MacBook Pro :: How To Install The Osx 10.3 On My Machine
Aug 2, 2009
I have a powerbook g4, i had osx 10.4 installed on my machine, but it stopped loading, whilst i was a abroad, so i had my brother post me the bootup original cds, but they got lost in the post. i then got my hands on a 10.3 version, but realised they dont work, so i wiped my hard drive via using target mode with a intel mac.
When my computer loads with the cd, it first goes to a apple folder, which then starts the cd, and runs it. i then get a kernal panic message.
Any advice on how to install the osx 10.3 on my machine? i've read loads of articles and forum disscussions but i have had no luck.
I have also tried loading the cd via target mode, with a intel mac but it does not allow me, it says the cd has to run on the computer it is being installed on?
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Mar 22, 2012
I own a MBP 2009 and assuming I get the newest one 2012 ... will the installation be as straightforward as running Time Machine restore against the new one? or will it get a bit more complicated given the hardware differences?
MacBook Pro 17'' Intel Core 2 Duo 3.06 June 2009 w/ Crucial M255 SSD 256GB, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
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Apr 13, 2012
I have a mid 2010 MacBook Pro, just that you guys know. For my programming work with the robot (C/Assembler) I will need either Windows or a Linux OS. This is why I'm asking. I really hate Windows and I don't want to install that and besides, Linux is a much better option for compiling my code, etc..Should I use a virtual machine or should I install Linux (Ubuntu) on another partition of my internal HDD.
I will need to install quite a lot of stuff and I'm not sure whether my 4GB of RAM will be enough to run Ubuntu on top of Snow Leopard using a virtual machine. I will need to use another old computer or my parent's desktop for loading to compiled files onto the robot (my IR Tranceiver has a RS 232 connector). I have another old laptop which we commonly use as a 'tryout' computer, but for the most part I want my MacBook to be the computer I use because I cannot take that old (and really heavy) laptop with barely working batteries and super-laggy Win XP to school, where I will do a great deal of the work. So I definitely want Linux on my mac.The partition can be small, I will only need about 15-20GB of space (including the Linux).
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Aug 30, 2014
Just upgraded my macbook pro to a new model and trying to copy Parallels and windows to new mac? Parallels transporter agent not working for me. Can I install from Time Machine backup?
MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Nov 6, 2010
I bought a macbook pro, and it came with Snow Leopard already installed. Question is, can I let my friend borrow the Snow Leopard cd to install on her machine? Would it impact me if I ever needed to reinstall, etc?
Also, are there limitless installations?
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Dec 6, 2010
I want to do a fresh os install and not back up from time machine, will i have any problems getting my CS5 back using the same serial #?
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Dec 31, 2009
As I speak time machine is backing up everything onto my new 500Gb portable hard drive. I also have a new 500Gb internal drive which I am going to install after the backup is complete.
I was just wondering what exactly time machine backs up? Does it include things like firefox bookmarks? As I would be annoyed if I lost them.
Also, once osx has bee installed on the new internal drive is there a way to use the time machine backup on the portable drive? I basically don't know how the files are stored on the portable drive when using time machine...i.e. whether it is a backup saved as one individual file, or many files?
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Jul 4, 2010
I just got my new Seagate Momentus XT, which is going into a late 2007 MBP. I got it because I'm running out of hard drive space and wanted a performance boost. My question is: should I just restore from Time Machine, or would I get a bigger performance boost with a clean install of 10.6, and reinstalling only the apps I currently use?
I know back when I used XP a clean install was a big performance boost itself, but with a mac, is it necessary or worth the hassle?
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Jul 28, 2009
I have a 15" MacBook Pro 2.0 GHz from a couple of years ago. It has a 75 GB harddrive which I am upgrading to 500 GB. My plan has been to simply clone the drive using the enclosure I purchased. But after reading some posts here, I see I have a few options.
1. I could clone. This sounds the least risky since theoretically I should end up with everything exactly the same. I do wonder about how it clones the files the operating system is using at the time, but I guess I'll just trust it knows what its doing.
2. A fresh install sounds ideal. I have had my laptop for a couple of years, so I imagine a fresh install would do it some good. But what does that mean exactly? Is it basically starting from scratch? Would I have to reinstall everything, not just the OS but also all of my programs, individually? And then transfer all of my data (music, photos, etc) given that I can find it all? That sounds a bit laborious and what if I missed something? Or am I misunderstanding the process?
3. A few months ago I purchased a Time Machine and I have been using it to back up my laptop and my external harddrive. Can I really restore my entire internal harddrive from Time Machine? I'm pretty sure I would have set my Time Machine to back up everything especially since it's a 1 TB drive. Any drawbacks to doing it this way?
