MacBook Pro :: On Starting Up / Shuts Down After 25 Seconds Of Booting Up
Jun 17, 2014
On starting up, my macbook pro shuts down after 25 seconds of booting up. The time bar comes on for a while before it simply goes blank and switches off without any notification. Battery appears charged. Could it be a virus?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), iOS 7.1.1
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Jun 4, 2014
My laptop is not starting up it does the loading bar for 5 seconds and then shuts down. What is the issue and how can I get it to run?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2012)
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May 15, 2012
I came home to discover my power cord had died and my laptop turned off due to no power. I used a friend's power cord to turn it on later that night and send some emails. I bought a new power cord the next day, plugged in, and turned the laptop on. It stayed on the gray screen with a spinning wheel beneath the apple logo for a while. I restarted it and it turned off after a few seconds of the gray screen. An empty bar flashes twice horizontally at the bottom before the spinning bar begins.I tried booting in safe mode, but it would just stay on the gray screen. I tried doing shift+command+v and received a message about keys out of order and disk error full, can't repair. I was able to boot from the install disc, and when I click "Repair Disc" I get the same erros. Not sure what to do now?
MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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Apr 17, 2010
so I have read most of the start up problems, and mine is different. Whenever I shut down and try to start my computer again, I am not able to get my computer to turn back on. I hit the power button, and hear the computer humming, but not the typical hum-hum that usually occurs. My screen remains black with no activity. After 5 to 10 attempts at this, the computer starts up fine, and I have no problems with it running. I do not have this problem when I use the restart function, say after I download a software update. This problem is driving me nuts as I am afraid I can not shut off my computer!
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Mar 14, 2012
Yesterday my MBP suddenly froze while starting Google Sketch. Not just the program, but the entire computer. After a few seconds the screen started flashing like crazy. I waited a minute or so before I forced it to shut down.
After doing so I turned it back on and now it will not start up. I can turn it on, but then I will only see the turning wheel thing you always see. After a few minutes of turning wheel the wheel will freeze.
Talked to my local macstore and they told me to try and reinstall my entire system before sending it to a repair guy. And here is my problem.
It will not boot from a Cd or en usb with Lion on it. Not when holding "C", shift or any of the other keys down.
This morning I managed to boot from the system CD and erase my harddrive and start installation but, then it froze for an hour andIi had to shut it down again. Now I am back to not being able to boot from my system CD. Â Â
Is it a hardware error or what. My Mac is pretty old. It is the one just before the current MBP design came out. But have another computer, but I use this one a lot, so it is really frustrating that this should happen just before a possible new Mbp design.. Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 30, 2010
I've recently upgraded my MacBook Pro into MAC OS X 10.6.2 and I started to experience a low booting time (over 17 seconds). Another issue, when I start the computer I always get the starting screen where the apple logo is shown as zoomed. I tried to check the display but its fine.
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Nov 21, 2007
I've got a strange issue with my PowerMac dual 1.8GhZ and I can't figure out where it's coming from.Last Saturday I experienced a Kernell Panic while using Safari and the Dictionary (MacOS 10.5.1).Since then, whenever I try to start my computer, it shuts itself down while the grey screen with the Apple logo is on screen. However, this isn't always the case:I can use my computer 'normally' if I press the option key at start-up and manually choose my startup disk.
I can boot from a Panther or Tiger installation disk, but not Leopard.If I try the hardware test the computer shuts itself down in the middle of the test.TechTool works and didn't find any issues with my computer. Nor did Disk Utility.I tried to erase both my internal hard-drives and do a clean install of Tiger, but the problem is still there (I have to press option at startup).I tried to reset the PRAM and Cuda/PMA. Doesn't resolve the issue.When I tick 'Restart automatically after power failure' in Energy Saver my Mac will indeed restart, meaning it thinks there was a power failure.Any idea what it might be? And why it only happens in certain situations?Do you think it's a hardware or a software issue?
PowerMac G5 dual 1.8GhZ
Mac OS X (10.5.1)
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Jun 26, 2008
Got a 4 year old 15" PowerBook with a small history of battery issues. Its on its 3rd battery that is on its last leg. It can't be unplugged for more than 5 seconds or it shuts off...been this way for months. Well today it shut off and won't turn back on. Do I buy yet another battery or is my pb dead?
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Jun 4, 2014
I have a 27 inch desktop. Upon turning the computer on within seconds the fan comes on. Then it goes to a high fan. Then it goes to a black screen. Then it shuts off. Then if you click the mouse it will come back on. This cycle repeats itself every 5 seconds. Only one time in the past month did it turn on normally and run for me.
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Jan 16, 2010
I've now properly installed Windows 7 to my MacBook, but now I'm getting this problem and can't find a fix.
