MacBook Pro :: Incase Sleeves Or Larobe Sleeves And Delsey Insect?
Jun 25, 2009
I cant decide which to get the incase or larobe sleeve... incase is not as thick as la robe both of similar price... And also have anyone used Delsey Insect laptop backpack? Cant find any review on that particular bag?
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Oct 21, 2010
Wanting to get a sleeve ordered for my 13.3" MBA that I am waiting for from apple. Looking to get something MBA specific to use inside my main bag. I am assuming most companies will continue with their MBA sleeves from the previous gen for the 13.3 as the size differences are small? Any recommendations? Preferably not USA based as they all charge ridiculous shipping to the UK, SFbags etc
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Jan 8, 2011
Can someone point out some good websites or brands that make some reasonably prices but nice designer sleeves (more-so minimalistic or so, but I'm willing to check out anything).The last case I got was from Isis but they claim they're out of stock of all 3 choices I had asked for, and Etsy doesn't make 17" sleeves (or even 15, only 13). I need them for 17".
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Apr 11, 2010
Longtime lurker and future MBP Arrandale owner (feels good to say it out loud). This will be my first MBP, but I got a small question about the cases/sleeves which is being sold by the Apple store. If the MBP comes out this week, will the current cases/sleeves fit the (new) MBP exactly? I want to buy a case or sleeve.
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Apr 26, 2010
I've been looking around on the internet and have seen a variety of cases/sleeves. Which do you have, and what is your experience with it?Im currently pulling for the base 13" after having my mind set on the base 15" 2.4ghz i5.Ive heard that the incase sleeve is nice, but the zippers scratch up the macbook ? can anyone confirm this.
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Oct 22, 2010
Anyone know of any companies that have announced new sleeves for the new MBA 13"?Using a normal backpack and would feel a lot more comfortable using a sleeve
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Nov 30, 2010
I just Custom ordered the MacBook Air 11". Now i need something to put it in what sleeves or bags are available for this please link me what you recommend, have seen or are using.
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Nov 30, 2010
I'm looking to get a good form-fitting padded sleeve for the New MacBook Air 13". I care little about space on the bag for other items, but more for something that doesn't add much size to the machine itself when carried. Some good suggestions for the 11" here, but anybody have opinions on 13" designs?
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Feb 23, 2009
i just bought the newly updated white polycarbonate 13.3 macbook and i was wondering what type of case would protect it the best. ive seen a bunch on ebay that looked cheap like they would do more damge then they would prevent. i just dont want all kind of scratches on my new mac becuase its like my first child to me lol.
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Feb 28, 2010
I know, I know, another thread asking for advice. I've read through the forums, and I'm not really finding what I'm looking for. I'm seeing most of the sleeves on Amazon are listed as being for the other Macbook (the unibody aluminum one) I want a snug fit, and the power adapter shouldn't be factored into this decision, as I don't want a messenger bag, I will carry my Macbook in my backpack, so we're good there. Price range is under $40 USD including shipping. I was at the Apple store last week, and I looked at the Paul Frank ones, I don't need a designer case, I want one that will protect it, and that's about it.
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Nov 15, 2008
I'm not sure if this is the right forum to post this or not but here it goes anyway. I just purchased at new 15" MBP and I want to get a sleeve so its a little more protected in my briefcase. From what I've been reading it doesn't sound like there are any out there that actually fit the new models properly. Has anyone purchased a sleeve and had that experience with the new model? Or does anyone have an idea if there is a brand that fits and protects? Or when a sleeve for the new models will be available?
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Jul 18, 2009
I have a unibody 15" macbook pro. I currently have an incase soft sleeve but I would also like to get a speck hard case.
Will the computer, covered by the speck hard case, still fit into the incase sleeve? Has anyone done this?
Tried to go to the apple store to check but they wouldn't let me try out the speck hard case and seeing if it fit before I bought it...
