MacBook Pro :: Command Q Quit Working?
May 1, 2012why did my command q quit working?
why did my command q quit working?
Trying to quit safari the option is grey out and wont allow me to quit. I cant quit using command q either.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I wanted to force quit an application on my first gen MacBook running Mac OS X 10.6.3, so I looked up the short cut key command from the Apple menu. I saw that it was option-command-power-button. I pressed these keys, and my Mac instantly displayed a black screen. After about five seconds, my Mac made the usual sounds of starting up. I booted up, and nothing seemed to have been affected, so I double checked Console, which didn't help much. I looked up the short cut key command for force quit online. The Internet says its option-command-esc. I tried the command, and up popped the force quit prompt. So why is the short cut key command WRONG on my Apple menu?
View 2 Replies View Relatedall of a sudden i can't quit safari. The quit safari command q is greyed out!
View 1 Replies View RelatedSince Tiger and even more so with Leopard, I have found the 'Force Quit' command to be a pointless white elephant.
When the spinning beachball hits it tends to make the application unresponsive and then spread to all other apps. Attempting to bring up the force quit function is equally fruitless. Of course, by the time it eventually pops up, the offending application has either quit itself (I'm looking at you Adobe CS4) or has become responsive again (I'm looking at you Safari).
Has anyone noticed any improvement in Snow Leopards?
When I try to use this command I am sent to front row. I can force quit throught the apple menu. This began when I upgraded to Snow Leopard.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I can't find anything else on here about this, but I've tried several external keyboards with my new MacBook Pro (including the latest Apple) and Command+Delete doesn't work with any of them. It works fine using the notebook keyboard. I've reset the key combos to default several times. Nothing. Other key combinations that I use all work. And the command key and delete key each work for other things.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have checked to see if any other command is assigned to 'Command and T" but nothing appears and text to speech is switched off.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
When i hit the red x button on mac, it actually quits the application and doesn't restore any work i was doing, be it apps like pages and neither does it restore my last opened sessions on safari. However when i press command q, it should in normal cases close the application, however when i do that now it restores my previously active sessions.
In simple words both functions are working opposite to each other:
Red x- should merely 'minimise' the app and should restore previous active sessions but is not
Command w- should close the app but is instead restoring previous sessions
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
Today when I jumped on my Macbook and was watching a youtube video I tried to turn down the sound using my sound button in the upper right hand corner.. but nothing happened. I could see the sound bar that pops up in the middle of the screen go up and down but the sound stayed where it was. This is new and has never happened before.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was wondering what cause my isight camera to quit working?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe volume quit working on my computers speakers. I try to hit the up volume and a greyed out speaker appears showing volume bar all the way up with a circle below it with a line through it?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
Not working at all. Getting message Not responding and I must Force Quit.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)
I have the latest update for Safari on my MacBook Pro 17" (running the latest Lion update). Lately, the command-Q (quit) option under the File menu is greyed out/not available. I tried using the Quit function from the dock icon for Safari--no good, either. I have to Force Quit in order to close Safari.
MacBook Pro 17", Mac OS X (10.4.10)
I used to have a magic mouse connected to my mbp (mid 2008) it worked ok, until I updated to Lion.Same with the keyboard.Both appear to be connected ok via Bluetooth. The only functionality letf on the mouse is the scrolling up and down. The keayboard appears to be inoperable completly. What I did to cure the problem so far is:
- Reinstalling the OS (Lion) - no go
- Reinstall Leopard und run all updates, no go
- Zap the p-Ram and resetting the whole mbp.
- I checked the BT connection an setting and reinstalled the mouse a several times, no go.
Other Bluetooth devices work OK on the mbp.The mouse and the keyboard work with my Windows PC ?It looks not like a hardware issue, I just learned on the net, that there are more people with the same issue.Could a firmware issue be responsible for this?
Intel Macbook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.7)
For a while now the command-tab, dashboard key and spaces key do not work. I press the key and nothing happens. If I restart the OS (OS X 10.5.5) they work but only for a short time and stop working again. Other accounts on the system work fine and do not have this problem.
View 8 Replies View RelatedSo you know how when you use a key command, the menu title under which it resides will flash blue momentarily? (i.e. file, edit, or view). No matter what application I am running, if I use Command + G, the edit menu flashes blue and nothing happens.
