MacBook Pro :: Where To Get Video That Runs First Time You Turn On A Mac?
Apr 25, 2010
Does anyone know where to find that video that runs the first time you turn on a Mac? The one with "Welcome" in 20 difference languages? I recall that I found the video in the Library folder sometime ago (I forgot where) but it had no sound. If someone could tell me where to find the video and the audio of this,
I recently purchased an X800 and installed in my G5 1.8DP (OS X 10.4.9) with the intention of having something to drive my shiney new 30" Cinema display. All booted fine and, in glorious wide-o-vision, I spent the next 30 mins playing with all of this extra screen real-estate. At that point, I started to notice that things were not as quiet as I'd initially anticipated.
In fact, the amount of fan noise was so high that I'm not going to be able to use the new card as the machine is part of a project recording studio installation. Doh! So, a quick trawl of the ATI web site lead me to the ROM updates claiming to address fan speed control.
Update to the most recent version of the ROM and no change. Similarly, I've installed the most recent version of teh ATI control panel.
Odd as other people seem to be saying that they're not experiencing the same problem. And strangely, the GFX card fan runs at a low "normal" speed in Safe Boot mode whilst installing the ROM updates.
My Mac Book Pro forgets time, date and network password when battery runs flat. My software is up to date. The computer is about three years, but surely it shouldn't be necessary to change battery every three years?
My macbook pro 13" 2011 Mac OSX Lion 10.7.4(11E53) need to wait for a long long time(at least about 5 mins, I have even tried once for 10 mins!!!! with the balnk white screen and a mouse pointer only) to successfully turn on ( that means I can "use" my macbook, using apps, browings internet etc.) in the past few days and also I have to wait long time(about a minute) to shut it down. Beofre this happened, I usually need to wait about a minute to turn it on and about 5 seconds to shut it down. I have no idea why this happened so suddenly.
So every time my Mac starts up, iCloud pops up and asks for my password twice! I tried enterring my password but the next time my Mac stars up, nothing's changed.Â
Info: MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I recently downloaded Skype on my MacBookPro, and it launches automatically every time I turn on the computer. I don't see a way to prevent this in the preferences. Anyone know how I can turn that off?
I'm going to the Apple Store on Wednesday to most likely have my logic board replaced. To those who have had this done, how long does it normally take?
Also, if they determine (for some reason) that this repair is not under warranty, will they call me first to tell me so I don't get a huge bill?
As a side note. Where are the water sensors in the 17" MacBook Pro. I haven't spilled anything on it, but I have used it in some humid situations, and I fear that some of them may have been tripped erroneously. I don't know why I fear these sensors so much, but I just do.
Every time I switch on my Macbook Air, or wake it up from sleep, I lose my wifi connection. If I restart my wifi router, the signal comes back, but once my Macbook Air goes to sleep, I always need to erstart my wifi router again. This is the process I go through several times each day:Â
(Wifi router is on.)
1. Turn on Macbook Air. It recognises my wifi network but has no internet connection.
2. Restart my wifi router.
3. After a few minutes, I get an internet connection on my Macbook Air.Â
Previous laptops and desktops have not had this problem. Do I need to change any settings in my Macbook Air? I'd be grateful for any help.Â
I have a 2010 Macbook Air (bought second hand) running OS 10.6.8. I am using a D-link wifi router. Â
Found that my MacBook was crashing often and had to reinstall Lion which seemed to solve the indescriminate crashes. But now my Time Machine is sitting useless as i cant turn it on even for a single backup manually or have it on continually as the Macbook will crash to the point where all i can do is restart with the power button.
Info:MacBook (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I get this error nearly enough every time i turn on my MacBook Pro (Early 2011 Model), i says it needs to shut down because an error occured and when it comes back on i get this error below, which i copied and pasted.... Please can anyone help, as i dont understand what this means.(By the way, just so you know, i dropped my Macbook Pro a month ago).Â
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
When I send files to trash the disc space is not freed up. I've looked on the forums and some people have had success with turning off time machine. I didn't set time machine up because I back up to a portable hard drive only the space is disappearing on that too!
The current setup already uses about 395W and this will increase with more monitors and video cards. Is there a way to turn off all but one (or two) ACD monitors (and the unused video cards) when not required? The latest Display page in OS-X 10.5.7 System Preferences has removed the option to turn off a monitor (and not the Mac Pro itself) via the side button. Tried turning off the power supply, but this is bad for the monitors, is impractical No rear-monitor USB2 or Firewire400 ports are used (for now).
I have a lot of movies encoded with handbrake at the apple tv settings, and a few people have asked how to take one of those and re-convert it back into dvd files.
can this be done? I need to put a few backed up dvd's back onto dvd's cause i already got rid of them and i cannot watch the appletv handbrake version over at certain friends houses.
I tried doing the video files as data but they still show up with the .mp4 at the end and the dvd player will not recognize them.
