MacBook Pro :: Dead Pixel In The Lower Middle Of The Screen?

Jun 3, 2010

Well I had finally received my MBP today and was really excited to finally have it. I turn it on and the first thing I notice is that dead pixel in the lower middle of the screen. Just one freaking pixel.......but I already called apple care and they have a new one shipping out and mine is at a fedex.

For the 15 minutes I did use it though I was happy haha, now the waiting game begins again...

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MacBook Pro :: Red Pixel In Middle Of Screen

Jul 7, 2010

I have just purchased my new Macbook Pro 15" 2.4 i5 with the glossy hi-res screen and low and behold I have a pixel that stays red in the middle of my screen!!! So disappointed with Apple So now I have the task of trying to get it replaced, I heard they don't replace them with only 1 dead pixel, but it is in the middle of my screen! I paid over $2000 and I believe that this is truly unacceptable.

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MacBook Air :: Red Pixel Stuck In Middle Of Screen

May 29, 2008

After my great experience the last day with my two days old MBA 1.8Ghz/SSD I stopped smiling after I discover a stucked RED pixel in the middle of the screen. Normally I'm not such a whiner, but $3000 is a lot of money for a laptop, and I think you should expect a 100% flawless product for this huge amount of money. What to do? I tried the online video fixer for more then 10 minutes... didn't work. Should I give it a try at Apple? Or is it a no go? The problem is, I bought it at an Apple reseller who had this MBA as showroom demo for a month. So even though for me the product is only 2 days old, i think for Apple it is one month old and that would imply that I lost all my warranty and refund rights already. What to do?

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MacBook Pro :: Lower Middle Area Of The Screen Backlight Too Bright

Apr 14, 2010

I just noticed that on a black background, my 17" i7 MacBook Pro has two areas in the lower middle area of the screen, where the backlight is too bright compared to the rest of the screen. It is very noticeable on a black background and grey.. Is anyone else having this problem?

Other things I noticed:
- there was dust on the plastic cover that you take off the case when you use it for the first time
- the aluminium enclosure was slightly dirty, could be rubbed off though..
- there are two minor 'impurities' in the aluminium (?!).. two tiny grey spots/blemishes basically
- there were a few minor scratches on the aluminium casing.
- the apple logo at the back glows in a much warmer (yellow-ish) colour than the previous generation mbp (?!)
- the screen seems not as bright as the previous generation
- the keyboard backlight seems not as bright as the previous generation

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MacBook :: Burn In Or Stuck Pixel In Middle Of Screen

Apr 7, 2009

Last week was spring break for me and I left my Macbook at home, didn't figure I would need it while on the beach. So when my macbook was at home it was completely off, not asleep, off and unplugged, didn't think it needed to be charged and wasting electricity. So when I get home, open it up, everything seemed fine, but then I passed a page on the web that was all black and noticed a funny shaped spot in the middle of the screen that doesn't display blacks correctly - it looks like a burn in but its an odd shape.

And its only on the blacks when its visible, I cant see it at all on any color. If you look at the pixels themselves upclose the middle is more grey and the outside is black. I tried running a burn in/stuck pixel thing for about an hour and it didn't help at all, so I am pretty curious as to what caused this. I got my macbook a few days b4 christmas so idk where that comes into replacing it or repairing it. I've started calling it a virus for fun that only likes to show up in the dark.

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MacBook Pro :: Dead Pixel On The Screen?

Sep 12, 2010

I have owned my new MBP for less than 3 months and I have already spotted a dead pixel. It is about 2.5" about the dead center of the monitor. Whenever I have a browser or any other light background up I see it stick out like a sore thumb. I did a search on the forums and saw that Apple has a "policy" regarding these things before they will replace it. The nearest Apple store is 3 hours away and they want me to bring it in. Obviously I don;t want to drive all the way there for them to turn me away. What do you guys think....too OCD? The short amount of time I have owned it though makes me want it fixed...and I can't NOT see it now that I know it's there (yes it's a double negative).

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MacBook :: Dead Pixel On The Bottom Of Screen?

