MacBook Pro :: USB3 To Thunderbold Or Firewire Connectivity

Jun 13, 2012

I Have Lacie Porsche Design P’9230 usb3 (2TB) Hard Drive. This device  connected with 13” macbook pro (X Lion) to usb2 port. Is there any way to connect Thunderbolt port  or Firewire 800 port. If yes suggest me the converter details.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Hardware :: New MacBook Pro Connectivity (FW800 - USB3 - ESATA - LightPeak & HDMI)

Apr 16, 2010

I for one am really happy to see FireWire 800 still included on these machines. I have five external HDs, all with FireWire, of which two are portables (freeagent Go). I also use two video cameras, both FW. I'd hate to lose FW connectivity too soon. Transferring data (audio, video or other) via USB has always been slow and problematic for me. Sometimes pieces are dropped or end up corrupt. FW has always been smoother and problem free in this regard. Hopefully FireWire will still be around a little longer than some expected. Rumours of its untimely demise have been greatly exaggerated of late

eSATA or lack thereof does not bother me as only one of my drives supports it and little else on the market does either. USB3 would have been a nice addition but maybe its early days yet and with LightPeak around the corner we may not need it at all. HDMI would have been a no brainer. Sorry but display port is just another Apple specific port which only serves to differentiate and annoy when common high quality alternatives already exist.

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MacBook Pro :: USB3.0 Expresscard34 Options?

Feb 3, 2012

Anyone outhere using a USB3.0 Expresscard34 on an MBP? Thunderbolt drives are still so expensive

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MacBook Pro :: USB3 Not Working On Retina?

Jun 14, 2012

I have a timemachine backup that is on a USB3 Toshiba 750 GB drive. Obviously ive been using it at USB2 speeds, and it works fine on other macs, but when I plug it into my retina MBP, the HD will spin at low speed, but it never fully loads. For those that know these toshibas, the light on it stays blue instead of turning white. 

I have tried mounting it via diskutility, but to no avail. It has a fair number of things I need to transfer over! 

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MacBook Pro :: USB3 External Drive Keeps Getting Booted

Apr 30, 2012

I recently got a 750 GB WD 'My Passport' external backup drive (the USB3 version) and every time I plug it in, my MacBook Pro starts the spotlight process and then within 5 seconds kicks the drive off!

Then, it gives me the lecture dialogue of dismounting the drive correctly (via Finder for example), not to just pull the drive out of the USB port!

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: USB3 Toshiba External HDD Won't Work

May 9, 2012

I was bought a Toshiba 1TB external hard drive with port of USB3, I see that my macbook pro won't recognize it. Since this HDD was work with Dell laptop and the PC. So is the problem was the port power. 

back label/model 
v63600-C 1TB  DC+-5V ~ 1.0A  11/11
Toshiba Corporation

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)

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MacBook Air :: USB3 Compatible With USB2 Peripherals?

Jul 3, 2012

Can USB2 peripherals (hard drives, USB microphones, et al) be used with a MacBook Air that only has USB3 jacks?

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MacBook Pro :: 15 Firewire Unable To List Firewire Devices And Takes 5-6 Start Up?

Feb 16, 2009

I currently have my second MBP that I got from Macmall and both in a matter of two weeks have had similar issues. The first I managed to get returned and replaced, that is a seperate and complicated story in and of itself. This particular issue started with a boot up sequence that was taking about 5-6 mins. After going through the drill with Applecare thought I could restore using Time Machine. That's when I found out that the FW400 port no longer worked to power my Oyen Digital 250G FW drive. Any thoughts as to what might be the problem? This is my second MBP and Oyen Digital FW drive. I had them both replaced!

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Hardware :: USB3 Significantly Faster Than FW800

Aug 23, 2010

Mac FW800: 75MB/sec. Win USB3: 150MB/sec.

Also, the Mac USB2 implementation is roughly half the speed of Windows. 17MB/sec vs 33MB/sec sequential read.

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Intel Mac :: USB3 Cable CF Card Reader Will Work On USB2 Port?

Mar 11, 2012

Just wondering if a USB3 cable CF card reader will work on on my USB2 port on my old Intel 24" white iMac?

24" iMAC

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MacBook :: Connect External Harddrive With Firewire 800 To Macbook With Firewire 400?

Feb 8, 2012

I just got the external harddrive "Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex USB 3.0 1TB" with a Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex Upgrade Kabel FireWire 800. I have neither a USB 3.0, nor a Firewire 800 on my white macbook (2008). I already know, that it's possible to use USB 3.0 with an USB 2.0 port, but I would like to use it with the firewire to spare the USB port for other devices. My question: Is there an adapter or cable to use the Seagate Firewire 800 with my Firewire 400 port? I don't know, where and what to look for. 

MacBook (13-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Mac Losing Router Connectivity?

