Hardware :: Web Use Of Apple IPad Already Rivals Android / BlackBerry
Apr 15, 2010
With more than 500,000 units sold in its first week, Apple's iPad has tracked as high as 0.04 percent of total daily Web browsing, a number equal to March averages for the Android and BlackBerry platforms, according to a Web analysis firm.Net Applications has been tracking the presence of the iPad online since the device was released on April 3. On its launch day, the iPad took an estimated 0.01 percent of all Web browser traffic, and continued to climb to its peak of 0.04 percent on April 10 and 11.As noted by Gregg Keizer of Computerworld, the iPad's share is nearly as great as usage of BlackBerry or Google Android on the Web. In the month of March, Net Applications found that BlackBerry had an average 0.04 percent share, while Android, split between versions 1.5 and 1.6, had the exact same figure. While the iPad achieved 0.04 percent for a couple of days, it has not yet sustained those numbers.
The statistics also show that iPhone and iPod touch devices are responsible for 0.6 percent of total Web browsing, an online presence about 20 times larger than the iPad managed to achieve in its first week.Apple this week revealed that it sold more than 500,000 iPads in the device's first week of availability. While the overall market presence of Android and BlackBerry phones dwarfs the number of iPads in the wild, the new statistics suggest that early adopters of the iPad have been far more likely to browse the Web on their new device than owners of BlackBerries or Android handsets.Also coming in with a 0.04 percent share, like the iPad, BlackBerry and Android, was Windows ME, Microsoft's much maligned operating system released in the year 2000. For comparison, Windows XP is a whopping 64.46 percent of all Web browsing. Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard is represented by 2.13 percent of all computers on the Web, while its predecessor, Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, takes up a slightly larger 2.26 percent.
Net Applications also found that Google is the dominant search engine on Apple's iPad, responsible for 97.43 percent of all searches conducted from the device. The iPad operating system, iPhone OS 3.2, has Google as the default search engine in its Mobile Safari Web browser. Users can go into the system settings and change the default to Yahoo, which carries 1.98 percent of iPad searches.Microsoft's Bing, which has been rumored for months to potentially become the default search engine of the iPhone, was third with 0.27 percent of all iPad searches. Ask took fourth with 0.13 percent, and AOL fifth with 0.8 percent.Early this year, the Web analysis firm found that the iPhone OS on the iPhone and iPod touch continued to grow, then taking 0.43 percent of all Web traffic. The data found that although the iPhone and iPod touch represented just 17 percent of global handsets, the two devices are responsible for 65 percent of all handheld Web browsing. Apple's ecosystem also controls half of all mobile application usage, AdMob has found.
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Aug 12, 2009
I have an old Blackberry which is horrible to type on and has an incredible battery life of 5 hours. So, I was wondering if there was some sort of way that I could connect the Blackberry to my Mac/iPod and text using Apple hardware, but transmit through the Blackberry. I don't have enough money to pay for the $100/month iPhone fee, so don't ask. If there is any App/widget/program for Mac or iPod which will allow me to do this, please recommend it to me. And it doesn't matter whether it is paid or free.
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May 30, 2012
When I switched to ICloud I thought my Apple ID and password would work for Apple store. It turns out they have a different Apple ID at the Apple store with a diferent password that I do not remember. HOw can I make the ICloud Apple ID and password work for all other platforms?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo
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May 30, 2012
When I click on Apple Apps, my ipad says my password is disabled. How do i enable it
iPad, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 28, 2012
Why does the AppStore on my iPad NOT recognize my new Apple ID password?
iPad, iOS 5.1.1
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Apr 29, 2012
I rented a movie on iTunes via my iPad.It loaded properly. I hit play and Air Play so it would connect to my Apple TV. I can now HEAR the movie, but I cannot see it (having said that, I see the movie, still, on my iPad screen....). Apple TV and AirPlay work fine with youtube videos and previously bought movies.