Aug 18, 2009

I just bought my white MacBook and its a great computer except for the 2 dead pixels that i found. On the left side there are 2-3 dead pixels about 1 inch from the bottom of the screen and 1 inch from the top.

I bought it from BestBuy this Sunday and only discovered the problem today. So my question is can they tell me that it is OK for an LCD to have 2-3 dead pixels and refuse to do anything with it? It is unacceptable in my opinion, as the LCD technologies have been out for a while, as well as Apple's products are usually of very high quality.

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MacBook Pro :: Stuck / Dead Pixel On Screen?

Aug 25, 2009

I noticed shortly after I bought my Mac last week that I had a stuck pixel. I don't know if it was there when I first turned it on or not, but I have been trying to ignore it, and really the reason is that if people see it, they will think what I have is defective, when it is really only one pixel that I can probably work back awake. I know I have OCD-tendencies, so I was wondering if there are people out there that have a stuck/dead pixel that they are okay with having on the screen! Sorry for the weird post, but I was hoping to find some posters who have gotten over the fact that a pixel of theirs is dead/stuck.

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MacBook Air :: Dead Or Stuck Pixel On Left Of Screen

Nov 3, 2010

I have received my maxed out MacBook Air last week and did not even think about checking for dead or stuck pixels (not like my led TV which I had to return several times) until this article about Apple's policy was posted on Mac Rumors. That made me curious and I began starting to look for anomalies which resulted in finding 1 dead pixel on the lower left part of my screen. Of course now it is bugging me and I am really thinking about returning it because of the money I have spent on it. Should I call the Apple Care first or go straight to the store? Would they even consider replacing the unit granting they have one in stock?

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IMac :: Difference Between Dead Pixel And Particle Under Screen

Aug 26, 2010

Is there any easy way to tell whether I have a dead pixel or something under my screen? I have a small dot that shows up no matter what color I test the screen with (but is obviously harder to see with darker colors).

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IMac :: Dead Pixel On Left Side Of Screen

May 30, 2010

I went and bought a new IMac today from my local apple shop. I get it home and it has a really annoying dead pixel on the left hand side of the screen.

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IMac :: Dead Pixel Or Stuck Pixel?

Dec 21, 2010

just bought my imac 27' i7 2 weeks ago and so far i returned it twice because of the tiny crack in the screen and this is gonna be the third time today because of the stuck pixel. This is the first time me owning mac and so far all have is im debating if i should get my money back or give it another shot since they reset your 14 days return policy from the day you did the return or maybe i can ask them to let me upgrade to mac pro with out extra cost since all i have was problem. but anyway, here is the picture to my stuck pixel. let me know what chu think.

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MacBook Pro :: Dead Pixel On The Glowing Apple?

Jan 5, 2010

I bought a MBP 13" at the end of november and had no problems untill last night. On the glowing white apple on the front of the laptop there is now what looks like a grey smudge. It doesnt rub off though and it appears to be inside and not a surface mark. Could this be a dead pixel or something? it doesnt affect the main screen but is really bugging me.

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MacBook :: Tiny Black Dot Or Dead Pixel

Jan 13, 2010

I have a macbook regular white one and on the bottom of the screen like where the icons are like in the middle of the bottom of the screen there a little like black dot could also be like clear color actually idk and it wont go away idk what it is if its a dead pixel or something .

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MacBook Pro :: Possibly Dead Pixel On LED Display

Mar 5, 2010

I think I may have a dead pixel in my MBP. I've got the October 2008 model, the LED display. Today I noticed a little grey-ish speck in the display. And trust me, it is IN it, not ON it. Believe me, I wouldn't be wasting anyone's time if this was something that could simply be cleaned off. It is not visible when the display is off; when that area is dark, the spot is visible as a lighter grey as compared to the surrounding area; when that area is white/light, it appears as a darker grey color compared to the surrounding color. Having said all that, I have still cleaned the screen thoroughly several times but to no avail. It is visible from the boot screen (white screen with the apple) and as long as the screen is on, but again it disappears when I turn it off. From all this, I gather that it is likely a dead pixel. I have reset the PRAM and of course that didn't help. I called Apple and they agreed with me, so I went ahead and set up an appointment for the Genius Bar (almost an hour away).

