MacBook Pro :: Sluggish Youtube Performance And Jumps To 50 - 60% CPU Usage
Jan 26, 2010
When watching a 720p video on Youtube, my Mac jumps to like 50-60% CPU usage. The frame rate slows and is almost unbearable to watch. I have also noticed that if I leave my MBP on for like >3 days then sooner or later my computer will get really sluggish and unresponsive. I end up having to restart because the CPU is going so insanely high. Okay, as I write this, I am having huge CPU jumps while doing nothing but typing this. Yes, Youtube is open in another window, but still.
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Oct 27, 2009
I have a Black Macbook. 2.2ghz, 1GB Ram, running Snow Leopard. Recently I've been finding my laptop rather sluggish and slow when performing tasks and opening applications. Firefox will often be quite slow at performing mundane tasks as well as flicking between applications that are open which is also slow. I use a couple of apps to help clear out unnecessary files etc to help with performance and stuff but clearly this doesn't appear to be working.
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May 13, 2010
I just upgraded my hdd to a 500gb WD scorpio blue in my 2010 MBP 13". It seems to start and stop a lot more than the apple one (if that makes sense). and every now and then the computer seems to lag for 1-2 seconds when doing things like typing, scrolling, etc. I've tried searching and found other people have had similar problems with older MBPs and they talked about some EFI firmware or something. Does this apply to my MBP too? Or does anyone have any other suggestions of what I can do?
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Mar 17, 2009
My Mac Pro (specs in sig) has recently been really quite slow. Opening Safari and Adium and iTunes all at once causes repeated beachballs, as does opening new tabs, switching back and forth from expose' etc. I use onyx and take very good care of my equipment, but am admittedly tech-lame about how to speed it up. It also hangs in photoshop quite a lot, and although the files are large (1-5GB) it seems to do so overly much. My own thoughts lend me to think that I need to purchase another harddrive to use a scratchdisk, but I'm not really sure.
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Feb 9, 2010
I have a functioning network with a Mac Pro (primary box), Mac Mini, 3 Dells, 2 wireless IBM laptops and 2 wireless netbooks all connecting either wired or wirelessly through my Airport Extreme and an ethernet switch. Everything works well UNTIL I boot up and plug in my aging Gateway tower. It works fine and boots up nicely but when I plug it in to the network, it's cpu usage stat jumps immediately to 100% and it kills internet access for itself and to my other machines through the Airport even though the Airport's light is happily blinking green. Its been under my desk for a couple years but I'd like to retrieve the contents of it's hard drive via Fusion before I give it away.
I know its a Mac forum but maybe an Airport setting??
I'm desperate - I've already messed with it for a couple of days to no avail.
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May 2, 2010
At first for the first 30 minutes all ok, then after a while the my whole computer and the audio jumps, safari is using 120% and finally the audio starts crackles and this includes all sound even itunes, the only way to stop it is to put my laptop to sleep .
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Sep 26, 2008
Seems a little bit better. Well try it yourself. But remember to uninstall the current flash version first before installing the version 10. Links:
Uninstaller: [URL]
Version 10 Installer: [URL]
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May 17, 2010
a week ago i replaced my stock HDD with a 640 GB WD Scorpio Blue, did a clean install and installed everything all over. Still feels a bit slow though. I'm not sure if i'm just being too demanding since it's a brand new, expensive computer. So i wanted to ask you how your computers perform in simple day-to-day tasks.
I've used Garage band as an example, since i guess most of you have that installed, and could try these things out on your machines, to help me determine if i have a problem:
1. I often, if not always, get the spinning beachball, when i launch not-light apps - fx. MS Excel or Garageband.
Do you guys get that too (the beachball)?
2. Garageband takes 15+ sec. to launch (from click on icon till "New Project" pops up.
How long do your computer take to launch it?
3. When quitting applications, this can sometimes also take a few seconds (not saving anything) and it feels slow.
Do your computer act that way too?
4. Sometimes, when i'm writing a text, fx. in the Safari Google search box, the text "lags" - it doesn't appear right away, but 1-3 sec after i started writing it.
Do your computer do that too sometimes?
5. Right before i posted this message, i was opening System Preferences (i only have 3 prefPanes besides from the standard ones). Even opening that very light app took a few seconds and gave me a beachball.
Do you ever get beachballs from opening and working with such light applications?
