MacBook Pro :: Does 1680x1050 Hi-Rez Screen Make Much Of A Difference
Jun 21, 2012
I did some searching and the posts I found were a few years old so i figured I would ask again for a more rescent answer.I am currently looking to buy a new laptop to replace my junk of a laptop (Dell Mini 10v) that I bought a few years back just to take notes during classes. These days I am looking for something capable of more then just web, email, etc. I am looking to do some programming, video editting and a game once in a while. As nice as they are, I do not need the retina display, so I was considering the 15" priced at $1,799. My questions are as follows.
1: Is it worth it upgrading to the 8gb of ram (was probably going to anyway)?
2: Does the 1680x1050 Hi-Rez screen make much of a difference?
3: As I would most likely be paying either completely with cash or a combination of cash and my Visa (depending how my medical bills are this month), can I get these customizations either directly from the Apple store, or sent to the Apple store from the website so I can pay at the store instead of online. I am really not up for applying for their BarclayCard, although If that is my only option I might just go that route.
I have a new MBP with a high resolution anti-glare display. It is beautiful, but at full resolution everything looks smaller. Is there any way to set preferences so that windows open with a full-size appearance without setting the display to a lower resolution?
i am using a hackintosh for a week now. I am using it just to get used to Mac OS X because i am switching to a Macbook Pro in a couple months. I switched from PC to Mac officially now. OK, let's come to the main topic of this thread;-At first, my hackintosh couldn't get my gfx card, i couldn't find the driver(kext) so my resolution was very bad. Everything was huge and blurry. I couldn't even look at my 17" Samsung LCD screen. I made an entry to file which was something like this
I need a new base for my macbook, i have looked on ebay and found a few replacements. The auctions say for example this is for a A1151 or an A1229... how can i tell?
I just found out that if I use the "mirroring" mode, and I set the resolution to 1680x1050 and 60hz(my monitor max resolution/hz), it's all kinda blurry... But if I put in sleep mode ma MPB and wake it up "switching on" my bluetooth keyboard, the monitor in my MBP doesn't even start and it just use the external monitor. In this case, there's no more blurriness but the settings are the same! Then, I can even turn on my MBP monitor (pressing some random key on its keyboard) and nothing change, still no blurriness...
How can this happen? By the way, there is another funny issue: if I use this "trick", the applications that should run in "fullscreen" (not really fullscreen, just the window that use all the screen size), like iTunes, don't do it anymore....
I have a 1.2GHz G4 iBook with the stock 256 MB of RAM (which was always too little, I know). What kind of performance boost can I expect if I max out the RAM to 1.5 GB or whatever the maximum is on this model? I'm running Tiger on it and most of my work is simple word processing and web surfing.
...things like video editing and photoshop? It seems the 9400 is a very capable performer on its own, no? I assume it also runs cooler. Outside of gaming, is there much reason for people to consider the dedicated GPU options out there?
Well i quess the topic says it all.. I have just ordered the new iMac i7, with 2,8Ghz CPU and the ATI 4850 GPU. I decided to just get 4GB of RAM for now, but im having second thoughts about it. Would having 8GB of RAM make any difference when playing high-end games like Modern Warfare 2 and Starcraft 2 ?
I'm trying to figure out the genesis of my problem. Two days ago, I was able to send and receive mail using the Mail app with no problem. Then suddenly last night, I can only send mail using the app. I called Comcast to see if they had a mail server down and they told me it was a problem with my e mail client since I could send and receiving using the Comcast webmail. I don't get it. I didn't change any of my settings and I can send and receive just fine using my iPhone.
Just wondering if it's worth getting a machine with 8Gb of RAM over the standard 4Gb for things like video editing, aperture etc. Can most of today's apps even use 8 gigs of memory? I assume the biggest advantage would be for running a virtual windows machine within OSX and things like that.
I am calucalting the working hours. For Eg: 8:00 AM & 1:20 PM and the duration is 5 h 20 m. How can i make '5" in hours column and "20" in minutes column automatically?
It is widely known that the macbooks screen has poor viewing angles and black glowing problems. I found an article that explains why this is so and why the macbook air does not have this problem. Originally all TN based lcd screens suffered from this. To help this problem manufacturers came up with the idea of adding additonal films to fix these viewing angle difficulty which increased the viewing angle threshold before that screen inversion occured (black becoming white/white becoming black and so forth). This article gives a technical explanation of it.Quote:Birefringent film increases LCD viewing angleSunny BainsTwisted-nematic liquid-crystal displays (TN-LCDs) have two major disadvantages when being viewed by more than one person. The viewing angle of the display is limited, and there are gray-level "inversion zones" in which black becomes white and vice versa. Researchers at the Fuji Photo Film Company Ashigara Research Laborato- ries (Kanagawa, Japan) have developed a method of pre- and postcompensating for the birefringence of liquid crystal, thereby increasing the viewing angle but without sacrificing brightness.
