MacBook Pro :: Starts Always In Safe Mode After OS Lion 10.7.3 Update
Mar 14, 2012After installation update Mac OS Lion 10.7.3, my macbook pro starts allways en safe mode. How can I resolve this ?
iPod touch, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
After installation update Mac OS Lion 10.7.3, my macbook pro starts allways en safe mode. How can I resolve this ?
iPod touch, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
A few days ago I updated to Lion 10.7 with which I have had no problem. A day later I installed Moneywiz, Skydrive for mac and did some updates of various software. Since then, if starting from cold, my imac starts in safe mode. I get the start-up sound; then the white screen with Apple logo; then the spinning sun; then the progress bar; then the grey screen with "safe mode" in the top right and user log-in (although I don't have log-in set in my options). Once running in safe mode I can shut-down and re-start; or just re-start and it will load properly. I have tried starting with mouse/keyboard on/off. Is this a Lion thing or what.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
So here the whole story of what I think is relevant to this problem.I tried to install a small program that can read and write NFTS.After installing it needed to reboot my computer.During the reboot my computer shut down before the things were completely installed.My macbook Pro (mid 2009) rebooted and immideiatly stated that the time and date was set to jan 1st 2008.When I tried to adjest this in preferences > time and date the preferences pane did not respond after opening it.I tried to restart my computer again.But now it will only start in Safe mode.
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
why macbook pro 2012 sometimes starts in safe sleep mode despite of having a fully charged battery and being plugged in all the time?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.3)
My MacBook is making the startup sound but goes straight to a black/dark grey screen. In other words you can see the screen switching on but it's blank. It's in charge mode, has no other external peripherals attached and it's updated to most recent OSX Yosemite.
I only purchased it in May of this year (refurbished). I have tried booting in to safe mode but again the screen remains the same. Â
I have a G4 533 and up till 3 weeks ago it worked wonderful for a mail server. I have 1.5gb and a 300gb hard drive which has been working wonderful with no conflicts. When restarting after a software update, I noticed on the start up screen that it restarted in "safe mode". I checked for a stuck shift key and of course they were just fine. I thought it might be a heat problem because the next day I started it back up and it started normally so I ran disk utility to make sure. The next time I started, no matter if it was cool or warm, it went straight to "safe mode" just for grins, I backed up all my information onto an external drive and attempted to re-install the 10.4 disk and it went straight to the black "kernel panic" screen. "OK" I said, so I took out the 300gb hard drive all together, installed a freshly "zeroed out" 120gb hard drive that I had and then tried to start it up and it went straight back to the "kernel panic" screen. Next, I not only unplugged the cord but also took out the battery which only then would it start up alright. So now that is the only way that I can get the machine to start up in anything other than "safe mode". At this point, it is a pain in the ass but so far it is working. Does anyone have any idea what I have overlooked or what is wrong? I would really like to use the box but it is just a pain in the a$$ to do this.
View 2 Replies View RelatedEverytime I start up my iMac (2011, 27 inch, OS X 10.7.4 Lion) it starts on what seems to be safe mode. After starting up on safe mode, I restart (not shut down, just restart) again, then it comes back normally.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Been having probs w Mac Pro w Lion seeming to hang on shutdown/restart. Have 'reopen windows' unchecked in prefs.  Was able to run through safe mode boot once but now seems to hang about 20% in everytime.  Have had to do shutdowns w power button (I hate that) or /by ctrl-option-command-esc Boot single user run rack -fy says 'apparently ok'Mount -uw / reports removed 10 orphaned or unlinked files and 10 directories?
Mac Pro, 2xDual2.66, 4GB, GeForce 7300 GT, 23" Apple LCD, Mac OS X (10.5), G4 Cube, Rev A/C iMac, NeXTCube,PwrMac8500,Quadras,SE30s,MacPlus
I am running OSX Lion latest version on my Macbook Pro 4,1 and can't get the thing to boot from any source. Always get's stuck at the grey screen with apple logo. Have tried all the following...
