MacBook Pro :: Attaching Firewire800 Drive Speeds Up SSD?

Sep 4, 2010

I have this odd problem on my i5 MBP. When I have no external drives attached AJA System test reports my SSD speed at about 227mb/s read and write. When I plug in a USB external drive the SSD reports the same speed. When I plug in a FW800 drive the speeds jumo to 234 - 245mb/s. When I unplug the FW800 drive they go back down.

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Hardware :: Attaching USB Hard Drive Onto Time Capsule?

Feb 4, 2009

I purchased a new hard drive from WD. It's "My Book Essential Edition", with 640GB of storage.

Anyway, I plugged the hard drive onto the Time Capsule's USB slot, and having an issue. The issue is that when I click on Time Capsule from Finder, I see the new hard attached USB hard drive. But when I click on it, it creates an error. The situation seems to crash my Time Capsule as well, since it doesn't respond, can't get on internet, and also doesn't appear on Airport Utility.

I must have unplugged and plugged back in Time Capsule about ten times trying this out, but I'm afraid that this might cause problems. So before I do anymore damages, what do you think is the problem based on my issues?

If I had to narrow it down,

1) maybe something about the format. (Mac OS Extended or MS-DOS (FAT)). I plan to use Time Capsule and share files on both TC and the attached USB Hard drive with Mac and PC.I mean it worked right out of the box. I didn't have to format it or anything, as it just kinda worked, when I plugged it in.

2) Something about the USB cable. When I first opened the box, I was quite surprised to see that the USB cable that came with the drive was one of those mini USB cables.

3) wrong with the drive all together. Maybe a defect or incompatibility with the drive and TC. It does say on the box "Mac OS X 10.3+" on the box.

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Activated TM By Attaching A WD External Hard Drive

Jun 15, 2012

I have new folders related to the ex.hard drive that call for further steps (i.e. tabs that ask to Back Up Files or Set Up Drive).

Does this mean there are 2 different kinds of backups? One to TM and one to the external hard drive?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Attaching An External Hard Drive Kills The Internet Connection?

Feb 22, 2012

All of a sudden when I attach my external hard drive my Internet does not connect over Airport Wifi.  The issue is not isolated and as soon as i dissconcnect the extnal the netrnet connects again.  Everything was fine before but now that is not the case.  I have tried starting from scratch with the hard drive and this does nothing. I am running Lion 10.7.3 on a New MacBook Pro ?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Mac Pro :: Optimizing Hard Drive Speeds?

Aug 3, 2009

I have two internals (300gb,1tb) and several externals.

I want to optimize my file placement for speed and working. I mostly run logic studio.

How should I do this?

Right now all the programs and project files are on the 300gb drive.I'm willing to buy an additional drive.

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OS X :: Drive Make Noise And Low USB Transfer Speeds

Jan 22, 2010

I have some questions to ask about my MacBook Pro (15" 2.66ghz mid09). It's running under 10.6.2 fully updated.

1) My optical drive sometimes keeps making this noise every 10sec even without a disc in it, is it normal?

2) My hard drive sometimes makes this noise even when there is no disk activity (I checked with Activity, again is this normal? I remember hearing the same noise on my old PC when there was some heavy disk activity; but on my Mac it does it for no reason.

3) Can you recommend me a fan control software for Windows 7? Having to boot on OS X, set the fans at 5000rpm and reboot every time I want to do some gaming is pretty tiring

4) I was making a little video with iMovie today, I only added a photo and a mp3 file but suddenly my computer started getting slow, that's when I noticed it was actually taking 2.20Gb of memory.

5) Can you recommend me something that would give me the same mouse acceleration curve as in Windows? I tried SteerMouse, USB Overdrive, MouseFix and ControllerMate but none of them gave me a satisfying result. It makes me feel that my new Kone mouse is totally useless.

6) I have low transfer speeds to/from USB drives, around 5Mbytes/sec while my friend with his 2006 HP laptop could achieve around 20Mbytes/sec with the same USB drive. No, it's not funny.

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Mac Pro :: Testing Hard Drive Read / Write Speeds

Oct 13, 2010

What is the standard tool to test your hard drives read/write speeds? I'd like to test my new SSD to see how fast it really is. I've heard you cant trust XBench for that which is the only thing I have to use.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: "Boot OS X" Drive After Attaching MBP To Thunderbolt Display?

Jun 2, 2012

Everytime I attach my running MBP (Lion, all Upgrades, etc.) to my Thunderbolt Display there is a drive called "Boot OS X" on my sceen. It looks like any other USB-Drive and is about 134,2 MB big. It appears to be empty, but I guess the files are just invisible. If I eject the drive there pops up this box, telling me that Boot OSX is just one of two partitions on the drive, and asks me wether to eject just the Boot Drive or both. I always hit the "Just Boot OSX"-button. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7)

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OS X :: Attaching A Monitor To A Macbook?

