MacBook Pro :: Internal Card Reader Does Not Showup In Disk Utility
Apr 30, 2012
The internal card reader on my MacBook Pro 13" (5/2011) worked just fine until a few weeks ago.Today however it left me in the cold.The SD card that I normally use does not show up anywhere, not even in Disk Utility. Other SD cards don't show up neither. There was no pbm accessing the data using an old Windows PC.A user friendly Sofware Function Test of the Internal Card Reader could give a quick answer where to look for error.
I am trying to repair my mac. But in disk utility, the hard disk is not visible to proceed. Its showing disk0 -> volume with only 1.79GB. and all the options are disabled. The capacity of my mac book pro was 500GB.
I have a 2009 13 inch macbook pro with 2.4 ghz processor, 4 gb ram, all stock from apple. Machine has been working great until 2 days ago when my system froze, had to push the power off button, tried to reboot but got the flashing folder and the internal hard drive was no longer recognized. I did all the usual things and read the apple support page to no avail. I booted from the install CD and the drive is not recognized in disk utility. I took the drive out, put it in an external case and booted from there and the drive appears to be working.
I put in another internal drive, a Hitachi 500 GB/7200 RPM that looks mac compatible, disc utility will not even recognize it either with the external hard drive OS running or from the install CD. In system profiler, under hardware, it says this computer doesn't contain any ATA drives. Could this be a problem with the SATA cable internally? The rest of the logic board appears to be working as I am typing this on the affected machine running the OS from my former internal hard drive that is now in a casing.
However, my hard drive appears to be running fine - haven't noticed any degradation of performance since receiving the warnings two days ago. And HD is still running quiet (no strange mechanical noises I'm accustomed to hearing prior to a failure). Nevertheless, I'm installing a new HD tomorrow and recloning it from a backup external drive (operating from external until then).
I have a mid-2009 13" MBP (2.26, 4 gigs, 1TB HDD, SL 10.6.4) and the SD card reader is not recognizing any of my SD cards (won't mount and also not seen in Disk Utility). The cards are recognized when using a USB adaptor, and also work fine in my wife's MBP SD card reader, so I know it's not the cards. System Profiler recognizes the internal card reader on my system.
I've tried resetting the SMC and reformatting the cards but nothing has worked so far.
EDIT: The SD card reader isn't working under OSX or in Windows, btw.
"Disk Utility has lost its connection with Disk Management Tool and cannot continue. Please quit and relaunch Disk Utility".
I keep getting this error when trying to erase an external hard drive with Disk Utility. When I restart, the error appears again. I've seen others with this problem but haven't found a solution. I've tried removing iTunes from Applications and deleting select iTunes receipts.
I have had a problem for about a month whereby my MBP won't shut down, it just hangs after it has cleared the desktop and only the wallpaper is displayed. Now disk utility won't see the disk at all, and Software Update also does not find any updates. It checks for new software for ever. My mac starts up fine, and I can use it as normal.
I just replaced the internal hard drive on my G4 iBook. My problem is the drive is not showing up in Disk Utility, the system install disk, or when I have the iBook in target mode and connected to my tower. I believe the old drive had died. When I ran the Hardware Test on it, I received an error code on Mass Storage. After installing the new drive and running the Hardware Test, the Mass Storage passed. I take that as a good sign.?
Before cracking the iBook back open, I was wanting to find out what all the problem may be and what things to check while I have it open since that is not that quick of an operation. I'm already assuming to check the connections on the drive. But if they weren't secure, would it still pass the Hardware Test?
I just installed a Hitachi 1TB drive in my dual 2.5ghz powerPC G5.
I carbon copied my old harddrive over to it.
I didn't want to reinstall my OS.
However I think I copied some problems over.
In Disk Utility when I try to Verify Disk Permissions, Verify Disk, or Repair Disk Permissions (any of the options I am allowed to do to the startup drive) it moves like 1/5th of the time bar meaning it is working then changes to "It will be completed in 1 minute" then stalls there.
Information: Dual 2.5GHZ PowerPC Power Mac Mac OS X (10.4.8) 30inch Apple Cinema Display, 4.5gb Memory, and 1.5TB of Harddrive.
I tam trying to add a 75 GB partition to my aluminum iMac's internal HD using Leopard's Disk Utility, but after 7 hours the striped bar appears not to have made any progress and still says "Modifying Partition Map". How long does this usually take? Is this normal?
I simply can't take any of my pictures off of my SD card. I've tried using the USB cable that came with the camera itself, as well as a USB card reader. iPhoto, and the laptop itself does not recognize the card, or that there is any device mounted at all. I've also tried checking "External Disks" in Finder Preferences, didn't seem to work.