May 13, 2012

My recent MacBook Pro is losing router connectivity based on its location every few seconds. I need to be in close proximity and direct view of the router for it to stay on. The problem is not with the router, because other machines are fine.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: USB 3 To Express-card Connectivity?

Jun 10, 2012

I have a MacBook Pro 4,1 (early 2008, pre-unibody model) which has an ExpressCard slot.recommend a USB 3 to ExpressCard adapter for it, ideally one that I can source in the UK? I have looked at several via internet searches though one of the key issues seems to be having a driver that works with 10.6.8. The aim is to connect a Sony XQD card reader to the MacBook Pro via USB 3/ExpressCard to take advantage of the USB 3 speed. Sony's own XQD ExpressCard adapter does not work with OS 10.6.8 (I've emailed Sony requesting 10.6.8 driver support.) 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), MBP4,1 2.5 GHz Core 2 Duo 4GB

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MacBook Pro :: Unstable WiFi Connectivity

Jun 22, 2014

My macbook pro is connected to the internet via WiFi router, and it very often it happens that my macbook loses connectivity with it. WiFi logo shows the same signal strength, but all browsers (Safari & Chrome) can't load webpages. 

This issue can be solved by turning WiFi on and off, but it happens again and again. It looks like connectivity loses when Macbook goes in sleep mode and get's back from it, but sometimes connectivity issues happen even without sleep mode switching. I found in the internet that this issue can be solved by turning off Bluetooth.

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Mac Mini :: Connecting A 2011 Mini To A 2011 IMac Via Thunderbold To Use IMacs Display

Jun 16, 2012

I've just ordered an i5 Mac Mini and while it's destined to be used as a media-centre/ streamer connected to my TV via HDMI, initially I want to hook it up to the display on my 2011 iMac. Can one of you clever bods point me in the direction of what cable I need, and also what do I need to do to the iMac to make it behave as just a monitor? Is it just a matter of plugging in the cables and off I go?

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MacBook Pro :: What Is Dual FireWire 400 And Can It Act As A FireWire 800

Jun 27, 2010

I have a somewhat old Seagate FreeAgent external drive (like this).

It has a switchable port controller, one has a USB2 and eSATA and the other has two FireWire 400 ports [URL].

Now, on the FW controller it says "Dual FireWire 400".

What is Dual FireWire 400? And does it implicate that I can use both ports together somehow and get FW800 by that?

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MacBook Pro :: Best Router/Netflix Connectivity Difference

Oct 8, 2010

I have an older Netgear router in my apt and am having trouble getting consistent internet signal. I can't even do Netflix I get error Here is my setup, any ideas?

MBP 2.4-- Firefox, 10.6.4 software

AT&T Elite dsl- 4.80 dl /0.64 upload? checked on [URL]

Netgear router--older model- does this make a difference?

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MacBook Air :: Wireless Randomly Losing Connectivity

Oct 10, 2009

So every so often after I open my laptop up my wireless will work initially but then all the sudden will stop working. All I have to do is turn off airport and turn it back on and it works again.

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MacBook Pro :: Configuring System To Get WiFi Connectivity

May 30, 2010

My job does not have internet service. How do I get WiFi?

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MacBook Pro :: Slow Connectivity After EFI Firmware Update 2.7?

Feb 29, 2012

Did everyone notice a significant slowdown of network speeds (wireless at least) after installing this update [URL] on a 2011 MacBook Pro (2.0 i7 15") 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2011 15" 2.0Ghz

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MacBook Pro :: Drops Wireless Connectivity When Moving Around?

Mar 8, 2012

My job requires me to be mobile, and I move from one office to the next frequently, to attend to various meetings etc.  Every time I move from one office to the next, I have to turn WiFi OFF, and then back ON again, in order for it to re-establish connectivity.  This is a major frustration, as quite often I am downloading or uploading work applications, and have to re-start the download / upload again from scratch.  It's impractical to not move until these are complete. 

Mac OS X Lion Version 10.7.3

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Hardware :: MacBook Battery Affect Airport Connectivity?

Mar 13, 2010

A month ago, I started to get kicked off my wireless network seemingly random. I have eight devices on the network, but only my MacBook Pro was affected. I use an Airport Extreme base station - the UFO-looking one from about 2006. This wasn't regular "can't find the network", greyed-out Airport icon kicked off - the icon became an outline and no matter what I tried, only a restart would get me back on (often to be kicked off again within minutes). Again, I have six devices on the network - my wife is in the same room, feet away, and her 2003 iBook stays on the network with no troubles. A week after I started having this problem, I noticed my battery was no longer holding a charge. I just bought a new one. My question: I didn't initially think there might be a connection between the two issues - dying battery and Airport connectivity - but now that I've had the new battery working for a day, I haven't been kicked off the network. Could the bad battery have caused the Airport to totally disconnect?