Basically, I turn my MacBook on, select Windows, and it leaves me at a black screen with a flashing underscore for 45 seconds before it actually begins to do anything (making boot times unbarably slow). This is seriously annoying me, but it doesn't seem to have a fix. Edit: Oh, some details. Windows 7 Ultimate (64 bit), MacBook Pro 13" (2009), Snow Leopard installed, using rEFIt to multi-boot, bootcamp 3.0, and have never had this problem with any other version of Windows.
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Nov 16, 2008
I have a G5 iMac - 2.1 ghz, 20", 250gb hd and 3gb ram, but it has been having problems starting up and it is also going to sleep midway through a task or at random times totally unprompted.
It now almost never starts up first time (I keep the iMac mains power lead always connected and the mains electricity supply turned on at all times now)- sometimes I will get the 'Start-up Chime' and then the cooling fans start spinning very loudly and then after a few seconds the iMac stops the start-up routine, but often when I try to start-up I don't even get the 'Start-up Chime' and I have to leave it for some time before trying again.
I can also now only get the iMac to run as a Firewire Target Disc by starting up with the T key held down and then using an old G4 (400mhz) Powerbook Titanium as the screen/keyboard by using the iMac HD as the startup disc for the Powerbook but this is obviously just a temporary work around.
I have also tried backing up all my data, and reinstalling the Mac OS X onto the iMac but the iMac still will not start-up normal and I still have to use it just as a Firewire HD.
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Jun 29, 2012
I am using a Mac Mini with a Realtek USB wireless dongle to connect to the internet. The software and drivers appear connected perfectly and i see the wireless utility and I can access my wireless network, which says signal strength 100%. I connect to it and it accepts the wireless key. Says connected. Then after a few seconds the connection is lost and it says 'Disconnected'. A few seconds later it connects then disconnects and this continues indefinitely but Safari never allows me to access any webpages.Â
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.5.6), USB Wireless Dongle
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Mar 25, 2009
G4 DP 450 booting straight to firmware command line and I'm not sure how to proceed from here. Unable to boot from CD.
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Sep 2, 2009
I'm having trouble connecting to the internet. (had no problems before).
It started last week, but a day before was fine.
the problem is that I log in to my macbook... it gets connected to the wireless, but after 10 seconds it turns off.. then on again in 10 seconds.. and so off again... and so on..
I tried to configure the internet connection... but doesn't give me any errors...
what can it be?
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Feb 6, 2012
I wonder if it is something to do with gmail. as gmail has been asking to store emails on my local drive and I have been saying no as I was worried it might be a virus or something - maybe I have too many emails on the system. I just dont know. I am using Firefox in the meantime but feel frustrated as I dont know my way around as well and I have work to get on with!
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), SAFARI
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Mar 30, 2012
Two days ago, I pluged in a Maxor hard drive that loaded some softwear onto my computer. I reformatted the drive because it did not work. Shortly after this I started reciving this message:Â
"You can't open the application NotificationExec because Power PC applications are no longer supported."Â
I cannot type for more than seconds before any program kicks my out to the message again. It has taken 15 minutes just to type this post.Â
MacBook Pro
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Sep 17, 2009
I just got a new macbook pro. I am trying to blue tooth my music and album artwork over to it from my old macbook. When the Artwork was transferring, it transferred before the music, it stopped right before it got done and I got the beach ball. Bluetooth file exchange turned off, so I thought maybe it just got hung up and tried the transfer again. Again Bluetooth file exchange quit right before completing the transfer of album artwork and a message popped up saying I had low memory on my hard drive. I started the process with about 24GB free on the HD, I watched it go from about 5MB yes MB down to 2MB within seconds. I restarted the computer and it went back up to 3.7 and I watched it drop to 3.5MB. All of this fluctuation continued even after the transfer quit and bluetooth file exchange closed. I don't think any other programs were open.
What just happened? Is my new computer in any kind danger since I was transferring files from the old which had the problem?
How can I tell where all this space was taken up so I can delete whatever is taking it up?
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Mar 9, 2010
Can anyone tell me what's going on? My MacBook gets a kernel panic every time I boot it up. Should I reinstall the OS?
I just repaired disk permissions and that did nothing.
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Jul 3, 2010
I had a 2.4G MBP with 4G ram that I used for about a year. I bought an Intel 128GB SSD and used the optibay to install. I'm using the HD to store the home folder, and all applications and OSX on the SSD. The MBP started getting really laggy here lately, I see a pinwheel for about 60 seconds when I use "Save as" or try and print something. So I bought a 2.8G 17" MBP with 4G ram, hoping it was a hardware issue. I swapped both drives into the new MBP, but am having the same issues. I use a lot of different softwares (office '08, xcode, parallels, quickbooks, etc...) so its hard to pinpoint it down to a specific application. I am going to wipe the MBP clean and start over, but what is the best route? Should I just backup the home folder, reinstall all software then put back the home folder? I want to avoid copying the problem, but can't afford to lose all of my application data.
