MacBook Air :: Ethernet Adaptor Options - Diagnostic Tool Crashed
May 8, 2008
Just picked up the adaptor today and thought it was pretty much a no brainer: plug it in, it works. Not in this case, it keeps getting a self assigned IP address and I can't connect to the internet-although there is a green light next to the ethernet adaptor in System preferences. I have an Airport network set up as a normal scenario. I bought this adaptor only because I am about to take a trip and the hotel only has ethernet in the rooms. I've tried using the diagnostic tool, but it keeps hanging and crashing.
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May 23, 2012
I have a 21" i3 3.06 Ghz iMac. I got it in 2011 and the warranty has expired.
Anyway, I notice that every few months after clean installing Snow Leopard, my hard drive would be come corrupt necessitating a complete reinstall of SL again.
This occurs every few months. The OS is up to date, no malware, no weird software of anything installed. Basically, everytime I boot up, it'd take about 5-10 minutes as it does the gray screen with the spinning wheel with a progress bar at the bottom of the screen.
I have tried repairing permissions and scanning for errors using disk utilities within SL and via my SL install disc. However, I am unable to repair disk because it is corrupted.
Is there any other HDD scanning tools that I can use to see whether or not my hard drive is defective?
iMac Late 2010/Macbook Early 2008, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Feb 3, 2012
I tried to connect my new MacBook Air to an ethernet network via the supplied usb to ethernet adaptor.Nothingn happened, and 'ethernet' did not appear in the system prefs/network window.I tested the connection on another machine and it works fine.I tried both the usb ports on the Air.
Info:MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Dec 17, 2010
tried using an ethernet to USB adaptor. I saw one at Fry's for $20. I normally do not have need for ethernet but one hotel I have stayed at seems to only have an in room ethernet connection to get on line.Would I notice any difference between an adaptor that supports USB 2 vs USB 1 while surfing the internet?
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Mar 14, 2008
I know that the apple superdrive must be directly connected to the mba for it to work, just wondering if there is any other brand of optical drive that works with a usb hub in addition with other devices. Also, does the apple ethernet adaptor work simultaneously with other devices?
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May 20, 2009
i just bought a generic ethernet adaptor is their any drivers or software i can install because my macbook air wont recognize my generic ethernet?
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Jun 18, 2012
Will my thunderport work with the new gigabit ethernet adaoptor ?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Aug 30, 2014
I was watching a show online when I got a black screen. I rebooted to find that it boots straight to the recovery partition. I've tried doing the Reinstall Mac OS X option, as well as Internet recovery. Here's what happens.
Reinstall Mac OS X - When I click to verify my computer's eligibility with Apple it says "An error occurred while preparing the installation. Try running this application again. I have done this probably 30-40 times with the same result.
Internet Recovery - I have performed an internet recovery at least 5 times. Every time it goes off without a hitch. Bar fills all the way up, the computer restarts right back to the recovery partition. If I hold option on boot, the only selectable boot option is "Recovery."
I have cleared NVRAM, used disk utility to verify and repair the HDD multiple times, rand the hardware diagnostics with option+D (long tests everything passed), I completely deleted the OS partition that shows up in disk utility and recreated a partition and tried all these steps over again and still no luck.
Could it be a bad HDD even though the tests passed?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Jun 18, 2012
I am looking to connect my macbook pro to an Acer G24 monitor, but am not sure what best way to do it.The resolution of the monitor is 1920x1200, and it is a 24" screen, with VGA, DVI, and HDMI ports.My macbook pro is the late 2011 entry model.
Will there be a difference in the quality of the picture on my external monitor, depending on whether I connect using a HDMI cable or a DVI cable? I will have to buy an adapter for each of these, to plug into the mini DVI port on my mac, will this alter the quality of the picture at all? If I were to buy an Apple Tv, would I be able to plug it straight into my monitor using a HDMI cable? If so, how would I manage the audio, as my monitor does not have speakers. Would using a thunderbolt cable (with HDMI adaptor) increase the quality of the picture of my monitor?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), Apple TV, Thunderbolt, Monitor
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Nov 28, 2006
Two days ago my iBook G4 1Ghz started to have a big problem in turning it on: when I pushed the power button the fan started to whirl speedier than usual and nothing happened. The monitor stayed turned off and the startup "Boeing" did not sound. I tried to reset the PMU and the PRAM several times and the iBook finally turned on (I still don't know why!). I did a hardware test and no problems were detected.
Then, I connected my connection Ethernet cable and the computer crashed down. Now I am in the same situation that I've just described: I can't turn the computer on anymore and the fan starts wheeling. I also showed this problem to a local Apple center and they told me that the motherboard is dead. I am still not convinced, because one time I have been able to restart the iBook. Is the motherboard really broken?
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Nov 2, 2010
So with the lack of Gigabit ethernet options on the Macbook Air, I'm kinda hoping that some bright spark on here is going to shower me with suggestions on what 3rd party adaptors are available/been used. I've had a real good hunt around, and the only adaptor which I can find that people have got excited about (back in 2009!) was the Buffalo one... Annoyingly, this is pretty much nowhere to be found. The one thing stopping me from getting an MBA is the gig-e problem. As I use time-machine for backups, and transfer relatively large files around between offices<->datacentres<->home, it's rather important.
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Jul 26, 2010
I've been experiencing a variety of problems with my peripheral devices. At first it started with my monitor and I thought it was going out... it was having lines (darker lines, like flickering) all over the screen... but then I realized this happened when I plugged something into my computer... so for example if my external monitor is on, and I plug in my firewire soundcard it starts to flickr...
