MacBook Pro :: Way To Synchronize A Blackberry
Mar 15, 2012do you know how to synchronize a blackberry
do you know how to synchronize a blackberry
Unfortunately because there is no iphone on verizon i had to go with a blackberry storm. Does anyone else with one know how to connect it to a mac to update the software and such. It seems as though windows is required, but i really don't want windows taking up space on my hard drive. it seems like there has to be some way to connect a blackberry to a mac.
View 12 Replies View RelatedThe other day I decided to use the Mail program instead of checking my webmail constantly. I LOVE it. It's so much easier. Anyway, ever since then I haven't been receiving my mail on my Blackberry? I get a sporadic email or two but then I come home to 28 emails on my Mac. I don't understand what's going on here. Also, my webmail inbox never retains any mail. It's always empty. I feel like this may be the cause?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am trying to sync the address book from my Blackberry bold with iSync. Does anyone know where i can find a plugin or an alternative way to sync it?
Also what is pocketmac what does that do?
I have problems synchronizing nextel numbers in my country starting with number 51.I start to sync with itune and ends normally but, in reviewing my contacts in Outlook appear but only with nextel number of fixed and mobile numbers.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7)
Is it possible to synchronize my both MacBooks pro (1 x 13" - 1x 15")?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have an old Blackberry which is horrible to type on and has an incredible battery life of 5 hours. So, I was wondering if there was some sort of way that I could connect the Blackberry to my Mac/iPod and text using Apple hardware, but transmit through the Blackberry. I don't have enough money to pay for the $100/month iPhone fee, so don't ask. If there is any App/widget/program for Mac or iPod which will allow me to do this, please recommend it to me. And it doesn't matter whether it is paid or free.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow can i synchronize my iphone apps to my new mac book air? Actually, i could only manage to synchronize contacts and pictures, but neither the music nor the apps.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI also have a IPhone since 3 years and I want to synchronize the phone with my new macbook.
How can I get now the data from my phone on the macbook? Because if I want to synchronize the phone with my new macbook everything from the phone will be deleted...Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a MacBook Pro. I am having trouble synchronizing my iMessages between my iPhone 5s and my MacBook Pro.
View 1 Replies View Relatedwhy iCloud doesn't automatically synchronise my Pages documents on my MacBook Pro like it does with my iPad and iPhone?
iPhone 4, iOS 4.3.2
How I synchronize again devices after formating harddrive?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
my family have Blackberry phones, I am the only one with iPhone at home, so I am wondering if there a Messenger to be used on Mac to contact my family.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHave you ever met the following situations ,if you want to put your dvd to another portable device,what do you often need?I want to put my dvd to my blackberry ,but I have some problem in doing it
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to sync a Blackberry with my MBP?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI got tired of waiting for the iPhone to be available on my carrier (TMobile) and was able to get a Blackberry Curve from them for about $100 with a 14 day guarantee to see if I like it. If I don't I get to send it back and cancel the data plan.
I was wondering what Mac syncing apps are out there that people like? I have heard of two and am mostly concerned about syncing iCal with my Blackberry.
I have Blackberry 9700 i am trying to set my Mac email on it. Its every time says email or password in wrong.Â
Even i have reset my icloud and email password too.Â
how to setup mac mail on Blackberry fr vodsfone no help from mac or vodafone staff spen 5hrs on phoneÂ
I am trying to setup my Blackberry Storm with my new 27" iMac i5. I have installed the latest Blackberry Desktop Manager. When I connect my Blackberry directly to the iMac USB port it says on the Blackberry that this USB port can't charge the blackberry. The iMac never indicates that it recognizes the phone.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm having a hard time downloading blackberry desktop manager for this operating system.
eMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
Each time I check synchronize with mobileme, I could not check anything. Nothing work!
View 2 Replies View RelatedWith more than 500,000 units sold in its first week, Apple's iPad has tracked as high as 0.04 percent of total daily Web browsing, a number equal to March averages for the Android and BlackBerry platforms, according to a Web analysis firm.Net Applications has been tracking the presence of the iPad online since the device was released on April 3. On its launch day, the iPad took an estimated 0.01 percent of all Web browser traffic, and continued to climb to its peak of 0.04 percent on April 10 and 11.As noted by Gregg Keizer of Computerworld, the iPad's share is nearly as great as usage of BlackBerry or Google Android on the Web. In the month of March, Net Applications found that BlackBerry had an average 0.04 percent share, while Android, split between versions 1.5 and 1.6, had the exact same figure. While the iPad achieved 0.04 percent for a couple of days, it has not yet sustained those numbers.
