MacBook Air :: Uses The Same SSD Controller As Other SSDs That Apple Offers?

Oct 22, 2010

Just found this when I was browsing through some stuff.That's the controller that can be found from Toshiba HG2 SSDs that are used in at least 2010 MBPs. Here's a pic of the MBA's SSD:Original pic by iFixit (full size)As you can see, both are using Toshiba's T6UG1XBG Solid State Drive controller

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Software :: Apple Offers Advice On 10.5.6 Upgrade

Dec 19, 2008

December 18, 2008 4:03 PM PST
Apple offers advice on 10.5.6 upgrade problems
Posted by Tom Krazit

Apple has acknowledged an issue encountered by some Leopard users trying to install the company's latest update released Monday. In a support document posted to its site, Apple described an issue in which a Mac would hang on a "Configuring installation" window when trying to install Mac OS X 10.5.6. That was apparently the result of an incomplete update getting seeded into the Software Update process, and Mac OS X will freak out if it tries to install a partially downloaded update.

Apple recommends that if you encounter this problem, or have already, that you force Software Update to quit, remove the partial update from your library, and re-download the update. If you chose to download the standalone update from Apple's site rather than the combo update, you might also have had this problem; when in doubt, choose the combo update option.

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MacBook Pro :: Is There Any Other Company That Offers The Same Service

Feb 21, 2010

I want to change the screen on my 13" MBP. Has anyone changed their screen from glossy to matte via Techrestore?

If yes, what has been your experience? Also, is there any other company that offers the same service?

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MacBook Pro :: Wants SSDs Vs. HDs In The MBP?

Feb 24, 2010

I have a quick noob query about SSDs vs. HDs in the MBP

Pretty much, what are the advantages of having a solid-state drive over a normal 5400 or 7200 rpm drive? Is it just speed vs. space?

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MacBook Pro :: How To Replace SSDs?

Apr 17, 2010

I mentioned to someone that I was thinking of buying the optional 128 or 256SSD on the MBP I intend to buy, and perhaps in a couple of years buying an SSD of greater capacity. (The 512 is beyond my budget at present.)

The person I spoke to didn't think this was a good idea because the 128 and even the 256 would soon fill up with photos, and that I would then want a larger drive.

(Backing up an external drive is of course highly recommended, but it's pretty neat to have all one's photo collection on the computer's own drive.)

Replacing an SSD with another, he said, was a "dickens of a job" as the existing (factory) SSD is built into the mother board.

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MacBook Pro :: Single SSD Or RAID 0 Array With 2 SSDs

Aug 28, 2010

Difficulty deciding between 1 or 2. Unsure about real world performance gain of 2. No experience with SSDs or RAID 0. Worried about alignment and sleep/hibernate issues. Stock 5400rpm 320GB will go inside eSATA enclosure. Does anybody have a good eSATA ExpressCard/34 to recommend? I don't care about the SuperDrive. But I'll keep it for Care warranty purposes.

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MacBook Pro :: Regular And RAID Ready SSDs

Aug 19, 2010

I am checking out the market on SSDs for my Macbook Pro and I've found a few manufacturers differentiate their product lines as "regular" SSDs and Raid-Ready SSDs. The raid ready's being more expensive and having a little less space. I'm not as tech savvy as I should probably be, so I don't know what Raid or Raid-Ready means and what value it might have.

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MacBook Pro :: Using SSDs / Intel X25-V 40GB Or OCZ Vertex 30GB?

Mar 30, 2010

I've been surfing the web for hours now to find the right SSD for me. I have an ExpressCard SSD which unfortunately is having too many problems so I am planning on buying the MCE OptiBay to replace the SuperDrive with a second hard drive.

So my intention is to buy a cheap/small SSD to install OS X on it and to keep the home folder on the internal drive. There seem to be two SSDs which fit into that category. I need some advice whether those two products even work on my MacBook Pro Early 2008 2,4GHz, or if there are any other incompatibilities & problems.So the two candidates are Intel X25-V 40GB or OCZ Vertex 30GB.

The OCZ offers less space and costs slightly more but neither of them are really significant as they are in my price range. The OCZ ("Read: Up to 230 MB/s & Write: Up to 135 MB/s") seems to be much faster then the Intel one ("Read: up to 170MB/s & Write: up to 35MB/s"). Especially the writing speed of the Intel X25-V is really poor, even when compared to normal HDDs.

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OS X Mavericks :: Copy And Paste Not Working Only Offers Cut?

Aug 24, 2014

I have a client working on an 11" MacBook Air purchased early this year reporting that she cannot access copy and paste across applications: "At the moment I can’t COPY anything in Word or indeed any other documents, including emails etc.  Driving me mad.  Only the CUT option comes up - and as I’m working against a deadline… " 

And she also reports this issue with Apple Mail which seems to have lost its preference file settings: "Also bloody Mail programme has now changed its layout and everything is bloody FIXED - so I can’t move it about the screen while I dig up another document I need to refer to.  It wasn’t like this before… again very labour intensive and irritating. I have to use my online Google mail to get around this resistance… " 

I have suggested that she uses Disk Utility to repair permissions on her Hard Disk and then restart in Safe Mode to see whether Copy and Paste is restored and also that Mail is back in order, through a corrupted Preference file may require resetting. 

