Mac Pro :: Fans Running Fast At Idle / Little Gap Between Closed Door And Outer Case

May 7, 2008

just received my new MP and noticed the same thing with the 08 Modell which is that the door sits slightly offset on the case meaning theres a little gap about 0,5mm between the closed door and the outer case.

Second my fans "boostA & boostB" are spinning at 1100rpm at idle I thought they should normally idle at around 800rpm? (I read at least)

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PowerPC :: G5 Pro Fans Running Too Fast

Jul 28, 2009

The fans on my G5 Pro are running at close to 3000rpm most of the time. I have read other forums and do not think this is normal at all. I started looking into the fans because I am getting frequent kernel panics (black screen crashes) and thought it might be the machine over heating. My CPUs are at about 50C to 52C and the fans are constantly running that fast.

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MacBook :: Flash Websites Closed But Fans Not Stop Running

Sep 23, 2009

A lot of times, when I close the flash intense web sites, my fans won't stop running until I go into activity monitor and force quit flash. This is very irritating and kills my battery life. I feel like I am constantly playing the sims 3 even if I am not doing anything. Also, are there varying levels of how much flash you're using? For example, if you're on youtube is that just as bad as being on macrumors and looking at flash based ad banners?

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Desktops :: Graphics Card Heating Up / Fans Running Very Fast

Sep 7, 2010

I'm worried about too much heat and wearing out fans in both the card and my Mac.Below are the conditions, but first:

-Is it normal for this kind of card to run ALL the time? How do I know if it's acting correctly?
-Given the heat and fan speed info below, are my Mac and internal drives OK?
-Am I risking any breakdowns? Due to heat or fans running too much... or?
-Do all graphics cards cause the fans to run like this? Is there a cooler card out there?
-Suggestions to lessen the heat effects... or for another alternative?

MacPro Xeon / Dual 2.66 processor / 4 GB RAM
Radeon HD3870 Card in Bottom slot
E-Sata card in top slot.
No other cards installed
4 Terabyte Internal Drives

Temperatures (in fahrenheit): (via iStat widget)
HardDrives: 110 / 104 / 108 / 97
CPU A: 95
CPU B: 92
Expansion Slots: 95
Ambient: 76

Fan Speeds:
Exhaust: 599
CPU Fan: 499
Power Supply: 599
HD/Expansion: 501

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MacBook Pro :: 6000 RPM Fans While Idle, Normal?

Mar 8, 2012

A few days ago my MBP started spinning up the fans like I was doing something really intensive. Only I wasn't.  I installed smcfancontrol and it reported both fans at close to 6000rpm (5899 is the highest I've seen it) and a cpu temp of 75 c - 85 c while idle.  iStat Pro reported the same. No apps running after a reboot and the fans instantly spin up and the cpu temp hovers around the 80 mark.  I'm of the understanding that 50 - 70 is considered normal with the fans in the 2000-3000 rpm range. Yes? Heres a screen cap with only Activity Monitor running. You can see the most intensive process is 3.5% and the temp and fan speed can be seen in the upper right.[URL]

MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8), 8GB, 1TB

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Power Mac G5 :: Overheating In Idle Mode - Fans Blow Harder

Nov 6, 2007

I have a G5 dual 2gig and in idle mode it seems to a be slightly overheating as my fans start to blow harder and I get my mouse sticking I am running the latest version of Tiger with 3.5gigs of ram I did post in the IDvD, Logic Pro, and the Final cut pro forums the impact of an upgrade of 8gig of ram on my system whether my apps would run better and the system as a whole.

But I have not been able to get any feed back on this that was clear and I was asked to try here on this forum so here I am. I deeply love my G5 and what it can do I am just wondering if it is working at its most optimum I do regularly do my house keeping i.e. repairing permission and occasionally using Tech tool Pro to look over the system but nothing out of the ordinary jumps out. I have a screen shot of my activity monitor and cpu monitor but I do not know how to attach it.

G5 Dual 2 GiG
Mac OS X (10.4.9)
3.5gig of Ram 1530 Gigs of HD storrage/RME Hammerfall Multiface /Canopus 100

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PowerPC :: Fans Rev Very Fast At Boot / G4 MDD

Apr 26, 2009

I just picked up a G4 MDD off ebay. Everything seems to be working fine, and it passed tech tools tests for whatever that is worth. The only thing I noticed is that for about 2 or 3 seconds during boot the fans seem to rev up pretty high, then settle back to normal. Does anyone else with this computer have this issue or has anyone heard of it?

