MacBook Pro :: Where Are These Speck Case Coupons That I Keep Hearing ?
Jun 13, 2010
Everybody talks about getting their cases for half price or using coupons or whatever. How can I too do this?Was going to wait for an incase update to fit the new MBP but I just read that the speck cases still fit perfectly and would like to pick one up.
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Jun 22, 2009
I've just finished building my dream MBP 17-inch.
What I'd like to know is what the consensus is on using a MBP portably, not just as a desktop replacement; without a Speck case or is it best to buy one of these cases? Is there any known problems with these cases?
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May 3, 2010
I got the new 15" model of the mac book pro and its my first mac... i was reading on amazon that the speck soft touch and hard case does not fit the new models? is that true?
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Aug 23, 2010
I just got a Speck MacBook 13 Satin Case and I have no, idea how to put it on. I saw no instructions to put it on, except for stupid pictures to try and get it on. They where not the best, every time I put the piece for the monitor on and it does not stay on, when I put the monitor up, thats when it comes off. Does anyone know how to put it on?
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Apr 23, 2008
Has anybody had any experience with the new Speck hardshell case?
I know previous versions have scratched or made marks on Macbooks...
Already have a Waterfield Sleeve, but I am thinking about investing in the Speck case....
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Aug 7, 2008
Does anyone have this? Does anyone have better pictures than what is on the apple store site?
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Dec 18, 2008
There's plenty of opinions on whether to cover your new Alum MB or let it go naked. My question is about the New Speck See Thru Cases for the new Alum MB... See Thru Satin and Hardshell Clear... If you have recently purchased one would you tell us how it fits on the new notebook. Particularly can you still tilt the lid all the way back like they claim? InCase claimed to be redesigning one for the Alum but nothing is out yet. Does anyone know anything about that? Are they really making a case for the Alum? I know the old Incase Hardshell's restricted the tilt on the lid. Anyone have experience with both, the new Speck and the old InCase? And what about all the claims about the Speck products scratching the notebooks? We're concerned here with the "New" ones. So who has bought one?
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Aug 17, 2009
I'm shopping around for a case for my 13" MBP and I needed a few opinions.
Which one do you prefer, the Incase Hardshell or the Speck See-Thru Satin?
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Sep 27, 2009
Anyone know any sold sources for where to get a pink Speck Hard shell case? I've found a few websites that claim to have thembut they mostly ship from China and they give no timeframe when the item will arrive. I've checked eBay and craigslist. I found on on eBay, and I purchased it. And about a week later the seller refunded my payment with no explanation or reason and he won't return my emails. So again, if anyone knows a solid source for where to get a Speck, and Speck only
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Jul 22, 2010
Just to let everyone know, I am probably the most indecisivve person on the face of the earth. That being said, please back-up your answers & be paitient with me. I will be a college student this upcoming fall, and have decided to go with the Macbook Pro 13".
I will definitely be getting a[n Incase] sleeve. What I'm struggling with is if I need an additional case. Speck seethru case, Incase Hardshell... Or maybe the Wrapsol. [no ZAGG.... I have a ZAGG cover for my iPhone & am throughly dissapointed. Every corner has peeled off].
The thing I am terrified about with the hardshell cases is that they might scratch my MBP? This thing is going to be my BABY, & I will not stand for anything scratching it!! But dust & tiny particles are bound to get in between the case & MBP.... and I've heard many bad reviews about that.
I've also been looking into the Moshi screen/ keyboard skins. They seem great... but this is all getting to be pretty expensive, & how much of it do I really NEED anyways? Is the MBP really prone to scratches, say, if it's just sitting on my desk? [if it's anything like the back of the iPhone, then it is.]I also think the MBP in itself looks gorgeous, and I'm not too interested in the idea of covering it with a piece of plastic.
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Jul 31, 2009
I bought a uMBP17 and the Speck hard shell for it. I was surprised at how much heavier the machine becomes with the armor on. So I've noticed that the hinge does seem to stress a bit with the extra weight of the shell.
