MacBook Pro :: How To Take Out Stuck Disc From Drive
Aug 23, 2014
How to take out the stuck disc in macbook pro. I already try to eject by clicking into the terminal on ejecting the disc. But it seems failed and the it keep comes out the sound from the disc. How to take it out?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I have a disc full of photo's stuck in the disc drive on my imac. When I try to eject it, I get a spinning rainbow circle and have to do a hard shut down. It sounds like it is trying to eject it, but then gets hung up.
So I wanted to watch a DVD on my Macbook. I inserted the dvd and nothing happens, I then realized for some reason I no longer have a dvd drive (I just played a dvd on my macbook a couple of months ago) Now I can't eject the dvd. I've tried pretty much everything (holding the mouse pad, using terminal). It's as if I don't even have a eject button. I also don't have apple care and had to bring my computer in about 3 months ago to get fixed and that was a nice enough bill that I have to pay off.
i have a macbook late 2008 aluminium, just tried to burn something to a dual layer dvd with roxio toast 10, it failed and now the disc is stuck in the drive.
Okay so I have a white MacBook that I'm trying to upgrade from Leopard to Snow Leopard. It's on the latest version of Leopard, 10.5.8. So I have a family pack DVD for Snow Leopard that's got 2 installs left on it. So I decided to go ahead and use one on my MacBook. I put the disc in the drive and I could hear it spinning around in there. But then nothing. My computer won't even read it. It doesn't show up on the desktop, it doesn't show up in disk utility, and pressing the eject button on my keyboard does nothing, like it doesn't even TRY to eject it. I've tried the reboot + holding down the trackpad, it did nothing. I tried typing drutil tray eject in terminal to force it to eject, it also did nothing. It's not like theres anything thats really stopping it from coming out, it literally just won't even attempt to eject the disc.
It seems like my computer isn't even recognizing theres anything in the drive, the fact that it doesn't even show up in disk utility is worrying me. I've used this drive with other discs before, but never had this problem.
So, I just got an SSD (vertex 2) and I decided to put it in the optical bay. The videos and instructions looked simple enough. You pull the enclosure straight out. However, I had to pull SO hard. The videos make it seem like it easily slides out, but I literally had to pull as hard as I could. I finally got it out and installed the SSD etc, but has anyone else had a problem with a really "stuck" optical drive enclosure?
My iMac in my sig is what's giving me the issue. I was updating to 10.6.1 and I got a folder with a question mark symbol on reboot. So I tried reinstalling sl and nothing happens. Put the disc in and nothing happens. Is there a way to get the disc out at all? I tried the eject button on the keyboard.
I have a black Macbook that my son inserted a cd disc thinking it was a movie. I believe it was a CD from his mother's HP laptop computer. The disc icon does not show up on the desktop and the disc will not eject. How do I get this disc to eject? I have tried restarting my Macbook and have held down the eject button, but to no avail.
So, earlier, I went to eject a DVD from my Macbook. It ejected fine, and then I inserted a CD. Now the Macbook won't recognize the disc. It sounds like it keeps on trying to read the disc. When I press eject, the Macbook makes the sound like it is ejecting it, but it never comes out, and after a moment, it makes the sound like it trying to read the disc again. What should I do, and how can I get the disc out?
In trying to repair my hard drive, which disc utility said was corrupt, it stopped repairing it because it could not unmount the disc?I booted my macbook pro from my backup hard drive.
My Superdrive was making a funny noise, so I quickly ejected my game disc so It wouldn't ruin it. A few minutes later, I had to burn a DVD, so I put in a blank DVD, and tried to burn my iDVD project to it. iDVD kept telling me to put a disc in. I hit eject, and nothing happened. I went to my desktop, and noticed that "Blank DVD" was not present. So, I have a disc stuck in my MBP, and my Mac doesn't think there is a disc in there, so eject doesn't work. What do I do? Should I just bring it in the Apple Store?
'Ive had a MacBookPro for about a year and a half - with zero problems to report. But, yesterday, I decided to do a software update for OSX. While waiting on it, I relaized I was running late for an appointment, got impatient and did a forced shutdown (stupid move, I now know). Anyway, upon restarting it, I get the usual start-up chime, then the grey screen with the apple logo and the spinning wheel - and then it stays there. I tried putting the operating syten disc in and did a start-up - same results. Ditto for safe start. I also tried to reset the NVRAM, got the second chime, then back to the same. Is there anything you folks can suggest? Is there a way to override this and get back to normal? I hope I'm merely having hiccups related to the operating system. Or could this be a sign of the dreaded logic board failure that I fear?
