MacBook Pro :: Clone / Fresh Install Or Restore From Time Machine?

Jul 28, 2009

I have a 15" MacBook Pro 2.0 GHz from a couple of years ago. It has a 75 GB harddrive which I am upgrading to 500 GB. My plan has been to simply clone the drive using the enclosure I purchased. But after reading some posts here, I see I have a few options.

1. I could clone. This sounds the least risky since theoretically I should end up with everything exactly the same. I do wonder about how it clones the files the operating system is using at the time, but I guess I'll just trust it knows what its doing.

2. A fresh install sounds ideal. I have had my laptop for a couple of years, so I imagine a fresh install would do it some good. But what does that mean exactly? Is it basically starting from scratch? Would I have to reinstall everything, not just the OS but also all of my programs, individually? And then transfer all of my data (music, photos, etc) given that I can find it all? That sounds a bit laborious and what if I missed something? Or am I misunderstanding the process?

3. A few months ago I purchased a Time Machine and I have been using it to back up my laptop and my external harddrive. Can I really restore my entire internal harddrive from Time Machine? I'm pretty sure I would have set my Time Machine to back up everything especially since it's a 1 TB drive. Any drawbacks to doing it this way?

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MacBook Pro :: Want To Do A Fresh Os Install And Not Back Up From Time Machine?

Dec 6, 2010

I want to do a fresh os install and not back up from time machine, will i have any problems getting my CS5 back using the same serial #?

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MacBook :: Can You Use A Time Machine Backup On A Fresh Install

Dec 31, 2009

As I speak time machine is backing up everything onto my new 500Gb portable hard drive. I also have a new 500Gb internal drive which I am going to install after the backup is complete.

I was just wondering what exactly time machine backs up? Does it include things like firefox bookmarks? As I would be annoyed if I lost them.

Also, once osx has bee installed on the new internal drive is there a way to use the time machine backup on the portable drive? I basically don't know how the files are stored on the portable drive when using time machine...i.e. whether it is a backup saved as one individual file, or many files?

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MacBook Pro :: Clone Or Time Machine For New Hard Drive Install?

Jul 23, 2010

I'm going to be swapping the 250 GB drive in my 2008 MBP Penryn (17) for a Seagate Momentus 500/7200rpm drive. There are two ways to go. One is to put the new drive in an enclosure and use SuperDuper or CCC to clone the main HD and then swap them. The other is to use Time Machine. That means installing the new drive blank, boot from the OS disk and format. Then go to the most recent TM state and restore. My available external HD is the FW800 Western Digital Studio. It has space for a partition big enough for the cloning. The case coming with the Seagate is the Other World Express USB2. I have good pdfs on the install procedure. Need to remember to print them, first.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Linking An Old Time Machine Backup With A Fresh Install?

Mar 31, 2012

I recently wiped/installed Lion on my hard drive and I'm trying to figure out how to link my old time machine back ups to my time capsule. I haven't gotten the oft quoted dialogue box that lets you link it to the new install. Does anyone know how I can manually force this to happen? I've already started a fresh backup, but I'm fine losing what's been backed up so far.   

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Clean Install Or Restore From Time Machine?

Jul 4, 2010

I just got my new Seagate Momentus XT, which is going into a late 2007 MBP. I got it because I'm running out of hard drive space and wanted a performance boost. My question is: should I just restore from Time Machine, or would I get a bigger performance boost with a clean install of 10.6, and reinstalling only the apps I currently use?

I know back when I used XP a clean install was a big performance boost itself, but with a mac, is it necessary or worth the hassle?

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OS X :: Install New Drive - Use Time Machine To Restore

May 1, 2008

Is it possible to use Time Machine to restore everything onto a newly installed hard drive on a MacBook. What would be the steps?

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OS X :: Time Machine Restore After Clean SL Install?

Oct 31, 2009

I'm going to reinstall Snow Leopard from scratch for the 6th time since I bought my MBP, which is a little over a month. Why? Constant freezes, lockups, beach balls (OMG I HATE THOSE DAMN THINGS). So I just want to start fresh... again again again again again again.

My question: if I restore from my Time Machine backup after I install Snow Leopard, what will happen? My SL DVD is 10.6. If I restore, will it go to 10.6.1? How is all of this going to work? I could just start completely clean and manually transfer my files from the Time Machine drive to where they usually are and be happy.

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OS X :: Clean Re-install But Restore Files From Time Machine?

Oct 1, 2010

So my hard-drive died. Luckily I have a Time Machine backup of my system. I bought a new HD and tried to restore from the backup. No-go. It complains that it can't restore certain file, so it snorts the restore. I tried an older backup, no help.

So I decided to do a fresh install instead. But once I have OS up & running again, can I restore files from my old Time Machine backup? How does the process work? I'm afraid if I point Time Machone to my old backup, it will overwrite it.

I do have my files backed up manually as well, so I can always copy them by hand. Bit that backup is not as recent as the TM backup.

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OS X :: Clean Install Followed By Partial Time Machine Restore Possible?