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MacBook :: While Using External Monitor With DVI Kills Wireless Connectivity

Dec 30, 2008

Upon receiving the monitor, I immediately plugged it in to my Macbook, using the Mini-DV to VGA adaptor I already had, for use with projectors. The monitor was good, but a bit blurry and not too sharp, due to the analog signal. So I ordered a Mini-DVI to DVI adaptor. When it arrived, the improved picture quality was immediately apparent.

However, as time went on, I noticed my wireless connectivity was getting terrible. Extremely slow Safari page load times, and upon going to Terminal and pinging my router, I would often get response times of 21000 milliseconds, or worse! I did a lot of research, on router firmware, on wireless connectivity, etc., but to no prevail. Then, on a whim, while continually pinging my router, I removed the DVI adaptor from my monitor. The ping instantly dropped from tens of full seconds to just a stable 0.4 milliseconds! Using my VGA connection resulted in no worse wireless connectivity than without it, but upon plugging in DVI and stressing the connection a bit (i.e. downloading a large file), the connection went bonkers. The pings also immediately jump from 0.4 milliseconds to a range of 1-4 milliseconds, regardless of any "stressing".

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MacBook Pro :: Installed EFI 2.7 Update - No Network Connectivity After Reboot

Feb 29, 2012

I have a late 2011 MacBook Pro 13" running Lion. I installed the recommended 2.7 EFI update (which was advised by the system update utility) and after the reboot, I could not access any network resources (couldn't ping the router). The information provided showed that I was connected to the WIFI AP and had a good IP Address (provided via DHCP). I connected an ethernet cable and got a new IP address in both cases, I was unable to ping the gateway IP address.

I tried clearing the PRAM and NVRAM but no success. I booted into the restore console and the wifi access there showed my Time Machine backup (connected to my Airport Extreme). I was confused by this as when fully booted, it wouldn't show anything on the network, but in the restore mode it could.I have begun the process of restoring from the previous backup which will take a few hours.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: 13-inch Late 2011 And Iphone 4 Sms Connectivity?

May 18, 2012

Is there anyway i can connect my iphone4 to my macbook so that i can send sms etc using my macbook , as i have my iphone connected to a music dock and its a right pest having to remove it for every message i receive. 

MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), iphone is also on latest version

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MacBook Pro :: 10.6 Recent Update Kills Connectivity With External Monitors?

Jan 7, 2010

Formatted my MacBook Pro and clean installed Snow Leopard after I lost connectivity to any external monitor I plug in to my MBP. I noticed that as soon as I restarted with the Snow Leopard DVD, I regained the connection with my external monitor.

After format all was well until I updated all to the way it was. No problems showed until I loaded the recent update of Snow Leopard.Does anyone suffer from this? Does anyone know a solution?

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MacBook Pro :: WiFi Connectivity - Every Few Minutes Lose Connection To Internet

Jun 1, 2014

There's something wrong with the Wifi connectivity on my Macbook Pro. Every few minutes, I lose connection to the internet even though it says I'm still connected to my network. I have to turn Wi-Fi off and then on for it to start working again. It only works for a few minutes and sometimes hours, but then I have to turn Wi-Fi off and then on agian. It only happens on my MacBook.

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IMac :: Connect Via Firewire To Sony TRV - 22 Camcoder - Need Which Firewire Cable

Oct 12, 2009

I just got a Mac Mini (March 2009 model) and want to connect it via Firewire to my Sony TRV-22 camcoder. The camcorder has a Mini DV Firewire jack on it (I think this is called a 4-pin connector sometimes too). But on the Mac Mini, I can't tell if I need a 6-pin or a 9-pin. Can someone point me to a good cable so I can dump some MiniDV tapes into iMovie?

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MacBook :: 2008 Macbook Internet Connectivity Inturruption?

Jul 24, 2010

Recently I've been having difficulty with some aspects of internet on my macbook. Initially I've found certain sites will not initiate downloads, (download page redirects but fail to initiate, control click - save seems to solve this problem, however remains frustrating) Also more recently I've found that I cannot download the new version of itunes off of apples website (due to the same problem, they don't have a direct link) When I tried to use software update from the menu I was met with a similar problem. Internet is connected and seemingly working fine but apple update fails to run, (Software Update cannot check for updates because of a network problem) network diagnostics fail to determine any problem, after power cycling both modem (dynalink) and wireless router (linksys) and calling isp who claims connection is solid with no problems.

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Hardware :: MIDI To Firewire - Is There Any USB Adapter To Use Firewire

Jan 21, 2010

I googled it and it didn't help out as much. I have this Shure Mic and it has MIDI input and would like to have some kind of adapter to firewire. I know there is an USB adapter, but i would like to use firewire. It can be firewire 400 or 800. I like to record some songs for GarageBand.

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