I'm thinking of getting a refurb MBP but they come with a 5400rpm hard drive and I want a 7200rpm. Does anyone about how easy it is to replace the internal hard drive in a MBP and how much it would cost?
I want to replace my 3 year old drives before it's too late.
I have about 200 gigs of data, split between a pair of Seagate Baracuda 7200rpm drives I bought 3 years ago.
I am thinking on going with a single 500 gig drive for my data, and I can't decide between a Caviar Black, or a Baracuda 7200.12.
I have read that the Caviar Black have incredible performance, , but only for the 1TB since it has 3 platters.
How do the 500gig models compare between WD and Seagate? I just don't have the need for more. My OS and Apps are on the SSD at 23 gigs, and all the rest of my work/personal files take up about 200 gigs.
Which is going to be better, the Black, or the Baracuda? 500 gig models only.
I have a Rev. E 15" MBP with the stock 250GB 5400 rpm HD. I'm getting close on running out of HD space so I'm looking to get a bigger HD. Is it a good idea to replace it with a 7200 rpm HD? Is the speed improvement significant? My MBP is my primary computer, I do a lot of general internet surfing as well as a lot of photo editing (I'm a photographer). I did some quick search and it looks like some HD's have bad vibrations? Does a 7200 HD drain out much more battery than a 5400 one?
I did a quick search at a local computer store and found the following, which one would be best to get?
Has anyone tried the 500GB - 7200 PRM Seagate Drive for the Macbook Pro 15" Unibody ?I am considering getting one, but remembered they have 2 versions Which one should i get ?
I am planning to buy the New 13inch MacBok Pro that came out this July. Is there a possibilty of upgrading the Hard drive to 7200 rpm like the way I did it in the old model. I have had news that its not possible to upgrade this machine as we did the previous one.
I'm looking at a MBP on CL and the seller has swapped out the HD and put in this WD Scorpio 320gb 7200 rpm HD. I'm wondering if any of you have this hard drive and can confirm it's quality or claim that it is of poor quality?
I had a MBP with a 7200 RPM, 320 GB Hitachi Hard drive. I sold the MBP and got a white nvidia MB, but I kept the 7200 RPM drive and used it in the white MB (I did not reinstall the OS). Everything works fine, but I've noticed that it takes a very long time to boot. From the time I turn the MB on, to the time the spinning disk appears, it takes approx. 60 seconds. Other than that, the MB works fine. Should I do a clean install of Leopard. Would this help the slow boot time?
My brother's MacBook's hard drive just died. He has a backup of all of his data. If I were to buy this, what do I do after installing the hard drive? We have the Leopard disks and everything.
I am going to be replacing the hard drive on a macbook pro that went crackle and fgave me the spinnign wheel of death before it totally went dead on me but i dont have the discs to reinstall the OS (and to be honest I forget what version it is) on this laptop but have the discs for my imac. Can I use these discs or do I need something else? I got this from a former roommate who upgraded to a newer macbook and was going to toss this so there are no discs for this macbook. Totally at a loss here....not sure if the data is recoverable from the hard drive so need to know what my options are before I take it in for repair tomorrow....
I just replaced the hard drive in my macbook pro 2011 with an agility 4 ssd. I was able to copy all of the information over to the new drive. However ever time I wake the system up from sleep it freezes. I get the pinwheel. I am forced to restart the computer to get it working.
I do a lot of traveling and have a lot of video files that I like to take on the road with me. I saw a 500gb Western Digital 2.5 hard drive on Amazon.com and want to replace my 160gb hard drive with it. I have an external hard drive with time machine. Is there anyway to do this so that I do no have to re-install everything?
The hard drive in my MacBook is turning 3 years old, and weird noises are being emitted from it, which means, the hard drive is on it's last legs. The stock Apple hard drive was an 80GB. Specs of the MacBook are in the sig. I was thinking to myself, why not take this as an opportunity to get a much larger hard drive for not that much money. So I came across this: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage....=1218030894682 Question is, would it fit the MacBook White from 2007, and how does it perform?
