MacBook Pro :: WiFi Disconnection Occurs After Raising Lid Subsequent To Sleep
Jun 29, 2014
Putting her MacBook Pro/Maverick to sleep works fine, but when she raises the lid the Wifi connection is broken, and cannot be acquired unless she reboots. Does a switch exist for this anywhere?
Every 5 to 10 minutes, my MBA "seems" to disconnect from the internet, although according to my Mac, it's still connected and shows my current IP address. I know it's not my router (Dlink DIR-624) because everything else stays connected. I don't have a problem with my Dell laptop, AirPort Express (used only to stream iTunes to my home theater), iPod Touch or either of my iPhones. The problem only occurs with the MBA.
Renewing my DHCP Lease fixes the problem for a couple minutes, but then I lose connection again.
I have a 2008 MacBook Pro and recently installed Yosemite. Ever since then, the startup sound of the CD drive being checked has been occurring spontaneously when it's in sleep mode with the lid shut. It's driving me crazy because it wakes me up in the middle of the night and I can't figure out why it's happening. This never once happened before the OS upgrade.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), OS X Yosemite (10.10)
The Wi-Fi keeps disconnecting (all networks), although they continue to be available on my iPhone, Mac Book Air (OS X Lion 10.7.3) and another PC. I have to reselect the network manually in the shortcut (top right of the screen), a few seconds later I am connected again. The problems seems to be related to inactivety on the iMac. For example if you are reading some pages, without any key strokes or mouse activity, but there does not seem to be any specific time for repeatability of the problem. It is just anoying. Tony Processor 2,8 GHz Intel Core i7 Software Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3 (11D50b)
So today my screen has been acting up on me, it keeps lowering and raising the brightness all on its own. The brightness indicator that pops up when you push the buttons does not show up, the screen just gets brighter or dimmer for a few (10-30 seconds) then goes back to where I have it set at. My battery level is at 64% and it is not plugged in.
I am not sure if this is related to the other wifi issues posted on this thread. I am hoping it is an easy Leopard configuration thing. But my wifi used to work perfect--until I patched my OS version. Now, whenever open the lid, it can never connect to my wifi router immediately like it used to do. It spends cycles hunting, and I end up having to manually go into network preferences and try a few times to connect, including rekeying the password.
Does anyone else notice the MBA takes a long time to reconnect to your wifi network after awaking from sleep? I'd say it takes 10-15 seconds vs. a MBP which takes less than 5 seconds.Not a huge deal, but I'd say it's one of the slowest notebooks I've used to reconnect to a wifi network.
Evey time it goes to sleep or I turn it off it forgets the fact that there is any wireless around. I have to look for the networks. Then if it wants to will find them and trying to connect to my own wireless network (apple extreme) is a challenge. I do have parallel desktop installed, could that be the problem?
Here is some info: Model Name:MacBook Pro Model Identifier:MacBookPro5,1 Processor Name:Intel Core 2 Duo Processor Speed:2.4 GHz Number Of Processors:1 Total Number Of Cores:2 L2 Cache:3 MB Memory:4 GB Bus Speed:1.07 GHz System Version:Mac OS X 10.6.4 (10F569) Kernel Version:Darwin 10.4.0 Boot Volume:Macintosh HD Boot Mode:Normal
There is a problem of a periodic signal loss. The reason for this is the password reset network settings in the airport. It happens randomly during sleep. The system log says only connect and disconnect from the network. What may be the reason?
I finally got my mid 2011 MBA to connect to my preferred network when waking from sleep. It is something you may have read elsewhere but I can confirm it worked for me. You have to disable the "deep sleep mode". When a Air goes into deep sleep is when (for me) it failed to wake my network back up. I switched off deep sleep and not only does it wake up faster it wakes up connected to the Wi-fi network. How do you turn off deep sleep? Using the terminal command
sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0
If you are like me you may say what is a terminal command? Go to spotlight (that magnifying glass icon top right corner of your screen) and type terminal. Click the Terminal next to Applications. Copy paste the command I posted above and supply your password if you have one. What this does is disables the deep sleep mode that the Air's use for maximum battery life while left sleeping and on battery. This is why my Air always connected to wi-fi when it was plugged in to power, because it never enters deep sleep when on external power. Now the computer goes to sleep and wakes up as intended and no more turning airport on and off to start wi-fi back up. Try for yourself and if it does not work...your Air is broken (I guess).
If it did not work and you want to put the computer back to the way it was go back to terminal as above and then copy and paste this command back in.
sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 3
In case you worried your computer now does not sleep, it does. It goes into plain sleep mode as the old Macbooks that awoke just fine used to do.
This is driving me crazy. I have tried so many fixes but nothing has worked. Every time I hibernate / sleep my 2012 macbook air, the wifi drops and takes at least 20 minutes to come back on when I open the laptop again.
I can reboot, turn the wifi off and on, change preferences...everything. Nothing works.
