OS X Mavericks :: Each Time Turn On IMac / Get MacOS Files Folder
Sep 1, 2014
I would like to keep the MacOS folder from opening each time I re-boot the computer..How do I prevent a window opening with MacOS files showing when starting the computer?
I have cleared the "History" even though it does not show there. I notice in "Finder" under "Go" there is a "Recent Folders" and it shows there. I have Cleared it from there and restart the computer and "MacOS" folder still opens in the center of the screen or where ever I moved it to before closing it. I have tried a Safe Boot and it still shows when re-starting..I would like to keep the MacOS folder from opening each time I re-boot the computer...
27" monitor, Late 2013
3.4 Ghz IntelCore i5
16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 RAM
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M 4096 MB
OS X 10.9.4 (13E28)
3gB HD
how to make finder NOT to show files from a specific folder in "All My Files"? See the attach - I recently installed Civilization 5 from Steam and now I have a lot of unneeded files (*.log and *.ini) shown in All My Files colder in Finder.
own a mac 19" desktop computer, it turns on but only flashes a picture of a folder with a question mark in it. is it done? any input would be appreciated.
After carrying out a clean install of Mavericks is it possible to reload certain files such as Music files from the Time Machine back-ups previously created?
How do you turn off Show Desktop (Push All Windows Aside) on a iMac when using a mouse, I know how to do it on a MBP but I can't find anything in preferences on an iMac
I had to do a complete reinstall Mavericks and since then, some of the folders (the major ones like "documents, pictrues, etc…") are not accessible anymore when I go into time machine (they are crossed with a no-entry sign). I did a disk repair but still no more access…
Info: iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
What do I do if I have forgotten the password for my Intel iMac? I'm using System X v.10.9.4. Is there any way to get around it and reset it or turn it off?
Info: iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
This situation began when I put my Imac on sleep. After, the screen turned on in black whit the cursor but I couldn't do anything.
Then to rebooted the machine, the apple logo and sound began fine but the screen turned off, so moving the mouse the screen turned on in black with cursor.
I'd tried many ways, resetting the PRAM, SMC, repairing the disk and permission, analyzing hardware, repairing fsck files.
Suddenly, when I entered in Verbose mode, mi imac brought into user choose screen and worked fine, but when I shut down and tried to start my mac in the next day, it didn´t work again.
I have about 100 files in a folder (not a specific file type - I found a Macro for word but it only recognized doc files). I want to get the times they were created and modified (for ex: created at 04:30:07 and modified at 04:41:59) and put them in a text file.
my mac air is showing recovery-files folder in trash every time i restart/start my computer and another problem is all the browsers are showing me mac keeper advertisement prominently.
My girlfriend changed the user's name and the problems started (iMac wouldn't remeber system settings and denied access to some files and catalogs). When I wanted to fix the problem I probably made a mistake and changed the access settings of some files (finally even hard disk's settings). After this action my iMac doesn't start (the screen is white with the apple logo and nothing happens). Is there anybody who knows what to do now?
I have an external hard drive where I backup my Macbook Pro. I recently upgraded to Mavericks and now I can't find old files on time machine. I am looking for a file around a certain date, but no matter what date I look at in time machine - the files and data seem to be the same.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I recently erased my Mac partition of my hard drive and got a fresh copy on mavericks. I did this believing I would then be able to restore any important backed-up files later, now all I get in time machine is this:
Everything is greyed out apart from all my files and it stays like this for about five minutes. I know all the data is on the hard drive as it says 250GB of data is on it. Is it just searching through the Hard drive and I need to give it time for the files to show up?
I recently did a clean install and to my horror i can see that Time Machine does NOT back up all my files.It seems to be worst in my music library which fortunately is pretty easy to rebuild do to itunes index.
But is there any way to make sure that Time Machine does in fact back up all files?
Or is it just broken and should be avoided?
I have 1,5 year old Macbook Pro Retina 15 inches 500 GB SSD
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), January 2013 - 15''
I couldn't fine the Logic Pro X file titles "I still get letters", so i went to Time Machine. I wasn't able to find it until i searched for it. The only problem is it shows the file, but no path and if i restore it, nothing happens. Am i doing this wrong or is my file lost forever? Ill attach a screen shot. (A lot of the files on my time machine just show up white like that)
I have been collating files and documents over the past few months. I have decided to keep them in a more organised fashion so I created a folder for films, music, etc and then I want to put further folders in the folders so I can keep certain files together.
I have created the folder but cant seem to move the files in to it - I can copy it then paste it but that seems a bit long winded just to move a file in to another folder (folder within folder.)
I inherited an old external hard drive that I would like to use with Time Machine on a computer. However, the drive was used as a backup with Time Machine on another computer that has since been wiped clean and is no longer available. Unfortunately, the external drive still has the old TM backup files from the old computer. I've found that I cannot simply delete the backup files from the external drive.
How can I delete the TM backup files from the external drive? Will erasing via Disk Utility handles this?
I have a MBP, backup to Time Capsule by Time Machine.
I will have a new MBA, I will would like to transfer Photos / Music from MBP to that MBA. MBA will have a different account as MBP has.
I understand it could be as easy as copying whole iPhoto library / Music folder to an external drive or NAS and then copy to MBA. But since I already have everything on Time Capsule, am I able to copy selected files from Time Capsule to MBA directly?
I know Migration Assistant could be able to do that but I also heard Migration Assistant could cause some unexpected issues such as permission conflicts, a new created migration account etc... I cenrtainly don't want to mess up MBA.
So my question, am I able to directly access Time Capsule just like a NAS via Finder from MBA, and drag and drop selected files from MBP's backups? Are MBP's backups visibile to MBA?
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I cleaned up all my kext files from Sep 2013 back to address the kernel_task overload, but now itunes won't play (play button works but songs do not move forward), time machine will not restore backup and no audio comes from google chrome. Do I need to reinstall each individual program/application? Will a reinstall of Mavericks work?
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I store all of my photographs on an external hard drive which I backup with my Time Capsule. My external HD crashed and I need to restore the new external hard drive with the files from the Time Capsule. When I open Time Machine I get an error message saying to connect to a current Time Machine backup disk.
I have a time machine backup I need to restore. It's a backup from an external drive that has failed.
When I go "enter time machine," I can't see the contents from the external drive anymore to restore it.. because the external drive isn't mounted. It's not mounted because it has failed. I can see when I browse the TM backup directly via finder there are files from the amounted drive in the backup... as I'd expect.
So... How do I restore drives from an unmounted external drive?
Do I need to buy a new drive and name it the same as the old drive? Then will it show up?