I have an early 2009 unibody 17-inch MBP and a new 2010 LG 50" LED HDTV (model PJ350). I got a mini displayport adaptor that allows me to connect the MBP to the TV using an HDMI cable. The video display is great but there is no sound, and I am aware only the new 2010 allow sound to go through to the TV and not my 2009 MBP. So I connected an AV cable through my MBP headphone port to the AV connection on the TV, but I get sound only on the AV menu. So if I select the HDMI mode I can only see video with no sound, or if I go to the AV mode I only get sound and no video. Is there any way I can see the video through HDMI while getting sound that is coming through the AV at the same time?
I was about to work on this video project on my MBP 13" and realized something. When my Video camera is connected to my Firewire 800 port, I don't have anymore port to connect my External Hard Drive where I want to save my project.
I see that my old Lacie has two Firewire 800 port on its back, can I connect Lacie on my MBP and then connect video camera on Lacie's other Firewire 800 Port?
Well my 500gb time capsule wont turn on, I think it died, along with all my data that is on there as well.
Here is what it does:
I plug it in, the hdd spins up after a couple seconds, and the yellow light blinks. A moment or two later the hdd starts making noise like its doing something, makes like 8 ticks followed by a bunch of shorter ones and continues this pattern it seems indefinately. It doesnt sound abnormal aside from the continuing pattern. The cycle of ticks takes about 5 seconds per cycle. The yellow light flashes for a bit, then turns off for a while, then turns back on and continues this pattern.
I've tried un plugging it, letting it cool, reseting it. Nothing.
There is a bunch of stuff on there that isn't on my macs either. I was using it as networked storage along with the TM backups of my computers.
So I'm on my iPhone this morning and notice that my wifi is down. I check my iPad and it's on 3G. My Time Capsule was down. It will not turn on for me. Did not have a power surge or anything. This is the first generation 1TB version. Reset button on the back does nothing. Do you think an Apple Store would replace it for free? It was working just fine with no issues whatsoever previous to this incident. Latest firmware and everything.
Using snow leopard 10.6.8, I have the same password for my user id and my keychain login. Why do I still have to give my user password every time I turn on the computer? This is about my eighth mac and I have never had to do this before.
I couldn't wait any longer. I was going to wait until tomorrow, but I decided to test it out today. The following is a short video clip of the X25-M in action under Snow Leopard (on my late 2008 uMBP 2.53 GHz, 4 GB RAM).
It's not much of a benchmark. I simply selected everything in the Applications folder and hit open to start all the programs at the same time.
Needless to say, I am happy with the results!
[URL] This video is loading Photoshop, Illustrator and Soundbooth all at the same time. And then individually.
[URL] The video quality is not the best. It's on my old Olympus C5050z digicam.
Also, quick xbench results (left is old HDD, right is SSD):
I'm no newbie but this one has me stumped. I can put file onto a Time machine backup disk that I don't use as a backup anymore but I can't take them off. The Disk still has some backups on it that I would like to keep. But I would like to use the extra space for regular file storage. What gives. When putting a file on the disk it asks for the password but moving them to the trash it will delete everything in the folder but it won't actually delete the root folder. So my question is
1. Can I use the disk and keep the backups on it? 2. How do I get permission to read and write to the disk
I was software updating my brothers computer and I shut it down because he was going to bed and I turned it back on. It asked me to restart the computer and I did and a black shade saying to restart it came up again... What should I do? I have shut it off and on a zillion times and still the black shade with weird text in the background is still happening.
I have been having problems with my Mac Pro for the last few days. When I am not encoding or downloading anything for the night, I usually turn it off. Recently though, if I turn it off, and then turn it on the next evening (around 16 hours later) then it will not turn on right away, and by that I mean that the fans turn on, I see the little white light turn on, but I don't hear the startup chime, the lights don't turn on on my logitech keyboard, and my screen stays black, the monitor itself not detecting any signal.
It may take up to 20 minutes of pressing the power button and turning it on and off until I hear the startup chime and see the apple on screen, but then it usually resets itself once and then it loads up to mac os. Once the Mac Pro has been turned on once though, I can turn it on and off without any problems it seems.
I just don't understand why this would be happening. One thing I thought was that we had an electrical outage a few days ago but all my other computers were fine and I am using a special bar to connect my stuff to make sure that when there is an electrical outage, no damage is done to my computers. The weird part is that the problems started appearing on the next day so I was wondering if that could have affected my computer and how.
How do stop the applications from popping up on my screen every time I turn on my Mac? It's been happening ever since a upgraded from Leopard to Lion. Or it has to do with Evernote.
I would like to keep the MacOS folder from opening each time I re-boot the computer..How do I prevent a window opening with MacOS files showing when starting the computer?
I have cleared the "History" even though it does not show there. I notice in "Finder" under "Go" there is a "Recent Folders" and it shows there. I have Cleared it from there and restart the computer and "MacOS" folder still opens in the center of the screen or where ever I moved it to before closing it. I have tried a Safe Boot and it still shows when re-starting..I would like to keep the MacOS folder from opening each time I re-boot the computer... Â
iMac 27" monitor, Late 2013 3.4 Ghz IntelCore i5 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 RAM NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M 4096 MB OS X 10.9.4 (13E28) 3gB HDÂ