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MacBook :: Fans Spinning Fast And Non Stop

Jul 31, 2009

For the last couple of days my fans have been going crazy, spinning at 6200RPM non stop. I installed fan control last month but the issues just started. When I open up fan control it says my fan should be spinning at 4000RPM. I had smcFanControl installed before and its still installed. My bluetooth module over heated yesterday so I used SMC to rev up the fans. I don't know if that is the issue because it isn't running now. I'll try uninstalling that now.

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MacBook :: Fans Run Very Fast / Computer Became Cooler Than Before

Aug 3, 2009

Anyone here know if the fans run less now? My Macbook 2.2Ghz fans run a lot and this things HOT a lot of times. Have the computers become cooler running now vs. then? I am interesting in upgrading, but my main concern is the heat. I just don't enjoy a private space heater here in the desert...

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Mac Pro :: Fans Revs Very Fast / ATI Radeon HD 4870

Apr 10, 2010

So, I got a flashed ATI Radeon HD 4870 off eBay. It's running fine, but it revs for every little thing I do. Every time I scroll on a webpage...It's revving for every letter I type. The faster I type, the louder it gets. If I watch a video, it runs at high speed. The X1900 XT was quiet compared to this thing.It's like it's set to run the fan as high as it can for every little thing that happens. What do I do?

I also just tested it in WoW, and it was getting about 12FPS in Shattrath at full graphics. I think I remember my x1900 getting the same, if not better. Something's gotta be wrong. Now it's just constantly running its fans, and I'm not even doing anything. I'm on my Macbook. My Mac Pro is just sitting there, nothing but the Finder.I'm also not happy with the speed it renders video compared to my dinosaur x1900 XT. Not worth the upgrade. Could the ROM they flashed it with be bad?

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Applications :: Skype Makes Laptop Fans To Run Fast

Sep 20, 2010

I just started a video chat on Skype and my MacBook fans started going and are now really loud. Just checked my processes and it said this: Fans are currently at 4550rpm but are now much quieter than when I started writing this.

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PowerPC :: G5 Won't Wake From Sleep - Fans Go Insanely Fast

Jul 13, 2010

This problem just started happening on my 2005 Power Mac G5 Dual 2.3Ghz Processors.

I activate sleep, and it refuses to wake up again. Then after a few minutes the fans slowly increase in speed until the computer begins to sound like an aeroplane taking off, at which point I'm forced to perform a forced shutdown.

I've resetted the PMU and it doesn't seem to have worked. It is fully up-to-date in Software Update and is running the latest version of OS X Leopard.

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IMac :: 24" - Fans Spin Really Fast Until I Restart The Computer

Jan 1, 2011

Sometimes when I put the display to sleep, my imac's fans will spin really fast until I restart the computer.

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PowerPC :: IMac G5 Failing To Boot Up - Fans Whirring Fast

Dec 16, 2008

Originally my iMac G5 (1.6 GHz 17 inch) was failing to boot up. It would get to the grey screen and the apple and it would just stay there and pretend to be a rocket ship with it's little fan whirring as fast as it could after five minutes. So I reset the SMU, fan stopped, still wouldn't boot. Booted it off the 10.5 install cd (which it was running fine until it wouldn't start up). It wouldn't see the Macintosh HD for a while unless you went to disc utility > partitions and changed it from current to one and instead of applying just let it sit there before switching it back to current. Took about 10 minutes of sitting there.

I did disk repair said there was no problem. Disk permission repair said there was a few problems and said it repaired them. To be safe I backed everything up using target disk mode (where the fan tried to play rocket again even though I reset the SMU), erased my hard drive and reinstalled. Now it shuts down randomly when it goes idle, and takes 10 minutes to start up past loading the dock to load the apple bar Mac HD icon and whatever is on the desktop (which is a single empty folder).

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MacBook :: It Suddenly Running Very Hot At Idle

Apr 12, 2012

I'm posting this on behalf of my father. He has a 2008 white macbook which has recently started running quite hot (160-180+F), even at idle. It has the latest version of 10.7 installed. He has an external HD with his previous copy of 10.6 and it exhibits the same behavior when booted from that system.He bugs me whenever he has computer problems told me that his MacBook had started randomly shutting down with no warning. I had similar trouble with a MacBook Pro and it turned out to be a faulty battery, so we got him a new battery, figuring it couldn't hurt to have a fresh one with a 4 year old computer. it didn't solve the problem at all.