- Straight Boot (power on)
- Boot via Recovery HD (hold option on bootup then select)
- Boot via Safe Mode (Holding Shift on bootup)
- Boot via Safe Mode Verbose (Shift, Command, V)
- Boot via bootable Lion USB Key (Hold option, and choose the USB drive - not the same USB key works on my other macbook pro)
On every one (except verbose) it just get's stuck on the grey screen with spinning timer thingy. I have done PVRAM reset, SMC reset and have reseated the RAM and all to no avail. I'm pretty sure the problem was caused by removing battery at wrong time (device not responding after sleep mode started and I plugged in power - should have been more patient!)
I have a Time Machine backup but it's a bit older than I thought and very much want to get my newer photos off it before rebuilding - not that Time Machine would work in current state anyway. So what are my remaining options? Will I have to open it up and remove the HD as next step or is there anything else left to try? Can I remove the HD and connect it via a USB caddy to my existing Mac to recover info (hard drive spins and sounds ok to me)?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
My 2011 17" MBP won't with OS X Lion won't start up in safe mode...
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 2011 17" MBP with 8 Gigs of Ram
my macbook pro today started to freeze at logo scrren. I tried to start it up in both safe and recovery modes but it doesn't work either. I got the system to start in safe mode only once and the scrren looked like in the attached image.When I tried printing the screen instead of taking a photo with my mobile, the image appeared to be normal (without those noisy rectangles), but it wasnt. Then itried restarting but it's been impossible. As i said i tried booting on safe and recovery modes but the circle below the apple logo appèars and then it freezes again. I read about aproblem with the graphic card similar to mine in earlier models, I don`t know if it is the same problem.Â
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4), 9400M/9600MGT
I'm not sure what to do. I haven't tried resetting NVRAM/PRAM or the PMU/SMC, but are there other options I can try besides those?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe only old discussion from 2007 suggests up to 30 minutes. It seems strange that it would take so long. Has anyone tried this more recently on a PowerMac G5 using Mac OS X 10.7?
PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
If I try to mount almost any DMG file I just get an error message saying that there is no mountable file system. I know that these are not corrupt dmg files because these are ones that I have mounted before, it affects almost every single one and more importantly if I reboot in Safe Mode every single one mounts perfectly.Â
Clearly then something is running in normal mode that is preventing dmg's from mounting but I don't know how to find out what. I went to System Properties>User & Groups>Login Items and removed everything that was there but that was just iTunes Helper and something called WDC something or other which was unchecked anyway and is just a utility that controls my external hard drives. With everything removed and rebooted still DMG files won't mount.Â
Safe Mode = DMG's mount
Normal Mode = DMG's won't mount.Â
how I can find out what is causing this problem and/or how to fix it as it's annoying as **** and preventing me from easily updating software.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 3.1Ghz Quad-Core Intel core i5
Unable to boot into safe mode. Not hearing chime. Holding shift key not working.
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
While I have no problem booting into the Startup Manager using the command key with my wireless keyboard I'm finding it impossible to boot into Safe Mode using the option key.
