OS X :: Hot Corners And Command Tab Stop Working
Dec 18, 2008
I recently have been running into problems with my Macbook Pro in that an hour or two after startup, the hot corners no longer work and command tab no longer works. That is when I try to use them nothing happens at all. The keyboard still functions normally other than that. Also, if I then try to shutdown the system appears to begin the shutdown in that my desktop icons disappear, but then the machine just sits there and will never shutdown. I am then forced to hold the power key down to force a hard shutdown. Then once I do a startup, I have my hot corners back and command tab works. Until it sits for a while and then I start the cycle over.
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Aug 29, 2010
I just bought a Macbook Pro 15" i7; the only problem I've had with it is this: every now and then my Expose/Space/Screen Corners stop working, and the only solution I can find is to just restart my computer (which thanks to the i7 is only about 20 seconds anyway ). Does anyone here have any advice on this?
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Jul 27, 2009
I saw this little "trick" command, control, alt, 8 in a Mac article a few weeks ago. It was nothing more than a cool, little screen alteration that makes the screen go negative. I tried it after first getting my Mac. Just this past week, I tried to do it again and it is not working. Not that it is a serious issue however it is more of a curiousity why it stopped. Did some application I installed on my machine cause this feature to halt? Just curious if anyone has the answer. I tried disabling Shades, Growl and even turned off my power settings to see if that was interfering.
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May 12, 2012
When I restart my computer the hot corners stop working. When i go into the system pref it shows it is still on, but I have to turn it off and back on again to get it to work.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 3.06 ghz, 4gb, 512mb
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Jun 30, 2007
Yesterday I was using the Vista side of my 2.4Ghz 15" MBP most of the day, and then I switched over to the Mac side last night. I don't know if being in Vista for that long is what caused this -- probably not -- but I do know that I usually don't use Vista that long at once. But anyways, here's my problem:
When I got into Mac OS X yesterday, it started getting all funky on me. First of all, my dock. When I roll my mouse over the dock, it doesn't magnify at all. I have dock magnification turned on about 1/2 of the way over, and yet it doesn't react to my mouse at all. Also, when I click on an icon to open it, it DOES magnify that icon (and the ones around it) temporarily as it "bounces" to indicate the program is opening. Then I move my mouse away, and the magnification stays there for a few seconds! So my mouse is back in the middle of the screen but the icon is still frozen as enlarged. It goes away after a few seconds, but not with the usual smooth shrinking animation (it just instantly is smaller). Lastly, the program I open from the dock does NOT come to the forefront. For example, I just opened TextEdit from the dock to remind myself of what happens, and it opened behind Firefox, not in front of it. So to actually go get TextEdit, I have to Command+Tab and get it. So those are my dock problems.
Also, my menus are acting funny. You know how, usually, when you open a menu from the bar at the top of your screen (sorry, not sure what it's called, I haven't been a Mac user for long), and you move your mouse over the options, each individual option highlights in blue? And when you move your mouse over an option that has an arrow to its right to indicate a sub-menu, the sub-menu pops out on its own? Well, neither of those are happening anymore. In fact, when I click the option that has an arrow, the whole menu just goes away as if I had clicked away from it or something.
Lastly, my hot corners aren't working. Simple as that. I have bottom left set for Dashboard, and bottom right for Expose, and neither respond at all.
To recap: a lot of the very basic functions I rely on in the Mac OS X side of my computer just stopped working for me and I have absolutely no idea why. And as a side note, I had not downloaded the MacBook Pro Software Update before this started happening. When it started, I immediately downloaded the update but it didn't fix it.
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Mar 22, 2009
I use Expos�'s hot corners on my Al MB. I also use an external monitor at my desk. When I unplug the monitor to disconnect the laptop from being "docked" (as it were), I find that I can't use hot corners anymore. If I restart the Finder, that doesn't fix the issue. If I go to Expos� preferences, and change a hot corner preference (e.g., what gets done when one goes to the upper right corner), then things get fixed. But I really don't want to go to Sys. Prefs. each time I change monitors. Is there any other solution?
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Apr 23, 2012
I have a late 2011/early2012 MBP running OSX 10.7.3 (build 11D50d) and All of a sudden my trackpad is playing up. I can move the cursor from all places of the trackpad apart from the bottom corners - but I can only click in the center of the pad. However I can touch click in most places (apart from bottom corners). Does anybody know how to fix this?
I've only had my MacBook Pro for 4 weeks now, I've not dropped it, knocked it or spilt anything on it, so this is pretty disappointing to say the least. I've seen a bunch of videos on youtube where people are taking their MBP apart and tightening a screw to fix the problem. My warranty is still valid and I have AppleCare so I don't want to be voiding either of those by taking it a apart and messing about inside.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 21, 2012
I have a 27" Mid 2010 IMac running 10.7.4. I set my screen saver to 3mins and it won't turn on. Only works with hot corners.
Mac OS X (10.7.4), IMac Mid 2010
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May 5, 2012
There is a possibility that there is something amiss with my external hard drive. I have ejected the hard drive and read in a thread that there is a way to disable TM's continuous "local Snapshots" Backup with a command typed in Terminal. The reasoning is that TM uses a lot of CPU's? and things can become a bit sluggish. If I turn TM to "OFF", doesn't this stop the hourly snapshots on the INTERNAL hard drive?
Mac OS X (10.7)
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Dec 31, 2009
My MBP has this issue every once in a while where I have to hold the power button and force shut down. Randomly the volume keys/brightness etc. stop working and i can't open apps or shut it down normally. Everything still works though (can still function in open applications) Anyone know what the problem is? It fixes when I force reset.
