MacBook :: Late 2008 Unibody Battery Drain On Lion?
Apr 19, 2012
I Have an October 2008 Macbook Unibody 13.3 and after installing Lion the CPU fan stays permanently on and the battery drains in 2 hours. What can I do to fix this?
MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 21, 2009
When I close the lid on my MacBook Pro (Late 2008), the battery drains almost completely over a night or so! Very odd. Anyone else dealing with this? I reset the PRAM already.
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Jun 21, 2012
I bought an oldish MacBook 13' Unibody (late 2008) and when I got it one of the first things I did was to install Mac OSX Lion.Â
Everything was working fine, until I applied an update that made the trackpad stop working (it only accepts clicks, no touch is recognized).Â
This is the "Trackpad Firmware Update" from the automatic updates.Â
When starting this firmware update it appears a window with a status message, cancel and Update buttons. After clicking the update button, it starts installing, appears to complete, status changes to "Finishing...", and Update button comes back active at some point. Â
After that I have tried (unsuccessfully):downloading and installing the update directly from Apple Support [URL] thing, but using the 'root' accountleaving the computer on overnight to see if actually "finished" the processReset PRAM PVRAM - [URL] - [URL] palm pressing over 30 seconds on the trackpad (read this on another thread...?)Â Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4), MacBook 13 Unibody (late 2008)
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Apr 26, 2012
Does the late 2008 unibody Macbook pro have Sata II or III?I have an Apple branded 256GB SSD and It isnt booting up as fast as I think it could be. I am wondering if my logic board supports sata III because I think the SSD could be Sata II. Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), SSD 256 GB with 8GB of RAM
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Mar 12, 2010
I've noticed recently that occasionally my screen will intermittently flicker.
It doesn't seem to be tied to anything specific. Just a random black screen flash.
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Mar 2, 2012
I recently purchased a Late 2008 Unibody MacBook. I am thrilled! Yet I seem to be having the same charging issue MANY other people have had and have still not found a solution. Basically, as with everyone else, when I connected the Magsafe connector, it stays on finishing charge as if stuck there. I have left it for 2 full days and nights now with no luck. I have calibrated the battery and it is still doing it. The battery only shows 60 cycles and it's health it at 80%. I've even reset the SMC with no avail.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Nov 3, 2008
I did this for the Macbook Pro's a while back, but I'm a Macbook guy now. There are a few other threads with profiles but it's no good if you use a profile made from a different panel than what you have. I'm just trying to consolidate things here.
I will try to keep this post current; please only submit profiles created from hardware, not those done by human eye (meatware?) And be sure to say which panel the profile is for. Thanks to everyone for contributing and improving the Macbook experience!
How to determine your panel type/code
How to install and use color profiles
Basic tests to determine if a profile is a good fit:
Black level
White level
9C89 (LG)
See attachment ( Pro. 2.2 Gamma, Native and 6500K whitepoint. I recommend using the Native whitepoint.See attachment ( Pro. 2.2 Gamma, Native whitepoint. This is an alternate profile made from another Macbook with the LG panel. It is similar to the previous but slightly darkerjessica's profileSpyder2 Pro. 2.2 Gamma. Native whitepoint (I think - not confirmed)
9C8C (AU Optronics)
See attachment ( Pro. 2.2 Gamma. I only did a calibration at native whitepoint (honestly, if you really need 6500K then you won't be using a Macbook screen, or any laptop screen for that matter)
See attachment ( Pro. 2.2 Gamma. Native whitepoint.
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Nov 11, 2009
i just ordered a late 2008 macbook pro 15 with the dual GPUs (9400m and 9600m GT) and I'm a little worried about the battery life.
-What can I expect if just doing normal every day stuff (web surfing mostly?)
-does watching a movie off of the hard disk use less battery than watching it off a DVD? Is there a big difference?
I'm not a big gamer but would like to have the horsepower to play a game should one come out that I want. I'm also not a big traveler so battery times are only of average importance.
Basically, I'm asking if I made a good purchase considering I have only average concerns for both battery and game performance. They had the new 7 hour battery 15" macbook pro for the same price but it doesn't have the dual GPUs.
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Jun 7, 2010
I have a late 2008 MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard. and lately whenever i been running on battery, the computer has been randomly powering off. as it it losing all power, but it doesn't seem to matter what level the battery is at. but once i plug the AC adapter it, i do not have any kind of problem. i guess it could just be a dead battery.
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Jun 22, 2014
It seems like I'm always having to charge the battery. I was just wondering how many hours should I be getting from a fully charged battery.