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Jul 23, 2010
I'm going to be swapping the 250 GB drive in my 2008 MBP Penryn (17) for a Seagate Momentus 500/7200rpm drive. There are two ways to go. One is to put the new drive in an enclosure and use SuperDuper or CCC to clone the main HD and then swap them. The other is to use Time Machine. That means installing the new drive blank, boot from the OS disk and format. Then go to the most recent TM state and restore. My available external HD is the FW800 Western Digital Studio. It has space for a partition big enough for the cloning. The case coming with the Seagate is the Other World Express USB2. I have good pdfs on the install procedure. Need to remember to print them, first.
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Jul 31, 2010
Whats the nest way to put it on my machine? Virtualising or Boot Camp? Any big issues I need to bare in mind with Mac compatibility? I read that there is some extra work to get the trackpad to work with linux, how easy is this to do?
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Jun 17, 2012
How do I disable Time Machine on my MacBook Pro to let me install Snow Leopard. From what I can see Time Machine is programmed to back-up on the hard disc and the install programme for Snow leopard is looking for another place to install - there is no other place. How do install the new OS?
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Jun 17, 2012
I installed a new 500 GB HD on my 13-inch mid 2010 Macbook Pro (since the original crashed). I successfully connected to the Disk Utility via the internet connection and started recovery from a recent Time Machine backup....but, the computer will not restart. It's been stuck in the grey screen with the Apple logo and rotating status bar all night. I shut it down and restarted, but it won't go past the grey screen state. I can't find any answers on the Support Page. Should I have first installed the Lion OS X first and then restored from the Time Machine backup?
Also, wondering if all my programs (2011 ILife & IWork and Microsoft Office) will be reinstalled with the back up? (I can't find my installation disks for ILife and IWork :-()
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Mar 26, 2010
I recently bought an intel x25 160gb for my uMPB. I have a time capsule backing up my system so I just swapped in the new SSD and hit "restore from time machine backup".
About an hour later, the install was finished and everything looked exactly how I left it.
I can't understate how impressive that feature is by the way. However, I wonder if it might be better to do a clean install to really get best performance here.
I say that because I also installed a clean copy of win7 via bootcamp and it actually seems faster than OSX. For example, every common app; firefox, chrome, microsoft office, etc. launches faster in win7 than it does in OSX.
My OSX installation is about 18 months old without any clean installs, and I'm wondering if anyone here has noticed significantly better system performance with a clean install rather than a time machine backup.
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Apr 12, 2012
Ever since I downloaded iplayer - my mac has been running slow. I have followed a few tips to remove it and all other related files - but it still runs low (spinning wheel of death) and now pdf's dont download correctly (I guess I have deleted too much).
My ideal would be to start from scrach - although I want to keep my itunes and iphotos files as well as my documents. Is there a way to reload back to factory settings then add selected programs and folders from timemachine? I am in the process of timemachine backing up everything now.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jul 1, 2012
This is my mac pro Model Name:Mac Pro Model Identifier:MacPro1,1 Processor Name:Dual-Core Intel Xeon Processor Speed:3 GHz Number of Processors:2 Total Number of Cores:4 L2 Cache (per Processor):4 MB Memory:4 GB Bus Speed:1.33 GHz Boot ROM Version:MP11.005C.B08 SMC Version (system):1.7f10
what ssd drives would i beable to install in this machine, i need more speed but cantafford to buy a new mac.
MacPro1,1, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Sep 9, 2010
A few days ago one of my Macbooks crashed for an unknown reason. I tried running the Disc Utility and tried to "Repair" the disc, but it said it didn't find any errors.
I found the disc that came with that particular macbook and I formatted the hard drive and reinstalled the OS. I ran the system updates and now I'm currently running 10.4.11
I recently purchased a new apple computer and it came with an Install DVD for OSX 10.6.1
Is it possible to update/upgrade my operating system with a disc that didn't come with it? I tried putting in the 10.6.1 disc, and when I click INSTALL MAC OSX, it'll say it needs to restart.
I click restart, and then when it reboots, it simply says (something along the lines of) "Cannot install at this time" and gives me an option to RESTART.
Is there a way around this? I'd like to have the latest version of OSX on this machine, but I can't find a way to get it installed from the discs I have.
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Oct 8, 2010
I want to format my macbook pro and reinstall osx Problem is, i can't boot up the machine via the install disc I've tried holding down the c key, i've tried holding down the options key and selecting install disc. Just loads forever until screen turns black.
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Dec 10, 2008
I'm aware that in installing Leopard on a drive using one Mac it can then be booted on another Mac without a problem.
I'm getting a new MacBook Pro this christmas (mainly out of selling my existing iMac 08) I want to back up everything before selling the it. I have already bought a 320gb SATA drive to upgrade the MBPro, if I just install Mac Leopard onto the drive using my iMac and an external enclosure and backup all my stuff to it, will it work 100% on the MBPro? - Or is there certain things which are specifically installed when installing on the Mac...?
