MacBook Pro :: Installed Win 7 In Wrong Way - OS X Removed / How To Restore
May 8, 2012I installed window 7 in wrong way. what's more, my Mac OS X was removed. Can I restore it back? How can I restore the mac os x back?
View 2 RepliesI installed window 7 in wrong way. what's more, my Mac OS X was removed. Can I restore it back? How can I restore the mac os x back?
View 2 Repliesi accidentally dragged the macintosh HD off my finder side bar menu and it went "POOF" in a cloud. how do i get it back?
View 4 Replies View Relatedi have installed 2 ssd on my macbook pro 15inch early 2011, one sad is 120gb, second one is 60gb and set them up to raid0, but when i finished it shows only 120 gb memory?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3),
I had my macbook fixed and when I restored from my time machine there were two options and I accidentally clicked the wrong one which restored it to my settings from a year ago. I know I have the backup from a few days ago on my external hard drive but when I go into time machine and click restore it says there is not enough free space available. I think that is because it is trying to restore the new backup on top of the old settings. Is there a way to erase my computer and restore the new backup? I know you can do that with the CD but I don't have it and I'd prefer not to have to go back all the way to the apple store to get them to do it there.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I updated a Mac G5 desktop from 10.5.2 to 10.5.8. When I finished I realized I had used the server version of the combo updater instead of the regular one. The machine seems to be running OK. Will this cause problems and how should I fix it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI restored my mac from time machine, downgrade from Mac OS X 10.10 to 10.9.3. After that the position of the input method selection box is not right. The right place should be: After typing continually, the selection box jump to left edge of the screen: The problem occured in IM, word, web browser, etc. It's all right before I restored from time machine, in both 10.9.3 and 10.10. Some of my firends has the same problem.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just installed a 500gb hard drive into my macbook pro. Then I tried installing the osx using my 10.5 leopard disc. After getting to the installation screen, I selected my time machine as my system restore source. However my system restore source is 10.6 snow leopard disc. After restoring everything, I restart the computer and then I get the following message in 5 different languages: "You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power button until it turns off, then press the power button again". Even after multiple restarts I get the same message.
View 4 Replies View Relatedi've got a niggling problem that i'd like to get sorted. I've searched the forums, but can't find anything that relates exactly to my problem.
I restored my pro from a time machine machine backup and now it displays the time incorrectly (-1hr). 'Set date & time automatically' is checked in system prefs which makes the problem even weirder. I'm using the Apple Europe sever too.
I've read somewhere about deleting a hidden file to solve the problem, but there isn't enough information to execute.
I keep having to rejoin my home wireless connection. It drops at least once a day.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAre there any cases for 13" MBA that stays on the MBA while using the notebook with screen opened so you do not have to remove the MBA out of the sleeve each time you use it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo I was attracted and and etertained with the ad of the MacKeeper program because I saw comments that it removed a lot for their macbooks, so i downloaded it and used it. Unfortunately, it removed the Windows partition (not really the partition), which I really need now. It didn't remove the partition but it cleared the system cache. I discovered it when i downloaded a hybrid for my BlackBerry (sorry Apple,. I'm going to switch to an iPhone soon. ) and the file I downloaded can only be used on Windows. So i turned the mac off, (to switch to windows via holding the "alt/option", and to my surprise, it didn't show the Windows partition! So i was wondering, how can I get the Windows partition b ack without reformatting and installing again since i have all the important files there?
MacBook (13-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
When my G4 Powerbook finally died I removed (carefully) the hard drive and fitted it into a caddy. Plugging the caddy's USB lead into my new MBA however does not produce any result. how I retrieve the files from the old hard drive?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI accidentally removed air drop from my side bar. How do I get it back?
I have a macbook pro of 8months old.The machine is fitted with 4gb ram, 2 x 2, but is able to be fitted with 8 gb.I bought 2 x 4gb of the same type of ram: 1067 MHz DDR3When it was fitted, the computer performed great, Autocad was flying.
Alas, after a few hours the computer went berserk and started to behave odd, refused to open a prog, refused to stop and finally refused to re-start.
When I removed the new ram modules and re-fitted the old ones, I found out that my hdd was not mountable. I did resolve the issue but lost some data in the process.
How do you transfer existing files from a removed harddive to a macbook pro? I need to transfer my files from a removed hard rive to my macbook pro. How do I do that?
MacBook Pro
how do i transfer information from a removed hard drive to my macbookpro?
