MacBook Pro :: No Internet Connection With Airport Connected?
May 6, 2012
I have an airport connection but I cannot connect to the internet. I have lots of other devices that are connected and work fine.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 7, 2012
airport connected but has no IP address and no iternet connection
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 25, 2009
Just got my refurb MacBook the other day--went through the setup process and got up and running, but unfortunately my internet won't stay connected for more than a few minutes, and when it is connected, it is super slow!
Just some background information that's hopefully helpful. My internet has never been great--if all three of my roommates were all using our laptops or if I was downloading something for a while, I would sometimes get kicked off and have to restart my router. Speaking of which, I'm using the wireless obviously through a Linksys router. While the disconnections on my old laptop happened infrequently, I literally can't stay on the internet for more than 10 minutes with my MacBook.
I really want to use my MacBook, but without the internet, it's pretty much just sitting there and I'm forced to use my 4-year-old, dying HP.
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Aug 30, 2010
Internet works fine on iPhone but not on MacBook pro airport says fully connected but Bo Internet. What to do I've searched all over and tried diagnostics
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Mar 24, 2012
I have a new MacBook Pro and use it at work. I need to have it connected to the internet (wireless) even when it's closed or I lose the connection and have to log in again when I re-open it... can that be done?
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May 22, 2012
When I close my macbook pro whilst it is connected to an external monitor the internet connection slows down?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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May 9, 2012
I use a 4G Galaxy Nexus to broadcast a private WPA2 network. The 4G signal is always strong, and I've verified that the internet is active on the broadcasting device, and that other non-Apple devices maintain a solid connection. However my macbook pro does not lose the network connection, the internet stops working only on the macbook pro and I must "turn Wifi Off" and back on using the top right menu icon in order for the internet connection to resume working on the laptop. It will stop working every 5-10 minutes.
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 2, 2009
My friend's white Macbook is having some problems connecting to the internet at a specific location.
My macbook and other laptops connect to the internet without any problem, but she has been having problems.
Airport connects to the network and even assigns an IP address properly, but the safari or firefox doesn't open any websites.
I tried manually assigning IP address but didn't work either. I am not very good at solving problems with Macs so any help is welcome. sometimes it is a bit difficult to assign the IP address, but it does end up assigning one.
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Aug 8, 2010
I tried turning on internet sharing to see if it would make things easier, but it didn't. My iPhone found the network my computer created instantly, but the AirPort Express couldn't seem to see it.
Is there any way at all to share an ethernet connection wirelessly through the AirPort Express?
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May 12, 2012
As of this morning my Macbook is failing to connect to the internet even though both the ethernet and airport are showing they are connected and are green in the network panel. My husband's internet connection is fine (we both have Macbooks and go through the same router) hence I'm able to send this out. After looking at a similar discussion list, we have tried restarting the computer, deleting airport and adding it back in (although it's also an ethernet problem), deleting system configuration, restoring the whole Library..
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 4, 2007
I have an airport express, which I use as my main router in my secure (WEP2) network. Just out of curosity, how would I see who is logged on in my network (ie: using my airport express)? Is there a widget showing me who's logged on?
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Feb 9, 2009
I have a Macbook purchased in July 2008. In the last month or so, it has been erratic when connecting to the internet. The Airport Icon at the top of the screen shows a complete and full connection. However, when I attempt to connect to the internet with either Safari or Firefox, it won't necessarily connect. Sometimes it does connect, other times it fails to connect. Either way, the airport icon indicates full signal strength.
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Mar 3, 2010
I'm having problems with my connection to the internet. Either in Snow Leopard or in Windows (Bootcamp), sometimes it says that I'm connected, but I have no internet access.
Most of the time everything works as normal, but at least 4-5 times a day the problem presents and I can't access any webpage, tho it do says I'm connected to my Airport Extreme.
Same thing happens with my iPod, at the same moment. So it must be something with the AE, but I'm completely lost as to what it is.
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Jan 19, 2010
I have an airport extreme that was passed down to me when my aunt bought a time capsule. It has worked perfectly for nearly a year. I was out of town for a few weeks and came back to the amber blinking light. I use a cable modem to connect to the internet and a direct connection to my macbook pro works fine. I figured out how to use airport utility and i thought the errors were fixed, as the light is green now....but my laptop (or ipod touch) will not connect to the internet wirelessly.
