I went to turn on my Macbook Pro and discovered that the battery was dead. I press the button on the battery and the first led light was blinking. I figured that the last time I had used it that I had forgotten to turn it off and it went to sleep and drained the battery. It had also been a while since I last used it so I guess it died and just needed a charge. I plugged it in and left it charging for a few hours. When I finally booted my mac and I check the power status it had Replace Now for the battery condition. The front power light on my MBP was also blinking 5 times before booting up. The system menu also states that the battery had only gone trough 60 cycles. Its been a while since I last booted my MBP up but last time I check the battery was still mark as in good condition. If the battery was completely drained could this cause the issue I am having? Or is the battery truly dead? My original battery barely lasted a year when I had to replace at my cost when the Authorized Apple Service center I went too told me that batteries were not covered by my Apple Care warranty, so now to have a second battery die on me which saw even less use then the original seems strange.
im trying to reinstall OS X leopard 10.5.2 for a spring 2008 MACBOOKPRO model, it all went fine until the machien asked me to insert the INSTALL DISC 2 and after that computer doesnt recognize install disc 2Â and i cant reinstall it with INSTALLÂ DISC 1 either, this is with original DVD9 (quite old DVDs), i dont know what is wrong, i did everything by the rules and now i cant restart de installation process, would love to get some info on how to restart the whole thing and if the DVDs age is somewhat related to this glitch.
I was doing my first-ever Time Machine back-up tonight. I have about 130GB of data. About a half hour into it, my battery died and when I rebooted the computer from sleep mode, Time Machine said that the back-up had failed. I deleted the initial back-up in the 'Time Machine Back-Ups' folder, but it still says that I have 40GB less on my external hard drive than I actually do. My external hard drive is 300GB, so I should have 170GB left, but I only have 130GB.
I have a Lion-native early 2011 13-inch MacBook Pro aluminum unibody running 10.7.3.I was using it an hour and a half ago.I closed the lid, and when I came back to it an hour later, the battery had died.Plugging in to a charger did not wake it.I force shut it down by holding command+option+control+shift and the power button.Now, when I turn it on, I see the white screen for a half second, then it fades to black.The indicator light stays on and solid (not pulsating).I have tried:
- Resetting the PMU
- Resetting the PRAM (white screen for half second, then fades to black, each time)
- Booting to Single User (white, then fades to black)
- Booting to Recovery Mode (white, then fades to black)
I have tried to provide all the pertinent details as well as what I have tried.Please let me know if you need more information.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
i just ordered a late 2008 macbook pro 15 with the dual GPUs (9400m and 9600m GT) and I'm a little worried about the battery life.
-What can I expect if just doing normal every day stuff (web surfing mostly?)
-does watching a movie off of the hard disk use less battery than watching it off a DVD? Is there a big difference?
I'm not a big gamer but would like to have the horsepower to play a game should one come out that I want. I'm also not a big traveler so battery times are only of average importance.
Basically, I'm asking if I made a good purchase considering I have only average concerns for both battery and game performance. They had the new 7 hour battery 15" macbook pro for the same price but it doesn't have the dual GPUs.
I was using Pages while transferring documents to my thumb drive in the background. The display and keyboard went dark. I pressed power, pressed and help power, no result. I disconnected the magsafe and battery, waited, pressed power, still no result. My MacBook was sitting on a wood tabletop and not unusually warm. At first, I thought it was the power supply module, but after googling there are reports of CPUs failing. Some were under warranty and others were not despite the age.Â
I used to be able to use my macbook pro all day at school, from 8:50 till 16:00 without charging it at all, no problem. Suddenly however, over the easter holidays (about 3 weeks) It dropped significantly, barely managing 2 hours. During the holidays it was almost constantly plugged in to the mains, but this hasn't caused problems before, I've had it about 18 months and had longer holidays with no change. A few months ago I upgraded my ram from 4gb to 8, but it didn't seem to affect it at the time. (I know it still says 4gb in my info but the forums won't let me change that for some reason)
Info: Mac OS X (10.6.5), 2.4 GHz intel core duo , 4gb 1067 Mhz ddr3
Is Mac Pro 2008 's airport card died? or logic board problem? Mac Pro suddenly show airport card is not installed at menu bar, the system profile also can not find out my airport card?
i need to buy a new battery for my MacBook Pro, just wondering if anyone has any experiences of longer lasting batteries?also anyone know any trusted places to buy from that are cheaper than the 99 charge by apple?
I have a late 2008 MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard. and lately whenever i been running on battery, the computer has been randomly powering off. as it it losing all power, but it doesn't seem to matter what level the battery is at. but once i plug the AC adapter it, i do not have any kind of problem. i guess it could just be a dead battery.
