MacBook Pro :: How To Check Wifi Share
Mar 24, 2012Last time i buy a maxis broadband so my friend teach my to share to another people so how did i know who useing my wifi on macbook pro .
View 1 RepliesLast time i buy a maxis broadband so my friend teach my to share to another people so how did i know who useing my wifi on macbook pro .
View 1 RepliesI have an unsecured wifi network at home and need to easily share photos between computers. I have an iMac and a couple window based computer.Is ther an easy way instead of using a thumb drive?
iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a white plastic late 2007 macbook running Snow Leopard. I've set it up to wake up during nights and download. Everything works fine but every now and then when my macbook wakes up from sleep it won't connect to my wifi and when I get up in the morning to check the downloads, I get disappointed.This happens at least twice a week.I need an app or an apple script which constantly monitors and ensures that Airport is always connected to wifi after macbook wakes up from sleep. Airport doesn't seem to do this automatically.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've got an ethernet cable and i thought i'd share my internet connection through 'sharing' under network preferences, to allow the windows 7 computer to get online as well.
the windows laptop cannot connect to the internet. I've managed to do this before with no problems when i was sharing a USB 3G dongle's connection over wifi.
I just downloaded the PhotoSync app onto both my iPhone 4 and MacBook Pro (Snow Leopard). However, when I try to use PhotoSync to sync all my photos from my iPhone to my MacBook Pro, I get an error message telling me to check my wifi settings - even though both of my iDevices are connected to the same wifi network. I get the same error message when I try to use PhotoSync to sync the pictures from my iPhone 4 to my iPad 2, as well.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI upgraded my internal airport card for wireless N. What's the screen on my mac to check if i'm using 802.11n?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a first gene iMac g5 at work that does not have wifi. I found a USB wifi adapter on amazon for $15. If I use that, can i share my Internet connection over wifi just like i can with a built in airport card in my macbook pro?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a Apple mac and currently my Epson deskjet printer is connected to it via usb cable.My wife and I both have Windows XP laptops and I would like to know if it is possible to send word documents to the printer over the home wifi network.This would save having to take the usb connector out of the imac and plug it into the laptop, also the imac drives the Epson so much better than the HP laptop my wife uses.Then just to be brave is it possible to print documents directly from my iphone for super braveness, my wife's blackberry.
I have a 500gb Time Capsule setup in another room. The problem is though that my DSL modem is in my office connected via ETHERNET to the iMac. I am trying to setup the Airport via Wifi to share my internet.
View 5 Replies View Relatedafter reading a lot manuals and threads I'm now completely lost and can't get it run.
This is what I'd like to do:
1. I have Linksys router set up as wifi hotspot
2. My iMac accesses internet via wifi via linksys
3. I'd like to hook time capsule via ethernet cable to my imac
4. i want time capsule to use my iMac's internet but extend at the same time the wifi internet access
a. Can I backup from iMac to time capsule via ethernet?
b. Which settings I have to do on my iMac and which on time capsule to get my scenario run ?
I have an older G5. Running Ethernet cables across the hallway is not going to work. Is there a Wi-Fi card, chip, usb solution? Or can I share an internet connection with my MacPro in the same room?
View 4 Replies View RelatedAs the Title of The Post says, i need to know if Apple Hardware check, Does check the hard drive. I'm getting a little bit more frequent hard drive clicks so i want to make sure my HD is not failing. So i need to know as so as possible if Apple hardware check looks for Hard drive Problems. And if it does not. Can someone point me into some Utilities i can use?
View 7 Replies View RelatedMy 2010 15" MBP has constant Wifi dropouts, sometimes minutes at a time. Sometimes I have to reconnect. Yet it gets 4 bars. My MacBook never had these problems. It's generally slower, too. It's now useless for online video like Hulu. Anyone else seeing this? I wonder whether it's hardware (e.g. they moved the antenna, and/or because of the metal case) or software/drivers? I'm going to submit feedback after input from ya'll.
View 24 Replies View RelatedI have a pretty old Titanium Mac Book that runs OS 10.3.9. It's a moderately slow machine, but still works- and although I realize that it won't be able to stream video or anything, I figure it would work for email, and basic web browsing- But I'm wondering if it's going to be compatible with any new products such as a USB wifi antenna - because the room where I want to use it won't alow for an ethernet connection-  Also, will the old 10.3.9 OS allow me to connect wifi to the newer airport extreme base stations?Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.3.x)
MacBook. 2Ghz Intel Core Duo. OS Snow Leopard 10.6.6. I'm running a 2006 MacBook with Snow Leopard. A few months back it started dropping wifi connection. Airport would show no connection but would list my network along with others in my building. If I tried to connect with my WPA password it would just time out. At this time I was running Leopard.
