MacBook Pro :: Laptop Won't Turn On And Won't Hold A Charge?

Aug 18, 2010

I put my 17" Macbook Pro to sleep overnight without the power adapter two nights ago, and when I woke up yesterday it wouldn't turn on, even with the power adapter plugged in. The battery was almost dead when I put it to sleep (2% charge), but after leaving the adapter plugged in all day yesterday the battery indicator on the bottom only has one light glowing solid.I've removed the battery and tried to start it with just the power adapter, I've tried Ctrl+Cmd+Power Button, I've reset the PRAM, I've reset the SMC, and it still doesn't work.

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MacBook Pro :: It Won't Hold Charge

Feb 18, 2012

As soon as I unplug the mac from the wall - it dies. its not even 30 days old. I presume this is a defective battery? there are no lights on the side at all

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MAC PRO NEEDS AN UPGRADE!! More PCI

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MacBook :: It Does Not Hold A Charge?

May 17, 2012

my macbook no longer holds a charge after having it plugged in all night.


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MacBook Air :: Won't Hold Battery Charge

May 12, 2010

In the last two weeks, my Air will not hold after I Shut Down or Suspend, battery seems to work fine if I'm using it (drains normally). When I turn it on it's at 0%. Plugging it in will charge to 100% in ~30 minutes. Did SMC reset did not resolve problem. I don't believe there are any hardware issues.. Will a format fix this? All software is up-to-date.

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MacBook :: Battery Won't Hold A Charge At All?

Feb 13, 2012

i have a 09 13in macbook. the battery won't hold a charge at all. my is how many charge cycles can i have before i have to buy one thats not covered under the protection plan

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook :: 2.1 Won't Hold Charge But Battery Indicator Is Full

Jun 7, 2012

My wife's Macbook 2.1 is acting strangely. The Battery indicator led's are full (green) the charger led is also green and the software shows 100% battery is charged. After a couple of seconds after disconnecting the charger it switches off. I've tried resetting the SMC and this allowed a full nights use without the charger but on the next day it went back to only holding for a couple of seconds. I don't want to have to reset the SMC every day. It's running on 10.5.8 and is all up to date.

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 2GHZ Intel Core 2 Duo 3GB SDRAM

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MacBook Pro :: Computer Hangs When Press Apple+t / Hinge Can't Hold Laptop At 45 Degree

May 2, 2010

I have a late 2008 uMBP 15 inch and in safari, regardless of using the integrated graphics card or the higher end card, when I press apple t for a new tab the computer hangs for at least 10 seconds then once it finally loads the top sites page it appears all scrambles for a second, then it works normally.

My second problem is that my hinge is very loose. I can't hold the laptop at 45 degree angle without the screen falling down and closing. Will apple fix this?

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MacBook Air :: Apple's Battery Is Removable - Battery Hold No Sufficient Charge

Mar 14, 2009

If you look at apple's battery life page it states the MBA battery is removable, I thought it wasn't supposed to be?Battery Lifespan For Apple notebooks with removable batteries ? such as the MacBook, MacBook Air, and 15-inch MacBook Pro ? a properly maintained battery is designed to retain up to 80% of its original capacity at 300 full charge and discharge cycles. You may choose to replace your battery when it no longer holds sufficient charge to meet your needs.

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MacBook Pro :: Charge While Using Laptop

Jun 28, 2009

Does it matter if I'm charging my MBP even when it has full battery and I am currently using it? I.e. using the charger instead of using the battery? My friend did this with his laptop and when he after 1-2 years tried using the laptop without the charger he got like 30-60 minutes of battery time. I don't want this to happen to my MBP.

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MacBook Pro :: Laptop Can't Seem To Get A Charge?

Mar 24, 2012

The only method I have to charge my laptop on my boat is by a 115V outlet. Both the power converter for the Macbook and the wall socket work fine, and so does my battery, but I think that there may just not be enough power. Is there any way to keep charging my laptop? Possibly a product that will produce either enough amperage or voltage to continuously charge my laptop? I'm going to need to be out on my boat for continuous periods of time for a research project.

Mac Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Why Won't Laptop Charge

Dec 3, 2014

I did a hard reset of my magsafe charger, changed from the 3 prong to 2 prong charging end. I go into system preferences and do system report -> power and an error message comes up saying that "there was an error while gathering this information."  

The laptop will not charge, and battery is at 69% while plugged in. Also, even though the battery is at 69%, it will not turn on without being plugged in to the charger. It also will not wake from sleep. I've restarted several times. What should I do next? I'm hoping that I will not have to buy a new battery.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011)

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MacBook Pro :: Using Laptop With Half Battery Charge Right?