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MacBook Pro :: Dead Pixel - Inconspicuous Spot

May 10, 2010

Would you send a mbp back because of one dead pixel? Would it more depend on where it is on the screen? What about two or three? What would Apple say about it? I had no dead pixels day one of my mbp. Day two, one dead but it's in an inconspicuous spot so it doesn't really bother me, but for a $2K laptop, it probably should be right. I have so much loaded on it that I don't want the hassle of sending it back.

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MacBook Pro :: Dead Pixel(s) After 1 Month Of Purchase?

Apr 10, 2012

just got my laptop a little over a month ago. I have 2 dead pixels on the screen already. The first one, I noticed a few weeks ago and thought it was just a smudge and ignored it. But it hasn't gone away and I researched it a bit and discovered it was a dead pixel (It looks like a small line, thicker at the bottom and thinner at the top of the line). The 2nd one is at the very bottom of the screen and I just noticed it today. I have tried those pixel fixer applications, and they haven't done anything.

I bought my MBP at Best Buy and can't take it back since it's been past the 14 day policy if anything was wrong w/ the screen, to get it repaired or fixed. Plus, I didn't get AppleCare (I'll probably buy it when I graduate college this spring), so I only have the 1-year warranty. However, can if I take it to the Apple store what will they do? Will they fix the screen or just replace it? And since I don't have AppleCare, does anybody know how much it will cost (screen repair vs replacement)?

MacBook Pro, Screen problem

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MacBook Pro :: Retina Has Moving Dead Pixel (white)?

Jun 22, 2012

I recently purchased a MacBook Pro w/Retina and have an annoying issue that comes up from time to time. Once in a while a bright white pixel will appear in the middle of the screen. It stays put while it is there and I can drag screens around and nothing changes but then suddenly it will go away. After awhile it will popup in a new location and the same thing will happen. Is it an issue with my screen?

MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Buying Online - Dead Pixel - Repair / Replacement From Apple Store?

May 3, 2010

If I buy a MBP online (say Macmall) and it shows up with a problem (dead pixel, etc.) can I take it to an Apple store for repair/replacement? Or do I have to return it to where I bought it?

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Hardware :: Dead Pixel In ACD LED?

Oct 18, 2009

Received it yesterday and I dropped it off at FEDEX within 2 hours.

It's replacement will be here Tue or Wed so I am wondering how many exchanges I can expect before I get one without any dead pixels.

Mine had two but the person I spoke with at the Apple store online said that this was unusual - I hope he is right but I am half expecting to see more dead pixels when I plug in the new one in a few days.

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IMac :: Is One Dead Pixel Okay?

Aug 10, 2010

I received my very first apple computer yesterday. It was the 27inch i7 with 8gig of ram. I turned it on for the first time and it looked perfect. When the loading wheel came up on the white screen I noticed a dead pixel right next to it. I looked over the rest of the screen and I could not find another one. I ended up calling and asking for a new imac. The first person on the phone said they usually only do replacements for 4 or more dead pixels. After I explained that it is right in the middle and I noticed it the first time I turned it on he forwarded me to someone else and they got me a shipping code. I not am waiting another week for a new computer. Is it normal for people to return their machines for one dead pixel? The guy on the phone made it sound like it was no big deal.

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Intel Mac :: Have An Dead Pixel?

May 22, 2012

i have bought myself in april an imac 21.5 inch.since 3 may i have an dead pixel in the center of my really annoys me and i wanna trow my imac out the window becaus that little mini there any way to fix the dead pixel? 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Apple's Dead Pixel Policy For MacBook Pro 13 Inch 2011?

Jul 3, 2012

I have just noticed a dead pixel in my MacBook Pro 13 inch. Is it possible that i could have my Mac replaced? If not, what do I do and what is the policy? I do have Apple Care.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Mac Pro :: Apple 30' Cinema Display With Dead Pixel?