Later he said that he noticed the computer felt hot, so he decided to run a small fan blowing across the computer while it was on his desk, and that stopped the random shutdowns. So I thought, OK, this is an overheating issue. Maybe the fan isn't working properly, it's full of dust, something is hogging the CPU all the time, etc. 

The next time I was at his place I had him install fan control and a temperature meter. We noticed right away that the thing was running really hot. It was at 160-180F while at idle. He had menu meters installed, after a reboot we could see that the processor was sitting at 2-5% load. Not only did the sensors report the high temperate, but I could feel that the bottom of the case was very hot.We decided to open up the case and see if there was dust clogging things up, etc. There was some, but nothing clogging vents or anything. We blew it out nice and clean with compressed air anyway and put it back together. I even turned it on while we had it open so I cold see that the fan was actually spinning, and it was.

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MacBook Pro :: Fan Almost Running Constantly Even When Half Of CPU Idle

Mar 23, 2012

The fan is almost constantly running, it shouldn't be. The Activity monitor at the moment is showing that 45% of CPU is idle. About a third of my drive is free. I have 500 Gb of SSD, so there are no moving disk heads. The screen is turned up to a level I want to work with. I am running the regular stuff -- Word, Firefox, Mail and other Apple apps, all usual stuff. The MBP sits on a clear glass desk so heat can disburse through the glass, but the fan is still running. The MBP is about two years old. Lion.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4), 500Gb SSD

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OS X :: CPU Running At Constant 45% Since 10.6.6 MBA Fans Running?

Jan 6, 2011

Since I updated to 10.6.6 earlier today I've noticed that the fan in my MBA (13" late-2010 model) is running constantly. This is rare -- I hardly ever hear it. I opened activity monitor and 'System' is using 45% CPU time, and it's pretty constant.

I have absolutely no clue why -- there's nothing in console to suggest it's doing some task, and I can't see any other hints. Apart from the noise and the heat (though don't get me wrong -- compared to my old MBP it's not really noisy or hot, but I liked it better when it was totally quiet and cold), it's also killing the battery -- 25% has gone in less than an hour.

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Mac Pro :: Why OWC RAM Running Hot / Fans Not Increasing

Feb 15, 2008

My OWC RAM is working just fine, but I am growing increasingly concerned about the temperatures at which it runs. I have the 3.0 (120W) MacBook 2008 with 18 Gb RAM (4x4Gb + 2x1Gb apple stock). The RAM in memory module A2 & B2 is getting up to 80 Celsius without even much of a workout on the RAM. What's more, the MacPro fans are not increasing - right now the hottest module is at 76 Celsius and fans haven't increased at all (see screenshot below).

I have installed SMC fan control, which I understand is supposed to set the minimum fan speed, which I have set at 730 because my RAM was running hot even without any workout. How concerned should I be about this? Is this a) a defect in my mac pro b) a design flaw c) a problem with OWC memory, or d) is everything OK and I'm making a mountain out of a molehill?

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Mac Pro :: Its Fans Running Randomly

Apr 17, 2012

Well my MacPro 2009 has this weird error where the fans will kick in and a restart wont restore them to normal a sleep cycle will though. It seems to only happen with OpenCL intensive apps but not Cuda intensive apps?? this may be random coincidence. 

Info:Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook :: Pro Not Running As Fast As It Used To?