Dec 29, 2009

I need to do a clean install of Snow Leopard on my machine, but don't want to restore everything that is on my time machine. I have purchased much shareware software that I don't currently need and don't want hogging disk space.

Is it possible to do a partial restore of selected programs and their settings, or is it an all-or-nothing affair?

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OS X :: Partial Time Machine Restore After Clean Install

Apr 27, 2010

Did a clean install the other day to see if that'd help out my system's performance. Seems like it might just have done that.

1. Since a clean install helped me out, I guess it wouldn't be a good idea to do a full Time Machine restore. Or can I safely do that (since that would kinda be the easiest thing to do)?

2. If not, how do I restore all my settings and stuff. What about the programs that aren't just DMG files but have installed some of their stuff in some other folders?

3. I'm especially concerned with my iTunes library - since I sync it with my iPhone. How do I easily and fully restore that?

4. After solving all of this, how do I get my Time Machine back up running - without it starting "all over", as if it was a new machine?

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OS X Mavericks :: Restore From Time Machine After Clean Install

Jun 1, 2014

I decided to do a clean install of Mavericks to get rid of all the very old files hiding in my system folders.  I made a start-up disk following online instructions, rebooted from the USB drive and wiped the drive and reinstalled Mavericks.  Then I plugged in my Time machine backup drive and tried to recover particular folders from the latest backup.  However, I am getting a permission error that prevents me from going into the old user folder from that backup.  It has a red circle/line icon on the folder.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.3)

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MacBook :: Looking To Clone Time Machine BHDD

Oct 31, 2010

Ok, so I am running an external time machine backup HDD, so now I would like to Sync that drive with another external the same size to put in my fire safe for safe keeping.What is the best Applicatin to Sync the two drives together?I had a Time Machine failure then internal drive failure so I know what it is like to lose almost everything and I do not want to be in this situation ever again.

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Clean Install Then Restore Files With Time Machine?

Aug 28, 2009

I ordered the $29 upgrade online. I was wondering if I could do a hard drive format and fresh install then restore my photos and documents and mp3s from my Time Capsule using Time Machine. This would probably free up even more HD space and make the OS cleaner and fresher, no? Would this be possible?

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Intel Mac :: Damaged Install Disk For Snow Leopard, Restore From Time-machine?

Jun 19, 2012

I got SMART warning about my hard disk, I got it replaced by a shop, but said I would do OS restore myself. (cant afford cost )Thought it would be simple - but it is anything but.  It appears my install DVD is damaged, so was not able to boot with Grey OS install disk - holding the C key.I managed to get iMac to boot up using the old disk  - using firewire dock. However I was not able to restore old disk and OS to new disk, Due to IO read error.(this is why I had the SMART warning). So I am unable to get the OS on the new HD using the old disk or the DVD as these are both damaged.  The computer is running, so I thought I would try buying and downloading LION - then using the migration tool .  The download is still running after 2 days.I went to apple store, and was told that they cannot replace DVD , so I should bring in the iMac = and pay for the restore.  Dont wish to do this. As I have the computer and OS running, is there anything I can do to get a time machine restore from another backup disk (USB).

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.6)

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OS X :: Place A Time Machine And Clone Backup On The Same HDD?

May 26, 2010

I'd like to place a Time Machine and Clone backup on the same HDD, which I understand is possible. However, if I'd like the Clone backup to be bootable, does it need to reside in it's own partition or can I simply plop it onto the HDD alongside the Time Machine backup on the same partition. (I've never made an image/clone backup or a partition before.)

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OS X :: Update A Super Clone From Most Recent Time Machine Backup?

Oct 23, 2009

Is there a way to update a super duper clone that I have on a portable external from my Time machine backups? It would simplify my backup protocol a lot, I travel with a live clone in case my system crashes.

When I'm at home I backup tirelessly to a time machine drive connected to my server. I would love to be able to just dock my portable with my server and be able to update my clone easily.

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OS X :: Unable To Do Time Machine Restore / Calculating Space Required To Restore Data

Jun 19, 2009

How long should I be stuck on the screen "calculating space required to restore data"? I've been on this screen for about 20, 30 minutes. The "hash mark wheel" is spinning, but just not seeing anything new. Is this normal? My backed up data is ~100 GB.

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Hardware :: Fresh Leopard Install - Connecting To Previous Time Capsule Backup?

May 5, 2009

From time-to-time I obsessively reinstall Leopard on my MacBook Pro. I clone my drive to an external, install Leopard totally clean (erasing everything), and then drage back the contents of my home folders. I don't transfer anything from my Library folder, I like to start completely clean and rebuild my settings manually. Yes, I'm obsessive, like I said from before.

So now I've got my clean Leopard install. Everything is perfect. How do I back up to the existing sparseimage that's on my Time Capsule?

I realize it will be a fairly large first sync, but I'd love to still be able to grab deleted files from last October if need be.

Anyone know of settings or .plist trickery to make this happen? Can I simply choose that sparseimage in the Time Machine system preference?

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OS X :: Option To Clone Install Disk, Don't Need To Clone?

