MacBook Pro :: Battery Discharging During Standby?

Dec 15, 2008

I have a MBP which I purchased in August of 07. I have never had a problem with it. However, recently I have noticed that the battery is discharging when the computer lid is shut and the laptop is not plugged in. This weekend I left the laptop unplugged with a full charge and when I arrived home, the battery was around 17%. Also, the health of the battery is 75%.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Slowly Discharging While Off?

Oct 5, 2010

Funny thing happened today while I took out my MBP and tapped it to the charger. The battery indicator shows one dot not being light up while my MBP was fully charged while the computer was turned off by the way. So I was wondering if over time, like say a week or two that even though your MBP is turned off can it still discharge at a slow rate.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Fully Discharging While Plugged In

Jun 15, 2010

So today I was using my MBP that I got about a week ago and all of a sudden I got a low battery message. My MBP was plugged in at the time, and had been plugged in for about the last two days. AC adapter was plugged in and very hot i might add. MagSafe never got disconnected. After I clicked ok on the low battery message my MBP just started charging like I'd been using it on battery power and just plugged it in. I know there was no power outage or anything like that, all my computer stuff is plugged in to a UPS that beeps if it looses power and switches to the UPS battery power. I shut my MBP down when I went to work and when I came back it took a good min before it made the powering on noise and the apple appeared. I checked my battery health and capacity through the system profiler and the condition is normal and it has 7 cycles on it.

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MacBook Pro :: 13" 2010 Standby Battery Life?

Dec 11, 2010

the stand by battery life of the MBP, obviously it's not a patch on the Air's?

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MacBook Pro :: Conflicting & Wrong About Cycling & Discharging?

Mar 1, 2010

In anticipation of picking up a MBP when they're eventually refreshed (though I'll wait a couple weeks to see if there are any reported problems, as I went through 4 defective 27" iMacs recently), I was reading about battery use/care in a forum thread. Then I just checked the Laptop Battery Guide ( [URL] listed at the topic of this forum section and found 2 issues I'm curious about:

1) There are 2 differing explanations of what a battery cycle is. In the "What is "full cycle"?" section, it says that a "cycle is when the total battery power is less then 50% before it is recharged." But in the "What this means" section, it says "every time your fully deplete the power equal to one maximum charge, your battery has gone through one cycle." Which one appropriately describes a full cycle?

2) The guide also says that "it is best to fully drain the battery before you charge it up again." However, this site ([URL] says the opposite. That lithium ion batteries prefer "a partial rather than a full discharge. Frequent full discharges should be avoided when possible." Is the forum guide incorrect?

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MacBook :: Never Woken Up From Standby?

Apr 30, 2009

when i was working on my master thesis document, i closed my macbook(physically with display down). He goes into standby. But when i opened it again, he didn't woke up. Pressed every keys, touched the touchpad, nothing happened. Then i hard rebooted, nothing happened, only the fan started making extreme loud noise. So i did a hard shut down, disconnected everything(powersupply, battery,usbstick,etc etc). Inserted the battery and the powersupply again and booted. My screen lit up, logo appeared, and the cicle(busy icon of the mouse) but it didn't rotate.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Put 2408WFP In Standby

Sep 20, 2009

how do you put it in a standby yet still leave you MacBook Pro running?

In my case if I switch to a non-existant input on the display it sits in the screensaver continually and never goes to power save mode.

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MacBook Pro :: Why Did Heat Up While On Standby

Apr 4, 2012

Today at school, I was using my laptop as normal. During lunch time I just closed the laptop display screen (so it goes on standby) and placed it in my bag. 1 hour and a half later, I go into my bag to reach for my book. My whole bag and books were VERY warm. I touched my laptop case to find that it was even warmer. I pulled out my laptop and I had to set it down immediately because it was far too hot to touch; eggs could have been fried on it (no exagerration). I was scared to open it, so I placed it outside in the cool air and now it has cooled down and I've started up again. This has never happened before, I've never dropped it and my laptop is just a year old this month (convenient now, that the guarantee just expired ).Problems first started occuring when I updated to Lion. First thing I noticed, is that it starts up and shuts down SO slowly (slower than a PC, believe it or not) and I only have 53,15 GB out of the 319,21 GB available used. So there is 266 GB FREE space. So I figured this cannot be the memory.  After 2 months or so, I also noticed that when I turn on my computer, the Apple sign on the startup comes out very stretched, sometimes it comes up on the left hand corner and the rest of the screen isn't white but coloured lines. 3 days ago, I noticed the fan was making a funny sound. This stopped 2 days later, then today randomly on standby it beyond heated up. Why is this happening? MUST I go to the shop? (I'm a student and cannot afford 500EUR repairs at the moment, other than the fact I cannot live without my laptop for 6-8 weeks as I have all my coursework to do, etc.)

