MacBook Pro :: USB Midi Controller Not Showing Up?
May 17, 2010
I have a usb midi controller (vestax spin to be exact) and my mbp doesn't seem to recognize it but I know it's on because of the power light, what can I do? Also sometimes I get a message to power down my computer or restart.
yesterday i bought MIDI keyboards it's M-AUDIO Keystation Mini 32
The problem is that when i connect it to right USB port it works flawlessly, but when i connect it to my left USB port - my macbook pro recognizes the device but it doesn't send any midi data - to put it in other way: it is not working.
I have checked, everything is working fine In the LEFT usb port( wireless mouse, external HDD, Flash drives, Iphone) except my MIDI Keyboard.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I have only just got a MIDI keyboard conencted via USB to control the software instruments on Garageband. The only problem I am finding is if I say, sample some drums, I can only play them back by manually placing them in the chord orchestrator. What I basically need/want is to control the track (the part on the left) by a single press on the keyboard; so if I wanted 2 kicks to sound, I'd press the key twice. But at the moment it's just not registering at all, and only allows me to play the stock software instruments with the keyboard
I just recently purchased Logic Express 9. I am having difficulty getting the application to play my external MIDI gear.
I selected the appropriate track type (external MIDI), then selected from the library a MIDI device and channel. Logic sees the MIDI devices that I configured through Apple's "�Audio/MIDI interface� app".
This is my setup�
Logic Express is installed on an iMac with 4GB Memory running the latest version of MAC OS 10.x Snow Leopard.
I�m using a Motu Fastlane 2x2 MIDI Interface with Motu�s latest driver installed.
Connected to the Port A input of the Fastlane is a Yamaha P-80 that I am using as a MIDI controller and whose sounds I also want to use. Connected to the two output MIDI ports of the Fastlane are the Yamaha P-80 and a Roland JD990 MIDI synth module. In are correctly routed to outs and vice versa.
The Fastlane is recognized by the MAC computer. Also Logic Express sees the instruments I configured within the Apple�s �Audio/MIDI interface� app.
I am able to use the P-80 keyboard to record MIDI data to Logic Express for either an internal instrument track or an external MIDI track. The soft synths in the internal tracks play with no problem. For an External MIDI track, I see the data in the Piano roll view. When I play the track, no sound comes out but I see the output MIDI data indicated at the bottom of the arrangement window. Also my external MIDI gear�s audio outs are patched into an audio mixer connected to powered monitor speakers. So I would definitely hear the devices if they were receiving MIDI information. The MIDI indicator lights on the external devices are not flashing when Logic is playing back the data.
So obviously I have an output communication issue. Either something is not set properly within the Logic software or the �Audio/MIDI interface� app.
When I open up the �Audio/MIDI interface� app and click on test. I am able to here the tone when I press the keyboard which indicates the Motu Interface is receiving data from the keyboard. However, when I click on the port�s output arrow that is supposed to send a tone to the MIDI instruments, I hear nothing which is consistent with what is happening within Logic.
I know the Motu Fastlane works because I used it for a long time in a Windows based system. I have checked each wire and they check out as well. I have checked and double checked each connection and they are set properly. At this point, I am not sure what to do to correct this problem.
I am thinking of an ultra portable ring consisting of the Macbook Air and Reason 4.0 and a USB MIDI keyboard. Will this set up work? I know that the speakers are mono but the headphone out should be good to go right?
I'm trying to connect my Roland keyboard to my computer via USB to use in Garageband and another music program. Is it possible to do this without using an interface in the audio setup or ? I tried just connecting it via USB with the keyboard driver installed, but my computer doesn't see it.
I have been using a yamaha UX16 converter for a few years as my MIDI converter. I recently bought a new MacBook Pro (10.7.4) and I went through the process of downloading drivers. A light comes on in the device, but I can't get my keyboard to communicate with my laptop (going into Albeton_Live) at all.