Mac OS X (10.7.4), OWC Mercury Elite Ext Drive
I was using my macbook pro and suddenly it started crashing... I tried to restart it but it would take too much time, so i pushed the power button and powered it off. When i started my mac i got a kernel panic. *** is going on ? I restarted it 7 times, tried to enter safe mode holding the shift key but nothing
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Is it better to boot in Safe Mode in Lion to repair permissions?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), iMac Late 2009
Ok... So, I have an extremely slow Time Machine backup. Many people do. I've gone through the motions and tried to resolve the issue by doing the suggested restart in Safe Mode. I even followed some of the other tips that are on this string: slow time machine backupÂ
Nothing has worked. I don't use Norton Symantec but I didn't the Norton Remove script through the Console already. I don't run any anti-virus software. Â
This started when I was backing up to at Time Capsule. I backed up to the TC for years before this started. I then moved to backing up (started fresh) to a external HD connected via USB.Â
I have a 2010 Mac Mini with OS X 10.9 (Latest Version)Â
I have MacBook Pro 13" Inch (Late 2011) which is very new -just bought it 1 month ago.when i bought it, it shipped with osx lion 10.7.2, then after several weeks i updated it to 10.7.3 using software updater and then started running iMessage, it was nice though.Now, i'm planning to update my macbook pro to Lion 10.7.4, not using software updater but i download it myself through apple support website [URL].Since i'm aware with just client update, i'm going to download the client combo package which is 1.4 GB in size.But, i know there's a lot of problems occur within this update. i know it because i read several users that their laptop turned into brick after they updated to 10.7.4.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I tried out pram nvram resetting, hardware check is not working either because my keyboard only writes in capital letters
I also tried booting from the instal dvd, booting from the ubunto live cd, nothing worked at all.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.3)
I have a 15" mbp with 10.6 Intel core duo, 4gb ram with a boot camp and ubuntu partition through parallels. The other day I was installing xcode from apple's website, which failed 3 times after downloading saying the package couldn't be expanded. I left my computer for a while and came back where i then had to log in again. it rejected my password numerous time (i'm positive it was correct). when i restarted my computer i got a kernal panic screen when the apple logo came up. it told me to restart the computer which i did. didn't work. i restarted with the osx cd to use the disk utility. when it checked the drive it found a bunch of errors, which i then tried to correct. it went for a couple minutes then told me they couldn't be fixed and i should try to back up my data and reinstall osx. i don't know how to back up my hard drive when i can't log into my account. i've tried to boot in target disk mode and copy some files that way, but the only disk the other computer sees is my windows partition- no mac partition.
i've also tried these, none of these have worked: restarting in safe mode resetting the ram and pram booting with different sticks of ram all result in a kernal panic.
my windows partition still works fine though (as much as i hate to say it) the only things I really care about on my computer are my files from school and my itunes library. is there any way i can get these files off my computer?
My iMac24" can't booting in normal mode, but booing in safe mode only.
how to boot up in normal mode. If I restart the system, it is showing the apple logo and not going to Finder.
iMac, maverics
My Mac Pro main boot drive us encrypted. I booted into recovery mode the other day & it wouldn't let me boot back o my main drive. Now upon start up I can't enter either recovery mode nor safe mode nor chose the main drive to boot from. I'm absolutely stymied in what to do.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have been unable to restart me computer after a software update (White screen/apple logo/spinning wheel continuously). I have tried to start up in safe mode (holding down shift key) but it hasn't worked.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4.6)
my computer wont run in regular mode. The problem occurred when I was changing my resolution and I pressed the wrong one. The screen went blank so I restarted, then the screen turned black after the apple logo. Now I can only run in safe boot. Is there any way to change the res. for the regular boot in the safe boo mode?
View 1 Replies View Relatedi need help cause my brother logged in to the guest mode and since then it goes to guest mode automatically with out giving me the chance to log in the only way i can get back in to my account i have to hold the shift key down at boot, yet when i let the mac boot up normal way it goes straight to that safari web browser.
MacBookPro, iOS 5.1
As of yesterday my Mac book pro will not start up. It will not go past the gray screen with the apple and spinning timer indicator. When I try and start up holding shift to enter safe mode it will not start up either. I have tried turning It on and off many times. I am not sure what to do or what the problem might be. Running OS 10.7.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMacbook air only boots in safe mode, and if I PRAM, the password for the mac does not work
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Within a short space of time of booting up my main software that I am using (e.g. Mail, iTunes) hangs with the spinning beachball. If I reboot into Safe Mode then all works OK, if slowly. I have reparied disk permissions but the problem recurrs once I reboot. What else can I try to do?Â
Mac OS X (10.7.4)