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Aug 21, 2014
My mac is synced to my iPhone 5s. The mac mini has OSX 10.9.4 and my iPhone has iOS 7.1.2 and my messages on my mac wont sent to android phones.
Mac mini, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Refurbished from Apple
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Feb 10, 2010
Calling the iPad a "game changer," Walt Disney Chief Executive Bob Iger revealed Tuesday that his company has big plans for Apple's device, including interactive TV, games, applications and comic books.
Iger's comments came during the Walt Disney Co. quarterly earnings conference call Tuesday. He suggested the company could build an iPad application around the popular ABC show "Lost" that would allow users to interact with the program and learn more information as they watch it.
He also said new ABC News and ESPN Score Center applications would be coming to the iPad, with an emphasis on giving users a new way to view with their content. He noted the existing ESPN application provides "rudimentary information" on scores, but the iPad version could become something much more.
"We find that iPad has a lot of potential," Iger said. "We think it�s a really compelling device. We think it could be a game changer in terms of enabling us to create essentially new forms of content. Obviously it will be a great device to play games on and to watch videos because of the clarity of the screen.
"But the interactivity that it will allow on a portable device with such a high quality screen is going to enable us to really start developing products that are different than the product that you typically see on an Internet-connected computer, or on a television set."
That Disney plans to support the iPad should come as no surprise -- Apple co-founder Steve Jobs is the single largest shareholder of stock in the Walt Disney Co. But Iger's comments do provide a clue as to what kind of content and new applications major developers could bring to Apple's new multimedia device.The CEO also revealed that Disney's digital revenues topped $2 billion in 2009. He expects the number to be even larger in 2010, thanks, in part, to the iPad.
He said that previously Disney was emphasizing e-books on computers screens, and the company had recently started to focus on expanding those titles to the iPhone and the iPod touch. But the iPad and its iBookstore will provide a new and different opportunity for the company to explore that market.
"Suddenly this device comes along and provides us with an even more robust technological platform, that makes the interactivity that we are going to provide -- things like read along simple animation music -- to just sort of come to life," Iger said.e also revealed that Disney is working on casual games for the iPad, and that it would release comic books from Marvel on the device.
Apple has reportedly been in talks with TV networks for months to offer a subscription TV plan. Disney -- which owns ABC, Disney Channel and the ABC Family networks -- has reportedly shown interest in the idea, but others have not. While networks were allegedly briefed on the tablet prior to its release, as a potential way to watch TV content, a TV subscription plan was not revealed when the iPad was unveiled in late January
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Mar 22, 2010
In addition to their own respective e-ink hardware devices, booksellers Amazon and Barnes & Noble will also release their own separate digital bookstores for Apple's iPad and other touchscreen tablet devices. Both companies revealed to The New York Times that they will create new digital readers and storefronts in addition to their existing applications for the iPhone and iPod touch. The App Store software will also compete with Apple's own iBooks application and accompanying iBookstore, which will also be available for download on the App Store rather than coming preinstalled on the device.
In particular, the Kindle application from Amazon was demonstrated to a Times reporter. It features the ability to slowly turn pages with fingers, much like Apple's own iBooks software. "It also presents two new ways for people to view their entire e-book collection, including one view where large images of book covers are set against a backdrop of a silhouetted figure reading under a tree," the report said. "The sun's position in that image varies with the time of day.".....................
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Mar 25, 2010
CBS.com is currently testing HTML5 video playback for streaming episodes of its TV shows, signaling that the major U.S. broadcast network aims to be iPad compatible before Apple's new multimedia device launches.
As discovered by MacRumors, accessing "iPad - test" video links accidentally posted by CBS through the iPad simulator, or when spoofing a browser's "user agent" setting, loads a new page that appears to be set up for HTML5 streaming video. The same links take users to the Adobe Flash page when accessed with a traditional browser.
"This new version of the video does not yet work but appears to be based on HTML5," the report said. "The css files reference HTML5 and have a number of 'webkit' specific calls. Webkit is the browser engine used in the iPad's mobile safari. While the videos don't currently play, the 'fullscreen mode' reportedly already works in the iPad simulator."