The statistics also show that iPhone and iPod touch devices are responsible for 0.6 percent of total Web browsing, an online presence about 20 times larger than the iPad managed to achieve in its first week.Apple this week revealed that it sold more than 500,000 iPads in the device's first week of availability. While the overall market presence of Android and BlackBerry phones dwarfs the number of iPads in the wild, the new statistics suggest that early adopters of the iPad have been far more likely to browse the Web on their new device than owners of BlackBerries or Android handsets.Also coming in with a 0.04 percent share, like the iPad, BlackBerry and Android, was Windows ME, Microsoft's much maligned operating system released in the year 2000. For comparison, Windows XP is a whopping 64.46 percent of all Web browsing. Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard is represented by 2.13 percent of all computers on the Web, while its predecessor, Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, takes up a slightly larger 2.26 percent.
Net Applications also found that Google is the dominant search engine on Apple's iPad, responsible for 97.43 percent of all searches conducted from the device. The iPad operating system, iPhone OS 3.2, has Google as the default search engine in its Mobile Safari Web browser. Users can go into the system settings and change the default to Yahoo, which carries 1.98 percent of iPad searches.Microsoft's Bing, which has been rumored for months to potentially become the default search engine of the iPhone, was third with 0.27 percent of all iPad searches. Ask took fourth with 0.13 percent, and AOL fifth with 0.8 percent.Early this year, the Web analysis firm found that the iPhone OS on the iPhone and iPod touch continued to grow, then taking 0.43 percent of all Web traffic. The data found that although the iPhone and iPod touch represented just 17 percent of global handsets, the two devices are responsible for 65 percent of all handheld Web browsing. Apple's ecosystem also controls half of all mobile application usage, AdMob has found.
a. enable web servicesb. modify httpd to set the user name of the account where itunes is running, uncomment php.c. put these files in the username/sites folder.d. hit the web site /your ip/~user/remote.phpyou can try this locally first to be sure its working.enable wifi on your bb and hit the site. sized for bold.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIt would be super quick and easy for me if I'm able to import my contacts from my Blackberry into my Address Book, but is it possible?
I mean, of course I could create my address book on my own and manually enter my contacts one by one... but with a couple hundred of them, it would be soo nice to somehow automate this process...
I am trying to set up my blackberry device for email.Â
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have several folders backed up on an external firewire drive that is not always connected. Is there software or a way within OS X or Automator, etc. to easily synchronize the folder on my PowerBook with the one on the external drive without re-rewriting the entire folder and subfolders?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI realize this is a tall order, but my husband and I are searching high and low for a personal budgeting software that is compatible with all our electronic portals. I am a die hard Mac user and he will never leave his PC/Blackberry. We're trying to find a program that will sync between the four, allowing us to update transactions while we are on the go. I've seen Splash Money and I'm not too impressed. I think we've exhausted all our options, but just wanted to throw the question out here to see if we've missed anything.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo I decided to change my habits and become organized for this upcoming semester. (Somehow I have managed to stay organized without ever using a calendar or planner)
So i decided to do everything through google because I use gmail. I setup a google calendar and google sync on my blackberry. I want to be able to switch between my computer and my blackberry for managing my calendar and task list.
I really like how on the google's calendar the task list shows up on the right. It just so happens I will use the task list primarily to remember things I have to do. Google unfortunately does not sync tasks with my blackberry as far as I can tell.
So what is everyone here using to stay organized on their computers and blackberrys? I am willing to switch and not use the native blackberry app if I have to, but I would like to stay with google's apps. Tasks are my primary concern.
I've been looking for a nice way to synchronize MySQL databases in a quick and easy way on the Mac, but so far I haven't found any good options.
Since I'm doing my development locally on both my iMac and my MacBook I'd like to be able to sync the site I'm working on with a click of a button.
There are very nice file syncing tools available (I'm currently using Synk Standard), but as far as MySQL syncing (two-way) goes the only one I've found is Navicat.
While Navicat works great they have for some reason not made it possible to access from the command line in the mac version, which means that I can't run the db sync automatically when I run the file sync.
I've tried UI scripting but it just won't work reliably (it clicks in the wrong places all of the time).
So do you know about any good MySQL syncing tools, that sync in both directions and are scriptable?
I installed Lion one week ago and I wonder how to save my mails into iCloud, the mails I receive via my ISP.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I have tried to sinchronize the Contacts in my iMac, but it doesn´t work. I have linked my iMac to iCloud. When I go to iCloud directly through Internet, I can see the "Contacts" I haver in iCloud. I have 6,624 contacts. The list of contactas can be seen in both iCliud and on my Mac. But when I add new contacts in my iMac (today I added 4), it doesn´t synchronize. The new contacts do not appear in the Cloud. How can I establish a good link so synchronization can effectively take place?
iMac, iOS 5.1