Get Macbook Pro To Charge And Turn On?
Apr 14, 2012
My battery was low so I plugged it in but it went to sleep anyway and now won't charge even when plugged in, or turn on. I tried multiple outlets in the house, but nothing is lighting up.
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Mar 13, 2012
My MacBook Pro's battery died yesterday, so like I always do, I put it in its charger. But for some reason, the LED light won't turn on.So therefore, my computer won't charge. I purchased my MacBook pro in July, so the battery shouldn't be replaced now And when I use my charger on my friends MacBook pro, it works fine.
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.0.1
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May 3, 2012
About a year ago my MBP suddenly wouldn't turn on one day no matter what I tried, and it would not charge either. Every time I attempted to charge it, the white LED status light on the front right of the unit would gradually but quickly become brighter until instantly turning off while making a very strange chirping noise. 2 days later it began to charge and eventually turned on again and this was the only time it happened in the span of a few months so I didn't worry about it. It happened 2 or 3 more times but every time the problem would cease and the unit would power up again after at least 24 hours, after the battery was completely drained. The LEDs under the keyboard were also off when they should have been on sometimes and the LED status light would sometimes indicate that the unit was sleeping even though it was on and in use. Finally, I brought it into a genius bar to have them see what they could find but they had never heard of this problem and I could not replicate it. After looking at it some more, they decided it was likely the logic board and ended up simply replacing the logic board, which solved my problem for a while. Recently my MBP has started doing this again. It has done it twice and both times everything went back to normal after allowing enough time for the battery to drain.
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Apr 14, 2012
My 13" macbook pro is a year and a half. It will not charge and since the battery is drained it will not turn on. I have the adapter plugged in and it is green and says that it is fully charged even though the battery is dead. Do I need a new battery, adapter, or mother board?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010)
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Aug 29, 2014
I turned off my macbook pro when it was at 100% before my flight. When I landed I tried turning it back on and it wouldn't turn on or charge. That was two months ago and I just tried charging it again and if I play with the charger, it lights up then totally fades away. I'm not a computer wiz so I can't take it apart to fix it or anything like that and I really don't feel like going and dumping a lot of money on a new computer.
MacBook Pro
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Jul 22, 2010
I don't have a warranty anymore. I got my Mac three and a half years ago. At first two days ago, I had a hard time turning it on. The charger didn't have a glowing green light. Then, once I got it on, the battery sign said it wasn't charging, had an X or something. But I got by by just leaving the charger on and it must have been charging some because I could use it for more hours than my usual 100% charged. My battery have always been damn awful because of the edition. But last night, I couldn't get it to turn on at all. The fan makes noises and so does the computer and sometimes, I can see very faintly that it goes to the sign-in. It could just be out of batteries and doesn't turn all the way on, just shuts down after a minute.
But since I don't have warranty, I am wondering how much it'd be to visit the Apple Store. And also, if anyone know of any way to fix it...could it be some other issue aside from the battery? This happened right after a storm that we had while I was at work and left it plugged on. But there was no lightning.
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Aug 18, 2010
I put my 17" Macbook Pro to sleep overnight without the power adapter two nights ago, and when I woke up yesterday it wouldn't turn on, even with the power adapter plugged in. The battery was almost dead when I put it to sleep (2% charge), but after leaving the adapter plugged in all day yesterday the battery indicator on the bottom only has one light glowing solid.I've removed the battery and tried to start it with just the power adapter, I've tried Ctrl+Cmd+Power Button, I've reset the PRAM, I've reset the SMC, and it still doesn't work.
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Mar 3, 2012
Just wondering if someone could please help me. My Macbook wont turn on, when I connect the charger to the Macbook, a faded green light appears on the charger (not as bright as it usually is) but still the Mac will not turn on. I have tried someone else's charger and the light on that charger also went a faded green colour. So i believe it is something to do with the Macbook and not the charger.
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Jun 6, 2012
My macbook will not turn on and when i try to charge it the light stays green (faintly). I need it for my finals but i cant get it to turn on!
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May 12, 2012
So, often than not my charger when I connect it to my mac will take forever to turn the little green/orange light on and so it won't charge I don't know what the issue is.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Aug 26, 2014
Why is my L shaped adapter blinking rapidly and not charging my Mac Pro?
Mac Pro
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Aug 20, 2014
Just bought a new 15 inch retina MBP. My question is...should I immediately charge the battery or let it run to zero first and then charge it? Does it even matter?Â
MacBook Pro with Retina display, iOS 7.1.2, Retina, 15 Inch
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May 12, 2012
I've tried turning it ff and on via the power button several times, but it always goes back to the white screen.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010)
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Apr 14, 2009
I have a problem with my 17'' MBP unibody:
1) Bluetooth is ON:
I can't turn it off. The checkbox is inactive.
But I can turn it off, if I choose "Share my internet connection for other units". (I don't know, if this is the right text in english, because my OSX is in german)
2) Now Bluetooth is OFF:
But I can't turn it on, because the checkbox "ON" is inactive.
It turns only on, if I choose "New Unit"(?). Then there is a new window, that says, that this is only possible if Bluetooth turns on. If I say OK, bluetooth turns ON.