I was given a mac book that wouldn't show anything on screen, apple said it had bad logic board. I fixed that by torching the gpu die, and everything is perfect. Except the computer will not charge that battery, says battery 0% "not charging". I tried all the usual, so does anyone know exactly were the smc controller is on the motherboard? I have some ideas And all the cables from the mag safe connecter to the battery, appear good.
I'm a long-time Mac owner (this is my 4th) but new to Mac forums. I'm making the transition from playing action type games on a console system to playing games on my Mac (Madden, Call of Duty, etc). It sucks playing them without some kind of controller and I am looking hard at what's out there.
I have a MacBook Pro, 17", 2.66GHz Intel Core i7 processor, and 8 GB 1067MHz DDR3 memory.
So what are the best controllers that are currently available? Or would I be better served to wait a couple of months for something due out any time? I don't want to wait forever and I know that there will always be something better coming out, but if there is something revolutionary coming soon, I'd wait.
I've tried but it is recognized as a keyboard and ask me to type the passcode and then the enter key. How could I type the passconde on the controller?Here's a screen shot of the popup window when I press the PS button on the controller:I'm using a MacBook Pro early 2011 with Lion version 10.7.3.The Bluetooth chipset is Broadcom (version 4.0.3f12).Â
I recently purchased a SteelSeries GC3 controller mainly to use for playing emulator games (Dolphin Emulator) on my Macbook Pro (Retina). However, after hours of trying to get the controller to work I have had no success. When I plug it into my computer it lights up showing that the computer recognizes it but it won't recognize it on any program. Well actually, the first time I plugged it in it was able to recognize the buttons when programming their commands for the emulator but never worked in the actual game itself. Now it wont even recognize when programming.
Just found this when I was browsing through some stuff.That's the controller that can be found from Toshiba HG2 SSDs that are used in at least 2010 MBPs. Here's a pic of the MBA's SSD:Original pic by iFixit (full size)As you can see, both are using Toshiba's T6UG1XBG Solid State Drive controller
i have Snow Leopard 10.6.3 on that and since i update it to latest version with about 8GB download from Software Update my problem is that my fan is always on....
The battery on my Macbook Pro says not charging even though green light is lit on the power adaptor. I have reset the SMC and it doens't help. The Macbook stays turned on as long as the adaptor is in, but immeditely shuts off when pulled out.
I have a macbook pro 15, core 2 duo processor, 140 GB hard drive that is almost full.I shut it down last night & now it won't power up. Hear fan but no startup sound, no video, power light is not lit.Would the almost full hard drive (less than 8 GB remaining) interfere with startup?
Installed Lion via the app store, now both of my eSATA drives are not mounting and the system proflier states that there is no IDE Controller Driver installed.
After a series of events with my MBPro's screen going weird purple/magenta color intermittently and making text all but illegible, I ran the AHT (Apple Hardware Test).
This returned an error stating there was a problem with the video controller: "4VDC/1/40000003:Video Controller"
i need to assign a background sound in my page, and i have used garageband to create a very simple tune, and export it to the iTune.IS there anyway i can convert from m4a to MP3, or MIDI file?
I've been searching versiontracker for a week now looking for a program that will convert my midi's to MP3. Likewise, i only found a command line app that doesn't install.
I know that GB '08 was JUST released so I don't know if anyone would have a definitive answer. I've already checked on Apple's support pages to no avail, so here it goes. Does GB '08 finally have support for MIDI out? Previous versions did not have this feature, so I'm hoping that this version will. one?. I've used midiO in the past with my version of GB (the iLife 05' version) but it's always locked up GB for me, so I'm hoping for a native feature this time around.
I am running an optical cable to a Channel Islands outboard DAC that can handle 24/96. I downloaded some 24/96 albums from HDTracks and convertd them using XLD to 24/96 Apple Lossless in iTunes. When I go into my Audio/ MIDI program and try to change the output on the Mac (13" Macbook Pro from 2010) to 24/96, the computer won't accept it. It just bounces the setting back to 24/44. Why won't it accept a 96 kHz sampling rate?