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Feb 4, 2010
Could you somehow put the 8-hour battery of recent macbook models, into the macbook book late 2008 model?
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Jul 19, 2010
I'm running a late 2008 Macbook Pro with OS 10.6.4. The battery life is terrible. Like, in the hour and fifteen minute range on a full charge. I've tried turning everything off, wifi, bluetooth, screen brightness down and turned off the keyboard backlights. If I have no applications running, it will sometimes estimate a maximum of about two hours, but never actually give me more than about an hour and a half--if all I'm doing is surfing the net.
About three months ago I replaced the internal drive with a Hitatchi 500gb drive of the same RPM as the original (5400rpm). That's the only major modification to the machine I've made and the battery life was already a problem from starters. Does it sound like there's something wrong with the battery, or is it more likely there's something else causing problems?
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Jun 12, 2012
I did some google searches, but could not find anything that was exactly my issue. I have a 2008 MBP unibody. If the MBP is on battery only and I close the lid, the notebook shuts down completely. This is even when the battery is fully charged. However if while plugged in and I do the same, the computer "sleeps" as advertised. I have reset both the SMC and PRAM to no avail. The main thing that bothers me is it seems like when this happens on battery, its almost as if the computer is getting a hard shut down. The machine acts as if the battery was pulled while the lid was closed and this is obviously not good for the hardware or sofware.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Oct 20, 2009
would like to know. 15" model. I've also seen a thread about taking the ODD out and adding another HDD or SDD, but can't find the thread.
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Oct 1, 2009
What is the original(fully charged when new) battery capacity in Mah?
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Nov 4, 2009
I had my MBA rev B turned of for 3-4 weeks and when I turned it on today it was at 40% power. Is that normal that it to loose that much battery when turned off, are you seeing the same number? I know when in sleep mode that there is a pretty high loss even over night but turned off I thought it was minimal.
Seems higher than my previous Mac laptops.
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Mar 3, 2012
problems with the EFI-Update for MBP, late 2008. It does not work at all, I've retried this several times and my Laptop just gets a grey Background, the bar at the top stays, I can move the mouse and click on the "apple" - but that's it. Â To get my Laptop back to life I had to hold the powerbutton and restart. The same happens now when I just want to shutdown my Laptop, grey background etc.
MBP 2,4Ghz Core2 Duo
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Oct 2, 2010
I'm wondering, what is better for prolonging your macbook pro's battery life, is it
1. drain the battery, recharge it fully, plug out the source, drain it, and recharge it again
2. keep charging it whenever you have a power source and never drain it?
I've always been doing #2 because I use the laptop a lot and home and it would just be a hassle to keep switching the power source on and off.
But then I heard that it's bad if you overcharge your battery, so once in awhile I try to do #1. Last night, though, my friend told me it's bad for your battery if you drain it all the time.
So which is, in fact, good or bad for your mbp?
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Nov 16, 2010
I recall reading that if I keep my MBP plugged to the wall all the time ( I do), I should drain the battery to about 50% every 2-3 days, to keep the battery's juices flowing.
Personally I don't have the patience to do this all the time. Is this step really that important?
What are your thoughts?
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Jul 21, 2009
My MacBook shuts down when the battery drains all the way down. I'm pretty sure back in the days of PPC lappies, they went to sleep before the battery died. Is it supposed to shut down, or is something goofed?
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Aug 20, 2009
Question in the subject line, nothing more to add here other than i am getting bad battery life and only use FF... so was wondering.
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May 19, 2010
With mine, when I drain it completely, it just shuts down, i.e. it doesnt go to sleep mode as there is no pulsating light on the front right corner. Once I start charging, however, and I can again switch it on, it resumes where I left off, so the computer has saved the contents of the memory onto the hard disk. On my SR MBP it was different, it would actually go to sleep mode when the batteries were almost completely drained.
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Jul 12, 2010
After about two hours my battery on my 13" mbp is at 35% from 100%.
All i did was some web browsing and about half an hour of video chatting on ichat. My brightness is at halfway.
is this normal drain? the specs say 10 hours, but when i first got it it lived for about 6 hours, which was plenty for me.
i've noticed recently that my battery has been acting funny, i'm thinking it may be because of my heavy audio work with garage band and reason.
the app coconut battery says my battery capacity is at 94% so I'm not sure what the problem is.
I've had this laptop for about 3 months, and i've properly calibrated it twice.
