MacBook Pro :: Current Cost Of Battery Replacement For A Mid 2009 13" Macbook Pro
Jun 15, 2012what is the current cost of battery replacement for a mid 2009 13" macbook pro
MBP 13, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
what is the current cost of battery replacement for a mid 2009 13" macbook pro
MBP 13, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
My macbook pro is no longer eligible to purchase apple care. It ended in Feburary (should have saved up money and bought it then )but my macbook pro fell from my bed today and caused 2 chips on my keyboard. I took of my keyboard. url...I'm wondering how much it would cost without applecare to replace the keyboard? I'm guessing I would have to replace the whole keyboard for these chippings.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
Aside from the processor. Newegg prices are fine.
View 12 Replies View Related purchased a macbook Unibody back in October 2008 when they were released and use it heavily. The battery no longer holds a nice long charge - I get about 2 to 2.5 hours out of a full charge.
The battery has 149 cycles on it, which is obviously high (and correct, I use the hell out of it). With it still being in warranty, is it worth pursuing a replacement battery? Will Apple tell me to go take a hike with the high cycle counts?
I know I need a Phillips 00 Screwdriver but what screwdriver do I need to remove the hard drive shielding. I googled the topic but I kept getting conflicting information. Some people say I need a Torox T6 screwdriver while others say I need a T8 or does it really matter.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am in the process of researching HD replacements for my 250Gb in my 13" uMBP as I would like to have more room for stuff. After searching threads here about replacements, it seems some people are having stalling and beachball issues with their replacement HDs in their uMBPs.
So here is my poll:
1. Have you replaced the HD in a uMBP (with motion sensor) with no ill effects?
2. If so, what brand and size HD? and....
3. What model uMBP
I'm looking to the size of the Hard disk drive in my 2009 17-inch pro. But can't find if the case will take a 1T HDD or not. As the 1T drive are around 12mm and not 9.5mm of the smaller one right now.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have MacBook Pro about 17 months old (bought new Summer 2008). According to Coconut Battery, my current battery capacity is 96% after 185 cycles (see below). This was taken just after I re-calibrated the battery last night. I usually work the laptop from the battery ... I rarely leave the laptop plugged in unless charging, and when fully charged I always unplug and run the battery down before plugging in again. So, is 96% battery capacity good or bad for a 17 month old MacBook with 185 charge cycles? Is the way I'm charging ok, or is it better to have the MacBook plugged in continuously and have less charge cycles (would this give me a better battery health %)?
View 12 Replies View RelatedDo take a look at my current battery capacity. How can my current battery capacity be higher than the Original battery capacity? Anyway if you want to know how I keep it at 99-100% battery capacity
1] Set brightness level to the lowest or most comfortable
2] Turn off Bluetooth/Airport when not in use
3] Try not to use the iSight camera too much
4] Try to do activities that will decrease your battery life only when it's plugged in
5] Put it to sleep instead of shutdown.
6] Keep it plugged in as much as possible, it's okay to use 20-30% of the battery when you're in the bus or in places that has no power adapters. In fact, it makes the MBP healthier.
I am looking for a good quality replacement battery for my MBP. Battery model is a1281. There are literally hundreds available, but which ones are a good quality piece? Any info or links to the one you guys bought would be awesome. Also, is the original battery a 4600mAh or a 5200mAh? Ive seen both listed as the same a1281 battery.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI noticed a drop in performance a couple of months ago in the MBP, but it's recently got a lot worse.
OS X is telling me it's ot issues, and I took to my nearest Apple Store a couple of months ago. However, I didn't know they'd need my MBP, I thought they could just test my battery, so I didn't get it replaced.
I bought the MBP over 1 year ago from an official reseller.
I've used programs to find out battery information, and I'm at half the cycles it should have before it starts to lose power, and it's health is low.
From your experience, will Apple replace it for free?
Several posts mention Apple's refusal to repair swollen batteries.I'm still so surprised they do not consider replacing a part which is clearly not without risk.
Our research lab has 8 MBP's; 3 of them had swollen batteries after little more then 1 year. Each time, the battery kept on swelling after it was taken out. Two times, Applecare replaced the battery, but only after long chats where they had to be convinced that it didn't look normal.
Now, Apple refuses to replace the battery because it is out of warranty (16 months old - 334 cycles). This time I do not have Applecare but a 3 year contract with the shop. Apples tells me to go the shop (their only officiea repair center in the region).
The shop is not able to obtain a battery from Apple either, although the shop says it is clearly a manufactuing issue.
I understand lithium batteries can explode and burn at some point.
Hey guys just got a replacement battery from apple. It came with 35% charge and I am wondering if I am meant to calibrate it? Should I let it run down and then charge up or charge up straightaway?