That CBS would be eager to find compatibility with the iPad should come as no surprise -- the network was on board with Apple's proposal for a TV subscription deal while other networks were wary. The network has also suggested it will lower prices of some TV shows on iTunes to 99 cents, down from the current standard of $1.99.
In February, it was rumored that Hulu, an online streaming video destination for multiple networks, plans to make its videos available without Flash for the iPad platform. Reports then alleged that the Web site could be prepared by the time the iPad launches April 3, though it was said the service would likely be subscription only.
CBS iPad test page, screenshot credit MacRumors.
In January, Google added support for HTML5 in YouTube, the Web's most popular streaming video destination. Allegedly labeled a "CPU hog" by Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, Adobe Flash has been a target of Apple, which has not allowed the Web standard on its iPhone OS, including the forthcoming iPad.
For more on Apple and Flash, and why the Web format will likely never be available on the iPhone OS, read AppleInsider's three-part Flash Wars series.
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Jul 22, 2010
Apple has launched its new beta V2 update of the MobileMe web-based Calendar, sending users announcements that allows them to opt into the new program, which brings shared calendaring and an iPad-like appearance.
Opting into the new beta upgrades the calendar data in a way that makes any changes connected to the new format. Users who choose to leave the beta will lose updated changes, as Apple warns in the signup process.
The new Calendar requires users to upgrade to the latest iOS 4 for iPhone and iPod touch, the latest Mac OS X 10.6.4 or the most recent MobileMe Control Panel 1.6.1 for Windows, and demands a modern web browser, minimally Safari 4, Firefox 3.6, or Internet Explore 8.
Apple also notes that the new calendar beta does not support Microsoft Outlook behind a proxy server, and does not support push updates for Windows and iPad users. The iPad will fetch new data when its Calendar is opened, while Outlook running on Windows will fetch new event data every five minutes. Other iOS devices and Mac will continue to receive push updates normally.
Users with lots of calendar data may be warned that their older data will be incrementally upgraded over the next hour.
The new MobileMe Calendar features an iPad-like slider control at the bottom for rapidly navigating to future and previous months, and a calendar and notes view that appear to be tear off pads of paper. Also like the iPad Calendar, it presents a Day summary and List view of upcoming events.
MobileMe users can opt in to the new beta by logging in and requesting an invite. The new Calendar update is the latest in an overhaul series that began with Mail. The new updates use the latest SproutCore frameworks to create a very desktop-like experience.
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Dec 16, 2010
I use my iPad to access my work emails as it's easier on a bigger screen than the blackberry.
My IT guy at work said normally it doesn't work outside our approved accounts, except on the iPhone and iPad you can bypasss it by turning SSL off.
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Jun 4, 2014
When attempting to turn my Mac Pro on, all I receive is a fast flashing Apple logo. I can't get to my desktop. It appears frozen here.
iPad 2
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Nov 20, 2010
I have a new MBA that I can't get to connect to my Android Incredible's Hotspot. I've tried every security setting and of course the no security setting. My phone does show up in the available Wifi networks. BTW my Vista laptop connects without a problem.
what I'm doing wrong or still need to do?
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Mar 28, 2010
What is doubleTwist? [URL]. DoubleTwist is, more or less, an iTunes clone designed to work with multiple portable devices, including Android phones. You'll notice the first time you use it that there are many iTunes similarities: general layout, spreadsheet-style interface and usage behaviors. With doubleTwist you can import iTunes or Windows Media content, add files or folders to your library, create and sync playlists with your smartphone, purchase new unlocked music from AmazonMP3, and more. To get started using doubleTwist, download and install the latest version on your computer. You can download doubleTwist here: [URL]. Once installed, create a free doubleTwist account and sign in.
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Mar 12, 2012
Can I use Android / MTP to transfer files via USB to my MacBook Pro? If so, how?