MacBook Pro
I really dont want to have to buy an external soundcard since the laptop is already very expensive. Taking away the line-in is stupid on the "Pro" range. On a "Macbook Air" fair enough. But not the Pro! Can the audio out be set to an audio in?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Macbook screen went black even though the mac booted up properly - from the startup sounds. I took the back cover off and checked the power connector - it looked just slightly angled out so it probably was getting intermittent power [over last 2 weeks it would come on and but sometimes not until it died completely today]. Anyway, once I took the back cover off from the back [above the battery] and made sure the connector was secure it worked fine now. Might be a good tip for someone vs the time to go to the apple store.
View 1 Replies View RelatedBut I have 2 files IN the Trash that, when I try a delete them by clicking EMPTY, I get a response that they cant be permanently removed as they are in use. Other files deleted permanently just fine.But these 2 wont. And they aren't in use. I have no applications open. I have restarted my MAC and still they are 'in use'.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I accidentally removed all content in iphoto and emptied the trash bin. Can I undo it?
MacBook Pro
I accidentally removed my access to my hard drive in the "get info" page. On the bottom where it says 'you have custom access' under sharing and permissions I removed myself (clicked the little minus sign). Now I can't open anything and the desktop is complete empty. How do I turn my access back on?
OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), Sharing and permissions
Trying to discard an app into TRASH and I receive a message that "app cannot be removed because it is locked." How can I unlock an app???
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
So today I managed to drop my MacBook a short distance to the ground. I can't believe I did this. The computer was asleep at the time and, as far as I can tell, the internal HDD is perfectly fine. After I dropped the computer it wouldn't at first wake up from sleep. After removing the battery and replacing it, it booted back from the state saved to the HDD. My problem is that my optical drive makes noises now. I never use it, but whenever the machine tries to access it (waking from sleep, launching Disk Utility, etc) it makes noises as if the eject mechanism is running constantly or something else like that. The case also slightly bulges where the drive is. Now, if it doesn't work ever again I will only be slightly sad. I haven't tried to put a disc in it yet, but because of a previous spill by a previous answer the fibers around the opening are so stiff that getting a disc out of the drive when it works is a pain. Any ideas of what might be wrong and how to possibly fix it? I haven't tried resetting the drive, I don't have the time tonight.
View 4 Replies View RelatedInstalled a new 750GB drive into my MacBookPro 5.1 Couldn't get Winclone to make image so I was forced to start from scratch with a new XP installation.
My MBP is partitioned 25%Mac & 75%XP with bootcamp and I have the old drive in a enclosure connected with a firewire. So all of old files are on the external drive now.
After installing XP I have no internet connection, drivers etc... However if I boot up on the mac side everything works fine. (I cloned the mac os already with Carbon copy).
So can I just copy all my old drivers over to the new drive? If yes how and if no how do I get them installed on the new harddrive. The MBP came with everything preinstalled.
I have a legal copy of iWork 09 installed via CD-ROM, it does not appear as "installed" in the app store.
MacBook, iOS 5.1.1
I changed my user name in the computer and now it says my password is wrong and will not let me access my computer. What can i do
Mac Pro
Since apple is now in fashion to reduce the amount of ports in laptops, what do you think will happen to next MP model?
Which ports do we loose and which will survive?
Will there also be proprietary graphics cards with miniDP?
They are located on my desktop and seem to be Windows files. However, they are invisible. How can I make them visible to remove (if needed)? Also, can they be removed, is it safe?
View 10 Replies View RelatedJust a strange occurrence this evening: I just watched a DVD on superdrive: when it finished, I ejected it and glanced at my Finder menu bar. IStat Menus gave me a temp of 135 and rising (went as high as 140 degrees a few minutes after ejecting and shutting down DVD Player). But the fans aren't on at all--never came on, as far as I can tell--and the MBA feels cool to the touch. Now it's maybe 20 minutes later and iStat reads temps as still at 115 degrees. But my laptop feels totally cool to the touch. I restarted, hoping to reset iStat, but no change. Any idea as to what's going on?
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy Mac Book Pro Mid 2009 (nVIDIA M9400) is showing the wrong colors. Some grey colors are displayed brighter then they should be displayed. They look whiter. If I take a screenshot and display this picture on another screen, the colors are displayed correctly. The I've tried to calibrate the colors. That didn't solve the problem. I also tried to reset the PRAM with pressing CMD+ALT+P+R while booting. No effect. Also I installed the drivers from nVIDIA again. The only method, that worked right now is starting a game, which changes the screen resolution etc. After closing the game, the Mac is showing the colors correct.
Mac OS X (10.7.3), MacBook Pro (Mid 2009)