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Dec 18, 2010
I recently purchased an older model Airport Extreme on Ebay. Came in the original box and looks as though it was never used. I installed it on my G5 single processor which is equipped with an Airport Extreme card. I get my internet from Cox Communications in Tucson via a Scientific Atlanta modem. When I do a diagnostic, it shows everything related to the Airport is green. But, it doesn't work and I have no connection to the internet. What am I doing wrong?
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Apr 12, 2010
I read some of the posts about airport connectivity but I could find any that explains my problem.
I am quite new with macs, especially with networking.
I have recently installed Time Capsule hoping that It will let me to access my WiFi, but i couldn't connect it simply because it could not find any network within home area. So few days later I bougth an airport extreme adapter but it didn.t help also.
The thing is that none of my airport devices see any wireless network.
On my PC laptop I can see atleast 5 wireless networks. When I used a USB netgear wifi adapter on my mac it worked. But now i cannot setup a connection using airport.
It doesn't show any errors, it just don't see any network when scanning.
I have tried to restart and reinstall the software and hardware several times
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Feb 4, 2010
I have two computers in my house - an i-Mac, connected to a broad band connection, and a Mac-mini.
I have managed to get the Mac-mini to link into the i-Mac via Airport. However, when trying to get the Mac-mini connected to the internet, it says "Looking for PPPoE host", which it is unsuccessful in doing.
It then says "No PPPoE server has been found for the specified service. Please delete the service name option and try again."
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Mar 22, 2010
I have an Airport Extreme Wireless N router (the previous rev that does not have guest network), and an Airport Express Wireless N. My cable modem is, unfortunately, not in the same place where I need my router, since I want to hook my desktop, ethernet printer, and other devices up to the airport extreme router. So, is it possible for me to hook my cable modem up to the Airport Extreme via ethernet, and then somehow connect my Airport Express router to that to get out to the net? I want my laptop to join the router, not the Airport Express, so I can gain access to my printer and files on my server hooked up to that router while still maintaining an internet connection.
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Sep 30, 2008
I can't share my iMac (OS 10.5.5) internet connection from a cable modem to an iBook G4 (OS 10.4.11) using AirPort.
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May 24, 2009
Is it possible to use Airport Extreme without a modem or internet connection? I used to have internet in my house but no longer need it. I would still like to be able to wirelessly access my printer and external hard drive. Any ideas?
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Mar 19, 2012
Since last week my iMac (Early 2009, OS 10.7.3) has been dropping its connection to the Internet. I'm using a router connected to an Airport Extreme and connect to it via WiFi. I tried connecting via Ethernet cable from modem to iMac but it would drop the connection entirely, which is why I had been connecting via WiFi. I have no problem with my other devices (iPad, iPhone and MacBook, this one with 10.7.2 installed), they connect immediately to the Internet and all, even the iMac, are able to connect to each other.
I already tried restaring the Airport Extreme, zapped the PRAM, reset the SMC, repaired permissions, disconnected the router and Airport from the power source and it still won't connect. Last time this happened, my iMac went to sleep and dropped the Internet connection after waking. I put it back to sleep and woke it using the power button as someone had suggested in another post, that helped and the connection was reestablished. This morning the iMac it was working fine, did not go to sleep at any time and suddenly dropped the connection, which I haven't been able to restore since.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 24-inch, Early 2009
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Dec 26, 2010
my airport extreme connection to internet keeps failing. It is occurring about every 3-4 days, where I get amber light. By unplugging it resets again. Is there something I can do, or do I need to by a new system. It is about 2 years old.
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Mar 16, 2009
I have just recently started having this problem. It seems when the computer sits idle, the connection drops. I don't see my network in the dropdown menu. I open airport utility, and the extreme base station does not show up. I find I have to unplug it, or do an actual reset on it to get it to show up.
I try resetting the cable modem as well, but I have never had issue with the internet connection itself here before. I try restarting the computer. When it does come back online/show up in AIrport Utility, it seems kind of random because it will take a few attempts at all 3 methods mentioned before it just suddenly appears in Airport Utility. So I really have no idea what is helping. The process is a pain in the butt though.