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May 17, 2012
how do i transfer songs from my itunes library on my mac to an android phone?
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May 27, 2012
is my murcury andriod compatible with my macbook
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.0.x)
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Jun 12, 2012
How come when I use USB to connect my Android phone (Samsung gs2), two (2) "No Name" folders open up on the desktop?I only want one, but it seems to be splitting my phone into two folders?
Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jan 29, 2010
Apple has long had a business sales group ready to sell Macs to any interested companies, and with the release of iPhone 2.0, the Cupertino-based company made it very clear that it wanted the iPhone to fit the needs of corporate users.That has helped stoke a healthy interest in the iPhone platform among companies who develop custom mobile software. Apple hardened the iPhone's security profile, added Exchange support, and created mass configuration and deployment tools for the deviceFor the iPad, those same corporate-friendly iPhone features will all continue to work, thanks to the iPad being build on the same software foundation. However, the iPad adds a variety of new things that business users should find very attractive.
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Mar 5, 2010
While most who currently own an e-reader have a Kindle from Amazon, a new survey found that a majority of consumers who intend to buy an e-reader in the near future will opt instead for the Apple iPad. ChangeWave recently conducted a survey of 3,171 consumers the week after Apple announced the iPad, and the results suggest that the forthcoming device is poised to make a huge splash in the e-reader market. "In particular, while a handful of e-Reader manufacturers -- most prominently Amazon -- clearly have a major head start," ChangeWave said, "the survey findings show the iPad is poised to profoundly shake up this market."
Among those who plan to purchase an e-reader in the next 90 days, 40 percent said they will buy the Apple iPad. That's well ahead of the 28 percent who will opt for an Amazon Kindle, 6 percent for the Barnes & Noble Nook and 1 percent for a Sony Reader. That would be a major change for the Kindle, which is currently the far-and-away market leader. The ChangeWave survey found that 68 percent of respondents who already own an e-reader have the Kindle, while just 10 percent have a Sony Reader. "While the iPad launch is likely to strengthen overall e-Reader demand, the survey suggests Amazon and its competitors could well find themselves relegated to playing catch-up within just a few quarters if they don't preemptively move quickly to upgrade their own e-Reader products," the analysis firm surmised......................
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Mar 19, 2010
Apple had high hopes of delivering an all-you-can-eat buffet of television shows in the form of a subscriptions service by the time its iPad hits the market next month, but opposition from networks has forced the company to adopt Plan B: a push towards lower pricing for a la carte downloads.
In an updated version of its report on Apple's scrambles to secure last-minute content licensing deals for the iPad, The Wall Street Journal cites people familiar with the matter as saying that electronics maker is now asking that television networks agree to drop the price of their episodes to $0.99, down from $1.99 and $2.99.
The concession on Apple's part comes after the majority balked at a more ambitious attempt by company to court its largest network partners into an all-inclusive subscription service, which would have offered iPad users broad access to the catalogs of many of their favorite programs for a set monthly fee, according to the paper.
Still, Apple's struggling to achieve the networks' approval, even with its pared back strategy. People speaking anonymously to the Journal say the content providers are weary of the strategy, fearing it could ultimately hurt their business and jeopardize "the tens of billions of dollars in subscription fees they are paid by cable and satellite companies for their traditional TV networks."
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Mar 31, 2010
Because the iPad will further the growing market for cloud computing, international environmental advocacy group has criticized Apple's newest hardware for having "a much larger carbon footprint than previously estimated."
The new report from Greenpeace issued this week claims that "quintessential cloud computing devices," like Apple's iPad, raise questions about how the Internet is powered. Specifically, the nongovernmental organization said increase demand for online services will also result in a larger demand for "dirty coal power."
"To be clear: We are not picking on Apple," the group said. "We are not dissing the iPad. But maybe someone can come up with an app that calculates the carbon footprint of using different web sites based on their location and energy deals.
"Apple is the master of promotion, and while we marvel at the sleek unpolluted design of the iPad, we need to think about where this is all leading and how like all good surfers we can make sure our environment stays clean and green."