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Jan 17, 2009
Just heard that Mac's Install disks are machine specific. Is that really the case? If so, why? Coming from the PC world, I'm used to just putting the OS disk in the CD/DVD drive and take it from there. So, if I want to install a Mac OS on my machine not only do I have to obtain the OS, I also have to get the proper Install CD�s/DVD's or what? Please clear up the fog Mac experts.
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Oct 8, 2009
Is it possible to wipe my umbp (already running 10.6.1) and clean install SL? I have the up-to-date install disk.
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May 1, 2008
Is it possible to use Time Machine to restore everything onto a newly installed hard drive on a MacBook. What would be the steps?
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Jul 16, 2009
I have a few relatively light-weight Windows-only programs that I need to start using on my Macbook Pro. I'm deciding whether to install them on Bootcamp or use VM Ware Fusion.A couple questions please1) To use Windows with Bootcamp, do I need to install Windows XP on Bootcamp?2) What is your opinion? Go with Bootcamp, or install a virtual machine? I am aware that Bootcamp requires a restart to return to my Mac - and that programs will work faster on Bootcamp over a virtual machine.3) But what if I installed BOTH (Bootcamp and a virtual machine using VM Ware Fusion) just until I figure out what I prefer? Does that mean that two separate instances of Windows XP installation will occur on my hard drive?
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Aug 21, 2009
I was just wondering how it works using Time Machine to get everything back on my Mac after installing SL via a clean install.. Will everything be exactly as it was before the wipe and install, or are there certain things, like Mail for example that will need to be reconfigured?
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Aug 29, 2009
I'd like to try a clean install, but i also don't want to reinstall all my apps and settings, etc. But if i recover from a TM backup, won't it bring over all the crap to? I guess my question is, what exactly is on my TM backup? How would i do this?
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Oct 31, 2009
I'm going to reinstall Snow Leopard from scratch for the 6th time since I bought my MBP, which is a little over a month. Why? Constant freezes, lockups, beach balls (OMG I HATE THOSE DAMN THINGS). So I just want to start fresh... again again again again again again.
My question: if I restore from my Time Machine backup after I install Snow Leopard, what will happen? My SL DVD is 10.6. If I restore, will it go to 10.6.1? How is all of this going to work? I could just start completely clean and manually transfer my files from the Time Machine drive to where they usually are and be happy.
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Jun 17, 2012
I just finished using time machine to recover my iMac after putting in a new HD. Everything worked perfectly but now the contents of the time machine appear to be gone from before the install date. This is kind of concerning since one never knows whats missing until it's needed.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.3), I'm lovin it
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Oct 1, 2010
So my hard-drive died. Luckily I have a Time Machine backup of my system. I bought a new HD and tried to restore from the backup. No-go. It complains that it can't restore certain file, so it snorts the restore. I tried an older backup, no help.
So I decided to do a fresh install instead. But once I have OS up & running again, can I restore files from my old Time Machine backup? How does the process work? I'm afraid if I point Time Machone to my old backup, it will overwrite it.
I do have my files backed up manually as well, so I can always copy them by hand. Bit that backup is not as recent as the TM backup.
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Apr 8, 2009
I had to give up my Macbook Pro and am now going back to my Macbook. I have everything loaded on a Time Machine backup, but am having trouble getting to my Macbook. I bought a Leopard Install DVD back when they were released, but when I pulled it out I saw it is now scratched. Can I use a Macbook Pro Leopard install disk to restore my Time Machine backup to a Macbook? If not, is there any way to completely restore a computer from a Time Machine backup without an install disk?
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Jun 15, 2009
I have a couple older PC's and a late 2008 MBP (my first Mac - yes, I am a Mac noob). I use boot camp to run XP on the MBP and decided to use that for the initial set-up of the server. Things were going well until it was updating the server software. It ticked up to 18% and stalled. About 45 minutes later, I (wrongly) figured that I shouldn't have tried to use my MBP and stopped the update. I switched gears and tried to run it on my HP desktop. It did the same thing - went to 18% and stopped. After another 30+ minutes, I called HP, and waited and waited on hold. I was getting impatient and decided to run the HP server recovery disk. While that was running, I got through to HP (close to an hour on hold). The guy seemed knowledgeable and told me that the updates are stalling at 18%. He told me that they are hearing waits/stalls that average around 2 hours at the 18% figure. For anyone else with a new HP mediasmart server, learn from my lesson and be patient.
The HP rep told me that it should not be a problem to run the first install with a windows OS via boot camp. This is not true for something like parallels. In the end, I did get the install done through XP via boot camp. He also told me that they are seeing problems with people dedicating a space larger than 100 GB's for Time Machine. He said it works for some people for a while, but it inevitably fails. When it fails, he said they are finding that people have to run a full server recovery (you lose all of your data) to get TM running again. They have not been successful with just creating a new slot/space for TM. Has anyone else heard this?.......................
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