I recently thought it would be a smart idea to volunteer to replace the failing HDD on my friend's Macbook (white, late '07 model), since she could get a higher capacity than 120GB this way, as opposed to getting a replacement at the Genius Bar. I went on ifixit.com, since I was able to change a couple of components on my 1st generation Macbook Pro without much trouble, and followed the guide step by step. Now, I am no rookie with this stuff. I even used to work at an Apple store, but as a specialist, not a genius. However, when I did everything (and it would seem that the installation itself was done properly), the computer screen would remain off once I booted the computer.
I tried changing it back to its original drive to see if I could at least get it to boot, but the same thing happened. Nothing on the display. I tried starting up while pressing C to run from the Snow Leopard disc, I tried starting up while pressing Option, I tried everything I can think of. I am running out of options and I have no clue what to do. Is there something I should have done before putting in the drive? Does anyone know what could be done, aside from taking it to the store and paying the $200 for an HDD replacement? (my former co-workers at the GB seem to be MIA for this).
I have removed the 2.5" Hard Drive from my better half's 2006 Macbook and looking at the Seagate I got to replace it the power pins don't appear to line up.
I can't see deep into where it seats. Do you have to replace the HDD with specific makes of 2.5" HDD?
I installed the hard drive with no problem and have experienced greater performance, no clicking nor vibration, and no freezeup or rainbow wheel. I also did a clean install of Snow Leopard. I did a PRAM reset at the beginning and calibrated my battery. However, now I noticed my battery is draining FAST, only lasting 2 hours. I looked a little online and discovered I may still need to reset the SMC (shift-control-option + power key), which I will do shortly. The battery lasted 6-7 hours before with my old hdd and is at 96% capacity.
I was going to get a 500GB hard drive to replace my 160GB hard drive in my white macbook. I was wondering where's the best place to backup the data online before changing it out? Carbonite?
I swapped my hard disk on the above mentioned machine and it won't boot. When I turn the machine on it tells me that there is no bootable disk. I have previously booted from the disk via usb, so i know there is a bootable partition on it. I swapped back the original drive and it boots up fine. Why wont the external drive boot when run internally?
I own a 1st generation MacBook Core Duo (black) with 80GB Fujitsu at 1.5 Gigabit/s. I want to replace this with a compatible hard drive. Will this - Western Digital Scorpio Blue WD3200BEVT 320GB 5400 RPM 2.5" SATA 3.0Gb/s Internal Notebook Hard Drive - work in my laptop? I notice that it has a 3.0Gb/s speed versus my current Fujitsu 1.5Gb/s. I'm using Tiger, if this matters.
After seeing the system requirements for Windows 7, I decided to upgrade to a larger hard drive later this week. I plan on giving my old 160 gig drive to a friend who uses Windows but I want to wipe it clean first. Do I insert my Leopard disc and use disk utility to reformat?
I'm in a little need of assistance with my PowerBook G4 Alum. 1.67GHz. The Hard Drive it came with got fried a little while back (alas, not in warranty) and I have been hesitant to try to repair it myself in the past. However, I now wish to resurrect my machine, seeing as how if I don't try this, I might as well just buy a new laptop. What sort of HD should I buy?
I know it has to be "ATA" but (1) I have no idea what that means, and (2) There seem to be many different types of HDs. I have no problem disassembling my PowerBook but I am lost when it comes to its hard drive. I think I would like to get a HD with 7200 rpm and 80-100 GB. Also, when do you see Apple releasing a MacBook with a good graphics card that isn't integrated?
The HDD in my wife's black MacBook (2007, I think) won't boot up. I've run Disk Utility and have decided it's pretty much dead. I have a Carbon Copy backup, so the data is fine. I've tried replacing the drive twice now, and the MacBook simply won't "see" the new drives. When I install the drive, nothing shows up in Disk Utility (run either from the install disc or the Carbon Copy backup drive in a USB enclosure).
The new drives are formatted (I even copied the bootable backup to one of them), and the computer sees them just fine if I install them in a USB enclosure and hook them up that way. When I put them in the computer, though, no dice. Her old, corrupted HDD still showed up in Disk Utility when I reinstalled it, but the new drives don't.
Someone I know wants to buy a macbook air. I've replaced hard drives on Sony's, lenovos, macbooks etc. But I know some Sony's come with special "non-standard" drive sizes. Does anyone know if the Seagate Momentus laptop drive will fit in the newest macbook air? I saw on anandtech you could replace it on the previous model but I thought I'd double check as she needs much more space than 120GB that apple offers.