I've had a pleasant experience with my imac so far, and it read my SD card fine at first. For some reason I put my SD in the SD card reader and copied the pictures from it. I take it out and put it back in my camera. "The SD card cannot be formatted. It may be defective." Really? I put it back in my iMac. It doesn't mount. I check Finder and Disk Utility. Ya, it's nowhere. I put my other SD card in my iMac. Same issue. Now my camera won't read that one either. I put them in my sister's $300 netbook running Windows 7 Starter. Funny! It reads them! However, my camera still doesn't and my imac still doesn't. I try formatting them. No go. I've tried every format I can. They are just dead. Useless. My sister's computer can read them, and even format them, but something in that stupid iMac made my SD cards defective. I can buy new ones, but should I have to? I can't even see if they'll work through the camera while connected via USB because the camera won't even read them. I bought a Mac to avoid ridiculous problems like this. Was I wrong? Is it just a ticking time bomb like every other computer on the market? Should I immediately go buy a backup drive? If it's doing crazy stuff like this out of the blue, how can I trust it not to randomly crash? I think I overestimated Apple's competence. This should never happen. It actually made my SD cards defective.
I used to do DSLR photography with CF, but fell out of love with it and sold it, so now it's back to regular old SD for my point and shoot. I'm looking for a card reader that obviously supports SD, but I'd like some type of all-in-one so I can throw most anything at it. I'd also like it to be flush with the computer when inserted.
I am ready to purchase a MBA; however, I am in the Army and have to use the Army ID card (CAC card) to access certain areas on Army websites. Does anyone know if the software required to run the CAC card reader can run on the MBA OS or will I have to use Boot Camp or some other software to run MS Windows vista or 7?
I have a few SD cards, but when i plug it into my macbook pro 15 in the card is read only. I am unable to write (i.e. move, delete..) frm the SD card. I've tried the lock at both positions both doesnt work. Also, the cards are fine when read on windows.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
My wife's Mac Book Pro (around 18 months old) gets an error message when she hooks up our Canon camera. It says the USB is drawing to much power and has been disabled. She has downloaded 1000's of pictures without problems and now that message pops up. And she doesn't have anything extra plugged in since the last downlaod around a week ago. Also the SD card reader isn't working. When the card is plugged in nothing happens and we can't find the card in iphoto. So now she has no way to get the pictures on iphoto. It's not the cord or the card because I can download them without any problem on my Windows computer.
Lately, my macbook pro has not been recognizing my SD card reader. SD cards do not mount, and it looks like the computer is not recognizing the SD card reader at all (When I check About This Mac -> More Info -> System Report -> USB, the card reader does not show up). I've never had a problem before, in the ~3 years I've had this Macbook. I'm running Maverick.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 2011 MacBook Pro
i miss the expresscard a lot on the 15", but i need as much portable CPU power as possible so upgraded to i7.? i was using expresscard slot for CF reader for my DSL now i never use the SD slotany adapter from CF -> SD port ?or USB port -> SD slot adapter?
So here's a weird one. I have a Macbook Pro 15" (MacBookPro 8,2). SD card reader reads my SD cards just fine on the OSX side of things. I have Windows 7 x64 installed as well, with BootCamp 4.0 drivers installed, everything is fine (including device manager saying that SD card reader drivers are perfectly fine), except the card reader absolutely refuses to read any SD cards. I've tried several of them. The laptop isn't even aware that a card has been inserted. Anyone have any ideas? I'm stumped (which rarely happens, give the fact that I am an IT consultant by day). I've reinstalled the drivers for the SD card several times.
I am unable to get my Macair (2011) to pick up a card reader (with CF card) inserted in a USB slot. Have tried all the Systems Preferences adjustments mentioned in previous posts
As the title says, I have a card reader that works great with a CF card, but the MBP won't recognize an SD card. This is a new problem for me. I also have an express card adapter for SD that won't read the card, either. I have tried 4 different SD cards, and these exact cards have worked for me in the recent past (within the past 2 months). They work fine in the camera. I also tried connecting the camera via usb, which was unsuccessful. I tried blowing air on the cards and the reader. I cannot get the cards to be read on my wife's macbook. This makes no sense to me, as it worked fine the last time I tried. I find it hard to believe that all cards are corrupt, or the cable is the problem because it reads the CF card.
I would think the answer would be yes, but all the info I find on Apple's website and the search results I browsed through on the formums only mention SD cards. No mention of SDHC. My old computer only read regular SD cards, which was a real bummer. I have a SDHC card for my camera, and am hoping the new Macbook Pro I'm going to buy can read the cards.
I have a Olympus memory card for my camera (MS card) and cannot fit it into the memory card slot of my MacBook Pro. I have used a Logik card reader (which is compatable with Mac) and connected it into a USB port. My reader has a green light to say it is connected but I cannot find it anyway on my finder or desktop. Does anyone have any ideas where to find the card reader on my Mac?