Mar 3, 2010

My screen has a dead pixel wich is always RED.

I have Apple Care until november, but maybe they won't even look at it as it's just 1 pixel...

Will it be covered?

will they fix it?

will they give me a new screen?

if they give me a new screen how long will it have warranty? 1 year right?

can i buy apple care for the screen if they give me a new one?

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Hardware :: Stuck Or Dead Pixel At Bottom Of MBP Display

Jun 19, 2008

It appears that I have a stuck or dead pixel at the bottom of my MacBook Pro's display. It's relatively small and unnoticeable, but I use my Dock a lot, which is how I noticed it. I originally mistook it for dust. I tried a few tricks for removing stuck pixels, but none worked, which is why I wonder if it's truly dead. I think the pixel functions; it remains a constant gray color when the screen is on, but I don't think it's completely black nor does it change colors regardless of what is supposed to be showing on it. Flashing different colors with the help of a few pixel tools didn't help either. "Massaging" the pixel didn't work, and I don't feel entirely positive about adding pressure the screen as it is. The pixel must have gone out a couple of weeks ago. I only noticed it recently, and I doubt that it's been there the whole time I've had this model. Now it doesn't affect the functionality of the machine in anyway, and it's only one pixel, so there's not anything I can do about it unless I can determine if it can be brought back or not. I doubt that too. I think it is quite gone since it is dark in color and it has not responded to any method of restoration. But for all I know, it could just pop on one day. I don't think anything can be done about it, but I'd like to hear some other takes on it.

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Mac Pro :: Apple 23 Inch Cinema HD Display With Dead Pixel?

Jun 16, 2008

I just received a Mac Pro 2 x 2.8 Quad-Core Intel Xeon and 23-inch cinema display bought overseas through an Apple official house (though not an Apple Store due to low demand in my country) and I found out that the cinema display has one dead pixel.

Mi question is: should I try for a replacement (given that I should wait for it to be shipped from Apple) or is this among what is expected and reasonable?

I have heard that as the displays are larger, the amount of tolerable dead pixels increases, and for a 23-inch near 15 dead pixels are not a justified cause for a replacement. If this is the case, I should instead be grateful that I do not have 13 dead pixels.

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IMac :: Dead Pixel Not Showing White Correctly

May 2, 2010

So as you can see, my new iMac has 1 dead pixel. How many does Apple require before you get it serviced? I don't have an Apple Store here, so I would have to pack it up, and it is somewhere where I would hardly notice it under most circumstances. I know it is only 1, literally 1 pixel that doesn't complete show white correctly, but all other colors.

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IMac :: Dead Pixel That Only Show White In Center

Jun 6, 2010

I have a iMac 21" bought it back in November. When I have my desktop wallpaper showing there is one pixel that will only show white, no matter what background pic I put up. It's dead center in the screen so I was immediately irritated, then I noticed when I open Safari (or anything else like finder, apps, docs...whatever) the white dot goes away. I tried messing around with it and putting up black background and a white back ground and I don't understand how this is happening. No matter the color of the wallpaper I can still see it, even a white background. Links to screen shots [URL]

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MacBook Pro :: 1 DEAD Pixel Should I Take It Back? - Or Will I Only Get Worse Back?

May 14, 2010

i finally got my High Res Glossy MBP after 4 weeks of waiting...Everything works fine...and NO yellow tint issue...The only problem is 1 small dead pixel towards the bottom right of the screen...Will apple do an exchange on CTO machines with only 1 dead pixel?Is it even worth doing the exchange? After reading these forums i see that a lot of other users have been complaining about all types of problems...Yellow tint, wifi problems, over heating...etcshould I consider myself lucky? And just be happy that its only 1 small pixel?

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MacBook Pro :: Why Does Screen Go Black Every Time Move Mouse To The Lower-left Hand Corner Of The Screen

May 5, 2012

I've had my mac for about three years now and everything was working fine. After I installed lion, I notice that this started to happen. I don't lose any of my information though when it does that. It just goes into a sleep mode I guess? Anyways, is this a feature from the lion update? Something standard?

MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1

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