Feb 9, 2009

I have a Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 2070 monitor that I am trying to attach to a Macbook. The Macbook is aware of the monitor, I have tried mirror and non mirror display options, but the monitor remains blacked out with just a flashing yellow light. I have tried to match the resolution etc. but to no avail.

Can anyone cast any light on this dark monitor?

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MacBook :: Attachments Not Attaching To Emails?

Mar 20, 2012

When I attach photos and some docs to an email they embed into the email rather than attach.  I know that I can change to 'show as icon' and this does change but when the email is received by recipient the attachment is again embeded into the email and not an icon.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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MacBook Pro :: Attaching File - Icons Extremely Big?

Oct 11, 2010

Not sure if I am imagining this or I messed up something but when I go to a site to attach a file, whether it be tiny pic or gmail, when I do the icon view, the icons are extremely big. Not sure if there was a choice of shrinking them so I am wondering if anyone could check their comp for me. The option I am talking about is like when you open the finder, in the bottom right corner you have that slider that lets you adjust the size of the icons.

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MacBook Air :: Mavericks 10.9.5 - Attaching Files To Email

Dec 8, 2014

How do I attach pictures to an email in Yahoo as a file and not as a picture. I just want the file to be attached, but when I click on the paper clip icon and select the picture I want, it places the picture in the body of the email. I use Macbook Air and Mavericks OSx 10.9.5

MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), I use Mavericks 10.9.5

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MacBook Pro :: Attaching Photo To Outlook. Crashes It And Sends MS Error Log?

May 7, 2012

having issues with attaching a photo to outlook.  Crashes each time.


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OS X :: Mail Not Attaching Documents... Sometimes

Sep 20, 2008

I'm running 10.5.4. Mac Mail won't allow me to attach a document to a message. Whether I drag-and-drop the document or open the menu and select a document, the file doesn't "stick." There's no error message or anything... it simply doesn't take.

The weird thing is that I only have this problem when I compose a new message. I can attach things just fine as long as I am replying to an email.

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MacBook :: Fan Speeds Not Detected?

Feb 4, 2010

Using both smcFanControl and istat, I cannot get a reading on my fan speeds. I can hear my exhaust fan spinning, but these programs tell me it is always at 000 rpm. Also, I don't think the fan control is working, as I don't hear an increase in fan speed when I make adjustments.

Does anyone know how I can get these apps to recognize my exhaust fan?

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PowerPC :: Wedging Something Into The LB And Attaching It With Tape?

Aug 1, 2007

I have an iBook G3 with a busted logic board. I sent it away for someone to weld something, and that fixed it for a few months. I do not want to pay $75 dollars to get it welded again, because I feel like at this point I could try it myself.Does anyone know of any tutorials, or like some step by step instructions, on how to open this baby up, and where to weld? Thanks.Edit: I heard there is an easier way to do this, wedging something into the LB and attaching it with tape or something. This would be preferable.

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Intel Mac :: Attaching To A Panasonic Viera TV

Mar 27, 2012

I am having an incredibly frustrating time trying to connect my iMac to a Panasonic Viera TV.   

Using a mini DVI to DVI adapter attached to a DVI to HDMI cable (I am not concerned about sound right now) I am getting nothing but a blank screen on the TV.  The cable is plugged into the HDMI1 porrt on the TV (but I have tried both).  The iMac is recognising the TV but despite playing around with the settings on the preferences I am still unable to mirror the iMac display on the TV.  All cables are brand new. 

I have tried rebooting the iMac whilst in the HDMI setting on the TV but without success. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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MacBook :: Constant Difference In Fan Speeds?

Aug 28, 2010

I find 90% of the time I watch a YouTube video (standard def, normal sized) my MacBook gets hot and the fans spin up. Most of the time they'll go to ~4200rpm. Yet the other 10% of videos, I stay at 1800rpm and 50C. How is this possible? Both times I've just had Firefox open.

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MacBook Pro :: USB Transfer Speeds Slowed Down?

Jun 12, 2010

My girlfriend just got a new MacBook Pro and I've been helping her transfer software and such to her computer from my MacBook Pro. When I was transferring games to a USB 2.0 flash drive (it was only 25% full and it is 2GB), it was freezing up when transferring multiple things. So, I stopped everything, and transferred everything one at a time. Well, it took between 5-10 minutes to transfer a 50MB game! When I plugged the drive into her computer it took all but 30 seconds to transfer. Is this difference accounted for by the .14 GHz processor bump from my 2.26 to her 2.4? Or should I be concerned about this slow speed? My computer is little over a year old now and I've already had the logic board replaced.