I have all the data double-backed up so I'm not worried about that, but assuming I have to replace it what can I get? I'd heard that you can put any 2.5" SATA drive into a late 2008 15" mac-book pro, but occasionally I see consumer reviews saying things like "only compatible with 2009 mac-book pros onwards" or "not compatible with lion".
Replacing a SECOND failed hard drive on a mid-2007 white macbook (Intel core duo 2.16GHz), this time on my own Need to purchase a serial ATA drive, but I keep reading that trying to format and/or partition the drive for use with the original Tiger install disk is unsuccessful and that I would have to update to a newer OS before I can do that. I have Leopard as the current OS, and that is in my backup files from Time Machine, but I do not have a disk with Leopard. Wondering the best course of action and/or if someone had success wit ha particular Serial ATA using the Tiger disks?
I Was skyping with a friend went to do something came back i was signed out of skype and my computer froze i restarted then it gave me a blinking file witch means failing hard drive so i put in my old hard drive that i knew works and still gives me a blinking file macbook pro 08 running on mavericks osx and something been running down ram for awhile to where it was not usable i had to keep running memory clean ...
I replaced my hard drive after it crashed. I formatted the new drive and installed mavericks from a bootable flash drive. I first tried installing lion over the internet, it took over 40 hours to load on an ethernet cable and quit when it was 98% done saying it could not download additional components. I then tried the flash drive thing, which was just as painful as a process. It would not install on my hard drive, saying the partition was damaged and needed to be repaired, however disk utility could not repair it.
I recreated the partition about 50 times and it never worked. Then I erased the hard drive and started over, and mavericks was able to install. I used my computer for about an hour, setting everything up and what not. I then opened my computer for the first time since, and nothing would work. It wouldn't even restart or shut down. So I forced the power off and when I turned it back on I saw the flashing file with a question mark again.
I just installed the 4G Ram easily but my next step is to install a bigger hard drive. I have the 120GB one. My question is when I install the new hard drive, do i start up the mac mini and load up the OSX restore disc that came in the box with the mini? I also installed iWork09, will I be able to install iWork09 in the new hard drive (i know the iWork09 only comes with 1 license key).
This is in regards to the 2010 mini. I have been reading up on SSD, Hybrids and FW800 with a 7200. What is the easiest AND most effective/cost effective solution? If I went he FW800 route, can I use the same drive as my data storage drive? Will there be enough headroom to run the OS over FW and use the drive to stream movies playing in another room on Apple TV2 simultaneously? Will this give me a performance increase over the internal 5400 if I use the external 7200 for everything over FW800?
That is where my thoughts about the hybrid come into play. I know I can stream the iTunes content over USB2, which I have at the moment for the big drive. I would need to go buy an enclosure with FW800 to run it as a boot drive. I could use that same money and go get a 500GB Hybrid drive and install myself and leave the USB2 as data only. If the install is painless but tedious, I might just do that. If the FW800 route would be robust enough to run the OS and stream data to other devices simultaneously (ie use it as I would the regular internal drive), I might just do that and wait for SSD prices to come tumbling down and do a bigger internal SSD in the future.
I upgraded my Mac Book Pro hard drive to a Hitachi 7200RPM 300GB Hard Drive in November. All of a sudden my Hard drive is full and I cannot explain why. I retrieved the folder size info from the six folders I have on my HD and it claims that I have filled up roughly 100GB on the hard drive. I understand the MAC OS X is roughly 4-5GBs, roughly another 15GB for threading the utility files, so I should still have at least 180GB of space free on the hard drive. I recently downloaded the application known as AZUREUS aka VUZE could this app have put some extraordinarily large hidden folders on my hard drive? I deleted this app but my HD is still stating that I have used up 278GB of space which I know cannot be right. Can anyone out there help me with this situation? I am lost and upset not sure what is going on. According to my hard disk utility I only have 2.6GB of space availble which is insane!
One more note around xmas I found that my MAC had crashed unexpectedly but is working fine right now expect for the fact the HD is full and I can only see roughly 100GB of files on my 300GB Hard drive.