Jul 21, 2009

I like to know something about charging my 13" MacBook Pro. If I charge my mac 50% or any other % and use it, I mean not fully charge, is there any problem. If I continue listen music or browsing internet or both together how long my battery will run normally. Also what about watching movie,normally can i watch 3dvd movie.

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Pro :: Mac Won't Turn Off Even After Force 10 Second Hold On Start Up Button / Fix It?

May 28, 2010

So i pull the plug and wait 30 seconds and the light is still on when i put the plug back in. when i hold the force quit button. Nothing happens. the light just stays on.

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MacBook Pro Won't Turn On Won't Charge?

Mar 13, 2012

My MacBook Pro's battery died yesterday, so like I always do, I put it in its charger. But for some reason, the LED light won't turn on.So therefore, my computer won't charge. I purchased my MacBook pro in July, so the battery shouldn't be replaced now And when I use my charger on my friends MacBook pro, it works fine.

MacBook Pro, iOS 5.0.1

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Get Macbook Pro To Charge And Turn On?

Apr 14, 2012

My battery was low so I plugged it in but it went to sleep anyway and now won't charge even when plugged in, or turn on. I tried multiple outlets in the house, but nothing is lighting up.


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MacBook Pro :: It Cannot Turn On Or Charge

May 3, 2012

About a year ago my MBP suddenly wouldn't turn on one day no matter what I tried, and it would not charge either.  Every time I attempted to charge it, the white LED status light on the front right of the unit would gradually but quickly become brighter until instantly turning off while making a very strange chirping noise.  2 days later it began to charge and eventually turned on again and this was the only time it happened in the span of a few months so I didn't worry about it.  It happened 2 or 3 more times but every time the problem would cease and the unit would power up again after at least 24 hours, after the battery was completely drained.  The LEDs under the keyboard were also off when they should have been on sometimes and the LED status light would sometimes indicate that the unit was sleeping even though it was on and in use. Finally, I brought it into a genius bar to have them see what they could find but they had never heard of this problem and I could not replicate it.  After looking at it some more, they decided it was likely the logic board and ended up simply replacing the logic board, which solved my problem for a while. Recently my MBP has started doing this again.  It has done it twice and both times everything went back to normal after allowing enough time for the battery to drain.



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MacBook Pro :: Laptop Loses Charge Quickly With Cover Closed?

Nov 13, 2010

I just bought a new MacBook Pro with a solid state (flash memory) disk. The battery life is good while I'm using it, but if I leave it with the cover off for a few days (asleep, I assume), it'll be mostly discharged when I open it up. I assume this isn't normal - it shouldn't be losing that much charge when closed and hybernating. I don't have "wake for ethernet access" checked, if that makes a difference. What's going on - why won't it hybernate?

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MacBook :: Laptop Holds Charge Only In Sleep Mode / Shut Down

Jul 3, 2010

I tried SMC resets and everything. The Macbook takes a charge and charges normally when it is asleep, or off. It will charge to the max (96%). Battery has 349h load cycles. Charges when asleep or off. As soon as I power on the laptop or wake it up, it will stop charging. Battery holds the normal charge I usually get (3ish hours). Tried a few pram and smc zaps. Battery charger is a Hong Kong knockoff. Battery inside is genuine. 2008 Aluminum Macbook. Cleaned magsafe and port with q-tip and still to no avail.

When plugged in, it will run *off the battery* and the charger will show a green light and not trickle charge the battery. It will drain the battery, and then when it is drained it will run off the power. Check the screen shot. I am thinking that the charger is the culprit. Because it holds a charge when I let it charge while it is off. It will charge up just fine, in the two hours or whatever it takes to charge itself up. Battery usage is normal when it is running off the battery.

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OS X Mavericks :: 10.9.4 / Hold Power Button Twice To Turn Computer On

Aug 22, 2014

So I'm having issues with the computer not waking up in the morning.  I guess it goes into a deep sleep of some sort and I have to hold the power button twice to turn it on, and get greeted with a computer experienced a problem message on login. 

The most recent log in the system diagnostics is titled:


And the brief details are:

ate/Time:       2014-08-20 22:02:42 -0700

OS Version:      10.9.4 (Build 13E28)

Architecture:    x86_64

Report Version:  18  

Command:         No Target


MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook Pro :: 13" Won't Turn On Or Charge

Apr 14, 2012

My 13" macbook pro is a year and a half. It will not charge and since the battery is drained it will not turn on. I have the adapter plugged in and it is green and says that it is fully charged even though the battery is dead. Do I need a new battery, adapter, or mother board?

MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010)

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MacBook Pro :: Turned Off And Now It Won't Turn On Or Charge?

Aug 29, 2014

I turned off my macbook pro when it was at 100% before my flight. When I landed I tried turning it back on and it wouldn't turn on or charge. That was two months ago and I just tried charging it again and if I play with the charger, it lights up then totally fades away. I'm not a computer wiz so I can't take it apart to fix it or anything like that and I really don't feel like going and dumping a lot of money on a new computer.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook :: Won't Turn On - Battery Wouldn't Charge

Jul 22, 2010

I don't have a warranty anymore. I got my Mac three and a half years ago. At first two days ago, I had a hard time turning it on. The charger didn't have a glowing green light. Then, once I got it on, the battery sign said it wasn't charging, had an X or something. But I got by by just leaving the charger on and it must have been charging some because I could use it for more hours than my usual 100% charged. My battery have always been damn awful because of the edition. But last night, I couldn't get it to turn on at all. The fan makes noises and so does the computer and sometimes, I can see very faintly that it goes to the sign-in. It could just be out of batteries and doesn't turn all the way on, just shuts down after a minute.

But since I don't have warranty, I am wondering how much it'd be to visit the Apple Store. And also, if anyone know of any way to fix it...could it be some other issue aside from the battery? This happened right after a storm that we had while I was at work and left it plugged on. But there was no lightning.

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Macbook Wont Turn On Doesnt Seem To Charge?

Mar 3, 2012

Just wondering if someone could please help me. My Macbook wont turn on, when I connect the charger to the Macbook, a faded green light appears on the charger (not as bright as it usually is) but still the Mac will not turn on. I have tried someone else's charger and the light on that charger also went a faded green colour. So i believe it is something to do with the Macbook and not the charger.


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MacBook :: Won't Turn On And When Try To Charge It The Light Stays Green?

Jun 6, 2012

My macbook will not turn on and when i try to charge it the light stays green (faintly).  I need it for my finals but i cant get it to turn on!


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MacBook Pro :: Take Forever To Turn Little Green/orange Light On And So It Won't Charge?

May 12, 2012

So, often than not my charger when I connect it to my mac will take forever to turn the little green/orange light on and so it won't charge I don't know what the issue is.

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Not Turn On Or Charge - L Shaped Adapter Is Blinking Rapidly

Aug 26, 2014

Why is my L shaped adapter blinking rapidly and not charging my Mac Pro?

Mac Pro

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MacBook :: Fan Is Running But The Laptop Will Not Turn On

Sep 2, 2014

I came to use my laptop and the fan was running but it wasn't turned on. The green light on the charger is lighting up and if I take the battery out the fan stops. What do you think happened to my laptop? Is it fatal? Can this be reset or something?

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MacBook Pro :: Laptop Just Shut Off And Will Not Turn On Even Plugged In?

Sep 13, 2010

Last night I was watching some videos on my computer and noticed that the fans were spinning, because it was pretty hot. Next thing I know the laptop just shut off. I didn't think to much of it because I just assumed the battery dided and needed to be recharged.

Well now I go to restart my Laptop and it will not turn on even with the laptop plugged in. Any ideas on what could be wrong? Is my laptop dead, what happened?

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MacBook Pro :: Laptop Won't Turn On Either Plugged Into Battery Or Not?

May 13, 2010

About a month ago I bought one of the new Macbook Pros, a 15 inch i7 version with highres matte screen.This morning I went to turn on my computer and I thought I had turned it off last night, but it turns out that I hadn't, so when I hit the start button it woke up and then promptly shut off. I haven't been able to get it to turn on since. Absolutely nothing happens when I push the start button, whether I have it plugged into battery power or not.

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MacBook Pro :: Turn A Broken Laptop Into A Desktop?

Jun 27, 2010

I am a late 2006 macbook pro 17" with broken LCD screen casing. For now i used superglue to put it back together, but if the computer gets hot i think the superglue will melt and cause problems.i have been told its impossible to find a replacement screen for this model cheap enough to make it worthy of repair.I am thinking of turning it into a desktop by getting an external monitor. Can I remove the LCD screen entirely off the macbook pro so it's just the body, and then connect it to a new monitor? this way i can still use the keyboard/mouse, and not have to worry about the existing screen and superglue, melting.

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