The report, entitled "Make IT Green: Cloud Computing and its Contribution to Climate Change," concludes that connected mobile devices like the iPad will increase the use of online services like social networks and video streaming. The report noted that Facebook recently announced the construction of its own data center in Prineville, Oregon that will primarily run on coal.
The report states that data centers and telecommunication networks will consume about 1,963 billion kilowatt hours of electricity in 2020, which is more than triple their current consumption and over half of the total electricity consumption in America. Devices like the iPad, the environmental group suggests, will only add to global warming pollution.
"As the cloud grows, the IT industry's appetite for energy will only increase, so the industry must become strong advocates for renewable energy solutions and strong laws that cut global warming pollution," said Casey Harrell, Greenpeace International campaigner. "IT companies like Microsoft, Google, and IBM are now in powerful positions at the local, national, and international levels to influence policies that will allow them to grow responsibly in a way that will decouple their economic growth from rising greenhouse gas emissions."
When Apple introduced the iPad in January, it touted the environmental checklist for the construction of the new hardware. The company noted that the device is free of arsenic, brominated flame retardant, mercury, polyvinyl chloride, and is highly recyclable.
Greenpeace's attitude toward Apple has improved significantly over the last few years, with the environmental group ranking the Mac maker the greenest electronics maker earlier this year. The praise was quite a change from just a few years ago, when Greenpeace was targeting Apple over the use of toxic chemicals in its products.
Last Year, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs revealed that Greenpeace's actions played a part in his company eventually promoting its green focus in public. He said the company's tight-lipped approach, particularly on public policy issues, hurt its image with environmental organizations.
Last September, Apple began reporting its hardware carbon emissions, and touting its environmentally friendly hardware. The Cupertino, Calif., company said less than 5 percent of its emissions come from manufacturing facilities, while more than 95 percent of Apple's greenhouse gases are from use of the products they make.
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Apr 6, 2010
Apple has hinted at the prospect for direct printing from the iPad in its support documents for iWork apps, suggesting the feature may appear as part of iPhone OS 4.0.
Support pages for iPad's Pages, Keynote, and Numbers apps each note that "printing directly from iPad is not currently available," rather than simply stating that the apps do not print. For now, Apple directs users to send their documents to a desktop computer that can print them, either via email or using iPad's new File Sharing feature in iTunes.The ability to print via Bluetooth or WiFi may likely be part of Apple's iPhone 4.0 announcement on Thursday. Apple could avoid the need to include the massive amounts of (often buggy) printer drivers used by Windows or Mac OS X by simply supporting a limited subset of printing options.
Other details related to iPad's new hardware, its new Human Interface Guidelines, and its new feature tweaks (and curious feature omissions) will be considered in tomorrow's "In-depth review of iPad and iPhone OS 3.2."
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Oct 4, 2010
my family have Blackberry phones, I am the only one with iPhone at home, so I am wondering if there a Messenger to be used on Mac to contact my family.
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Jul 3, 2009
Unfortunately because there is no iphone on verizon i had to go with a blackberry storm. Does anyone else with one know how to connect it to a mac to update the software and such. It seems as though windows is required, but i really don't want windows taking up space on my hard drive. it seems like there has to be some way to connect a blackberry to a mac.
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Jun 18, 2010
Have you ever met the following situations ,if you want to put your dvd to another portable device,what do you often need?I want to put my dvd to my blackberry ,but I have some problem in doing it
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May 30, 2012
I cant seem to find a straight answer anywhere, some say this others that. I have 2 iphones 1 pad 1 apple tv 1imac all under 1 account. would like to get a second imac and want to know if I can keep everything under the same account. Do the phones pads and pods count towards your 5 count?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Jun 23, 2012
How can I transfer pictures from my samsung transform android phone to my new Imac computer?
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Jul 3, 2012
How do I transfer pictures from my adroid phone to my mac? It just won't let it happen.
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