Back to 1)
What's the problem. Why is this f* checkbox for turning bluetooth on and off inactive?
This is not a hardware problem, because I can have stable bluetooth connections.
I did a smc and am pram reset. But it doesn't help.
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Nov 21, 2010
The jack on my magsafe charger ripped off a few years ago and before that happened, it must have shorted something inside my macbook as it would not charge any battery afterwards with any new charger. The battery in the upper right corner showed up with an x, the light on the charger will go from a bright green to a dim green right when I put it in and since then the hard drive broke as well, which is why I haven't made much of an attempt to fix it. My question is, What's wrong inside the computer (i.e. logic board, battery connector) and what any of your opinions are. If I can fix it, what piece will I need to buy and would it be worth or should I just sell my macbook?
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Mar 21, 2009
It's still quite new. I got it in November. I gave it it's first full charge and it worked fine. The battery died once and since then it won't charge. I plug it in, the green light comes on, I can use the MacBook, but the battery won't charge. As soon as the charger is disconnected, the MacBook shuts off immediately.
What happened? I've tried multiple different outlets. Ones in my house, one in my friend's house, and right now I have it plugged in at Panera and it still isn't charging.
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Apr 6, 2012
Went to charge up my notebook and said 'not charging'
Info:Mac Pro
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Apr 15, 2012
I just bought my MacBook Pro yesterday. And I plugged it in this morning to try and charge it. The battery indicator up in the menu read not charging. The light on the charge did show up though.
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May 23, 2012
I've looked through some other discussions, but can't seem to find my problem. When i plug my Pro in, the green light comes up saying fully charged, however my onscreen icon stays at whatever percentage it was at when plugged in, with the fully charged icon appearing in the battery
Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 9, 2009
having problem charging battery . sign just shows a cross on it.the lead shows green and will not go to orange,hence it is just working off the mains.Bought new battery, worked for10 days now having same problem.
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Jun 22, 2009
I just set it up and been using it for about 10 mins. Should I stop and charge it to full? It's currently at 75% right now.
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Jun 28, 2009
Does it matter if I'm charging my MBP even when it has full battery and I am currently using it? I.e. using the charger instead of using the battery? My friend did this with his laptop and when he after 1-2 years tried using the laptop without the charger he got like 30-60 minutes of battery time. I don't want this to happen to my MBP.
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Sep 23, 2009
I currently using a Aluminum MacBook 13' but I don't know which way is the best to charge the battery.
- Plug-in AC supply and charge the battery while using
- Take out battery and use AC supply while using
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Mar 1, 2010
Our old battery said it was needing to be replaced and my dad went out and bought a new battery for our 15" MBP from 2008 - running SL. I've put it in, it works, I've plugged the power cord into it, and the little light that indicates it's charging doesn't turn on. I checked in the menu and it said the battery isn't charging.
I've already pulled it out and then put it back in, shutting down of course. And I just tried resetting the SMC which has done nothing. It's not under warranty. I've just put the old battery back in and it doesn't seem to be charging it either. I'd be curious if the power cord was faulty, but it's powering the MBP at the moment.
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Apr 23, 2010
ijust calibrated my batttery and my charger light is green which signifies its not charging anymore..and the icon at the top of my screen says charged..BUT Coconut battery says my current battery charge is as follows:
Current Battery Charge: 5807 mAh
Maximum Battery Charge: 5853 mAh
Current Battery Capacity: 5853 mAh
Original Battery Capacity: 5770 mAh
Additional Info:
Battery-Loadcycles: 6
Age of Mac: 7weeks
Charger Connected: yes
Battery is charging: no
so my battery charge is stuck at 99% and its been plugged in for the past 3 hours, and its saying my current battery capacity is higher than my original battery capacity.. is that normal?.. i cant seem to get my battery to 100percent and its not charging..
here is a screenshot of coconutbattery after calibration, i just got my macbook last week..should i be worried about the battery at all?
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Jun 1, 2010
1) When you first get your Macbook Pro, should you let the battery die out completely and then fully charge it? Or should I charge it fully first? Or what? I don't want to mess up the battery with the first charge.
2) Do you leave your Macbook plugged in while you sleep, are not using it, etc? Or is that bad for the battery?
3) I've heard somewhere that it's bad to shut your Macbook off when you go out/go to sleep. Would it be wiser to just set it to "sleep" and keep it plugged in or something?
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Feb 1, 2012
Power cord will not light up and charge battery on my mabook. I have already taken the battery out and gone through the steps for resetting. Worked along time ago when this first happened and now its not. Do I need a new battery?
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Feb 5, 2012
Battery not charging with power adapter hooked up.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Feb 18, 2012
As soon as I unplug the mac from the wall - it dies. its not even 30 days old. I presume this is a defective battery? there are no lights on the side at all
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MAC PRO NEEDS AN UPGRADE!! More PCI
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Mar 24, 2012
The only method I have to charge my laptop on my boat is by a 115V outlet. Both the power converter for the Macbook and the wall socket work fine, and so does my battery, but I think that there may just not be enough power. Is there any way to keep charging my laptop? Possibly a product that will produce either enough amperage or voltage to continuously charge my laptop? I'm going to need to be out on my boat for continuous periods of time for a research project.
Mac Pro
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