I have a small office (5-10 Mac books) working on wifi, and we are needing a better way to store large art and video files somewhere other than external hard drives. (For the amount of work we do, we would simply have too many hard drives floating around). Also, I need all of my staff to have access to the same "cloud" server, as well as some satellite workers.
Someone recommended an NAS enclosure with multiple hard drives...Is this my best option? And if so, what are the best NAS servers out there?
I was thinking of buying a Rev A MB Air. Don't really need the hard drive space as I have external storage. But after going through the posts it seems almost all the Rev As have video and over heating problems. The MB Air I am getting is with Apple Care until 2011.
I have 2 1GB sticks left over after updating my 2.2GHZ Macbook's RAM to 4GB. My friend wants my old RAM modules, but his macbook is the black one from 2006. Will this RAM work in his blackbook?
i have aquestion can you run different opperatin systems using spaces? like to use mac os x in one and another one linux and the 3rd one windows? how many operatin systems can you run in one pc at once thanks can anyone please upload a picture of the mac using spaces with diffetens os's
I just hate getting scratches easily on my brand spanking new power adapter. Although I'm really, really careful now, I wish Apple upgrades the cheap looking adapters in the near future.
I am considering to get a new Mac. In that I want to be able to use two seperate operating systems. The Mac operating system and maybe either a windows or linux or an other useful and functional alternative! The reason for this is, that I have several laptops incl. an iPad. I have concluded that iPad isnt that useful for my needs till now, its not very functional for my needs. I am also going to upgrade my smart mobile still considering functional alternatives (would like to hear yoru thoughts about this as well)! I want to integrate them into one machine only and utilize cloud and / or an external Disk, and be better able to use useful apps and software that are not available on either one of the systems on their own my own system! Usage will be both for biz and private, but at the end usefulness, and functionality will play a big part in my final decision! Do you think this is practical, useful and cost effective way doing it the way I want to do?
I just got a unibody 17''. Can I swap the hard drive in it with a 15'' Santa Rosa MBP? Just to save time installing everything plus the 15'' has a newish 7200 rpm hard drive. I noticed the trackpad System Preference is different between MBPs so I'm wondering what else is different.
Is there a program or thing I can do to share apps between my iMac and Macbook? I have heard of cloning the HD as another way of doing it? How does this work? Is this even legal?
Bought new macbook pro. I have current software OS X v10.7.3. I am unable to download any new software/applications. Get the no mountable file systems error. I did not have this problem with my old macbook with same OS X version.
Thinking about ditching the optical drive in my mid 2008 2.5Ghz 15" Macbook Pro and adding a small but fast SSD drive. My idea is to have two hard drives obviously. I would like to have the SSD drive be my specialized drive for running FCP and possible After Effects. The older 250GB drive that is the original equipment would be my main drive. I would do all my web design, flash, photoshop, illustrator, ftp, ssh, programming and web surfing/everyday stuff. Both Drives would be bootable. the 250 drive would have snow leopard and everything else on it and the SSD drive would have snow leopard as well. Is this possible or practical? Would the gains in performance and stability gained from segmenting the two systems be noticeable and worth it? I've seen some articles on dual booting different OS's on the same drive but never on their own exclusive drive with the same OS.
Can I install Snow Leopard while still having Lion on my Macbook Pro? I have some software that will only run on Snow Leopard but my mac came with Lion. I have a Snow Leopard install disc so was wondering if I could run both operating systems...
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
In my macbook, I was using Server 2003, installed through Bootcamp. For some reason I urgently needed to install Windows XP on another partition i.e, I needed two operating systems natively without being used VMware.
Could you please post how could I succeed this through Bootcamp or any other third party software?
I have my Mac Pro 2.8 8 core as my main machine. And my MBP 17 as my 'mobile' workstation when I'm on the road or out of the studio. I back up my MP system and files using CCC to an external drive. Usually I manually copy just the working folder of files that I need to my MBP and work away. When I get back to the studio I manually copy the same folder back to my MP. The question is.. is it ok to boot off my MP System + files backup off the external drive while connected to my MBP? And work off it. Both have system 10.5.7 installed. Will there be any problems with booting off essentially a MP configured system while working off the MBP's hardware. i.e., will there be any conflicting system files that may get confused and screwed up?