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Jun 14, 2012
lately I have noticed that even though I close the lid on my macbook pro, the battery continues to drain and it is very hard to wake it. I have to restart it several times to get to to open properbly.
macbook pro, Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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Sep 16, 2010
I have a 2010 13" MBP that will shut itself off instead of going to sleep when the battery is drained. I tried recalibrating and resetting the SMC, as well as disabling hibernate, but the same thing happens. The computer is barely a month old. Anybody else with a 13" experiencing this? I posted this issue on the Apple forums and someone replied stating that they heard Apple is looking into it, but usually occurs with i5 and i7 machines.
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Nov 21, 2010
Getting fustrated with my Macbook Pro 15''. Could never get battery to last more than 5-6 hours. This is the MAX i can achieve, with great pains to enhance battery life.
Argh, what's wrong with my Macbook Pro?
Check out the amperage drain. At this rate the Macbook Pro wouldn't last more than 5 hours. This is with half brightness, only finder and Chrome open, and the battery recently calibrated.
The amperage drain increases to -1400+ when i have more tabs open, and a few other apps.
However there was this ONE RARE OCCASION, where my Macbook Pro would only drain between -700 to -800 amperage. This was in normal usage and the battery easily lasted closer to 8 hours. But somehow, i can never replicate this anymore!
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Jun 22, 2009
I looked around and I find varying opinions. My laptop is mostly at home. Should I keep it plugged in when its full or should I let it drain? Please explain too.
Also, coconutBattery says I've used five cycles even though none of those were complete cycles. Is it just problems with the software or does it really count as a complete cycle?
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Mar 13, 2012
I’m hoping someone can help me troubleshoot some strange behaviour of my Macbook Pro4.1. It’s an early 2008 2.4Ghz Core 2 Duo. I’ve had this running perfectly for the past 2 months with an Apple 65W Magsafe Adaptor, although I recently got an 85w version so I’ve started using that for a bit. I recently read somewhere that it’s good to allow the battery run completely flat once a month or so, so I unplugged the adaptor last week and ran it off the battery for the afternoon. When it was almost done (10% charge left) I went for a shower and came back to find the Macbook powered down. I plugged in the Adaptor back in but I couldn’t get it to start. Â
I have to say at this point, that my 85w adaptor sometimes needs a wiggle at the magsafe end to get it to work. Despite this though I couldnât get the green power LED to light or the Macbook to boot up. I then tried my 65W adaptor, which is perfect, and although the LED lights up (first green and then amber) the macbook just doesnt power up with it. I tried the 85w one again the following day after leaving the macbook disconnected and battery removed overnight, and was pleased to find that it finally booted. Amazingly, despite having no power at all for the whole night it came back with all my applications running, safari tabs and the documents open! Anyway, I noticed from the menu bar that the battery was not charging and I couldnt seem to get it to charge. I ran it all day and the system profile showed that the Battery was about half full and had a ˜normal condition with about 187 charge cycles. However I cant run the Macbook off the battery. When the power cuts out from the 85w adaptor the whole macbook shuts down. The battery isn’t doing anything, even after charging all day and being half charged. What’s more neither of my 65w adaptors can start the macbook no matter how many times I try them. Only my 85w one can boot it, but it’s defective so very rarely seems to work. The 65W ones worked perfectly before,so I don’t know what’s changed.Â
I read the Apple guide to resetting the SMC and have now followed the procedure several times, but it hasn’t helped. I cannot boot the Mac any more. Does this Macbook come with an 85w adaptor or 65w? I’m confused because the 65w ones always worked until now. Also, the battery itself is only 60w. I’m going to purchase another 85w Adaptor, in the meantime any advice would be very welcome.
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Aug 30, 2014
So when I charge my macbook pro retina display too a 100% and then when I come back the next day and turn it on the battery has drained by itself by like 7%. Sometimes they are even drastic changes like 15-20%? I have just bought this macbook and is only a week and a half old? What should I do?
MacBook Pro with Retina display
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Mar 23, 2009
I have a sleep problem with my MacBook (9400M White). I recently resolved a problem where it wouldn't go to sleep by itself if left inactive on battery power (regardless of energy settings) by resetting the SMC and PRAM/NVRAM but now something else has popped up. Now, whenever I cycle my battery down to past the low battery warning popup, it just eventually completely dies. Shouldn't it go to sleep first? That's what my old iBook G4 would do. I doubt it's something related to the SMC or PRAM/NVRAM since I just reset those. What else can I do? I'm pretty sure my MacBook should still have enough juice go to sleep.
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