Have you guys noticed that ? Is this something that I should be concerned about ?
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Aug 9, 2009
Which one is better ? Incase or Speck ?
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Oct 26, 2009
I was wanting to know how hard it is to change top and bottom case and keyboard area? I would like to know that if anything was to happen to my soon to have macbook I could change it. Also this on the older macbooks. And if I have Apple to change it how much would it cost? And yes I know that they should replace keyboard case area for free because of the defunct cracking issue.
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Aug 12, 2008
Where i can replace the aluminum case, is it possible?, i search for spares and didn't find any.
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Sep 12, 2009
I sit with my 08' alum-ubody 13'' macbook on my lap very often. when I maneuver myself into a new position, my macbook always maneuver with me. but i've been hearing a unique sound that it makes if I tilt it too steeply. this sound closely resembles the same sound a flourecent light makes when it turns on. --ting!-- just a few decibels louder than a pindrop.
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Jan 19, 2009
can i use them to upgrade to iwork 09?
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Apr 15, 2012
I have an Imac; A Lexmark printer. The printer prints documents fine, it prints web pages fine, but when I try to print TARGET coupons, It says "You are trying to print to a device that is not valid for printing coupons" How can I print TARGET coupons?
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Apr 14, 2010
This may sound dumb, but my laptop is no longer making the noises when I drag items into the trash, empty the trash, etc. I can hear my iTunes and videos. I'm not sure what's going on? All the options are checked in "Sounds," so I'm pretty sure that's not it. Anyone know how to get the sounds back? Or why they stopped in the first place?
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Nov 25, 2009
Does anybody have any coupons for the iphoto book printing? About to print a few books from our wedding and could use a coupon if anybody has one or knows of any that would be great.
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Mar 24, 2012
I am trying to print coupons from and it keeps telling me to download the updated version of Java. I downloaded Java on my computer, but it's not working.
iMac, iOS 5.1
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Jul 17, 2010
I've had my MBP for two weeks now, I notice when I'm working in a quiet room and I pick up my notebook to move it I hear this faint clicking nose. My fingers arent touching the pad or any keys. Is it some antishock mechanism for the HDD that thinks that it's falling?
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Aug 31, 2010
Something reasonably priced, so i can take it safely out in the car with me! Also will be looking for a car charger for it!Decided against getting an iPad coz of the limitations so im gonna get a dongle, looked around & I like the look of TMobile deal of ?40 for 90 days.
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Nov 30, 2014
Hearing a grinding noise intermittently on the left side of my laptop.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
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Jun 3, 2010
I've seen several threads about the Speck cases not fitting properly, forcing people to have unsecured connections with the new Magsafe, and some filing the cases down to fit the computer properly (see this thread Just wanted to let everyone know that I emailed Speck and asked when they would have properly fitting cases available for sale, and they wrote back saying in 4-5 weeks they will be available.
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Mar 31, 2009
Here is whats happening: my 3 y.o. 15 MBP is connected to external speakers (Bose MusicMonitor) and every time there is a sound, any system sound, say an email in, a volume chirp, or a Skype chirp, anything at all, I hear an audible POP, before hearing the actual sound, in fact the POP sort of overlays the sound. I hear the second POP sometimes, after the sound has sounded, so to speak, and sometimes the second one does not happen at all. To me it reminds me of the Pioneer Amp my dad used to have in the 70's, when you first turn that thing on, it would produce an audible POP. So, back to to this, it sounds like an amplifier POP by being awaken by the system, and I'm inclined to think it is the MBP's audio "amplifier" on its board. Oh, btw, both the speakers and the MBP's volume is set to low.
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Nov 9, 2009
I have about 50 *.mp3's on my hard drive that have the file names in all upper case. When looking at them in itunes it drives me nuts....Is there a way to convert the uppercase file name to lowercase? I have googled but can't find anything. I do not want to do it manually, that would take a long time =( thanks, I'm crossing my fingers
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Aug 8, 2009
I got a Speck hard shell for my 17'' unibody and I love it in all respects (beautiful, MBP doesn't run hoter, rubberized, tough) except for its weight (over 1 lb). It tips the weight of the MBP from very bearable into too heavy. Any alternatives? I'm not looking for protection from dings but just small scratches.