I made the mistake of upgrading (funny word for what I got) to Lion, and ever since, I've had numerous issues with my trusty MacBookPro (2008, 2.4 ghz, 17"). The latest problem has been severly annoying though, and I just would like to see if any of you have some tips I could try out. Basically, every single time I close down the lid to put my computer to sleep, or even after it goes to sleep on it's own, when I go to wake my computer, it no longer is connected to my wi-fi network, and for a period of 2-5 minutes, is acts like it is searching for networks. When this exercise is over, I can use the pull down menu brought up by clicking on the wifi icon to select my network and the computer re-connects. I saw that Apple released an update for 2011 MacBookPro's that had this same issue, and this made the problem even more irritating to me since they failed to address those of us who have older computers that have the same issue. I have tried erasing all known network in the network preferences window using the plus and minus buttons, and then re-adding my network. That didn't work.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 17 inch screen, on 3rd logic board
My laptop drops the wi-fi connection every time the cover closes for sleep mode. It just started doing that recently. What settings should I do to make it stay connected? My other Apple devices continue to work normally.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I use Macs in a publishing business and have done so since 1986. I have read entries here where one user wants to buy/configure equipment that will last five years or be able to last longer than considered typical. I have read the replies indicating that is not possible, too much change and evolution, buy every 2-3 years, and all that. Since 1986 I have had these models: Mac Plus, IIci, 8600, and most recently a G4 1.25 Ghz MDD. I am writing this post on the G4. It is about eight years old. Look at the number of models I list and do the math. Those are the only machines I have had since 1986. I don't believe I could get this kind of service from an iMac or laptop. Note: The 8600 is still my scanning station, run as required.
What I learn is the computer does what it could do initially as well as it ever could. The problems eventually emerging are multiple. Increasing potential for hardware failure, inability to run newer software as operating systems fall behind, and today, an inability to run the most current browsers due to OS falling behind. I want capability to run newer versions of Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat, and some CAD or solid modeling software. The G4 is doing what it did initially just as well as it ever did. It just can't move forward...........................
I have four external drives connected to my MBP: One USB 2.0 drive, and three that are connected via FireWire 800 (they are connected "in line", i.e. one is connected to the MBP, the second one is connected to the first one, and the third one is connected to the second one).For several months already, I experience the following anomaly:When an external drive hasn't been used for a while it normally goes into sleep mode and the otherwise turning disks come to a standstill. The problem, however, starts when I want to use the data of one of the "sleeping" drives (e.g. by opening the Finder): Then one or more other drives, that are also in sleep mode, but used to come back into "active" mode in the past, are suddenly disconnected. MAC OS X then displays the message that a disk has been disconnected without being formally ejected (via the dustbin). This is not normal, of course, and I am afraid that this behaviour could harm the disks health and live time.I have tried the Disk Utility Tool of OS X for all the drives mentioned, but they seem to be ok.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch 2.4/2.2 GHz), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
My camcorder is stuck, flashing USB symbol. Can't find my computer's Safety Hardware function to end the connection and disconnect the USB cable before using the camcorder.
Subsequent to Yosemite or updates, my repeating calendar events can not be updated as before. When I update an event (of a repeating event) on my MacBook Pro; its reverts back when I shut it down and come back, and doesn't update other devices?
My MBA has the clicking and it is quite annoying but when I am using Windows through Bootcamp, the clicking occurs less frequently and is not as noticeable. Does XP access the hdd differently than OS X.
Recently purchased a macbook air and facing frequent internet disconnection issue when the macbook goes to the power save. Once after the interrupt i found the internet connection was no longer alive.
Product description: Device: Macbook air Model No: A1465 OS: OSX version: 10.9.2
I have early '09 uMBP17 and I'm experiencing one of the issues which apparently plagued first TrackPads: when I press a TrackPad it clicks, yet application doesn't register the mouse click. It happens 50/50. If I press harder/hold pressed a bit longer - it works more often. Still very very annoying.
I have seen that issue with late 2008 MBPs was resolved with trackpad firmware update (and my uMBP17 has the update already).
Has anybody experienced the issue on early 2009 MBPs? MBP17?
I have this problem with my macbook pro 17'' : noise occurs when I lower the brightness (the top left side). It's impossible to work at low brightness because of this noise.
I have a macbook pro 13 inch late 2011. Ever since I upgraded to Mavericks, all downloads generate an RTF file in the Desktop. If I'm not checking constantly and erasing these files, suddenly the desktop is full of useless RTF files.
My 2011 Mac Mini is usually asleep. Will wifi sync wake it up and then shut it down after? I am using a time capsule for the router and the mini is wired. Would it work any different if the mini was on wifi?
Just updated to 10.7.3 and my iMac is still getting disconnected from WiFi when waking from sleep. Supposedly this latest update was supposed to address that. I never had this problem until the release of Lion.
I'm on Yosemite; on both my iMac and MB Pro, I can't put the computers to sleep when it's connected to the wi-fi; I have to turn the wi-fi off, and then it'll go to sleep. I'd like to be able to keep the internet connected when want to do this.
I have two different iMacs: late 2011 and Mid 2010. Both imacs wifi stop working after sleep mode. ***?! Ipod and iphones work properly at is time. I have checked disk utils and fixed permissions. Everything is updated. Maybe there is the way to reenable wifi module without rebooting my computers?
Im very dissapointed apple imacs. Lcd of mid 2010 being changing for the second time. Last time it worked ok for 5 month. ***?! Is it ok for lcd screen? Or maybe I should turn into hackintosh to avoid poor-quality hardware? Rofl. **** I have only apple devices and starting nervous about it.