My iMac is currently having the problem that it gets stuck at the apple logo whenever I start it up. I posted about this problem in another thread but now I have a new question. In my iMac there is a disc, and i need this disc as soon as possible. Since its stuck at the apple logo i can't seem to be able to eject the disc by just pressing the eject button on my apple keyboard. I don't want to have ago at my iMac with a knife or credit card in order to get it out, so does anybody know a way to make my iMac eject this disc? Someone told me about holding my mouse while booting. Does this mean i have to hold down my mouse button while starting it up?
I have a mac OS 10.4.1 that began slowing down incredibly. It stalls and freezes at every step requiring emergency shut downs. I saved copies of my documents on a different computer ( by connecting it as an external hard drive to another computer using a firewire and pressing T). I have run through a disc utility and found that the memory is unaffected- was told to archive and install my start up disc anew. when i put the install disc 1 in the drive it pops up a screen that says " do you want to restart your computer to reinstall the disc" Once i press restart it freezes and gives the following message: panic(cpu 0): Unable to find driver for this platform: PowerBook6,5". a bunch of code type stuff then at end "panic: We are hanging here..." The disc does not eject and neither the restart nor the reinstall happen. I figured out that if I force shut it down and restart it holding the mouse button it will eject the disc. I have done this numerous times and the same thing happens over and over again. Any advice on how I could perform this reinstall?
I had to drop my iMac G5 in this morning to the apple store to get a stuck DVD out of the superdrive!!. My question is, how often to discs get stuck in the drive??? Is this a common problem??? Is there a risk of the disc getting stuck every time you put one in???? Why wouldn't apple put a pinhole to manually eject the disc or some other way of manually getting the disc out!???
The last time I used my imac I had a picture disc in it and shut it down properly. Now it will not boot up. I get the screen with the apple and the turning wheel and nothing past that. A disc is stuck as well. Any ideas on either, to get me my computer back?
I have a 17" Power Book G4 which is three months old. It is my first Mac after 20 years with a PC and it is not a happy Mac. I am not a happy Mac owner It now has a CD jammed in the superdrive. It will neither eject or be recognised. All the threads say hold down the mouse button, this will force eject the disc. All this does is give me a blue screen. No effect on the disk. While I sit here it is trying to eject the disc on its own every 30 seconds or so. It is a home made disc with a paper label which works in my 2 PCs and windows laptop. How do I get it out, preferably without the use of a hammer.
My iMac is making the most terrible noise when burning a disc, and after two or three tracks are burnt it gives me an error message and then will not burn anymore?
I inserted a blank disk earlier today. Automatically a hazard icon appeared where the eject icon should be. Now the disk wont come out and there is no obvious way to remove it.
i'm trying to boot from the Snow Leopard install disc so I can format my drive and re-install, however... it just gets stuck on the white screen with the grey Apple logo, what's up with that?
has all my art course work on. When pressing the power button there is no start up, screen stays black. There is a noise from the Disc Drive, when you put your ear close you can hear the Disc spinning, occasionally it starts to make a loader noise like its trying to spin to full speed maybe, but stops before it can. Green light can be seen from bottom, tried unplugging and waiting, tried pressing the cmd R-P keys down at start up. Also tried as suggested on the apple website to use a paper clip to manually eject the disc.
My G-4 startup disc is full and now the computer won't start up. I am told to put a startup disc in the drive and restart from it, but I cannot get the disc drive to open. I have tried everything, including copying over to external hard drive. I read that if you hold the mouse button down, the disc drive will open, but this hasn't worked.
I have a 2007 Intel MBP, running Leopard. I purchased the family version of Snow Leopard. When I tried to install it, it just spins the disc for a minute, makes the noise like it's trying to read it and then spits it out. All other discs work fine with my MBP so I know it is not the disc drive itself. I have all software "up to date." My brother installed SL on both of his MBs, one newer than mine and one older, just fine (with the same disc). I haven't seen anything out there with this issue so I wanted to start a thread to see if anyone knows how to resolve this issue (beyond taking it back to Apple and exchanging).
For some reason my opitcal drive wont let me insert any disc. theres nothing in it cause when i tried to put a disc in it wouldnt hit anything!? i have no idea. If it helps i have a macbook, i bought in early 2009, Mac OSX 10.5.8!