I have a MBP supplied in Feb 2011, something was not quite right with the keyboard so they replaced the top case. I went to upgrade the ram and noted that the battery was damaged, they broke one of the plastic pieces that the screw goes into to hold the battery. At the same time the top case that they repalced discoloured. I mentioned both things and apple replaced the top case and the battery. While after some use the top case looks fine I can't say the same for the battery. It seems not to last as long, while happy to monitot it for a short while I wanted to check if anything should be done when replacing the battery? Does the MBP need to be told it has a new battery?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
i need to buy a new battery for my MacBook Pro, just wondering if anyone has any experiences of longer lasting batteries?also anyone know any trusted places to buy from that are cheaper than the 99 charge by apple?
View 18 Replies View RelatedI just got the replacement battery from Ebay seller from China claiming it is the genuine battery. I am using it right now, when I plug the ac connector it doesn't turn red to show me that it is charging or something also the battery icon is showing an X but the battery is still running. I paid $60 for it.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm just wondering if anybody knows whether it is possible to obtain a replacement battery and power supply for such an old computer. My 17-inch MacBook Pro is about five years old, and the battery seems to be completely dead. It will not start up, will not take a charge, and cannot be used, whether plugged in or not. A multitester test suggests that the power supply no longer works either. My MacBook has one of the older-design power supplies, with the circular port, rather than the newer, magnetic, rectangular ones. I'm planning on getting a new MacBook in the near future, but I need to access some things that are saved on my old Mac's hard drive, if at all possible.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just replaced my battery and now my computer shuts down randomly no matter how much battery power I have. Most recently it shut down with over 70% battery life. I followed the instructions on the new battery, but I can't figure out what is causing this type of issue based on my settings that didn't change from the original battery.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Time to replace my White MacBooks battery, the model I have is the A1181. I'd like confirmation that the battery listed below will be compatiable with this Mac and not just newer versions.[ur]
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I have a Mid 2009 MBP running with Lion. I've notice a message that says "Repair Battery" under system preferences/battery. I didnt noticed anything strange with my battery life, but I want to know if I have to do something.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Like they do with the Apple iPhone when the battery goes down to a certain charge? If not, what are the advantages of getting Apple Care then?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI recently had a problem where my 13" 3 yr old macbook would just blink off. then it became shorter and shorter until it would not start up. i brought it to apple who told me after inspection that it had liquid damage and the battery connector and logic board needed to be replaced for an astounding 800+ dollars. the book only cost me 1100!! i got the book back (obviously i didnt pay that, i am sane!), i fiddled with it by trying to start with just the battery. no response. with the battery and charger. starts for just seconds. and then with just the charger. walla! starts up and runs like new.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI took my macbook pro to get a new battery at the genius bar after it stopped holding charge, turned off unexpectedly, and would get really hot. After getting the battery, I calibrated it right away by draining the battery, letting it sit for five hours, and then charging it. The new battery only holds 2 hours at 100% charge. Is the replacement a dud or something else wrong?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
The subject pretty much says it all. I'm living in Egypt but bought my first generation black MacBook in the US in 2006. Earlier this year I noticed the battery bulging to the point where getting it in the case is problematic. I know this is an issue with many Apple batteries for some reason. Is there a way to get an out of warranty replacement sent here? Â
MacBook (13-inch), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Looking into getting a SSD 128GB for my 2009 uMB but I am wondering if that helps extend your battery life because I am getting 3.5 to 4 Hours on a single charge now. I just wonder if I can get more than 5 hours out of the battery with an SSD, then I can use the external drive for everything else but OS and Applications.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy battery life is very bad. goes down 40% in half an hour just viewing the internet. Only one year old, still have warranty with Applecare. Will I be able to exchange it for a replacement, how does this work?
View 24 Replies View RelatedI gave my wife my Late 2006 white MacBook which she loves. Recently, the battery has stopped charging (it has 250 cycles or something like that). Is it far fetched to goto an apple store and ask for a replacement or should I just get a new one. I have only had this laptop for a year and I would think that is kinda short.
I am not under AppleCare BTW.
I have a late 2009 MBP 13". Can I put the new 2010 MBP's battery in my MBP?
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo I calibrated my battery last night in hopes of bumping up it's longevity, but with no success. Right now I'm at 100% charged, at exactly 50% brightness, Word and Powerpoint open, with the usual browsing. No music or video playing etc. The time remaining is approximately 4 hours. I checked coconutbattery and it says that the capacity is 100% with 201 cycles and 7 month age. Why is it not showing 5:30 to 6 hours (sometimes even 6:30) like it did only 2-3 weeks ago. Shouldn't the calibration help the longevity of the battery?
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan anyone who has used both tell me if there really is a noticeable battery life increase?
View 3 Replies View Related