MacBook Pro :: Wired Internet Connection Periodically Hangs

Jul 13, 2009

I purchased my new mbp a little less than a week ago, and Ive noticed a slight problem. Normally my internet is blazing fast, but every once in a while (every 3-5 hours) my internet will just stop for about a minute. Pages will stop loading, my chat stops responding, etc. I have a PC right next to me and the internet continues to work fine with that so I know my internet is fine. This problem is with a WIRED connection, I dont really use airport yet.

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Software :: Internet Connection Hangs Disconnecting Using Mobile Connection (GPRS, EDGE, UMTS)

Aug 21, 2006

I'm on holiday using my mobile phone (Nokia N80) to connect to the Internet over GPRS / EDGE / UMTS. Everything works like a charm, but often the Internet Connect applet drops the connection and just hangs disconnecting.

I'm running OS X 10.4.7 on a 17" Macbook pro, but I have the same result on a iBook G4, same OS X version, and even trying with a different mobile phone (Nokia 6600) and different network service provider.

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OS X :: Possible To Share A Wired Internet Connection From One Mac To Another Computer Through Wireless?

Jul 18, 2009

I know that it's possible to share a wired internet connection from one mac to another computer through wireless, but I was was wondering if it's possible to do the reverse: share a mac's wireless internet connection through the ethernet port.Ideally, the setup I want is to have my iMac connected to wifi and have my xbox 360 connected to the iMac with an ethernet cable.

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OS X :: Slow Internet On Wired Connection - Fast Wireless On Same Network

Jul 15, 2009

My Internet has just been upgraded from 2MB/s to 10MB/s. To confirm the upgrade I have used [URL:...] to test my upload/download speeds with Firefox and Safari. I have 2 computers on my network which consists of a cable modem connected to a white airport base station with 128 bit WEP encryption in 802.11 b/g compatible mode. The 2 computers are a dual 2.8 ghz MacPro which is wired directly into the Airport base station by Ethernet and an iMac 1.83 Intel core 2 duo. The much faster MacPro only achieves a download speed of 5.5MB/s over its wired connection while the slower iMac achieves 9.8MB/s - very close to the advertised speed over its wireless connection. These are consistent speeds not one offs so I am wondering why the difference? The MacPro is my main machine so I'd like to have the best speed possible on that. What can I try?

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MacBook Pro :: Periodically Hangs On Bootup

Nov 28, 2010

Every once in a while, my mid-2010 15" i5 MBP sits at the greyish Apple logo screen, after the "bong," with the wheel spinning forever. If I shut down and reboot, I'm at a log-on screen in about 15 seconds (which is my typical boot time, as I have an SSD). This is my first Mac after a long time on PCs, so I've got no idea where to start. All the posts I've found by searching pertain to earlier model machines using HDDs where the user can't get a boot at all; I'm only seeing this weirdness periodically.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: 10.7.4 Causing Hangs And Loss Of Internet Connection?

May 21, 2012

Since the update I have had applications hanging and crashing. Mostly Mail, iTunes, and Safari.  What is more annoying however is when the computer is inactive for an hour or so, I lose internet connectivity and have to shut down and reboot in order to get it back. I am on a wired connection and sharing another wired connection through the second ethernet port.It seems like 10.7.4 really messed with my machine...

Mac Pro (Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Intel Mac :: Its Running 10.6 Hangs Up Periodically?

May 17, 2012

The response to the mouse takes a couple seconds, itunes stops for a couple seconds then proceeds, usually where it left off. This does not happen regularly. Some days never. Sometimes several times an hour. I ran the hardware test on the OS disk. nothing.

Numbers 09, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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Intel Mac :: OS X Lion Hangs Periodically?

Jun 1, 2012

My iMac hangs periodically every time I use it.  It doesn't seem to show a discernable pattern with regard to activities I'd be performing when it hangs.  I could be browsing or checking/composing emails; or perhaps organizing files, iTunes, movies, etc. 

iMac would hang for a few seconds and it's not just the active app that hangs.  Everything is affected -- background apps, dock, menu bar, etc.  This would happen a few times each day.  I have 8GB of RAM installed and would usually maintain about 3.5 - 5.5 free RAM. I even stopped using Safari cuz it hogs too much RAM.   

P.S.  Mac hanged as I was about to click on the radio button for "Product - iMac" below.  Mac also hanged earlier which prompted me to send out this call for help....

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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Hardware :: Switch Time Capsule To Wired Connection / Using Wifi Connection On Smartphone?

Feb 10, 2009

I have a Time Capsule wirelessly connected to my iMac. Since I've encountered some problems with backups because of intermittent wifi connection failures, I want to switch to a wired connection with an ethernet cable. I know I could fiddle with the wifi channels etc. but since the TC is just sitting next to my iMac anyway, I could profit from the higher bandwidth of a wired connection as well.Two questions:

1. What exactly do I have to do to make the switch? Are there any new settings I have to apply? Create a new network?

2. Will I still be able to use the wifi connection to get on the internet using my smartphone?

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IMac :: Periodically Losing Network Connection?