I have searched around, but I can't find many current articles on the problem.
The only other info I can offer is that I never had any problems until I installed the last Airport Utility update. I am running 10.5.6. The problem doesn't seem to happen while I am working, and online frequently.
I don't even know where to start trouble shooting.
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Mar 24, 2009
I connect to the internet mainly through an ethernet cable, connected to my own base for ethernet connections (Might be a router, but doesn't connect directly to the internet) which is connected to the main Linksys router on the other side of my house, which even has a wireless connection.
Regardless, this setup has worked without issue for a long time now, but all of a sudden now, I cannot connect to the internet (On my Mac).
I have tried unplugging the routers, for extended periods of time, plugging them back in, but I cannot connect to the internet. Whats awkward, is that when I check the Network settings in the System Preferences, it says clearly is that the Ethernet Cable is connected (Which it is), and as a backup, I have even connected to my Wireless Network through AirPort (Which says it is connected), but I cannot connect to the internet through Firefox, or any instant messaging service.
On the main computer, with the main router, the internet works fine. When I try to load Firefox on my Mac, it sometimes takes a long time loading (On a blank screen), and never loads usually (With occasional loads, but usually does not connect).
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Nov 1, 2009
I have a 3 month old Airport Extreme Base Station(dual band) running a secured 2.4 and 5GHz network.
It is dropping it's wireless internet(not signal, just internet) on my 13" Unibody MBP at least 2 or 3 times per day. Not at a certain time, or under certain circumstances, and I can't replicate it. My computer will continue to see the networks(named airFORBUSH and airFORBUSH(5GHz)), but there will be no internet, and it won't stay connected to them. If I connect to the network named "FORBUSH", which is our Linksys network, it connects and is up and running again, so I know it's not our ISP.
Here's my setup in my house(I'm the only one having this issue, since I'm the only one running wireless on the AEBS
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Feb 26, 2010
I just got a 2010 Airport Extreme to replace my February 2009 model. The 2010 model does not seem to work with my cable modem. It is not faulty because I have already tried two different ones. My MacBook will recognize and I will get a green light, but no internet connection. When I connect my 2009 model Airport Extreme I do get internet connection.
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Jun 3, 2012
Iimac uses airport extreme. For no known reason stopped connection to Internet. Reset. Still no connection with saying cannot connect because it timed out. When I connect extreme directly to the iMac I can get Internet. If I disconnect Internet does not work
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 4, 2009
This problem has been going on for a couple of months now. I use my macbook at 2 places: school and home. At school, when I click the school network under airport, it connects and shows the full bars. But when I open safari/firefox, the page won't load and I get the error message when you're not connected. However, sometimes after like an hour of persisting and retrying, it will be able to access the internet for a little bit for like an hour or so maybe, and then it'll stop working. At home, it's the same thing. It will connect to my home network (got wireless at home set up through my desktop PC), and show the full connection on airport, but it won't access the internet for the life of me. The difference is I can never gt it to connect unlike at school where it sometimes works, except that it worked for like one day out of the last 2 months (and I didn't change any settings then so it's not like I can attribute it to that). Also, I am absolutely positive that the networks of my home/school computer and the router settings etc. aren't to blame. Reason is that my friends with macbooks can access the internet both using my home network and the school network (the school one is obvious). What could possibly be going wrong? Any settings on my macbook that I can change / completely reset? Is the network card or something messed up? I'm contemplating just completely formatting my laptop to see if it fixes the issue. I have leopard installed btw.
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Mar 22, 2010
We're running an airport extreme as our router. About once every day or every other day, the internet connection drops, but the router is still functioning fine (can connect to the router) and is visible via airport utility. We can't connect to the internet, whether via a wired or wireless connection. In order to get the internet back up, I need to so a restart on the airport utility. This seems odd, but this is the second airport extreme in a row that we've bought that has this problem (the other one lasted two months).
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Oct 31, 2009
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A400 Safari/528.16) I try to connect to my the wifi here in my dorm (802.1x) and since last night it says that there's no Internet connection but it allows me to connect to the network if that makes sense. I know the network does have a connection as I tried it with my iPhone. Anyone know a fix for this?
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