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Feb 9, 2012
i opened my macbook pro from sleep and it was extremely sluggish barely responding, i rebooted but had problems and force quit all applications that immediately opened. I was forced to reboot several times since each time getting a grey screen that very slowly evolves into my desktop but nothing will work not even disk utility to diagnose..
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 5, 2012
My Macbook Pro is running slugishly. Sometimes I request a HELP dialog box and it never appears or it appears blank. Sometimes applications don't work. I went to Disk Repair and ran a VERIFY on disk permissions. There were a thousand of permissions that were not correct. Mostly they were from EPSON and from AIR PORT UTILITIES.Â
There was one warning:Â Warning: SUID file "System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ ent" has been modified and will not be repaired.Â
I installed Rosetta Stone recently. Most of the AIR PORT UTILITIES are language related (French, Spanish, English). Should I repair my permissions? I wouldn't want my printer or Rosetta Stone or something worse to stop working because I repaired my Hard Disk permissions.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Kingstons 32 Gig Thumb Drive
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Jul 6, 2012
I have a 13 month old macbook pro. Recently it has been operating VERY sluggishly. Its slow/jumpy when scrolling through internet pages, through documents, pictures, downloads etc. The little rainbow 'loading' icon (i'm sorry i'm not sure what it's called) seems to appear all the time, when doing most things.I've also noticed that my battery life has gone appaling. I charge it up and get a couple of hours tops now and the 'time remaining' icon jumps up and down massively now rather than remaining relatively constant.
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 17, 2012
I have a MacBook pro 13" that I bought around April 2010 (right when they switched to the 4GB of RAM and GeForce 320M video card)The original problem started with my trackpad movements becoming very sluggish. This eventually led to a complete lockup at the apple screen. I did everything suggested in previous posts (reset pram ECT). Nothing worked so I reinstalled OSX and everything was fixed.Â
About a week later the problem started again with the same exact outcome. Now after reinstalling a third time, I have this very wierd screen on my screen. Its hard to explain so please see pictures. After sitting on the apple logo for about 5 min, this is now my screen... Â
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Jun 2, 2012
My 2011 Macpro 13 is sluggish on battery only and speeds up when Power source is connected. I ran H/W diagonostics at start up (by pressing and holding D). It gives error message - 4SNS/1/40000001:YPOR-0.000. At top it shows checking memory and I have tried both quick and detailed tests and same error messag comes. At bottom it says Pass number 1, and total testing time.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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Oct 24, 2009
I have a new UMBP 15" and just recently, without changing anything it seems. The pointer has serious issues moving around on the screen, especially in slow operation/movements it will jerk around and not stay where its supposed to be. If I just hold my finger in one place it will jump around very noticeably, inches even. Even clicking sometimes takes a few hard taps when just barely touching it would work. I've tried restarting and that didn't clear it up as well as changing some scrolling speeds. Just wondering if anyone else had seen this problem.
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Dec 29, 2009
Over the last few weeks my battery health on my late '07 MBP has declined from about 79% to a terrible 39% this morning. However, just a few minutes ago something very strange happened. The charge indicator jumped from 23% to 51%, but the indicator remained red. I did a search but didn't find anything about this issue, so I thought I'd post. Has anyone seen this before?
I just calibrated my battery 2 days ago and it still showed my health as 39%, but now iStat is showing the battery health as 70%. The battery info is listed below:
Battery Information:
Model Information:
Device name:ASMB012
Pack Lot Code:0001
PCB Lot Code:0000
Firmware Version:0110
Hardware Revision:0500
Cell Revision:0303
Charge Information:
Charge remaining (mAh):1726
Fully charged:No
Full charge capacity (mAh):4167
Health Information:
Cycle count:224
Condition:Check Battery
Battery Installed:Yes
Amperage (mA):-1733
Voltage (mV):10765
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Mar 7, 2012
My 15.4" Macbook Pro late 2011 (box instalation) is running hot at 200F and the fan jumps to 6000rpm without any real reason. I know it is not normal, what can I do? Clean install or service?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 16, 2009
New to this website and I'm by all means not a computer genius so please bear with me and I've been having some issues that I'm curious about and am hoping that I can get some answers hear. I bought a white Macbook about 9 months ago (switched from a PC) and I make great use of the two finger scrolling feature. I tend to put one finger on the bottom of the trackpad (just above the button) and scroll with another. Sometimes while I'm scrolling through a website, the page "jumps" as if I did a quick motion or hit the space bar to move the page down and I then have to search back through the page I was on to where I was reading, etc. I'm curious if my trackpad has issues (everything else is fine and it only "jumps" occasionally) and needs repair or replacement. If not, is there any way to prevent this?
