MacBook Pro :: SSD Random Read/Write Speed Survey
May 12, 2009
There's been a large emphasis on the sequential read/write speeds of SSDs, but in many day-to-day usage patterns, the random read/write speeds are a better benchmark of performance. I'd like to make a chart summarizing all the different SSDs out there and available. But I need your help. Can those of you with SSDs run a benchmark and report the numbers here so that I can compile everything? Here are the steps:
1. Download Xbench 1.3 at [URL].
2. Open the program and run the "Disk Test" for your SSD drive.
3. Note the numbers under the Random test, for all four parameters of small and large writes and reads.
4. Repeat the test a second time to make sure that the numbers do not change. Accept the second test if the values are <10% different from the first test.
5. Screen capture the window by holding down command and shift and 4 and the spacebar. Click on the result window and that will save as a png file on the desktop; the default is Picture 1.png.
6. Report the values here with by attaching the screenshot of the result window. This will give us other needed information like computer and SSD model.
I realize that there are weaknesses to this survey. Xbench is only one benchmark. SSD speeds will vary based on usage. Etc. In the end, however, the variability should be sufficiently small that I think we'll be able to compare different SSDs well.
I'm going to get us started by posting my results with an Intel X-25M on a previous generation MacBook Pro. Ironically, my result will probably get thrown out because the SATA 1.5 GB interface actually limits the SSD read speed...
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Mar 30, 2012
I have an early 2009 macbook, with 320 GB hard drive and running OS Lion, after i upgraded my os to lion, the computer ran perfectly normal, although a little bit slower than running snow Leopard. However, recently I notice my mac become very slow, got rainbow wheel even when i open the safari. then I use the black magic to test the hard disk speed, it appears the read and write speed is only a little over 30mb/s.
i have recently change my keyboard at apple store, I notice my mac slow down after that, do you think it would related?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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Apr 27, 2012
My Mac Pro came with a 500GB boot drive when I ordered it 3 years ago. It has been used most days and now runs Snow Leopard (for scanners and a canopus video box that don't work with Lion) and Lion. I did a write & write test on the drive recently at both were approx 60 - 65 MB/s. I have another drive in my machine I bought last month, replacing an WD drive that failed in less than 18 months. This new drive (complete same as replacement is a WD Caviar (Black) 1TB 64Mb drive. This drive tests at speeds for 110MB/s. This may seem an obvious question, but will I notice much difference if I swap the drives around and have the newer drive as my boot drive. Also, does having two OS on a HD slow the drive down also?Â
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 15, 2011
When I connect my external hard disk (Maxtor) to my Mac Book Pro, I am not able to copy/transfer files to it, though I can copy from it to my Mac. How do I change the permissions from Read Only to Read and Write?
MacBook Pro
Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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Oct 4, 2010
I cannot put files in my flash drive for some reason. How do I change this setting? My flash drive format is Windows NT File System (NTFS).
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Feb 15, 2011
i had a External Harddrive.Currently i can Read//Write on it in Windows PC(Windows7)But when i use the same drive in Mac i can only read...but can't able to write. How to resolve this issue
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May 5, 2012
How do I change a file or folder permissions from 'read only' to read/write.
I want to edit some music track information in iTunes, but my iTunes music folder is 'read only'
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Nov 5, 2006
I know this is lame, but I searched and can't find a solution. When I click on a day in ical it says it is a Read-only calendar. I repaired permissions, but it still says read only. The strange part is, in the Get Info screen, it says Read-Write for all the users.
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Jun 16, 2009
I'm buying an external hard drive to use as a backup for my MacBook but also as a network drive that all the computers connected to my router (Airport Extreme) can use. There are two MacBooks and two PCs that connect to the network. I only need my MacBook to be able to write to the hard drive but I need the two PCs to be able to access and use the files on the hard drive. I was going to get a 1TB external and give it two partitions. The first partition is going to be the Time Machine backup for my MacBook and the other will be accessed by all computers on the network. What format will the second partition need to be so that both MacBooks and both PCs can view and use the files? Also what external hard drive would you recommend?
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Jun 20, 2012
The optical drive on my 17mpb will read and play any DVD I put in just fine, but when it comes to everything else it will not read or write. The drive whirrs around and then spits the media back out.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), lion
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Apr 25, 2008
I bought this drive and I was wondering if it will read/write to the mini-dvd discs?