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Aug 22, 2009
any word on when these are coming out, on incases website it says coming soon. i wonder how well they corrected the previous flaws of the case and improved it
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Sep 16, 2009
where I can find a black or clear/white one for a 13" Macbook Pro?I've looked everywhere online with no luck? This seems to be the one to get over the Satin See Thru Speck. Also does the incase fit over a Macbook that has an Invisible Skin or some other type of film like protector? My Macbook 13" from late '08 was put in a Speck See Thru case on day 1 and after awhile it left small dimple dents in the bottom case. I'd like to get my new machine covered in a shield and then add the Incase. It may be too thick, but I'd like to know if someone tried it. You never can have enough protection!!
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Aug 10, 2010
I picked one up today for my 13in Macbook Pro and I'm a little angry that it isn't really big enough to fit the laptop and the charger at the same time without having a huge bulge poking out of one side of it. Most of the reviews online said it should be big enough but who really wants that? And beyond that point I don't really want the plug putting huge pressure on the macbook when they're both stuffed in there. Anyone owners of this I'm just curious to know how you handle this problem?
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Jan 23, 2009
Title pretty much says it all. Will this case fit the new macbook: does anyone know anything similar for the macbook?
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Jul 10, 2009
While part of me is really hesitant (it feels a little OCD, kind of like the people who put plastic on their couches), my recent experience with the applecare people made me realize that if I had even dropped the macbook slightly, the warranty would be void! So I'm going to use an incase hard case not for cosmetic protection for me, but for financial protection of my warranty.
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Jul 22, 2009
this topic has come up in discussion a few times. I know that that I was looking feedback originally but all the research lead me to believe that it was a 50/50 between the two. My girlfriend and I both have the 13" MBP. She has the Incase Hardshell (the one for the previous generation) and I recently picked up the Speck Satin 13" for MBP because of the recent discount.
At first glance, they seem the same. But after further inspection, they do differ and although it may be subjective, this is just what I see.
When I first received the case for my Speck, I opened the package up excitedly. It was nice to find a small piece of cloth in the package to wipe down the case and the laptop. However, I found small surface scratches on the inside of the case. The sides of the plastic are sharp as hell! Not sure if it's suppose to be like this. There was even excess plastic sticking out. The Incase did not have a cloth, but everything was clean and all the plastic was scratch free smooth.
Nice lined pattern but only 1/4 of the grille is actually open for heat to escape. This opened area is located on the top left corner. Given this is where I find the majority of the heat to be, I would much prefer if the whole thing was open. They have the grille design in there already, why not just open it up? The Incase's vents consist of small holes that span the majority of the bottom. My personal feel is that more ventilation, the better.
The button to check battery power on the Speck is a little off. I can't tell if I hit it or not. The Incase actually has some feedback, I know that I have pressed it. Now I am not sure if it's the colour choice, but I can't see the battery indicator lights. This could be the fact that I have a deeper darker colour. I have the red and my girlfriend has green. I can see her's clearly in any light but I can barely see mine even indoors in low light.
Now the Incase was nice in that the whole right side of the case is covered except for the slot where the cd/dvd is suppose to enter. The Kensington lock is covered but the Incase is meant for the UMB. The Seck case seems like they took the easy way out. Rather than cutting out a slot for the optical drive, they just took a whole chunk out. Not a big deal when it comes to functionality, but it's just nice.
Speck has plastic feet, Incase has rubber feet. When I placed both laptops side by side on a table. The Speck moves so easily as there isn't enough friction. The Incase does move as well but you need give it a little more force.
Not sure why but the Incase's cut out for the IR is larger than required. I can only assume they did it to not impeded the sleep light to shine through. My Speck is cut out only where the IR port is, the sleep light is covered but is bright enough to shine through the case.