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Jan 29, 2010
I've been searching the net for a solution but no luck. I have a late 08 Black Macbook 2.4ghz and the trackpad feels extremely rough. It does not look worn out one bit, but i have to press pretty hard and "push" the cursor. On the other hand my girlfriend has the same model in white and here trackpad feels like silk.
Whats the best solution for this? Is replacing the entire top case my only fix?
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Apr 20, 2012
The trackpad/cursor on my Macbook Pro vs10.6.8 acts stangely. Sometime the cursor jumps around randomly and can't get any response from the trackpad. The condition is getting worse and has about made the trackpad useless. I have tried using as wireless mouse and have had no problems whatsoever, which leads me to believe the problem is in fact in the trackpad/cursor; either the hardware or softeare associated with same.
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Sep 4, 2014
When I plug in my MacBook Air (2011), when the battery indicator hits about 50% all of a sudden it jumps up to 100%. Then, when I unplug the power cord, after a few minutes it drops back down to 50%.
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Apr 8, 2012
Within the last week I've noticed my internet is jumping back to the previous screen without warning. I will be on firefox looking at one screen and then all the sudden I am looking at the previous screen. It does it maybe every 10 minutes. I have a MacBook Pro that I only just got December 2011.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 16, 2012
What is causing my trackpad to act crazy. The cursor jumps all over the page and I lose control of it.
MacBook (13-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 27, 2009
When I first started using Parallels several months ago my Windows XP ran great and I had no problems. But recently it has become very sluggish and lags a lot. I'm using a Mac mini with 4gb of ram and have allocated Parallels to use the max 2876mb in the settings.
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Oct 1, 2009
my G4 tower (specs in sig) and 15" PowerBook G4 1.33Ghz to iTunes 9.0.1 and the tower is giving me very slow performance. clicking to different play lists is accompanied by a delay of a second or more and sometimes a beach ball, and even switching between songs within a play list will sometimes involve a brief spinning beach ball. I've never had any version of iTunes, tight from the dawn of the application up to today, ever run this slow....
The PowerBook runs it better, though it definitely doesn't run quite as fast as the previous version. But nowhere near as bad as the on the tower. I just did a little cleanup on the tower with Onyx and it has not altered the poor performance.
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Feb 14, 2010
I just downloaded the trial of Pixelmator to try it out. I really like the interface, but everything is really sluggish. The interface remains snappy, but any actual editing tasks hang and do all kinds of weird things. Even painting and stuff like that lags way behind the cursor.
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Dec 14, 2009
My Expos� and Spaces suddenly become sluggish since last night. It had been very smooth since my installation of Snow Leopard but now it is lagging like hell. It seems the problem is spreading as well - Now it even lags when I am scrolling in a stack, and this problem didn't appear last night. I have rebooted, killall'd Dock, removed, but still no luck.
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Jun 25, 2010
My mac mini is running sluggish specially if I open browsers i.e. safari 5, mozilla.Dont know what happen coz previously it runs smoothly, Then just last week, when i open browsers, it take some time to open, my 15" Powebook G4 1.25 speeds up faster than my mini
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Feb 19, 2012
I have a mac pro dual quad core 2.26 ghz intel xeon with 12 gb 1066 mhz ddr3 of memory.
When I share my imovue slide shows to itunes I have to shut down imovie at least once and sometimes twice.
I keep getting a "not enough memory" error mesage that instructs me to shut down imovie.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 12 gb 1066 mhz ddr3 of memory
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Jun 5, 2012
I will be upgrading a couple of 10.5 Macs to 10.6 (will download family pack from Apple Store). One of the 10.5 Macs has gotten rather sluggish. I rather guess that some preferences or other library files are problematic. What sort of install options will I see that might impact whether I eliminate sources of slowness?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), Intel chip 2009
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Apr 2, 2010
I am hoping that I can get an answer to my question. I have a G4 Powerbook and when I play movies in iTunes, the playback is absolutely sluggish. I have the same problem when playing video online. What could my problem be?Specs:
15" G4 Powerbook
OS X 10.4.11
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