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Jul 22, 2009
this topic has come up in discussion a few times. I know that that I was looking feedback originally but all the research lead me to believe that it was a 50/50 between the two. My girlfriend and I both have the 13" MBP. She has the Incase Hardshell (the one for the previous generation) and I recently picked up the Speck Satin 13" for MBP because of the recent discount.
At first glance, they seem the same. But after further inspection, they do differ and although it may be subjective, this is just what I see.
When I first received the case for my Speck, I opened the package up excitedly. It was nice to find a small piece of cloth in the package to wipe down the case and the laptop. However, I found small surface scratches on the inside of the case. The sides of the plastic are sharp as hell! Not sure if it's suppose to be like this. There was even excess plastic sticking out. The Incase did not have a cloth, but everything was clean and all the plastic was scratch free smooth.
Nice lined pattern but only 1/4 of the grille is actually open for heat to escape. This opened area is located on the top left corner. Given this is where I find the majority of the heat to be, I would much prefer if the whole thing was open. They have the grille design in there already, why not just open it up? The Incase's vents consist of small holes that span the majority of the bottom. My personal feel is that more ventilation, the better.
The button to check battery power on the Speck is a little off. I can't tell if I hit it or not. The Incase actually has some feedback, I know that I have pressed it. Now I am not sure if it's the colour choice, but I can't see the battery indicator lights. This could be the fact that I have a deeper darker colour. I have the red and my girlfriend has green. I can see her's clearly in any light but I can barely see mine even indoors in low light.
Now the Incase was nice in that the whole right side of the case is covered except for the slot where the cd/dvd is suppose to enter. The Kensington lock is covered but the Incase is meant for the UMB. The Seck case seems like they took the easy way out. Rather than cutting out a slot for the optical drive, they just took a whole chunk out. Not a big deal when it comes to functionality, but it's just nice.
Speck has plastic feet, Incase has rubber feet. When I placed both laptops side by side on a table. The Speck moves so easily as there isn't enough friction. The Incase does move as well but you need give it a little more force.
Not sure why but the Incase's cut out for the IR is larger than required. I can only assume they did it to not impeded the sleep light to shine through. My Speck is cut out only where the IR port is, the sleep light is covered but is bright enough to shine through the case.
I think the Incase is better built, and is the perfect balance between form and function. I am actually thinking about returning this and getting the Incase when they release theirs, but I hear they take forever to release redesigns. On another note though....I think that the Speck case was sharp at the sides and had excess plastic because they used their old 13" UMB stock and put it back into a machine to make the cut outs larger to accommodate the ports. Cannot confirm this and I am bad at articulating it but what I am trying to say is that I don't think they went back to the drawing board for this. They essentially said, we need to make the cut outs larger and rahter than making a new die/mold, they make alterations on their old cases, if so...that is not cool.
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Jun 7, 2010
For the Macbook. (Not aluminum)
They both don't have blue.
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Apr 28, 2010
I bought a new MBP last week.It is still sitting in its box.I am on my old ibook g4 with half a broken screen as I don't want to scratch my new MBP.I am a poor collage student that wants to take good care of my big purchase.It was the laptop or a used car and I went with the laptop as my g4 got hurt.Biggest purchase I have made EVER.My g4 was fine and very well cared for but I have diabetes and passed out and fell on the ibook
I was very jazzed about buying a hardshell to protect my computer.Then seen [URL] had some nasty reviews about both the incase & speck.So I thought crap what should I do.
Incase I have read that computer only stays at one angle?That it dose not close all the way or makes a popping sound when it rubs the back.I am sure some could be due to not installing it right.Someone even said they could not get off and apple took it off and the top part of the computer broke
I didn't see to much on Speck but did read on this forum more people prefer incase?I figure you all know what you are talking about when it comes to what is good bad for the mac items so kinda registered to get some Ideas on what to get.
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