MacBook Pro :: Saving IPhoto Pictures To External HD?
Dec 13, 2010
Wanted to know if it was possible to save pictures in iPhoto to an external HD. Same question when using GarageBand/Logic. Is there a way to save the projects in the Ext HD so that they dont save on the MBP? Do I just drag em to the ext HD? I have a Seagate 320GB that I wanna use on my 17" MBP i5, 500GB HDD, 4GB RAM.
How do I export pictures from Mac Book Air to a Hitachi external hard drive. I have used the export function from i-photo but it will not transfer. However, when I use the export function to put the pictures onto a 4g usb stick it works?
I want to copy all my i photo pictures for the last 12 months i have saved and save them on to an external hard drive, i have tries to copy and paste all at once but it only will let me do one picture at a time!!
How do I move my iphoto picture library to an external drive and delete from my HD and then access through iphoto? I lost my iphoto library so I have everything in Masters on my HD. When I import to iphoto, it groups all the photos and sates into various events. Is there a way to get my organization back or is it another manual process? Also, I can't import all my photos because there is not enough space?
"There is a problem accessing one or more files in your iPhoto library. Do you want iPhoto to repair permissions for this library for you?" and it gives me the following options "quite" or repair"
I'm in the process of setting up an ebay store and the software I'm using to upload all of my images and listings needs my pictures in JPG format. My problem is that I've been saving the images from both my products websites and Google images and I've been creating the listing info for each product in word documents but all the images in the docs are in picture clipping format. How do I change them to JPG?
I have a problem with the Desktop pictures. Other users (not administrators) cannot save their own desktop picture. At each log in it defaults to original picture (before Lion installation).
I'm trying to save pictures that I find online to my mac but it's saving them as text files. It was working earlier today and it just all of a sudden stopped working. Does anybody know what's going on?
I have about 25K pictures on my Aperture library and about 5K of them were converted from slides, scanned old pictures and taken on cameras that did not do dating. It was a lot of work but manually I gave proper (close) dates to each of the 5K pictures. I realize that I have time but with Aperture coming to an end and not knowing what kind of sorting the new Photo program will have I want to make sure that I save all my Pictures by Keynote, and and by Star rating, and also by year. If I just export each individual category mentioned will all my manual additions go with the individual jpeg so I can easily add them to whatever program might be worth using? I would hate to lose hundreds of hours worth of work.
I used a new USB flash drive this morning to transfer my pictures to. It showed it was transferring them then the screen went blue and nothing responded. I shut down the computer and unplugged everything but now when I turn the computer back on it shows my home screen and I can see the mouse icon moving around but I am unable to 'click" on any of my programs and get a response.Â
My photos are stored on an external hard drive, and we recently uploaded a new batch of photos. All of a sudden, we can only see those new photos. The iPhoto Library says it's 24GB so I know the other photos are still there.
So once again my mac has crashed after being backed up by Time Machine. After restoring the system I have lost pictures from iPhoto. This isn't the first time I have had this problem and I usually have two back up copies of the pictures, however I have managed to lose some pictures that I need :-(Â
If I go onto Time Machine the iPhoto Events are black with black photos. fantastic MacBook Pro15-inch, Mid 2010Processor 2.53 GHz Intel Core i5Memory 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3Graphics NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M 256 MBSoftware Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 (11E53)
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
i have a problem, iphoto won't stop importing photos in iphoto. It has been importing for 2 weeks now and i doesen't finish. That means i can't shut my macbook down, so is running out of electrsity constantly... ive tried to hit the "stop import" button, ive tried to shut the pogram from the procesline..
I've tried to copy pictures from iPhoto to a flash drive by drag and drop, but the cursor showed, that it simply can't be dropped. What am I supposed to do now?
I know this is probably a basic question but I'm still getting the hang of things here. I have a jpg photo I received on an email. I dragged the file onto my desktop and now want to save it in my iPhoto 09 library. I've tried dragging it, importing it but I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. When I place it into iPhoto it comes up as a new event. I drag that event into the existing event I want my photo stored in. It asks me if I want to merge events and I say Yes and the photo is now in my existing event along with about twenty others. Ok so far. But when I do a right click "show file" on my new photo it just lists that photo. When I do the same to any other photo in that event it shows all the photos.
I have created a slideshow containing some photos of me and my fiance. Now I need to save this slideshow as a file. I tried to look at the settings and other places to figure it out but unfortunately couldn't do it.
I need this for a little slide in our wedding and it would be much appreciated if anyone have an idea about it.
My iPhoto (called Photos) resides in the Media section of the finder window unlike the Pictures folder which is grouped in the Favorites section. The media section does not show up in the regular finder window. It shows up only when trying to attach a file. I've tried to drag and drop the Photos folder to drop inside the Pictures folder but it won't.Â
I'm hoping to reorganize my iPhoto library to an external drive and am having difficulity making sure I'm finding the correct files, etc.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I currently have iPhoto '09 version 8.1.2. I tried uploading pictures from iPhoto to Facebook but I get the message "An error has occured. Please try again later". File > Export > Login (which brings me to the Login page on Facebook) > I sign in & that's when I get the message. I've even tried hitting the Facebook tab on the bottom right. Does anyone have any solutions to my problem?