Dec 21, 2009

Any else having a problem with periodically losing their network connection on their new iMac? Basically not working properly with your router?

I've narrowed the problem down to the router by connecting directly to the modem and using PPPoe, which works fine.

I had a dlink router which I thought was causing this. Whenever I would use the new iMac I would lose the internet periodically (on my whole network). It would take about 5 minutes to return.

I bought a new linksys router WRT120N to replace the dlink and the problems continue but the internet now only goes out long enough to disconnect my instant messengers and interrupt my streams. Just a little blip. I updated the firmware on the router which I thought worked (ran flawlessly for two days) but now the problem is back.

I'm just wondering if I'm the only one suffering from this or has it been happening to others. It's rather annoying.

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Applications :: WiFi And Wired Connection Simultaneously?

Nov 30, 2010

just wanted to know if there was any way to:
- Connect to my Time Capsule via Ethernet (no connection to modem)
- Connect to Virgin Media Router via WiFi

I can't connect my Time Capsule to my modem (i did think of that lol), any advice would be appreciated Regards, skate71290

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OS X Mavericks :: Internet Sharing WiFi To Wired Ethernet

Jun 17, 2014

I have a Late 2013 MBP Retnia. I have WiFi access via a captured portal. I have other WiFi and Wired (Ethernet) devices that can not authenticate to a captured portal. 


1) On the single MBP mentioned can I connect to the captured portal WiFi via one band (say 2.4) and then become a WiFI hotspot with the other band (say 5)?

2) On the single MBP mentioned can I connect to the captured portal WiFi via one band (say 2.4) and then share the Internet connection to the Thunderbolt Ethernet connector?

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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Hardware :: Airport Express To Share Wired Internet Access?

Feb 3, 2008

I was just wondering, If I buy and airport express and use it to extend the wireless signal around my house, can I plug an ethernet cable on it and have that computer use the internet connection coming from it? dsl/cable modem -> airport extreme/time capsule -> airport express -> wired connection -> computer

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Force System To Use Second Connection Of Network Connection List For Internet Access?

Jul 5, 2012

I have a MacPro Early 2009, 2 ethernet ports.Ethernet 1 is connected to the LAN and Ethernet 2 is connected directly to a SSL Matrix console (an audio mixer), whom driver needs the used ethernet port to be first of the list in the Network connections list in System Preferences.So when I browse internet I can't use the Matrix's software, and vice versa.I had to create 2 different network positions to browse internet and to work with SSL Matrix, one with Eth 1 first place, another one with Eth 2 first place, and I always have to swap positions.Is there a way to force OSX to use by default the 2nd connection of the list for internet access? 

MacPro 4,1 8-Core 2.26 GHz, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 12Gb Ram

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Mac Mini :: Mac Mini Has An Ethernet Connection To Hook To Wired Rotter?

Sep 21, 2010

I don't have one...but want to know is the mac mini has an ethernet connection to hook to my wired rotter?

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MacBook :: Can't Get Internet Connection

Jun 20, 2012

Can't get internet connection


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OS X :: Internet Connection Keeps Dropping Connection?

Aug 12, 2009

I know there are a lot of similar threads all around different forums, but nothing really helped and I was hoping some of you smart ladies/guys can help solve this issue once and for all.

Here's the deal:

My main desktop computer (Compaq windows XP computer) is set-up upstairs where the cable router and linksys wireless router are placed (which is right next to the desktop on the desk). My Macbook (running Tiger and is 3 years old) and iMac (running Leopard and is not even 1 year old yet) are set-up downstairs in my new office. This room is in the basement, however the room is almost directly above the main office where the wired desktop computer resides.

Prior to setting up my office downstairs, my sister lived with my family in the basement and had her windows Vista laptop set-up without any internet connection issues. Her internet never dropped on her laptop, and neither did the connection on her wireless all-in-one printer/scanner/copier. Cell phone reception/internet connection in the basement is also great.

When I set up my iMac and Macbook however a few weeks ago, the internet keeps dropping connection! I do not understand this when my sister had no problems at all with her laptop getting internet connection, when she was living with us. The internet connection will stay good for either 10-30 minutes and then drop, or it could be good for up to an hour and then drop.

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MacBook Pro :: Internet Drop Connection - How To Fix It

Jan 9, 2010

I've had my MBP 13 inch (base model) for less than 4 months and I've been experiencing crazy dropped internet connection, both at my house and at my dorm. At my home, I have a 2WIRE portal modem and it drops at least 10-12 times a day and the only way I can reconnect is if I turn Airport Off and On. Same situation at my dorm , only thing is that I connect via wirelessly. Anyone have a solution to make this annoying dropping go away? My roommate has a Windows Vista Laptop (Gateway) and He has perfect connection and can play WoW and COD4 without lag or disconnection. My Windows XP Desktop (eMachine) and My Windows Vista PC (Dell Inspirion) are running on the same portal at home and they both are connected perfectly.

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OS X :: Internet Connection Frustrating MacBook?