Feb 23, 2012

So I just bought a new Macbook Pro in September (MPB 15.4" CTO: 2.2Ghz Qaud-core i7 processor, 8gb 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM, 128GB SSD). This was my first apple laptop, and I was just amazed at how quick, smooth, and fluid everything was running (internet, apps, etc.). I ended up installing a few applications from the apple store, installing microsoft office, and partitioning my computer to use Windows 7 through bootcamp (for those windows-specific applications). I'm a student, but take all of my notes by hand; I bring my computer to class with me anyway. When I get home, I plug it in right away. It usually goes from full charge to 80% - 90% and then back to full charge everyday. Whenever I'm not using it I just shut the case and put it to sleep (never turn it off, always plugged in). Recently (In the past month or so), I've been noticing that if I leave Safari open for a few days and then keep using that same, open Safari application to browse the web, open new tabs, etc. it becomes slower to load pages (pretty much noticibly slower). Also, when I have a bunch of tabs, it tells me that I need to reload all of them because something went wrong with the one I was just loading. Also, when I'm multi-tasking; using Safari, and then working in Word, Word will not respond as quickly as it used to. So when I get annoyed that everything usually takes a few more seconds to load/respond, I restart the laptop (allowing all windows/apps to reopen upon restart), and then everything is smooth and fluid as the first day I bought it. I would like to know why this is? It kind of feels like I need to restart every 3-4 days to get everything going back to it's original fluidity. Is this normal behavior? Is it a rogue process slowing everything down? Now, when I say slowing down... by all means this doesn't mean unresponsive, just takes 3-5 more seconds to do things it normally would as if it were new. Is this just the way Macbook Pros work, and they clear some sort of "memory" file or "cached" process upon restart? Thanks for the input, I just want to be reassured it's not some sort of virus per se or some rogue app taking up memory. For the most part, my cup is broken up to: User 5%, System 5%, Idle 90% (although it could be more/less since I'm not constantly looking at it).


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MacBook Pro :: Why Fans Running So High?

Dec 25, 2010

Both of my fans are running at the max 6200 RPM and have been for well over an hour. My CPU is over 65% idle, and none of my processes are over 20%. My HD Temp is 38 degrees and my CPU temp is 72 degrees. I don't think my fans should be running this high considering the computer is doing so little work.

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PowerPC :: G5 Fans Constantly Running At 4K

Jan 19, 2009

My PowerMac's (G5 Dual 1.8GHz procs) fans seem to run at a solid 4k rpm's regardless of what I'm doing, even with CPU usage set to low. I've taken the whole machine apart, cleaning it with canned air and such, but the problem just won't leave me be. The air coming out of the machine is ice cold, and the temperature readings I'm getting are about 86 degrees F for the CPU's and 70 for the HDD, so I'm not sure what gives.. Slot and Backside fans are running at 255 rpm, but the others are all 4k.

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MacBook Pro :: Fans Running More And Bit Louder

Apr 15, 2010

I own a Macbook pro 17" core duo 3.06Ghz. I am very happy with the machine, but since a few months the fan's are louder and on much more often then ever before. (the first half year it was always silent) I remember there was some reset for this.

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OS X :: MacBook Pro Shut Down But Fans Still Running

Aug 23, 2010

Like 3 days ago I shut down my macbook pro normally. I closed the lid and I noticed that the sleep indicator light was on. I opened the lid and the light went off. I closed the lid again and the light went on again. I got closer to the computer and the fans and drives inside were still running. The only thing I did was to hold the power button down until it shut. This has happened to me 3 times already. I'm kind of worried because I got the computer 2 weeks ago and I'm really happy with it. My computer is a 2010 13' Macbook Pro running Snow Leopard, not sure what version it is.

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Macbook Pro 4.1 Fans Running Constantly

Apr 21, 2012

I've just bought a second hand macbook pro, the battery is dead which is easy to replace i guess but worse the fans are running constantly at around 6000rpm.I've tried resetting the smc and pram but that hasn't helped.I tried to run the hardware diagnosis but that freezes when it gets up to testing the logic board and i have to pull the power adapter to turn machine off.I only have the second of the two install dvds and machine is running os x 10.5.8

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MacBook Air :: Fans Running All The Time

Jun 25, 2012

why is my mackbook air fan running all the time?

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MacBook :: Running WiFi And Websites While Lid Closed

Oct 4, 2010

How do I set up my Macbook to not loose Internet connection when closing the laptop? I mean I want to "fold it" and still be on the NET with all my applications running and not disconnecting from my open websites.

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Can A MacBook Pro Be Running While Closed And Controlled By IPad 3

Apr 7, 2012

Can a MacBook Pro be running while closed and controlled by an iPad 3?

iPad 2, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Keep The Machine Running Fast?

Mar 29, 2012

an effective software to keep my Macpro clean...I mean to keep the machine running fast and to delete unwanted things which have got stored in the registry or elsewhere,where i may not be able to access and delete?

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PowerPC :: Powermac G5 CPU Fans Running On Different Speeds?

Jul 3, 2007

CPU cooling fans are running at strange different speeds. Powermac G5 early 2005, dual G5 (not dual core).This is at idle:CPU A 60 degree Intake 300rpm Exhaust 300rpmCPU B 63 degrees Intake 1125rpm Exhaust 1100rpm! I have not noticed this before. They usually remain identical.

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