I think the Incase is better built, and is the perfect balance between form and function. I am actually thinking about returning this and getting the Incase when they release theirs, but I hear they take forever to release redesigns. On another note though....I think that the Speck case was sharp at the sides and had excess plastic because they used their old 13" UMB stock and put it back into a machine to make the cut outs larger to accommodate the ports. Cannot confirm this and I am bad at articulating it but what I am trying to say is that I don't think they went back to the drawing board for this. They essentially said, we need to make the cut outs larger and rahter than making a new die/mold, they make alterations on their old cases, if so...that is not cool.
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Aug 17, 2009
I'm shopping around for a case for my 13" MBP and I needed a few opinions.
Which one do you prefer, the Incase Hardshell or the Speck See-Thru Satin?
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Oct 12, 2009
Anyone have one for the latest MacBook Pro's? I would be using it conjunction with your standard sleeve just for some more protection since I will be using it India/Asia whilst I travel.
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Jun 7, 2010
For the Macbook. (Not aluminum)
They both don't have blue.
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Apr 28, 2010
I bought a new MBP last week.It is still sitting in its box.I am on my old ibook g4 with half a broken screen as I don't want to scratch my new MBP.I am a poor collage student that wants to take good care of my big purchase.It was the laptop or a used car and I went with the laptop as my g4 got hurt.Biggest purchase I have made EVER.My g4 was fine and very well cared for but I have diabetes and passed out and fell on the ibook
I was very jazzed about buying a hardshell to protect my computer.Then seen [URL] had some nasty reviews about both the incase & speck.So I thought crap what should I do.
Incase I have read that computer only stays at one angle?That it dose not close all the way or makes a popping sound when it rubs the back.I am sure some could be due to not installing it right.Someone even said they could not get off and apple took it off and the top part of the computer broke
I didn't see to much on Speck but did read on this forum more people prefer incase?I figure you all know what you are talking about when it comes to what is good bad for the mac items so kinda registered to get some Ideas on what to get.
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Apr 29, 2010
My worry with the hard shell cases is that they scratch the computer and/or let dust particles and other nasty stuff in. Perhaps this will be prevented with the use of the Invisible Shield?
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May 28, 2010
I just ordered my MBP 17 inch and I want to encase it in plastic, but I can't find the Speck or Incase hard shells since they are sold out... ??Could it be that they are re-working them for the new mag-save adapters ?
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Apr 27, 2010
I was wondering if anyone that had either of these cases could post pictures of them? I'm trying to decide which one to get get and the colors are pretty similar. I wanted to see what the actual colors look like. There are a lot of youtube videos for speck cases but not incase and I can't find any images other than the stock images (which are always off.)
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Aug 9, 2009
Which one is better ? Incase or Speck ?
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Aug 4, 2008
I tried to remove the Incase hardshell that is on my Macbook Pro. The bottom came off, but it did damage to the vent area on the back. However, my main problem right now is that the top cover will not come off. I've tried using as much force as I think wise, and it just won't budge. The little tabs won't move beyond the seam between the plastic bezel and the anodized aluminum.
If I ever get this thing off, I'm going to go back to the Speck hardcase.
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Mar 19, 2009
I'm looking for a few good ways to transport and use my UMB. I figure buying a hardshell case & a timbuk2 bag seem like a good combo. Question is - which do you guys think is better, the Speck or Incase cases? Anyone have any experiences? I had the Incase hardshell for my old whitebook.
Seemed to work out alright. The other option I thought of was getting the invisible shield. Anyone have any thoughts?
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Mar 15, 2009
How do you backup incase of HD disasters or transfering to a new machine.
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Jun 28, 2010
So last December my laptop got smashed and everything works except for the backlit screen. In fact I can still use this laptop it is just extremely hard since the screen does not light up. The person that smashed it ended up buying me a new laptop so I have this beat up (and I mean the shell is destroyed) laptop with quite a lot of functioning parts.
Now a few weeks ago my girlfriends Grandad spilled a beer on his brand new 2010 Macbook. The logic board is shot so it is almost cheaper for him to buy a brand new laptop.
Would it be possible for me to take the logic board out of my 2008 Black Macbook and put it into his 2010 White Macbook?
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