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Mar 25, 2012
I recently borrowed my brother's laptop to use as a media station for listening to music from, and watching movies, in order to free up some space on my main macbook. In trying to migrate some files over, I discovered that my hard drive, a 320 GB WD Elements drive, is having some problems which I've never encountered before. It has always worked fine in the past, but now I can't transfer any files to or from it, from either computer. In all of my troubleshooting, I've gotten various errors, (-36, -50), and various messages saying how the device can't be read or written from, or how some files contian unreadable data, etc.Disk Utility found an unused node when verifying the disk, and notified me that the disk needed to be repaired.I then used Disk Utility, which said it was able to successfully repair it, but the same problem remains, and after verifying the disk, it still says it needs to be repaired.I've tried to find any files that may be causing the problem, and was finally able to delete a seemingly troublesome file that was stuck in my trash bin from the external drive after trying various apps, (ie Trash It, Cocktail, What's Keeping Me?).This didn't end up solving anything...I've used terminal to eliminate some other potentially problematic files, with no luck still, and I'm not too confident with Terminal so I don't want to be messing around too much without more guidance.
I've used Disk Warrior to try to solve the problem, but still with no success.When I use the app to Check All Files and Folders, it does so for only a few seconds, then reports that "An unexpected error ocurred while attempting to perform file operations" for several files, and that several files' "Property list is damaged and cannot be repaired". When using Disk Warrior to REBUILD the drive, the app pauses for about 15 seconds, then says that it can't be rebuilt because it is in use.Again, I've used the What's Keeping Me? app to kill any activity with the drive, and the same error occurs.I've spent a lot of time trying to sort this out.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 10, 2012
I use Paragon HFS+ for Windows which allows me to read and write to my HFS formatted drives. It works great for any external hard drive I use but when I use a flash drive it doesn't work. I format both my external hard drives and flash drives the same way, I use Disk Utility, I format them using Mac Extended Journaled and GUID partition scheme. When plugging in my flashdrive, my Windows 7 PC will not mount them. Disk Manager shows 3 partitions: EFI, Fat32 and some empty space. If I format my flash drives using the Master Boot Record partition scheme they work great.
So, here's what I have so far: External hard drives work fine when formatted with the GUID Partition scheme. (Mac extended journaled) Hard drives also show 3 partitions in Windows Disk Manager: EFI, HFS and empty spaceFlashdrives show 3 partitions but oddly enough the second partition shows as FAT32. But is completely unusable in Windows 7 Flash drives have to be formatted using the Master Boot Record partition scheme when formatting them as HFS+ volumes in order to work on Windows 7Windows 7 supports GUID partition schemes.
What is causing my Macbook Pro to treat an external hard drive differently then a flash drive when formatting them? Experience and common sense tells me that it shouldn't matter whether it's a flash drive or spindle drive, both should format the same. Granted, I could simply use exFat or FAT32 on my flash drives for cross platform compatibility however I prefer to use HFS+ when possible.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2007 MBP, 2.16Ghz, 3 Gigs of RAM
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May 21, 2012
I have an external hard drive(seagate 250 NTFS format) which i have used on my windows 7 computer now that i'm trying to load the information onto my macbook pro (10.7.4) it will not let me change the permissions nor duplicate the files. How can I be able to edit and save the information to my mac from the external drive??
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Dec 5, 2009
I recently picked up the Intel 80GB SSD. First thing I did was update it to Intel latest firmware (02HD). I did a clean install of Snow Leopard and then created a bootcamp partition, splitting the drive 20GB for Mac OS X and the remaining for Windows 7 Pro. I installed Windows 7, bootcamp drivers and then did a windows update and I'm getting disappointing random read results in Windows 7.
I've attached a picture of my benchmark results. I haven't tested the drive in Mac OS X yet. I believe X Bench would be a good tool from reading the forums. Does anyone have any idea why it might be performing so slow, at reads no less! The write performance numbers seem to be on par with the results I've seen on the web, however all the reads are much slower than others.
