MacBook :: Not Hearing The Noise When I Empty Trash?
Apr 14, 2010
This may sound dumb, but my laptop is no longer making the noises when I drag items into the trash, empty the trash, etc. I can hear my iTunes and videos. I'm not sure what's going on? All the options are checked in "Sounds," so I'm pretty sure that's not it. Anyone know how to get the sounds back? Or why they stopped in the first place?
I moved a bunch of files to the trash can after installing Snow Leopard, mainly backup files from OmniFocus.
I clicked Secure Empty Trash and over 500,000 items began deleting. These 500,000+ items deleted at the rate of 2-3 items a second. This would total 138 hours equaling over 5 days to Secure Empty the trash.
This is just ridiculous in my option so I just did the "Empty Trash" feature, showing me only 350 items, which deleted quickly in under 5 minutes...
So far I know with Secure Empty Trash that the trash is securely layered with 0's & 1's....but wonder what happens with just "Empty Trash?"
How easily accessible is it for someone to retrieve something that i've deleted?
I posted this awhile back, but didn't find a solution. Anyway, my 12" PowerBook G4 is back from the shop, where, I found out, they haven't worked on it for three weeks or so (it's been there two months!) It still will not boot. The battery charges, and when I press the power button, I can hear the "click" noise that means it's trying to start. I can never hear the HD spin all of the way up. It sounds like it tries and then fails. Nothing ever appears on the screen... ever. I have to do a hard shut down, and then it sounds like the HD spins down. For awhile, it did the "double dinging" noise, but I don't know what that means... and couldn't find anything on [URL:...]about it.
I've noticed that when I "Secure Empty Trash" though it takes longer, I usually regain a lot of gigabytes back. Currently, as of this post i'm "secure emptying trash" and i've regained about 25GB's which sounds about right considering there was about that much worth of video recordings from my video camera I no longer needed.
In the past when I've just "deleted trash" i've seen different results. If I have say 10GB's in the trash and I just "empty trash" then i'll maybe gain back like a GB or 2. ...if anything.
So, my concern is...say currently with the 25GB amount of trash I have, If I decided to just "empty trash", I obviously would not have gained back all the 25GB's..., perhaps just a few, guessing something like 5GB.
Well, does that mean that those GB's that are emptied in the trash (not securely) are just lost forever?
..Or will I regain those GB's the next time around (say weeks later) I securely empty the trash with whatever happens to be in there (all new stuff in the trash)?
Am I making sense?
Kinda confusing to me cause I don't understand it. But I feel it's vital for me to get this and have the most amount of gigs available on my Mac now that i'm using about 30GB's per week filming stuff and editing it on iMovie.
I have two folders in my trash which I cannot empty. No matter how many times I try these folders will not go away. I have open the "info" link and marked them read and write without success.
My 24" iMac (2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, running OSX 10.6.1) crashed during a normal shutdown sequence and had to be closed down by holding in the power button. This resulted in three zero kB alias files with random names such as "." in the trash.
I cannot empty these files from the trash by any normal means and the trash icon permanently shows full. The files can be selected but cannot be dragged to the desktop or renamed. Other files put in the trash can be deleted normally.
My 09 Mac Pro trash won't make the normal trash sound when emptying the trash in SL. Does anyone know if this is for all SL users or how I can turn it back on? I like hearing the sound and don't like the fact that I have a glitch if this is one.
Despite having several files in the trash, its icon never changes (always shows an empty trash) and the "Empty Trash" option is dimmed (that is, cannot be used). OnyX ws the only solution but it's temporary. What's the fix I should apply to Mac OS X?Also, why is it that every time I want to move a file to trash I must enter my password? It's annoying to say the least.Please help me as I don't want to go through the royal pains of installing everything again, Windows-style. I think Mac OS X should be better than that.
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
When I direct the G5 Leopard to "empty trash" I get a window saying "preparing to empty trash" and a counter that zooms upward, but no trash emptying. I ask myself "how difficult can this be?" But I guess the answer is 'too difficult for me."
When I empty my trash using the icon my computer has a major crash and the screen goes grey and I have to reboot from the power button. If I secure empty trash using alt/opt, cmd clicking the trash icon I get the following message:- The operation can’t be completed because the item “.DS_Store” is in use. I've tried SUDO RM -RF ~/.TRASH/* and enetering my password but it doesn't fix it I've tried chflags -R nouchg then dragging items into terminal and that doesn't fix it
I've tried :- Open Terminal and enter this command:
rm -rf ~/.Trash/
Then right click the Finder icon in the dock while holding down the opt/alt key, select Relaunch. Relaunching Finder will recreate ~/.Trash but this doesn't work either
I got an overload of messages in my mail box. I had to delete them one by one. Now I have a whole bunch of emails in my trash and in my sent box. How do I delete those? I do not want to do the sent box one by one. There is no "Empty trash" in any menu. This new operartion system is truly rotten. Nearly everything seems to be more difficult.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Operating system 10.9.3
Basically, I am 'securely emptying my trash' as we speak. With that said, why exactly does it say that it currently has to empty around 400 something files? Does that include every single file I've deleted in the past, not using the 'secure empty trash'?
Also, once if I deleted my download history, not using 'secure empty trash', is there a way to retrieve it and use 'secure empty trash' to empty it once again?
I'm just a little confused about the 400 something files being deleted using 'secure empty trash'.
I've got a latest-gen MacBook Pro running on a fully-updated OSX Lion (last update check April 25, 2012).
For some time now, the Trash hasn't seemed to respond: when I click the Trash icon in the Dock, nothing happens (no window opens). When I right-click on it it shows me the normal menu, but when I click "Open", nothing happens; when I click "Empty Trash" nothing happens either (no progress bar even though the Trash must be rather full by now, no sound, the icon remains "full").
Besides, when I close my MacBook Pro with iTunes running (even though no song is playing), when I open the Mac, it sometimes happens that the Finder stops responding. It usually goes back to normal if I quit iTunes.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Trash, Finder
I'm trying to empty my trash can. However, an app that I didn't allow to install completely (Spotify), is preventing the trash can from being emptied. It's not a big deal, but it drives me crazy.
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)