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Jun 4, 2009
I had an image from an older macbook (10.5.4) and I put it in a newer MacBook which I assume was could not boot as far back as 10.5.4, so I updated it by booting 10.5.6 on an external and running the combo 10.5.7 update on the MacBook's internal drive. I boot and after staying on a blue screen for a while, it goes black and shows me a command prompt and I can see all the processes starting up. then it goes back to blue and works normally. On shutdown, I see the prompt again. I cannot boot into safe mode or single user mode for some reason. When holding down the s and shift it still does the same thing. I can however still use option to boot from a different drive.
The computer runs perfectly normally once booted. I just don't want to see the command line stuff. So is there some way to stop it, or hide it?
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Apr 29, 2012
I'm trying to intergate my companies AD kerberose with the services hosted on a Lion Server in a golden triangle setup. Here's what I've tried so far.
1. Bind to AD host.
2. sudo dsconfigad -enablesso
3. Make a Opendirectory Master
4. sudo kinit list, all listed services should point to AD KDC.
Xserve, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Oct 5, 2008
For a while now the command-tab, dashboard key and spaces key do not work. I press the key and nothing happens. If I restart the OS (OS X 10.5.5) they work but only for a short time and stop working again. Other accounts on the system work fine and do not have this problem.
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Apr 24, 2010
So you know how when you use a key command, the menu title under which it resides will flash blue momentarily? (i.e. file, edit, or view). No matter what application I am running, if I use Command + G, the edit menu flashes blue and nothing happens.
In Photoshop I need this command to group layers. In Bridge I need it so I can stack groups. In I-movie I need it to view videos as full screen. Of course I could drag my mouse up to the menu bar everytime instead, but I WANT MY KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS BACK :-(
I have tried using disk utility and doing an archive and install, but the problem isn't fixed. the command works fine if I sign in as another user. Ideas?
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Nov 7, 2010
Suddenly command-W has stopped working on my system (OS X 10.6.4, iMac 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo). Instead of closing the current window or browser tab, it takes me to the Finder. I have tried rebooting, but it did not fix it.
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Oct 21, 2009
Something strange happened yesterday to my computer, it had a failure with a software and suddently the keyboard didn�t work as it has to be.
I couldnt write anything and it was like command key is pressed all the time because it worked like a key combination. For example, when I press the "w" letter it closes windows, I cant�t even write a web address neither my pass to fix something in the settings.
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May 1, 2012
why did my command q quit working?
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Mar 22, 2008
I can't find anything else on here about this, but I've tried several external keyboards with my new MacBook Pro (including the latest Apple) and Command+Delete doesn't work with any of them. It works fine using the notebook keyboard. I've reset the key combos to default several times. Nothing. Other key combinations that I use all work. And the command key and delete key each work for other things.
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Jun 10, 2012
I use the Command 1, Command 2 keys in QuickTime Pro a lot to resize windows, but all of the sudden those key combos don't function at all. All Command key shortcuts seem to have left the computer.
Not reboot nor Repair Disk Permissions helps. Did I accidentally trigger something with a typo?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 6 GB RAM
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Dec 9, 2014
I have checked to see if any other command is assigned to 'Command and T" but nothing appears and text to speech is switched off.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 3, 2014
When i hit the red x button on mac, it actually quits the application and doesn't restore any work i was doing, be it apps like pages and neither does it restore my last opened sessions on safari. However when i press command q, it should in normal cases close the application, however when i do that now it restores my previously active sessions.
In simple words both functions are working opposite to each other:
Red x- should merely 'minimise' the app and should restore previous active sessions but is not
Command w- should close the app but is instead restoring previous sessions
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Aug 26, 2010
Running OS X 10.5.8 on a Macbook Pro that's roughly 2 years old (maybe a little more). About a week ago I noticed that I was unable to copy/paste/undo/cut. Thought it was a total command key failure at first but other shortcut functionality is intact (cmd+t/cmd+w etc). So I've isolated the problem to the left cmd key and the bottom row of my keyboard. Separately they work just fine, but they refuse to work together.
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Feb 20, 2009
I went on vacation to Florida this week, I come back, start up my iMac, plug my headphones in, only to hear audio to come out of my iMac's speakers. I called apple, and I did the whole restart and hold down command, option, P and R and still nothing, I have apple care and he said I should talk to small dog. I called Small Dog gave them a description and said they would have to send it to apple because my logic board might have issues. My question is this
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Aug 1, 2010
I used the geek tool command for unread mail listed on the bottom of this page [URL] -with-geektool and when I used it it just says "no message, no subject hope thats ok" even though I do have unread emails.
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Jul 2, 2014
I'm on a new MacBook Pro and when I ask aperture to mirror on the secondary display it just dumps the mirror display over the main screen and the secondary display is untouched. is this a software uninstall/instal.
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Jun 21, 2014
I have checked multiple support sites, and all indicate the same shortcut. I even tried "adding" the shortcut in the "Application Shortcuts" screen in Preferences.
MacBook Air (2011?)
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Aug 23, 2014
I can't make the left/right audio edge command working. I set it up in my custom way but any command I set for it, it doesn't work here (if I type the command the audio clip is simply deselected).
Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), 10.1
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Jun 11, 2010
I never know when my keyboard on my iMac wil just stop. I have to unplug if from the USB and re-plug it to start working again. I've had the same setup for a couple of years. Started doing this about 1 month ago.
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Feb 8, 2009
Every now and then while I'm on the laptop for a while my keys stop working out of no where. I hit the keys and nothing comes up? So I have to shut it down or restart then it works again. Is there something wrong with it or is there randomly something I'm doing?
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Sep 6, 2009
It happens randomly. After awhile the keyboard and trackpad stop working entirely. I have to use my might mouse to reset my MBP then it they work fine again.
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