Then it started to do it when I would plug in my printer... now if I plug in my firewire soundcard my monitor turns on and off... and I'm having sync issues with my soundcard.
I wiped my computer, reset the SMC and the PRAM and NVRAM. How do I test if my mother board is crapping out?
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Sep 4, 2014
Is there a way I can run a diagnostic test on my Macbook Pro and how do I check how much memory I have as well?
MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2013), iOS 7.1
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Sep 30, 2010
I'm very happy with my 2010 MBP 15" i7 -- very slick little piece of kit!
However, there have been a few cases recently where I had to force a hard-shutdown of the laptop (holding the power button for 3 seconds). This is not because of the actual MBP per se, but because of some software that froze and wouldn't let me force-quit them.
Anyways, I'm wondering, since I had to hard-shutdown several times recently, if I should check my OS for any weird happenings? I always, always do Apple > Shutdown, but I've been forced to use the power button recently.
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Jun 22, 2012
I'm having a periodic problem where my network will timeout. Once that happens, I'm unable to connect to the network again by choosing the network. When I run the diagnostic, only the Wi-fi light is green. If I use the assistance, it tells me the password is incorrect even when I know it's correct. I will always connect for a second or two before timing out or being told the password is incorrect. If I purposefully type the password wrong, I'm immediately told it's wrong without the hesitation of connecting for a second. Does anyone have any ideas of what is going on? I eventually get connected but only after going through a laborious process of either created a new network or deleted all the Wi-fi information. Even then, the process is temporary.
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Apr 9, 2012
why I get this error when running the hardware diagnostic test?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Nov 12, 2010
Does the new MBA use a different DVI adaptor than the old models? Is it a 'mini' to 'micro' situation?
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Sep 5, 2010
Am I safe using a power adaptor from a Macbook Pro 13" purchased in Australia on my 15" Macbook Pro purchased in America?
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Dec 9, 2010
What does a red light on the power adaptor mean?
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Dec 4, 2008
Is there any adaptor that will enable me to use the new MiniDisplayPort on the new Macbooks with my old Blackbook?
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Jan 22, 2010
I've been trying to connect my mbp (older model) to my Hitachi plasma TV via S-video. I have the Apple DVI to video adapter and the first time I hooked it all up it looked great. The next time, and from then on no matter what I do the picture on the TV is in gray scale (LCD is still color). I've gone into system prefs and tried every setting in there I could find, and even tried to calibrate it using the calibration assistant. Nothing. I've also tried different inputs on the TV (the two plain video ports there are), as well as tried adjusting every imaginable video/color setting I could find on my TV. I'm completely lost at this point. I've also tried different video cables and of course fn F7.
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Dec 18, 2008
i have been having a lot of problems with my airport on my imac it disconnects and is unable to connect to my networks for like an hour then starts working - this happens randomly can you tell me how to run a hardware diagnostic on my imac before i take it to the genius bar?
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Apr 28, 2008
Anyone has the drivers needed to for the wireless adaptor of the MBA (for windows XP) ???
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Dec 13, 2008
I'm heading to Korea next year for several weeks. I've heard that I might need the World Adaptor Kit, but looking at it on Apple's site, it doesn't mention if it works with the MBA: [URL]. Was it just an oversight on Apple's part or does it not work with the MBA?
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May 24, 2010
I have a new MacBook Pro (latest model) and I bough a mini display to DVI adaptor that I use to connect an external display. Now, I need to connect a projector (VGA) and I found that I have a DVI To VGA adaptor that I used with my old macbook pro. When I tried to connect the adaptor, surprise! it does not fit! (because it has four extra pins. What happens if I remove those pins? Will it work? or I will have to also buy a mini display port to VGA Adaptor?
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May 6, 2012
Can I get an HDMI adaptor that will also play audio on my MacBookPro5,3?currently using a micro port adaptor to HDMI, but audio does not read through it.
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Jun 29, 2014
My macbook pro will not power on the AC adaptor when the battery is connected, I have to disconnect the battery to get it to power up on the AC Adaptor, tried another battery still don't work just has a X on the battery icon at the top. Running Mavericks at the Moment.
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May 14, 2009
I lost the recovery dvds that come with my mac.. I do have a Leopard retail dvd though...
Is there anyway to run a diagnostic test without the original recovery dvds?
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Oct 14, 2009
My ATI Radeon X1900XT graphics card keep tripping out leaving a black screen The card itself has a red lcd light visible on the card when the screen is not working
The card is in an 8 core mac pro and is running a 30" ACD.It started a while a go before installed Snow Leopard but happened very infrequently
Have installed snow leopard and added two new dvd drives and I now have these blackout nearly everyday.
Have found info on ATI's website about the Radion HD 4870 suggesting the LCDs indicate a faulty power supply or even disconnected power leadsthe same thread also mentioned overheating could be the cause a of the red light.
anyone know what the Red diagnostic lcds on Mac ATI Radeon X1900XT mean.
Extra info: The two DVDs I have added I had to replace the data cable as I damaged the original
to do this meant a total strip down, while I was there I added two sata data cable threading them through connecting to a new sata drive and leaving one spare for the future.
The DVDs work perfectly, could adding the sata cables have an effect on the power supply.
Having to remove the ATI Radeon X1900XT, I am sure the cables are seated correctly, should it matter which cable is connected to each connector on the motherboard.
There is a thread on apple website about this black screen, all describing similar problems but relating this to Snow Leopard and some sort of video bug.
No answers on that site and no one else seem to have the Red diagnostic lcd
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Aug 20, 2010
So I had to take my macbook pro into the genius bar recently to replace my battery and they ran diagnostic tools from a nano. Anyone know how to get a hold of these tools or what they are?
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