to send a small video file attachment....but that may be just a coincidence??
I've upgraded Tiger to Leopard, and the only thing that doesn't work is Mail. Everytime I start Mail on Leopard, all the menu options (File, Edit, View, ...) come up, but the rest just doesn't... And if i afterwards want to quit Mail, it's stuck and I have to use force quit.
Since upgrading on Tuesday night, My mail has been crashing every time I try and compose, and/or, send an email. Also, the hard drive is running continuously, almost as if Time Machine was running or it was defragging. And, some programs, i.e. Second Life, just freeze on start-up. (Imac 2009, 27", as well as MacBook 13" 2009)
I'm not getting email notification sounds when I get an email in mail. I have tried changing the sounds. My updates are current. I'm using 10.5.4, and it used to work. I get all other sounds except the new mail sounds. Can someone help Apple Care is useless in helping me with this. I have a macbook running the same OS and every thing with the same sound, and it works just fine everytime.
I cant seem to log into [URL] and I followed every direction via [URL] to setup an account on Mail 3.5. I enabled IMAP in my account settings on [URL]. I just cant seem to get it working it so weird.
A wonderful poductivity app -- Omni Focus, has caused me to Abandon Entourage. I'm loving MacMail, especially after having discovered MailSteward for archiving. But I've got one problem.
I use rules a lot. But I can't figure out how to alphabetize the rules I have so I can edit them. Is there some way to do this???
Mail isn't working for me. I'm running osx 10.5.8 and mail 3.6. It won't quit. I have to force quit. Then it won't receive regular mail. It is only receiving junk mail. I have tried deleting the account and adding it again. I have also added another account to see if the problems were still there and they are.
I am having issues with My OS 10.5 default Mail client ver 3.0.
Issue : I have account on Microsoft exchange server OS windows 2008 IIS 7. I am able to recive emails in my Mail but not able to send mail's i did a check on network , it shows it was able to authi'cate with SMTP server but still mails are not going out.
I've made a few rules to organize my incoming messages on Mail and they all work fine. They move e-mails to mailboxes according to whoever sent them. But, when I make new rules now, they just don't work at all.
I have always had html mail issues with my iMac since August 2011. I use yahoo. For the most part, 90% of my emails display html just fine. The problem I have is one day an email will display html fine and then the next it would be in text form practically useless. And for some html emails, it never displayed the email correctly albeit my iPhone 5S does.My preference for displaying remote images in html is obviously checked.
P.S. Another issue I have with Mail is that all my Yahoo folders (under mailboxes) after having Mail opened for a length of time will disppear out of the blue. In order to get them back, I have to close out Mail and relaunch. I still have access to inbox, sent, trash, and junk. But "Yahoo!" folders displayed under those are gone for some reason until I relaunch.
I have changed to iCloud from Mobile Me and iCloud insists that my password or ID is incorrect. It isn't incorrect - so what do I do get some sense out of Mail (because I have and old workhorse that does all the mail, and has a huge library of mail that is preserved). That means that at the moment I can't get or view my mail. I have done as advised - ie set up Mail to go to iCloud using the correct incoming and outgoing servers, but no luck.Summary: Changed to iCloud. Access denied in Mail. I don't expect the full features of iCloud (our other machine can do that if we need it because it has Lion - bu that's not my machine).
My mac mail is not working with the Exchange 2007 server. I see that this is a common problem for many other folks. I have spent a considerable amount of time on forums, talking to Apple Support, and Google searching -- no luck finding a solution. I am using Thunderbird to get me by for now. I have a new Mac, Lion 10.7.4.
I am no longer able to use Search in Mail. When I type anything in, I get zero results. I am almost certain it worked previously. Am I missing a setting somewhere?
Rules in Mac Mail are working terribly randomly - create a rule to color messages from domain = x, didn't work; then tried a rule to color messages to = one of my 3 email addresses ... that worked on about 80% of the messages to that email address (***? no discernable pattern!) after exiting and re-launching mail ... Finally realizing this thing just doesn't work I deleted all the rules ... several exits/re-launches I now still have about 80% of my messages to one email address I use colored, with no discernable pattern. There are no rules now.
Using OS X 10.7.4 on a 2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Mac Book Pro w/ 4 GB Ram, Mail 5.2. Have 3 email addresses, 1 Mobileme using IMAP and 2 Gmail addresses using IMAP.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I access my iCloud account on Mail on my Mac Air. Last week it just stopped updating without any changes from me. All I have is the little triangle with the exclamation points in them next to the account name. I've tried reentering my account password and changing ports. Nothing. It doesn't even try to retrieve mail when I do so under the Mailbox drop-down menu. It's all very random.