In Photoshop I need this command to group layers. In Bridge I need it so I can stack groups. In I-movie I need it to view videos as full screen. Of course I could drag my mouse up to the menu bar everytime instead, but I WANT MY KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS BACK :-(
I have tried using disk utility and doing an archive and install, but the problem isn't fixed. the command works fine if I sign in as another user. Ideas?
Suddenly command-W has stopped working on my system (OS X 10.6.4, iMac 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo). Instead of closing the current window or browser tab, it takes me to the Finder. I have tried rebooting, but it did not fix it.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI recently have been running into problems with my Macbook Pro in that an hour or two after startup, the hot corners no longer work and command tab no longer works. That is when I try to use them nothing happens at all. The keyboard still functions normally other than that. Also, if I then try to shutdown the system appears to begin the shutdown in that my desktop icons disappear, but then the machine just sits there and will never shutdown. I am then forced to hold the power key down to force a hard shutdown. Then once I do a startup, I have my hot corners back and command tab works. Until it sits for a while and then I start the cycle over.
View 5 Replies View RelatedSomething strange happened yesterday to my computer, it had a failure with a software and suddently the keyboard didn�t work as it has to be.
I couldnt write anything and it was like command key is pressed all the time because it worked like a key combination. For example, when I press the "w" letter it closes windows, I cant�t even write a web address neither my pass to fix something in the settings.
I use the Command 1, Command 2 keys in QuickTime Pro a lot to resize windows, but all of the sudden those key combos don't function at all. All Command key shortcuts seem to have left the computer.
Not reboot nor Repair Disk Permissions helps. Did I accidentally trigger something with a typo?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 6 GB RAM
Running OS X 10.5.8 on a Macbook Pro that's roughly 2 years old (maybe a little more). About a week ago I noticed that I was unable to copy/paste/undo/cut. Thought it was a total command key failure at first but other shortcut functionality is intact (cmd+t/cmd+w etc). So I've isolated the problem to the left cmd key and the bottom row of my keyboard. Separately they work just fine, but they refuse to work together.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI went on vacation to Florida this week, I come back, start up my iMac, plug my headphones in, only to hear audio to come out of my iMac's speakers. I called apple, and I did the whole restart and hold down command, option, P and R and still nothing, I have apple care and he said I should talk to small dog. I called Small Dog gave them a description and said they would have to send it to apple because my logic board might have issues. My question is this
View 3 Replies View RelatedI used the geek tool command for unread mail listed on the bottom of this page [URL] -with-geektool and when I used it it just says "no message, no subject hope thats ok" even though I do have unread emails.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm on a new MacBook Pro and when I ask aperture to mirror on the secondary display it just dumps the mirror display over the main screen and the secondary display is untouched. is this a software uninstall/instal.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI saw this little "trick" command, control, alt, 8 in a Mac article a few weeks ago. It was nothing more than a cool, little screen alteration that makes the screen go negative. I tried it after first getting my Mac. Just this past week, I tried to do it again and it is not working. Not that it is a serious issue however it is more of a curiousity why it stopped. Did some application I installed on my machine cause this feature to halt? Just curious if anyone has the answer. I tried disabling Shades, Growl and even turned off my power settings to see if that was interfering.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have checked multiple support sites, and all indicate the same shortcut. I even tried "adding" the shortcut in the "Application Shortcuts" screen in Preferences.
MacBook Air (2011?)
I can't make the left/right audio edge command working. I set it up in my custom way but any command I set for it, it doesn't work here (if I type the command the audio clip is simply deselected).
Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), 10.1
I have a Dual 2ghz PowerPC G5.I'm positive the password is correct because I enter it all the time in my other mac hardware/applications. I tried deleting the mail account them re-adding it, it still rejects my password. I can't update any of my software (nothing is available). I've tried restarting the computer.Safari still works. All my other apps still work. I selected PowerMac as the product on the pulldown menu, I hope that's the same as PowerPC. My OS is 10.4.11
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), Mail 2.3.1(753.1)
My front firewire 400 and 800 ports abruptly quit working. THe backs work fine. I've tried two different video cameras and an external hard drive and according to system profiler none are recognized and none are accessible.