I thought that she may have been hit by a Trojan. I'm reminded of the strange symptoms experienced by clients using MS Office when the Flashback Trojan struck in 2012. 

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Software :: Microsoft Offers Free 30 Day Trial Of Office For Mac

Jan 25, 2011

Rather than listing Office for Mac on the Mac App Store, Microsoft is offering a new 30 day free trial for the suite, something that can't be done through Apple's App Store. In contrast to smaller developers such as Pixelmator, which have embraced the new Mac App Store enthusiastically, Microsoft (along with Adobe) hasn't released any titles through the Mac App Store yet.

It has released Windows Live Messenger and Bing search apps in the iOS App Store, in addition to the new iPhone OneNote, a note taking component of Office for Windows that hasn't ever been ported to the Mac. Were Microsoft to release Office for Mac through the App Store, it would likely become a top selling title, much as iWork has on the iPad and Mac App Stores. There are some modifications Microsoft would need to make however, including not being able to install background processes, needing to be self contained, and being unable to use undocumented, private APIs....................

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Mac Pro :: Mac Pro And Windows 7 Bootcamp Error / Apple Memory Controller GPE Event Is Not Compatible With Windows 7

Jan 22, 2010

A question about windows 7 and a Mac pro 3.1 edition 2008. I have installed windows 7 and all is fine and dandy everything works, except in the bottom right hand corner there the error flag showing on the tool bar.

This is the error.

Apple Memory Controller GPE event is not compatible with windows 7.

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Mac Pro :: Striped SSDs Not Looking So Fly?

Sep 30, 2010

Recently I revamped my computer. I bought an Areca 1680 with 2GB of cache and 3 120GB Vertex 2 SSDs.

I have the 3 SSDs striped in RAID 0 on the RAID card and my old 4x 300GB VRs in RAID 5 on the same RAID card. The old drives in RAID 5 on the new card seems faster, probably due to the extra cache, but the SSDs are weirdly slow.

With Quickbench, I can't seem to push past 500MB/s for reads and 450MB/s for writes.

I'm pretty sure 2 drives can push those numbers. I know it's not a south bridge issue and the RAID card is in the second PCIe slot.

Could it be my stripe size? Right now I have it set at 64KB. Write back cache is enabled and TCQ is disabled.

(For reference my RAID 5 gets 205MB/s read and 370MB/s write for a 4GB file)

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Mac Pro :: How To Run 2x X25-M SSDs In 2nd Optical Bay

May 27, 2009

I want to install two X25-M SSD's in my second optical bay. I have already modified an old, empty drive case to mount both SSDs so I just need to know what cables I would need.

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OS X :: Are SSDs Compatible With 08 Mac Pro

Aug 20, 2009

I'm wondering if SSDs are compatible with the Mac Pro3,1 (08)?

And are all SSDs the same, or are some faster? and where should I get them, I'm googling atm.

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Mac Pro :: Re - RAID - SSDs And Boot Volumes

Jan 12, 2011

So I'm considering a new boot volume for my Mac Pro revolving around this RAID controller, since I have had great experience with 3ware's products in my Linux boxen and it really seems like $700 for the Mac raid controller is a bit much. My workflow revolves very heavily around virtualization. I've been thinking about a variety of options for SSDs and hybrid drives and even just fast laptop HDs. Am I crazy for considering 2.5" drives other than SSDs? I'm thinking of 2.5" drives because I put a pair of them in the lower optical bay without issue. The amount of storage needed on the boot volume is probably in the range of 150-200GB. Getting SSDs that size may not be in the budget. Thus, I am currently considering either a pair of 320GB WD Scorpio Blacks or a pair of 250GB Seagate Momentus XTs. I'm not sure the hybrid Momentus drives are worth it. Additionally, I know that a lot of SSDs don't fully support RAID in their firmware. Thus, I am reluctant to buy one, let alone a pair, since a lot of places don't seem to have terribly generous return conditions for SSDs. Is this a fool's errand? Should I just relegate my VMs to other storage and get a smaller SSD for the OS + apps?

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MacBook Pro :: "Postville" The Official Name For Intel's G2 SSDs?

Apr 18, 2010

very new to SSDs here so need your confirmation -- are the updated second generation Intel SSDs officially called Postville ?

I ask because I'm finding this Intel SSD on Amazon Germany but it doesn't say "G2" anywhere. Just wanna make sure its the right thing.

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Mac Pro :: Using Multi Leo/Vista Boot RAID0 Arrays From SSDs

Aug 4, 2009

As we discussed in other threads it could be particularly advantageous to use SSD RAID0 arrays for dual or even multiple booting. With a decent amount of striped SSDs the idea is to run all your operating systems and applications with high speed. At least that is the theory. To test the idea I have decided to use two Maxtor 160 GB HDD in a very basic dual RAID0 array configuration for booting OS X and Vista-64 in AHCI mode.