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Software :: Attaching Notes To Mail Messages

Apr 16, 2010

Is there a way to attach a Note or To-Do to a mail message (OS 10.6.3 Mail Version 4.2 (1078)) ?

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Mac Pro :: Attaching Second Display - Two On One Card Or Two Separate Cards?

Aug 31, 2008

I'm currently running a current gen MP with an 8800 inside, as well as the original ATI card.

I'm wondering if when I connect my second monitor, I should connect it to the 8800 with the 24" Eizo, or plug it into the ATI seperately?

I'm doing photo work, and if I'm correct, LR2 can utilize the card's VRAM.

Seems to me, because of this I would be better off on two seperate cards, to allocate more VRAM to each monitor.

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PowerPC :: Attaching New Hinge To Case Without Damaging Anything?

Jan 1, 2009

Hi, I just acquired a PowerMac G4 500mhz that works great. However, the hinge is broken. It is on the right side (if you are sitting at the laptop). The screen casing is broken where the hinge is. There is nothing wrong with the screen, just the aluminum cases that covers it on the edges. I was able to remove the broken hinge from the computer. My problem is attaching a new hinge to the case without damaging anything.

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OS X Yosemite :: Finder Window Too Big When Attaching To GMail

Dec 2, 2014

Composing an e-mail on G-mail and I want to attach a file, the window opens in such a large size that I cannot see or can I click on the "Cancel" button or the "Open" button to attach it to the e-mail. How do I reduce the size of the Finder window

iWeb '08, Mac OS X (10.7.4), iWeb '09

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MacBook Air :: Why Wifi Download Speeds So Slow

Nov 1, 2010

I'm beginning to wonder if Apple put a lousy Airport card in the new MBA. No matter what the wifi hotspot, I get downloads of 2MB. I just bought a new Airport Extreme at home and I really thought the MBA would be faster.

Am I missing something here? Do I have to "match up" the MBA with my Extreme to use the fast "N" connection? Or is there some network setting to tweak on the new MBA?

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MacBook Air :: Wifi Transfer Speeds Seem Much Slower Than My Mac Pro?

Nov 20, 2010

I have a new MBA (4GB), which I am very pleased with but I can't figure out why its wifi transfer speeds seem much slower than my Mac Pro. The MBA gets a max of about 250 kb/s while the Mac Pro gets over 1000. I'm wondering whether there's some adjustment that would speed up the MBA.

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MacBook Air :: Processor Speeds Specifically Using Finale And GPO?

Jan 10, 2011

I am looking to buy my first mac in the coming months. I have found that the Air is quite appealing, with perhaps one flaw. The most extreme program I will be running will be Finale 2011. It comes with a sampling of Garritan Personal Orchestra. GPO's site lists the minimum requirement for the processor to be 1.8 GHz. Does this mean that the app will always need the full 1.8 in order to run well? I assume that it wouldn't. If anyone has any personal experience with this app, it would be great to know how it typically runs. The 13 inch Air comes with 1.86 Ghz. So, if I have email, internet, and basic things like that running in the background, will that Macbook Air run successfully?

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MacBook Pro :: Alternative To IStat (see CPU Speeds And Temperatures)?

Apr 29, 2010

So apparently every time I restart, iStat pops up annoyingly and tells me its now a paid program, and I don't want to pay for it. Are there any alternatives to see my CPU speeds and temperatures, also my memory usage in the top bar? I want something that I can always see.

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MacBook Pro :: Awful WiFi Speeds - Getting 500k Per Second

Jun 7, 2010

So I've got a new 15 inch i7 MBP. SSD, 8 Gigs of ram.. it's awesome. The machine itself is insane. Crazy crazy fast. However, it's not nearly as fast in terms of WiFi speeds as my previous Macbook Pro. Using Unison to download usenet files, I was getting about 5 megs/second (I'm in Holland, our internet is crazy fast). With the new one, I'm getting about 500k/sec. I suppose it could be a coincidence and something could be wrong with the network, but it's been this way for days. Anyone have any idea what might be slowing things down? Could something be wrong, or would it just not work at all if that were the case? Hoping I don't have to send it in for service...

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MacBook Pro :: How To Start Boosting Edit Speeds

Jul 1, 2014

I'm just curious how to start boosting my edit speeds.  Is it possible to by a mac pro and connect it via thunderbolt to create a sort of networked video editing system?   

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Applications :: Attaching Photo Files In Apple Mail

May 13, 2009

When I attempt to attach a file of a photo into Apple Mail I get the image instead of a file. I googled this and the suggestion about right-clicking in photo browser did not work.

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