MacBook :: Wireless Ridiculously Slow With Full Signal Strength
Mar 15, 2009
I am on a macbook. My wireless was pretty decent during winter break but when I come back for spring break, it is ridiculously slow. The signal strength is completely full, but its almost dial up slow. my wireless on my iphone is blazing.
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Aug 18, 2010
Does anyone know how accurate the 2010 macbook pro wifi signal strength monitor is? There are times I have full bars but my internet is really slow, or stops working all together for a few minutes. I THINK, because I'm on a different floor than the router, which would explain reduced signal. BUT my computer says I have full bars.
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Sep 11, 2007
I've recently converted to mac and replaced my 8 month old Vaio AR11s with a new white macbook(2.16ghz). Recently I am having all sorts of problems with the wireless. I've been reading this forum for a week of so now and realize that I am not alone with my WiFi woes. My problem is the fact that my wireless intermittently drops and although the signal strength is still showing full I have no internet connection until i turn off and on the airport card.. this happens on both psu and battery!
I have tried installing the 2007-004 update, deleting the airport.plist file and the 2007-002 update and it appears to fix the fault for a while but then it comes back. I' ve also messed with enable/disabling frame bursting,different channels on my netgear wnr834n router but my other mac(using ethernet, bought a 24" imac tuesday!) and wifes vista laptop (wifi 802.11g) are fine so I have ruled out the router.
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Oct 4, 2005
I am using a wireless network on my 17" PB and the signal strength is low and am downloading music, how can I increase the signal strength (lets say i cannot move).
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Apr 20, 2009
Is there a program where I can see the signal strength on my mac? I just want to know if it can be done without a third party program.
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Nov 18, 2009
I just encountered this issue about 2 days ago on my 2009 2.66 GHz MacBook Pro 15. When I am connected to a wireless network my internet goes REALLY slow (30 Mbps wired vs 2 Mbps wi-fi), I cant even watch a youtube video anymore without waiting 5 minutes. My wi-fi signal is full and I am maybe about 15 ft away from my router. I have tried reinstalling OSX and restoring my router but nothing has helped. I also have a Macbook Air running on the same network and connected to the same Wi-Fi and my speed is normal (around 30 Mbps) so I know its not an issue with my router. All my computers are running the latest snow leopard and needless to say, I have zero programs or anything else running on the macbook pro because its on a fresh install of OSX. And just to be clear all these issues occur only when I am in Wi-Fi on the 15 inch, wired works normal on the 15 inch.
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Sep 22, 2010
I have had my 15" i7 MBP for around a week now, and a handful of times (3 times last night) it just decided it doesnt want to connect to the internet.The WiFi Signal still says its connected full, and other laptops don't have an issue (not even my old 13" MacBook).I have tried changing the DNS to OpenDns and to Google's DNS but with no luck. The problem is intermittent, and it will be fine for a day, then it will just decide it doesn't want to work.
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Jul 22, 2008
I'm looking for a "Signal Strength" app and it's for the Wireless network of course!
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Jan 15, 2009
I just upgraded from 10.4 to 10.5 and my Airport meter is now reading 2 bars instead of 5. Same router, same position, different OSX only.
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Sep 4, 2014
Teaching in Netherlands. When connected to wireless, signal bars are full but Macbook does not display any page just a blank page. Itunes and App store both work fine.
My windows notebook and Android phone both connect to wireless.No proxy options are ticked.Ran the Assistant Diagnostics: Selected Wireless, Network settings, ISP, Internet, Server went green/red then back to green with messafe saying Network Change detectedRestarted routerRemoved wifi network and reconnectedRan wireless diagnostics, nothing shows up Renewed DHCP LeaseChecked the Ipv4 and Router address - both begin 192.168.178.xThere are two DNS Server numbers - checked both and they are related to the ISP
Dont have ethernet cable to check wired connection
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Oct 22, 2009
Anyway to see signal strength for my 3g USB modem connection?
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Nov 5, 2009
I am having random slowdowns on my connection speed using Airport (nothing to do with the notorious performance issues which I also suffer).