Here we go:

First thing I learned is that you have to partition the HDDs prior to building your array.

Second thing I learned is that you have to keep it all in HFS+ to make it work.

So now I have used disk utility to create two equal size partitions in HFS+ with GPT on both HDDs.

Next I fused the two lower partions together for a first RAID0 array named 2R-Leo. Format is still set to HFS+ and RAID0 mode is selected.

Then I fused the two upper partitions together for a second RAID0 array named 2R-Vista. Here format is also set to HFS+ and RAID0 mode is selected.

With that done I exited the disk utility to get a fresh start on it. I then entered disk utility again.

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MacBook :: Finding SMC Controller?

Mar 8, 2010

I was given a mac book that wouldn't show anything on screen, apple said it had bad logic board. I fixed that by torching the gpu die, and everything is perfect. Except the computer will not charge that battery, says battery 0% "not charging". I tried all the usual, so does anyone know exactly were the smc controller is on the motherboard? I have some ideas And all the cables from the mag safe connecter to the battery, appear good.

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Hardware :: Best Game Controller For The New MacBook Pro?

Sep 4, 2010

I'm a long-time Mac owner (this is my 4th) but new to Mac forums. I'm making the transition from playing action type games on a console system to playing games on my Mac (Madden, Call of Duty, etc). It sucks playing them without some kind of controller and I am looking hard at what's out there.

I have a MacBook Pro, 17", 2.66GHz Intel Core i7 processor, and 8 GB 1067MHz DDR3 memory.

So what are the best controllers that are currently available? Or would I be better served to wait a couple of months for something due out any time? I don't want to wait forever and I know that there will always be something better coming out, but if there is something revolutionary coming soon, I'd wait.

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MacBook Pro :: USB Midi Controller Not Showing Up?

May 17, 2010

I have a usb midi controller (vestax spin to be exact) and my mbp doesn't seem to recognize it but I know it's on because of the power light, what can I do? Also sometimes I get a message to power down my computer or restart.

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MacBook Pro :: PS3 Controller Recognized As A Keyboard?

Apr 23, 2012

I've tried but it is recognized as a keyboard and ask me to type the passcode and then the enter key. How could I type the passconde on the controller?Here's a screen shot of the popup window when I press the PS button on the controller:I'm using a MacBook Pro early 2011 with Lion version 10.7.3.The Bluetooth chipset is Broadcom (version 4.0.3f12). 

XCode, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: How To Connect External Controller

Jun 17, 2014

I recently purchased a SteelSeries GC3 controller mainly to use for playing emulator games (Dolphin Emulator) on my Macbook Pro (Retina). However, after hours of trying to get the controller to work I have had no success. When I plug it into my computer it lights up showing that the computer recognizes it but it won't recognize it on any program. Well actually, the first time I plugged it in it was able to recognize the buttons when programming their commands for the emulator but never worked in the actual game itself. Now it wont even recognize when programming.

MacBook Pro with Retina display

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Applications :: Is Controller Fan Needed For MacBook Aluminum?

May 25, 2009

I have smcFanControl, but not sure if I should keep it. Can't the MacBook regulate its fan speed without a program?

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MacBook Air :: Resetting The System Management Controller (SMC)?

Apr 23, 2012

All we are getting is the Appe logo and the rotating wheel and nada.

IPad, Air, Mini, MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Resetting The System Management Controller (SMC)?

May 27, 2012

i have Snow Leopard 10.6.3 on that and since i update it to latest version with about 8GB download from Software Update my problem is that my fan is always on....

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MC374

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MacBook :: Resetting The System Management Controller (SMC)?

Jun 2, 2012

Macbook will not boot. An icon with a question mark in a shape of a file apears after a long delay. I am accessing network on another Mac.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5), Intel chip Macbook will not boot

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MacBook Pro :: Resetting System Management Controller (SMC)

Jun 7, 2012

The battery on my Macbook Pro says not charging even though green light is lit on the power adaptor. I have reset the SMC and it doens't help. The Macbook stays turned on as long as the adaptor is in, but immeditely shuts off when pulled out.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Resetting System Management Controller?

Jun 20, 2012

I have a macbook pro 15, core 2 duo processor, 140 GB hard drive that is almost full.I shut it down last night & now it won't power up. Hear fan but no startup sound, no video, power light is not lit.Would the almost full hard drive (less than 8 GB remaining) interfere with startup?

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7)

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MacBook Air :: USB 3.0 And 256GB SSD Sandforce Controller Upgrade Kit On The New 11" MBA?

Oct 27, 2010 this becomes available for a reasonable price, I'm in

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MacBook Pro :: With A SandForce Controller The OSX TRIM Support Is Not Needed?

Nov 14, 2010

Your answer might affect my decision about the purchase ofOCZ Deneva 50Gb SSD drive with SF-2500/SF-2600 controller when it comes out (early 2011).

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