I've noticed recently that my screen brightness will suddenly increase or decrease by itself. When I press one of the control buttons it indicates that it is 3 or 4 steps higher or lower (obviously allowing for the fact that pressing a control button moves you one step anyway!) I have the 1.8 SDD. I love the machine....but anyone have any ideas about this. It only happens under battery power.
I'm running a late 2008 Macbook Pro with OS 10.6.4. The battery life is terrible. Like, in the hour and fifteen minute range on a full charge. I've tried turning everything off, wifi, bluetooth, screen brightness down and turned off the keyboard backlights. If I have no applications running, it will sometimes estimate a maximum of about two hours, but never actually give me more than about an hour and a half--if all I'm doing is surfing the net.
About three months ago I replaced the internal drive with a Hitatchi 500gb drive of the same RPM as the original (5400rpm). That's the only major modification to the machine I've made and the battery life was already a problem from starters. Does it sound like there's something wrong with the battery, or is it more likely there's something else causing problems?
Does Apple provide replacement batteries for out of warranty early 2008 Macbooks? Just wondering as my old MacBook is giving a "replace soon" or similar message under the battery status also would it be worth the cost to replace it considering its age?
Info: MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3), White plastic early 2008 model
I just popped in a brand new 15-inch MBP (square) battery into my 2008 MBP with Lion 10.7.4. It has drained to 84% in about 15 minutes. Is it a defective battery or a problem with calibration?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I did some google searches, but could not find anything that was exactly my issue. I have a 2008 MBP unibody. If the MBP is on battery only and I close the lid, the notebook shuts down completely. This is even when the battery is fully charged. However if while plugged in and I do the same, the computer "sleeps" as advertised. I have reset both the SMC and PRAM to no avail. The main thing that bothers me is it seems like when this happens on battery, its almost as if the computer is getting a hard shut down. The machine acts as if the battery was pulled while the lid was closed and this is obviously not good for the hardware or sofware.
When I close the lid on my MacBook Pro (Late 2008), the battery drains almost completely over a night or so! Very odd. Anyone else dealing with this? I reset the PRAM already.
I Have an October 2008 Macbook Unibody 13.3 and after installing Lion the CPU fan stays permanently on and the battery drains in 2 hours. What can I do to fix this?
Info: MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a new 2.13/SSD Air which has been awesome with no lines and fast enough for me to do all my work. Since this is my first Mac (coming from the PC world), I am still getting used to how OS X works. I really like the way OS X installs apps - so simple and transparent compared to Windows. One thing that has been bugging me is whenever I do something like install apps, eject disks or dismount apps, there is "uncoiling spring" like sound coming from the machine. The sound reminds of a hard drive disk head parking when the disk stops spinning. Since I have the SSD, I expect things to be completely silent all the time. Is this an OSX sound or do I have a bad SSD?
I took my laptop in yesterday because there was dust inside the screen and they replaced the whole screen and top. However, it now pops open when I pick it up. I'm a student, so it gets carried all over the place in my backpack and I can't have it popping open all the time. It's not upside down or anything, its just when I pick it up. I am leaving to go back to school in a week and I can't drive the 1.5 hours back to the mall again. What can I do? Duct tape?
Also, if I have a campus authorized retailer, can they do repairs?
Been using my MBA for 3 months now and noticed that I have lost a large amount of hard drive space, I currently have 40GB free when I have hardly anything on the computer, I have a few freeware apps and about 8GB of Music, thats it, I have looked at where the space has gone but can't figure it out. Is there any such tools for removing stuff that is not used and to do a "Spring Clean" to get rid of anything I don't need?
So I'm planning on getting a new iMac. One thing that always bugs me about my other macs has been their wretched keyboards ... on my linux machine that I use at work I still rock an old IBM Type M, but alas the whole USB thing has made them obsolete.
I've been poking around at a variety of options - Unicomp, Das Keyboard, and others. Was just curious as to if anyone had thoughts on the best options for a buckling spring type keyboard for a Mac user ... it doesn't seem like any of them offer true mac KB layouts (volume keys, eject, etc), but c'est la vie.
I love using macs Spring-loaded folders feature but in Snow Leopard 10.6 when you place your pointer over the folder to spring open it starts blinking. I'm sure some may like this feature but for me its annoying. Is there a way to turn the blinking off and just have the folder highlight steadily like they did in Leopard and Tiger?
I accidentally trashed two of my icons on my icon bar I didn't put them in the trash but when I clicked them they turned into wads of trash. I don't know how to find them now?