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Mar 14, 2003
I have the PIONEER DVR-104 Drive in my MDD Dual 1Ghz G4 that has stopped reading DVD's. It still reads CD's just fine and will write CD-R's just fine. To get arround the problem (I need to be able to atleast read DVD's) I've installed a plain DVD drive in bay 2. This problem existed before I upgraded to 10.2.4 so it was there under 10.2.3 as well. Toast and the Apple System Profiler recognize it as a DVR-104, the proper drive. Lets see what else can I tell you... We are using Apple branded media. When I do drop a DVD-R in the drive whether blank or written it trys to read it for about 30 sec then spits it back out.
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Dec 11, 2014
can't write to FTP drives via finder. But I'm having a lot of difficulty connect to FTP drives via finder. Despite using the correct log in details and FTP paths just like I do in Fileziller, Finder constantly rejects and when I do get on using the master file hosting log in details I can't write to the drive only read.
MacBook Air, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Mar 8, 2008
I notice the security news that FireWire could be used to bypass your login password because it accesses your RAM.
That got me to thinking: Can you use FireWire to read/write the RAM of the 'puter next to you and could you use this "feature" to turn that RAM into a RAM disk for fast access?
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Sep 5, 2009
I thought SL offered feature like Macfuse where I am able to read and write NTFS (Windows) format drives testing on my MacBook and I am only able to read.
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Mar 2, 2010
I'm trying to copy over an ISO file (legit one mind you) and OSX is telling me that I cannot move the file because I don't have permissions for it. So I do the usual, get info, check the permissions box, but the funny thing is, I do have Read and Write access but it still pops up that error.
I'm stumped on how to fix this... any ideas?
Here's a screenshot to clarify what I'm talking about.
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Jun 19, 2010
How do I format an external HDD to read/write on a mac osx running snow leopard, and also let it be able to be readable on windows vista/7?
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Mar 21, 2012
I want to be able to transfer tiles between my pc laptops and my mac mini using external hard drives ans or usb sticks
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Dec 7, 2007
Every so often my Mac Mini 1.83 Core Duo w/Super Drive will experience a random increase in fan speed...the fan speed increases from 1500rpm to over 5000rpm for a couple minutes, and then will slowly return to normal.During these fan speed-bursts there is no increase/abnormal temperatures. CPU and Ambient temps could be at 40C. System load is also minimal (95% idle, eg).Haven't heard of this as a common problem, but is this fan behavior indicative of any type of problem?
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Sep 7, 2010
i have read the old thread but it seams very risky and dangerous. is this way safe? [URL]
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Sep 14, 2009
I would like to be able to read/write files on my mac partition from my bootcamp xp partition. i can read but when i try to write i get a message saying i do not have permission to write to this directory. how do i give my windows xp bootcamp partition permission to read and write to my mac parition?
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Jun 30, 2010
I may end up getting another external hard drive & would like to be able to stay with NTFS so I can use it with either PCs or macs, there is a PC in my home & I would like to be able to use it between the PC & my macbook pro. Does anybody know of good reliable software that does not hog resources that will enable me to read & write NTFS on my macbook pro?
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Apr 3, 2012
I have a shared folder on Lion Server. The permissions for the folder are set to everyone can read & write. When I add files from another computer to the shared folder the file permissions are not set to read & write for everyone. Is there a setting I am missing on the server to make all files added over the network to have the same permissions as the folder?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 21, 2012
I have a Windows/DOS formatted external harddrive adn want to access/write/delete data from it using my MCP with Lion OS. I downloaded NTFS-3G 2011.1.15 and installed and restarted my Mac but then got this error when OS started and I cant see my Windows external disk any more. I am not 100% sure if the format of this disk was FAT or NTFS.
MacBook Pro, Brand New!
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Aug 12, 2010
I have an external Transcend HD, which has been working perfectly fine for around 5 months now. It is NTFS, and I use NTFS-3g and Macfuse. Been running fine. Was able to read and write. Suddenly I am only able to read though. I go into the "Get Info" pane and the option to choose whether I want to read and write, or read only is gone, and all that it says is "You can read only". getting this back to read and write is really appreciated. I really need this disk.
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Oct 13, 2010
What is the standard tool to test your hard drives read/write speeds? I'd like to test my new SSD to see how fast it really is. I've heard you cant trust XBench for that which is the only thing I have to use.
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