My appleTV and my HP 2140 get 90% (it's right by the router) and 80% (floating around the same floor of the house) signal strength respectively, download speed and throughput seems very stable on both, however on the iMac (that's about 10 feet away from the router) the signal strength is 28% ! this is incredibly low and even though it does not always hurt download speed it does hurt the total throughput when sharing files over the network. Also the SNR (signal to noise ratio) is incredibly low, below 30 all the time.
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Dec 8, 2009
Is there any tool or utility for OSX to measure the signal strength of a bluetooth connection?
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Sep 12, 2010
I have a I mac and an airport. I've been having problems lately(one month) every time I try to connect to the net. it says there is no connection. if I refresh, it works. the reception icon was showing full (4 bars). 3 days ago, no reception, o bars, today, I got it back. i am about 50 feet away, around a corner outer house wall. nothing has changed in terms of new or moved electronic equipment. I even turned off my 5.0 ghz phone.
any thought on how to fix this?
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Jul 30, 2009
So this is my network set up:
A) Cable Modem connected to ethernet cord to new Airport Extreme Base Station.
B) Three Airport Expresses located around my house set on extending the network.
The airport extreme station is in the master bedroom and the room I am in is approx. 15-25ft away (thru a wall of course). I ran iStumbler and am getting ~42% signal and 23% noise from the main airport extreme. I am getting about 49% from one airport express with ~15% noise, ~42%/17%, and ~45%/15% from the last. Sometimes they can drop as low as 35% signal... This is not prime. Now, I do get better signal during the day, so other networks could be interfering.
I have checked local networks and their respective channels, and moved mine to an all time random number of 3. The other networks are mainly on channels 6, 8, and 11. Before I moved my network to 3, it was on channel 11. I get the same signal/noise before and after the channel move. Finally, to finish off the description... This current computer is located on the third floor. The main airport extreme is located on the third floor as well, with a relay airport express right outside the door of the master bedroom. It relays to the other 2 airport expresses. (it is also a regular airport express). Currently, all Airports are set at a Multicast rate of 2mbps.
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Mar 20, 2010
With my MacBook Pro sitting on the desk right next to my Airport Extreme Base Station, I get, according to iStumbler, a varying signal strength between 50 and 75%. I see the same with my wife's MacBook. I also have an Airport Express in another room set to "Extend a network" and I see about the same there. Shouldn't the signal strength be higher?
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Jul 6, 2009
I have a MacBook, with OSX 10.4.11. It uses an AirPort Extreme (0x168C, 0x86) and it connects to a Linksys router which is attached to my cable modem in the basement. Approx. 4 days ago I started noticing that the signal strength would vary, and then drop off all together. I have reconfigured my router, downloaded the new firmware for it, and been online chatting with Linksys techs all day. We have had no problems for months with this router, or with signal strength. My wife brought her MacBookPro home this evening to see if her machine would connect to our wireless network. Fired it up and no problem. Her machine, using the same airport card in it, had no problem with signal strength.
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Dec 20, 2009
I've had this used laptop since last August, and up until last month the internet was super awesome and fast and lovely. Then, I'm alnost positive, the last update was like some big Adobe THING, and it seemed like soon after that my Airport connection was very low (like 1 or 2 out of 4 bars are full) in comparison to before, and my internet refused to load anything.
After googling around, I have:
-Updated the firmware on my wireless router (Linksys wrt54gs)
-Gone into my network settings and changed my dns servers to the ones, and also to the and ones.
-completely restarted my router
-changed the password on my router just in case someone was stealing my wireless connection?
None of these things have made any change. I have to click the reload button about 50 times, (no joke) in order for a page to at least halfway load and it's just ridiculous. Anyway, I'm not sure what is wrong or if I need a new router, but my desktop PC works fine (internet-wise) and my brother has a Gateway laptop that is running Windows XP that he also says suddenly got slow internet performance right around the time mine did. I'm running OSX tiger 10.4.2 (heh, i'm pretty sure)
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Jun 13, 2010
grey Apple screen on my Mac Pro. If I unplug my external hard drive (MyBook 1TB, formatted HSF, USB) it takes 15 seconds. From the Apple logo it takes another 20-30 seconds to fully load OS X. I really don't want to unplug my external drive every time I restart.