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Resuming From Standby / Sleep?

Nov 15, 2009

when the computer goes to sleep, I can't seem to wake it back up when I come back to use it. The screen is blank, my 24" ACD is blank although the backlight is on, everything seems to be on but nothing is on the screen.

The only I get it back working is by holding the power button down and having it to force shut down and then start it back up.

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Stays On Standby?

Jun 20, 2010

Im really sorry if this is a silly question. I was playing football manager, then had to dash off somewhere for 15 mins, by the time i got back the screen was black, i just assumed it was on standby, i pressed space bar to carry on playing and NOTHING happened.. i pressed the on|off button and nothing happened.. i pressed and held the button to switch it off.. nothing happened..

It is still running now, but nothing is activating it, i pressed the caps lock button to see if the keyboard was operating and it didnt light up as normal.Im just letting the battery drain on it to see if it does anything on the reboot.. i dont know what else to do.. please advise!!!I only purchased it on Fri.. so its 2 days old i really hope it isnt broken already, there must be a simple answer for this? I look forward to reading any advice,

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MacBook Air :: Finding About Standby / Sleep / Instant On

Nov 10, 2010

Just wondering but, does the MBA actually stay turned on during this?

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MacBook :: How To Turn The Light Off While In Standby Mode

Apr 19, 2008

how to turn the light off while the macbook is in standby mode?

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MacBook :: Electricity Usage On Standby Is High

Jul 8, 2009

I bought one of these: [URL] and decided to do an experiment, now on standby (Laptop cover closed) it consumes 1.432 per night (8 hours). Laptop on standby, Cover Open but Display in Sleep mode for 8 hours costs 4.731 per day. So that means per month on standby at night, my Macbook costs 44.392. This can't be right? Because if it is, I might have to turn it off at night from now on.

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MacBook Pro :: Awake From Standby Screen Brightness Low?

Apr 1, 2010

I downloaded the latest software update for Leopard. I've noticed that when I wake my MBP from sleep, the brightness of the screen is very low. I have to click on "F2" to increase the brightness of my screen.

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MacBook Pro :: Grey Screen At Start Up Or Resuming From Standby

Feb 17, 2012

New Macbook pro sometimes displays a grey screen on switch on or resurning from standby, which I erase using the trackpad in order to get to the login screen. The same thing happened to the first laptop which I only purchased last November 2011.Last machine eventually slowed right down. Apple genius people say they have never heard of this or seen it.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), this is my second laptop in 3 mths

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MacBook Air :: FaceTime HD Camera Disconnects After Wake From Standby?

Apr 27, 2012

I have a MacBook Air 2011?Sometime, after a long standby, it wakes up with the built-in web camera disconnected.Facetime, Photo Booth, and Skype does not detect the camera, whilst for some reason, Google Chat inside Chrome actually sees it and is able to use it. Looking at the "About This Mac" I can see that the web camera is detected. However I am hoping that I don't have to keep rebooting it just to do a video call on skype.

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MacBook Pro :: Turned Off After Few Hours Of Standby Mode Running OS X Lion

May 20, 2012

If I set my macbook pro ( Lion ) into stand by, after a few hours it's completely off. I have to push the power button to start it new. I have this problem since I've installed OSX Lion.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), I7 , 4 GB ram , 500 GB HDD

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IMac :: Crashing While In Standby?

Oct 19, 2009

Randomly, when in stanby, when I click mouse to wake my iMac (2.66 Ghz 20" '09 model), the screen remains black and nothing happens.

I have to turn it off with the power button and then on again.

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Software :: How To Change The Standby Screen

Jun 5, 2009

how to be able to change the screen that when I come out of standby and waiting to enter a password from plain black to a graphic.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Cpu Usage After Standby Very High?

Apr 21, 2012

After standby mode my iMac 2011 with 10.7.3 seems to run corrupt with the kernel and activitymonitord tasks. CPU usage on one core runs to 100% only by scrolling fast in a window (finder, firefox, activity window). It happend without any system adjustment nor on any update or new software. Had the same issue months ago. Helped to went back to 10.7.2 and upraded again to 7.3 via combo update. System is after standby not usable, have to start system new as work around. Found same issue with other users on the web, but no solution.  

iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: External Screen Won't Wake Up After Standby

Mar 22, 2012

Just bought a new 15" Macbook a few days but I have a serious problem. Every time I conntect it to my HP x2301 (also brand new) with a minidisplay > DVI cable and the Macbook goes to sleep the monitor won't take up after I wake up the Macbook.

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Hardware :: Cinema Display Standby Light Stopped Glowing?