Apr 13, 2010

My wireless internet connection is "shotty". The desktop that it is connected to works fine, however, for the last few days my MacBook has been having trouble. The connection will just hang. I can click on the "wireless icon" in the upper right, click "Open Network Preferences" and then click "Assist Me" then "Diagnostics..." and run that. It will pick it back up and say it is connected. It will work for a good 10 minutes, then I have to repeat the process. I have restarted my MacBook as well as restarted the "box". Any ideas? My TV runs via the internet (U-Verse) and it never hangs or freezes when my MacBook does, also the desktop was working fine at the same time as the TV was working fine but my MacBook was hanging. Also my old Compaq hangs as well. I think the TV is wireless too? The box is in a different room, but like I said it never freezes.

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MacBook Air :: It Always Loses Internet Connection

May 10, 2012

I bought my first mac in February 2012.  Ever since the beginning the Internet connection is always dropped.  I have to click the wifi logo in the upper right hand corner and click turn wifi-off. I can immediately turn it back on and immediately the connection is fine again.

Info:MacBook Air

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MacBook Air :: Share Internet Connection?

Jun 29, 2014

I have a mac air, I connect via WiFi with internet. However, I would like to share my internet connection so that I can connect with my iPhone.

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MacBook Pro :: I7 Wireless Lan - Drops Of Internet Connection

Oct 31, 2010

I have been experiencing severe drops of my internet connection in OSX. I have tried different routers and multiple computers in the house but it's clearly my MBP that randomly looses its internet connection (WLAN stays connected). It's getting really frustrating. Is anyone else experiencing similar issues?

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MacBook Pro :: Connecting 2 Macs To One Internet Connection?

Jan 9, 2011

My notebook is about to arrive and I'm trying to learn how to connect two macs to a single internet connection. I'm starting from scratch, really -- I'm learning what a router / switch / ethernet are! Ideally, it would be nice if I could keep my existing cable connection to my Imac and install a wireless connection to my notebook. But I don't know if it is possible and how to do that. I've not found clear advices on such installation, yet. Also, since I'll move in June, I searching for the cheapest solution.

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MacBook :: How To Share Internet Connection Through Ethernet

Apr 26, 2008

I have an ibook with Leopard installed and its connected to the internet through airport. What I'm trying to do is share the internet connection to my xbox via an internet cable but i cant find any settings in system preferences to do that.

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MacBook Pro :: Wireless Internet Connection Unstable

Jul 31, 2008

I've been having issues with my wireless. I use my home wireless network as my primary internet connection. I've noticed that I'll be using it without any problems, and then suddenly I notice pages arent loading (or if i'm playing WoW, huge lag spike.) The only way to get it going normal again is to turn the airport off and back on, and let it reconnect. Sometimes that fixes it for the rest of the day, other times I have to do that every 30 minutes. It just depends. I found [URL] but that doesn't seem to be the issue at hand, because my signal never drops, the connection just dies. Anyway of a fix? It's a pain in the ass to have to always turn my wifi on and off.

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OS X :: Macbook Software Update - No Internet Connection

Nov 6, 2008

I did a software update to my computer (2.4 macbook) and now my internet won't connect. It says I have a connection in my Airport info, but when I try to get on the network it won't let me.

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MacBook Pro :: Internet Connection Sharing Flaky?

Jul 20, 2009

I am sharing the wifi connection from my MBP to my desktop since I haven't run a wire or set up wireless yet. It works, but every minute or two the Limited or No Connectivity icon appears, and for a few seconds, the desktop is offline. After a few seconds, it works again. This has happened with the desktop running both XP and Linux, so I don't think it's an OS issue. The wifi connection on my MBP is rock solid, and it always works just fine whether or not the desktop can connect.

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MacBook Pro :: To Get Internet - Using The Connection From Samsung Tocco?

Sep 9, 2009

I'm trying to connect my Macbook Pro to the internet via bluetooth getting the internet connection from my Samsung Tocco Lite mobile phone.

Following another thread on an O2 forum (going to system preferences, networks etc.), I think I got most of the way there, but after attempting to connect it disconnects and says that it can't connect properly (sorry I can't remember the exact message, I'll check again later and put it on here).

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MacBook Pro :: Losing Wifi Connection To The Internet

Jan 31, 2010

I have a linksys wireless N router and my macbook pro constantly loses connection to the internet. Is anyone else experiancing this problem?

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MacBook :: Hardwire Internet Connection Slow

Apr 20, 2010

Have a white macbook about 3 years old/intel etc etc..I have found that when I'm at home plugged into a hardwire internet connection I get respectable torrent download speeds (100-200kb's/sec). I work in the oil and gas industry in Alberta and stay at camps often..When I connect the same laptop there my torrent download speed is terrible (10-15kb's/sec) even though downloads are permitted and many of the pc laptop users don't have a problem with the speeds. Primarily use vuze but have tried a few other torrent downloaders..Is there something within my computer settings or downloader settings that slowing me down and if so could you provide any advice on how to over come this.

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