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Sep 5, 2014
I have the 13" Macbook Pro mid 2012 model and for some reason the wifi status bar would show full strength however when I open up Chrome or Safari the webpages won't load at all. I'll get a message saying something like "can't connect to Internet." I first thought it was my modem but all the lights are lit up and it shows I do have an Internet connection. I get the same problem with my ipod touch 4g as well. Only on the ipod's side it will try and connect but fails to do so at all. So I have two devices that fail to connect despite an existing Internet connection.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3)
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May 24, 2012
I recently had to upgrade my OS to 10.6 (then to 10.6.8 via update). After the upgrade fro 10.5 though my computer had been running slow, especially safari. I haven't do anything different besides running the update. The only new program(s) I have is Diablo 3 which I know tkes up a lot of processing power, but that wouldn't explain the overall, extreme drop in speed when I'm not playing it.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 7, 2012
Mac won't connect to internet even though wifi is connected. Message "network configuration has changed". I click on assist and the end result is that the wifi disconnects and I get the same message. Other devices connect to the wifi like my itouch and husbands laptop that runs windows. What do I need to do to get this to run? Previous times when this happened I was able to go through the diagnostic steps to reconnect and wifi would connect to internet not anymore.
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Apr 11, 2009
I'm getting some crazy wireless stuff at my house. It will work perfectly with Excellent strength, then all of the sudden I will get kicked off for about 10 minutes. Then it will work fine for the rest of the day. I figure it's someone's microwave or cellphone or whatever causing interference. Is there an app that I can run to find out if there is a pattern when the wireless dies?
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Sep 3, 2010
My Macbook Pro won't hold a wireless signal. I don't have another wireless signal to test, but have tested other devises which connect fine.
'07 model MBP core duo running OS4.11 + original Airport (hey it still works). The MBP will only stay connected now if my base station within 10' or so. It might connect 30' away, but looses the signal after loading a few pages online. It seems like its getting worse -- maybe not, but seems like it is. I can connect just find with my other MBP, iPod (streaming audio across the house, etc) and PS3.
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Jul 24, 2009
So, recently I just moved into another house and, unfortunately, where I'm at, I'm not able to get internet service through my old provider (Verizon) and they were kind of my only option at this point. However, during this time, my laptop has been able to connect to a free, available, public wireless network near where I'm at. When I'm in a certain area of my house, it works great, but when I'm on the other side, in my office, I get next to nothing. Given that I need to do a lot of work out of my office, is there any sort of thing I can buy that will extend the signal to that part of house?
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Mar 24, 2010
Can i upgrade my mid 2006 Blackbook A1181/MA 472 from G to N which seems to pick up at distance much better?
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Feb 8, 2009
I'm having trouble with my macbook. It's dropping the wireless signal right and left...sorta. Airport isn't disconnecting, it just stops recognizing the signal until I cycle the airport card off and on.
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Jun 29, 2009
today my 3-year old MacBook's (core duo white) wireless suddenly dropped to a very weak level. I can't seem to get any signal unless I'm sitting right next to my router, like I am now. I know it's not my router because another laptop, my iPod Touch and my DS all can connect to the router as usual. I've been using said MacBook in the same room consistently for the three years since I've owned it, and never had any problems connecting before.
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Dec 25, 2009
on my new second hand ibook the wireless is really poor, 50% of the time it cant even find it, im using a bt homehub which on the pc it can run at about 6mb/s but the mac runs below 1 although last night it strangly went up to 5 for a miniute or two, i have tried making sure the airport card is in properly and the connector i assume is the ariel?? seems to not plug in very well? a little loose ? do i need a new aiport card?
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May 27, 2009
I have the white macbook and I got it a little less than a year ago. For the past week, sometimes when I go on the internet (firefox or safari) it just won't load. Like the blue bar that shows you how much has loaded isn't even visible and it will just say "connecting". But when I look at my airport icon that shows me how many bars of internet I have all the bars are full so I have internet connection. It is not just one type of internet browser because it does it on both safari and firefox. And it is getting really annoying because I will be browsing the internet and it just won't load or connect at all. Even if I wait.
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