Aug 30, 2010

I have a Macbook running on snow leopard and I wanna upgrade my internal hard drive as it is currently too small. I downloaded Carbon Copy Cloner and cloned my entire hard drive to an EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE. Now, I have that new internal hard drive from wester digital. What do I do with it? replace the current internal hard drive with the new harddrive and then how do I get the data from the external hard drive with my cloned data to the fresh western digital? Do I boot first from external hard drive etc? I am not sure what to do now?when I was given the option which hard drive to clone (or which part of the hard drive to clone) there was also the option to clone "Install Disk". I don't need to clone that, right?

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OS X :: Time Machine Restore On New Macbook Pro

Oct 24, 2008

I just got a new Macbook Pro and would like to transfer accounts/data from my old machine that was backed up using Time Machine. On the initial boot, I chose to transfer over my entire account and did not check off the options for applications or files and folders. Right now it appears that its transferring everything, including documents which is what I want.

My question is I am assuming it will transfer over my applications too (they reside in the Applications folder under my account, right?) Will all the applications transfer over and if so, will they be accessible by all accounts or will I have to do it over? If I screw up will I be able to try another restore from the same backup or will it be overwritten?

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MacBook Pro :: Time Machine Restore To New

Dec 12, 2008

I had a late 2007 MacBook Pro which I sold, and now I have a Late 2008 MacBook Pro being shipped to me. Before I shipped my old one off, I made sure to backup with Time Machine. Will I run into problems if I just pop the Leopard disk into my new MacBook Pro and restore from the Time Machine backup? If so, what are my options? I neglected to make a Carbon Copy Cloner backup from which I could use the migration assistant...

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MacBook :: Using Time Machine To Restore New HD?

Jun 4, 2009

I have a USB HD that I plan on using for Time Machine because I am going to replace the HD just one thing I want to get straight can I use Time Machine to 'restore' my new harddrive?

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MacBook Pro :: Clone Or Restore From Old To New

Jun 25, 2012

I have a 2010 MBP (OX10.7), and just ordered one of the newly released MB Retina. I will get it sometime in July. All my regular files and settings are both on an external and on sugarsync. If I just needed to restore those to the new MB- it would be no big deal.  

Besides the everyday use of a MBP, I am a analytics professional. So, on my MBP, I have lots of programs (usual and unusual), a Mysql database, a Windows 7 partitiion (via parallels) with Office for Win, a few other analytics programs like R, datamining and some of their extensions and GUI interfaces, apple scripts, etc.  

It is these that take hours to reinstall and get back to normal.  

When I get the new MB Retina can I restore/transfer those as well? Are there any downsides to doing this? Do I use migration assitant? Something better? 

MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: MacBook Slow After Time Machine Restore

Jan 4, 2011

A few days ago I had to use Time Machine to patch up my Macbook Pro. For some reason the laptop froze at a blue screen when starting. I fixed this by using Time Machine and went back to my backup of december the thirtieth. Everything went smoothly and works perfectly! But the laptop is much slower then before. At first I thought it was because the system needed some time to set everything straight again, but the performance aren't improving. I'm using a lot of music program's. (Pro Tools 8, Logic 8) I can clearly see that my laptop can take less then it did before. Same thing for a game. The game doesn't run that smooth now on the same settings.

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OS X :: Time Machine Restore From IMac To Macbook?

Aug 7, 2009

My iMac just died on me, however, I had everything backed up using TimeMachine. Is it possible to restore that TimeMachine 'image' onto my Macbook as I cannot replace my iMac right now. Or would I use the migration assistant instead and choose to migrate over the old account?

The iMac was a late 2007 model and my Macbook is the CLE version (Alu Dec 08).

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MacBook Pro :: Time Machine - Use SL Disk To Restore?

Mar 10, 2010

I have a mid 2009 MBP 13 and I upgraded it to Snow Leopard. I was going to restore it to an earlier date with Time Machine. I tried to use the original disk with leopard but it said it could not do it due to the fact that I ow have SL. My assumption is that I would use the SL disk to restore?

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MacBook Pro :: How To Restore Photos In Time Machine

Mar 27, 2012

Were do I find the iPhotos in time machine? They are not in finder of Time Machine. How can I restore photos (from iPhoto) in time machine? 

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: How To Restore From A Time Machine Back Up

May 15, 2012

I have a brand new 250 GB SATA system drive in my 2.2 ghz MacBook pro.My last hard drive gave up the ghost right after the time machine back up on sunday night.I am trying to restore my data from time machine.

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Can't Restore From Time Machine After SSD Upgrade

Sep 4, 2014

Macbook Pro 13" mid-2009, 10.7.5 Lion..I just swapped out my 160GB  HDD with a 250GB SSD on my MBP. When I booted up, I pressed Command-R to try to get into recovery mode but all it does was showing a gray folder with a question mark on it. 

I had previously backed up my HDD with time machine. My original HDD is no longer available because I tried to upgrade to Mavericks (since the command-R was not working) and upon restarting my MBP was locked with system pin code (that is another nightmare all by itself) 

What are my options besides getting a 10.7 Lion CD from the apple store and try to boot it up that way? and then restore from time machine? Any other way I can get into receovery mode? 

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.5)

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