Jan 14, 2009

Just a quick question, been searching for an answer the last few days, but been unlucky...I'm just curious, why has my Cinema Display standby light stopped glowing (from dim to bright then back again)? I'm sure it use to do this when i first got it - the display itself is only 6months old

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: 10.7.3 Doesn't Wake From Standby When External Monitor Attached

Feb 10, 2012

my problem is since the update to 10.7.3, Lion isn't waking up from standby when I have left my external Monitor attached to my MacBook Pro. It will flash the keyboard backlight, but both displays remain black. And when i disconnect the external one, nothing happens. Only possibility to come out of this state: Hold power button for some seconds until it shutds down "hard". 

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: WiFi Never Connect Automatically After Standby Mode On IMac

May 6, 2012

Every time my mac goes into standby the wifi connection needs to be manually joined, so trying to connect remotely is impossible without joining a wifi network manually.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Software :: System Goes To Standby And Wakes Up Automatically / Time Machine Error

Mar 20, 2009

Purchased machine in Dec. 07. All well till Nov. 08. Since then have noticed that it will go into standby then wake up. This happens regularly, sometimes after 1 hour, or 2 hours or a few minutes. Have tried to put it in 'sleep' mode but wakes up just the same. All day and all night. So tried "shut down' and it does it as well. Like a ghost is working it.

Have been in constant touch with APPLE CARE, and they made me get another user (test) and it did not seem to wake up in that user. Went back to my user and problem started again. Spoke with 2 product specialists and one said that it cannot be EYETV, as he had it on his Mac and it was fine. Second specialist said it is EYETV and I should contact Elgato. I did this and was sent a link to 'repair'. Followed the instructions and that did not help. 4 days later, my computer suddenly remained in stand by all day.

I was surprised and relieved. Than it started all over again. I am at my wits end. I can only make it stay shut down if I go to 'shut down' and wait for the screen to go black then turn it off at the power point. I am sure that I should not be doing this, but what else can I do? I will contact APPLE CARE again, but will wait for your reply first. Also, I get a little message saying...Time Machine Error. Unable to complete backup. An error occured while copying files to backup volume.

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OS X Technologies :: Lion 10.7.3 Doesn't Wake From Standby When External Monitor Attached

Feb 10, 2012

my problem is since the update to 10.7.3, Lion isn't waking up from standby when I have left my external Monitor attached to my MacBook Pro. It will flash the keyboard backlight, but both displays remain black. And when i disconnect the external one, nothing happens. Only possibility to come out of this state: Hold power button for some seconds until it shutds down "hard". 

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MacBook :: Battery Icon Sometimes Shows No Battery Or If It Shows Battery Is Recognized, It Isn't Charged

Jan 4, 2010

I have just completed rescuing a water damaged MB C2D which was originally a 2.16 and is now a 1.83. Fun project for a cold Sunday afternoon. 5 hrs I have one issue with the MB and that is the charging of the battery. The battery icon sometimes shows 'no battery' or if it shows a battery is recognized, it isn't charging. The LED on the mag-safe charger is always green. The battery is from the water damaged 2.16 and my thinking is that it may have suffered damage from being exposed to water. Original owner left the MB in the backyard and it started to rain!

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MacBook :: Unable To Use System With Battery / Computer Shuts Down Hwen Start From Battery

Apr 18, 2008

My battery needed replacing for a couple of months before i dropped it from about knee level onto a sidewalk. After the drop I got the not charging icon. I thought maybe the battery had just finally died. so I did not panic about the no charge. The laptop works fine when plugged in to power with the old battery on or no battery at all. Not at all when unplugged.

When I put the brand new battery on the lap top, the computer shuts down halfway through boot up. I tried holding the power button down through boot up reset, as well as removing all power (plug and battery) and holding down the power button for 10 seconds reset.

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MacBook Pro :: Unable To Charge Battery / Charging Stucks At 99 Percent With Service Battery

Aug 20, 2010

I calibrated my battery for the first time since Dec. When I plugged it in this morning, it took 3 hours to charge all the way, and now it's stuck on 99% full, 0:00 till completely charged, and I'm getting an error when I click on the battery in the menu bar that says "Service Battery". When I click on the error, it tells me that it may not be functioning properly and to take it to an authorized apple service retailer. Before I waste 2 hours by going to the Apple store and back, has anyone else had this problem, and is there a way to fix it without having it looked at?

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MacBook Air :: Battery Drains Extremely Fast In Sleep Mode / Battery Down To 16% From 29%

Jan 6, 2009

I get the whole part about that I set my laptop to go to sleep in 5 minutes, and if I close the lid it'll go to sleep, and the little light at the bottom starts to pulse, etc. But in sleep mode, my battery seems to drain extremely fast!

For my old Gateway M275 laptop while in sleep mode, it would probably lose about 5-7% of it's battery in a day's duration. With my MacBook Air, I just came back to it tonight after a day's worth of sleeping, and my battery was down to 16% from 29%. And to check, it was indeed sleeping!

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