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Jul 15, 2010
my screen keeps blinking on and off every 10 seconds or so and if I let it rest for a while it settles down but everything is missing from the screen except my screen saver photo.
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Apr 17, 2012
My safari started quitting unexpectedly after about 5 seconds of opening last night. It works when I hook up my phones internet, or use the university internet but not my BigAir connection at home. Have tried various troubleshooting ideas from other posts - including deleting caches and repair disk permissions but haven't helped. Have called my internet provider and they swear the connection is working fine.
Process: Safari [248]
Path: /Applications/
Version: 5.0.5 (6533.21.1)
Build Info: WebBrowser-75332101~1
MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Apr 18, 2012
A few days ago, i noticed a process running in my task manager. Something along the lines of, "Seagate data manager". The reason it was there is because my friend installed some software that would let us use his Seagate hard drive (it would not work on a mac without it). I was annoyed that this process was running on start-up years later when i did not need it any more. I searched though my Mac and found no apparent way to uninstall it, so i decided to find every file that had the word "seagate" and delete it. Probably not my brightest moment, i know, and technically it worked. I dont see the process running any more, but now i am seeing the fruits of my stupidity as i get these 3 messages in console every 10 seconds from what i think is my Mac trying to launch the process, but cant find the files that i deleted. I deleted 2 files. I cant remember exactly what they were called or where they were from. I think one was from "Macintosh HD > Library" and the other was from "Macintosh HD > System". I know that one of the files had the icon that looks like a little white Lego piece (see attachment called "icon"). Â
here is what console says:Â 4/18/12 9:09:01[97](com.seagate.SeagateStorageGauge.plist[794]) posix_spawn("/Library/Application Support/Seagate/Seagate Storage Storage Gauge", ...): No such file or directory4/18/12 9:09:01[97](com.seagate.SeagateStorageGauge.plist[794]) Exited with exit code: 14/18/12 9:09:01[97](com.seagate.SeagateStorageGauge.plist) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
MacBook pro, Mac OS X (10.4.11), 2.4Ghz 2 RAM
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Apr 26, 2012
I am running Mac OS X 10.7.3 on my MacBook Pro. I have a couple of photos that I want on my background, changing every 1 or 2 seconds, so that it will look like animated. Is there a way to make it? Minimum is listed as 5 seconds in system preferences.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 28, 2012
My Macbook Pro won't take in any CD disks. It just ejects it in 10 seconds with out recognizing it.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 24, 2012
I have a 2012 macbook pro 13" and it takes about 45- 50 secs to startup! But during the startup a WHITE screen appears for about 5 secs after the apple logo goes off!Is it normal!?!?!
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 26, 2012
I am facing weird problem of screeing going BLUE every five second. I tried checking Hardware using hardware test DVD and it found no issues. Additionally, I verified both the partitions along with permissions verification using DiskUtility. But, the problem is not going. Finally, when i tried to reinstall the OS by inserting Mac OS X Install DVD and pressing 'C', the DVD is being rejected.
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 8, 2012
the bottom of my laptop gets very hot within seconds of use. most do (atleast i think) but within a while of using. mine starts to burn my leg within the first five seconds. what causes this and is it bad?
MacBook Pro
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Aug 26, 2014
MBP 13"Â 2011, OS 10.9.4, 4G RAMÂ . The boot time from press start to when I can use my MAC is excruciating, at least 90 seconds.
I have created a Guest Account and the 'start/to use time is 1/3.
I have NO 3rd party software, all Apple, My iPhono Library is only? 10.5G
I have reset the SMC-Shift/Control/Option-hold- start
Once the Mac is up and running it seems to run ok with Safari, Mail running, but add to that NUMBERS or Garage Band 10, (fagedabowdit).
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Garage Band, Numbers, Pages, Mail
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Sep 9, 2014
I have a 13" Macbook Pro bought in 2011. It toggles the WiFi on and off every few seconds. Running OSX 10.9.4. Did this before a couple years ago and the fix involved some keychain changes. I can't find it as it has worked fine since, until now.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Running Airport extreme
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Jun 20, 2014
I've had Last fm for a while, and whenever I plug in my iPhone or iPad, it will randomly start on its own, even after I force quit the app, it keeps doing it, and it drives me insane, it'll start up in the most inconvenient times, and I have to quit it at least three times before it finally stops starting itself. Is there a way to fix this, or do I just need to uninstall it and be done with last fm ?
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