Since then I've done a few things.Tried running the Netgear router with no encryption at all (same thing happens). Will lose connection and then time out trying to connect
I've tried the MacBook in a coffee shop with wifi access and at my parents (same NetGear router) and at my new apartment with a horrible Orange Livebox.
Taken the MacBook in to see the genius bar at Glasgow Apple store. Worked fine for them, but I explained it was intermittent but we could not force it to fail. I'm sure if it ran for an hour it would.
At present if I have the MacBook in the living room (where the Livebox router is situated) its fine and wont drop connection. If I walk some 5m to my bedroom it will work for approximately half and hour and then lose it. A few days ago I bought the Snow Leopard upgrade and installed it last night. MacBook runs a hell of a lot faster (yay!) but moving it away from the router and its dead as disco in half an hour.
So to clarify, the MacBook has been tested on 4 wifi networks/ locus with same issue. iPhone, Xbox 360 and PS3 all have no issues with dropping connection no matter where they are in the apartment.
Apartment is a new build and its walls are not made out of lead or kryptonite. Is this a hardware issue rather than software? When updating to Snow Leopard it was an update to the existing OS of Leopard not a clean install.
AIRPORT says the following in System Profiler.
Software Versions:
Menu Extra:6.2.1 (621.1)
configd plug-in:6.2.3 (623.2)
System Profiler:6.0 (600.9)
Network Preference:6.2.1 (621.1)
AirPort Utility:5.5.2 (552.11)
I am using at home an iMac connected ( with cable ) to my Home WiFi Router. All other products are using the same WIfI home network ( Without a cable ).Can I define my iMac to use ONLY MY HOME WIFI instead of other unwanted wifi networks ?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
This guy did an amazing job comparing the 2 processors. This helped me decide the 2.4Ghz is very very closely matched to the 2.66Ghz. Check out the benchmarks for the GPU 256 vs 512mb of vram its very close. I think that was already pointed out in another thread. [URL]
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MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9)
I am going to buy a second hand MacBook pro and I need to know how to check it and what I should actually check. This is my first time with a Mac and I have no idea how to check it and what are the system information software which allows me to check the specs and probable problems in the system.
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View 10 Replies View Relatedcan anyone recommend a free alarm clock to use that will play a song or something? i am a deep sleeper and enjoy having my old laptop blasting music when i need to wake up.
also, how do i check what display i have?
My 15" i5 HR AG MacBook Pro should be arriving tomorrow through FedEx and I just wanted to check in and see if there are any tests to conduct to make sure the computer is good to go. Obviously a dead pixel test in store, but anything other than that?
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View 4 Replies View Relatedi have an imac at home. also have a pro at work.both are on different internet connection.can i control my imac at home from my mac pro at work?
iPad, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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MacBook Pro
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MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
it is possible to generate a good wifi signal with my new imac which will allow mw to connect to the net with my wifi ipad2?
iPad 2
I have a white macbook and I have recently got these random messages when I load a web page. It will show me like a "warning" page, its has I think a black and white background with a message in the middle thats like "This site contains malware that could effect your computer" would you like to continue, etc. I got one for malware and one for "phishing." Ive never had these before, how can I know if my computer has been effected?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI got an OCZ Vertex 2 120GB SSD and it runs fine and it's fast when using the computer. But the boot up time is so ridicules slow, slower then my old 500GB 7200RPM drive. My boot up time is around 37 sec with the SSD. The Apple logo came's up and the spinning wheel spinning forever!.
I think I know what the problem is, it's searching for like 25 sec for the first boot drive, and it can't find my SSD. Other people I know here on Macrumors just checked the SSD in the "Start up" in System Preferences and reboot, then they getting fast boot time. When I check my SSD and press reboot, it's still slow and when I later check the Start Up disk, none disk is selected (neither the SSD or "Network startup"...
Here is how it always look like when going in to System Preferences -> Startup Disk after a reboot, none is selected... (sorry for the Swedish language, I hope you will understand)
What should I do to fix this problem? (I've tried to reset NVRAM, PRAM and SMC, but with no luck).