If it was safe, then I could essentially cloned back from the MP external sys+files back up - Back - on the MP. Just wanted to get some opinions and advice from others who probably have similar dual workstation & mobile machine set-ups. Just wondered how you handle the switching between systems? I just don't want to risk cloning back from the external to the MP and risk screwing the whole setup and configs! Otherwise I might just do what I have been doing and just manually copy the files/folders I need on the MBP. Do the work and then only just copy this folder back on the MP. Without any full system drive clones.
My brother and I both have early '08 macbook pros with Leopard and I was thinking about buying Snow Leopard. So I was wondering if I bought it, would my brother also be able to use it and update his too?
I've read a few results on google and here on MacRumors, but all of them are old and point to systems running about 1GB or 2GB. I have 4GB, I have disabled Paging in Vista and it runs fine, plus it saves my SSD from killing itself.
i just got a macbook pro, i traded my imac to my bro for it, and i want to transfer Final Cut Pro, and like 30 gigs of plugins. I just cant seem to get it working with firewire cable, it transfered and all, but when i open it, it says, it recived an unexpected error and needed to shut down.
the 2009 version has a faster CPU and quicker RAM. But other then that are they pretty much the same?Reason I'm asking because I bought a used 2006 Mac Pro Quad Core a few days ago and I want to install an eSATA card
I'm in need of a USB KVM that will be used to control 4 Macs from a central keyboard, mouse, and monitor. I'm considering the MiniView USB KVM Switch and was wondering if anyone here had any experience with this unit.
These are the Macs that will be controlled:Intel-based Mac-mini (Leopard) PPC-based Mac-mini (Tiger) G4-based PowerMac (Tiger Server) G4-based PowerMac (OS 9.2) If there is another KVM that would work better, please let me know!
I just got a new MAC..But all of my other systems in the office is Windows..We need a way, so that I can all of that windows systems folders from my MAC and copy the files to Mac.
I haven't been able to mount .dmg files for a few weeks now. Cleared my cache and tried again. No go. Followed some advice to move my com.apple.kernelcaches file and my Extensions.kextcache to my desktop...still no go. Warning reason reads "no mountable file systems".
I am trying to load, SD memory cards (2g) for my Audi's navigation system, I have followed some disucssions on here—about using iTunesMyWalkman, to convert files. I have loaded a SD card, and played it in my car, well my question, is there anyway to see all the artists that are in this playlist? I lets me play through selections—or skip through, to get to next artist or albums. Is there a way to see all the artists that are in playlist, then be able to scroll down and play that artist?
Info: Loading SD Cards for Car Navigation, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Using SD Cards with Navigation Sys
The computer I use at work is 2.5 years old and there is no more support?I work on a web based system 90% of my daily work and it works with Java Applets. In Safari I have a buggy Java Applet which doesn't show and work as it should.In Firefox since the Java version gets blocked, the browser completely crashes after allowing FF to use the Java Plugin anyway.In Chrome I cannot start the Applet even when I allow Chrome to do this. I can not update to the latest system as I don't have the App Store to update to 10.7 How is it possible that 10.5 is no more supported?
A few days ago we added a few new iMacs running 10.7.4 (currently). We set up all our network shares to various servers using SMB, with an edited hosts file in /etc. For the first few days, we were able to connect without an issue. Today however, our shares won't connect using SMB and when viewing all shared systems, the list has truncated to only 6 items from 30 or 40. We can connect using IP addresses, but this creates a conflict with some applications that we use. Restarting has no resolved the issue. We've tried many different "fixes", but we nothing has worked yet.
I received my new 15" PB a few days ago and I can notice faint horizontal lines on every other row of pixels. I didn't notice this on the model before this or even the new iBooks, but working with photos, graphics, and video is aggravating with these lines.I called Apple Support and they seem to think this is a limited issue. I'm sending it in to get repaired or to get a new screen put on it...stinks when it's 4 days old and I'm already getting it "repaired"
I'm in the process of upgrading the memory on my 1st gen Mac Pro. (2 x 3.0 Ghz Xeon). Apple publishes a memory max of 16GB., but I have seen references to these machines running more. My question is, has anyone successfully run larger configurations of memory, and will these systems recognize 4GB modules?
I went to download the new limewire 5 version, downloaded and installed it fine but when i go to launch it says i have JAVA 1.5 and need 1.6. so i got to Java's website and it says to just run apple software update i run that and it says im completely updated. Did they not make a Java update for Power PC macs? did limewire decide to phase out all non intel macs? anyone used the new limewire 5?