The link between birefringence and viewing angle in a TN-LCD is not obvious. Displays are generally backlit with a wide-angle light source. The light first passes through a polarizer that discards about half of it and allows the remainder to pass. This light is now polarized parallel to the direction of the liquid-crystal alignment at the bottom of the liquid-crystal cell. The orientation of the crystal changes gradually, however, twisting and tilting so that the alignment at the to�of the cell is perpendicular to that at the bottom. The polarization of the light will be rotated with the orientation of the liquid-crystal molecules. The light can then emerge through a polarizer at the to�of the cell, which is crossed with the polarizer at the bottom.
This technique only works properly, however, for light coming in at right angles to the cell. Though light entering at, say, 30 has the same nominal polarization as the light that is normally incident--because it passed through the same polarizer--the 30 light experiences the liquid-crystal cell very differently. The polarization components are effectively tilted and so are not as compatible with the birefringence of the tilted, twisted-nematic liquid-crystal molecules. Instead of being neatly turned, the polarization of wide-angle light can be severely skewed by the cell, with perpendicularly polarized components being "pulled" in different directions. Such unwanted manipulation means that much less of this light makes it through the second polarizer and so into the corresponding output angle for the display.
The only way to work around this problem is to make the light travel through the same kind of chemical structure but with opposite (negative) birefringence properties (see Fig. 1 on p. 53). In this way, any polarization skew can be inverted and subsequently neutralized. Fuji researcher Hiroyuki Mori has accomplished this by using a negatively birefringent discotic compound--a substance made u�of disk-shaped molecules--and tilting them to emulate the liquid-crystal structure.1,2 The "twist" is achieved by "crossing" the films--matching their orientations to the rubbing (alignment) direction of the to�and bottom of the liquid-crystal cell (see Fig. 2).
By using the compensator film, Mori was able to enhance the vertical and horizontal view zones of a TN-LCD and completely eliminate the upper inversion zone. For instance, the upward vertical angle at which the contrast ratio dropped to 10 (from 100) increased from about 25 with a normal display to 40. The lower inversion zone, which could appear when viewed from almost any angle below the normal, was pushed down so that it could never be seen above -20. It could not be eliminated, however, because the compensation film is not active and cannot, therefore, compensate for pixels that are off.
Though making the compensation film switchable is not currently being researched, other improvements are possible. In particular, Mori`s simulations show that birefringence compensation would be more effective if the "twist" of the compensator more accurately imitated that of the liquid crystal.This is now referred to as TN+FILM and is used in almost every desktop lcd.
The macbook does not have those compensation films which is why it has a poor contrast ratio and has poor viewing angles. The macbook pro and air have these additional films as do most non apple computers with the exception of a fewer low end manufacturers. [URL]
I have myself a unibody macbook 13'' and was searching for a unibody macbook pro 13" because of the longer battery life. On an auction site I've found a company that sells a unibody macbook pro 13" with a TFT screen and a resolution of 1280 x 800.
Now I have searched on the internet, but I couldn't find anything about a TFT screen on a 13" unibody. My question is: what is the difference between a normal LED-screen and a TFT-screen. Should I go for it of is the quality much worse?
I've been wearing contacts all my life in order to get 20/20 vision. And until last week I always had to have my brightness on the highest setting while I was at the office with fairly bright overhead lighting. While using the computer at home with the lights off/dim, I still had to have the brightness set to 4 bars shy of the brightest setting in order to see everything properly. And I never understood when I would see people on here saying they had their brightness set to the lowest settings and it was plenty bright for them to see. Last friday I had LASIK done.
And since the surgery I now have 20/15 vision in both eyes, which was expected. But one thing I did not expect was the difference in brightness. Now in the same office setting I have the brightness set to 40-50% brightness and it's still almost to bright. And at home I set the brightness level to 1 bar and it's more than enough to see every detail on the screen. In fact, I now wish there was a lower brightness setting than the lowest bar. The best part is that, while running on battery, I can now get another 30-40 minutes out of usage with the brightness set so much lower. Now if I could just figure out how to get my volume to not jump to 70% when I plug my headphones in I would be very pleased.
I just purchased the 2.53 Ghz 13" MBP four days ago from the apple store. Well my Gf just ordered hers about 5 days ago and it arrived today. She has the 2.23 Ghz MBP, 2 gb, 160 gb hdd and she also bought hers new. I opened up and checked what screen model i have and it is different then hers. Mine is 9C9E. Which i thought was the updated screen.
Well hers is 9CBD. Im very confused.
Does anyone know the difference in screens? Should she have got the updated screen like I did?
So is the 320m capable of pushing that high of a resolution in game with highest settings (Minus AA and AF, both of which would be near lowest, shadows would also be on medium-medium high)? I ask because, before I buy one, I want to make sure I know what I'm getting. I know the 320m isn't a gaming card by any means but I'd love to crank up the settings on WoW. I also wonder if it will still be able to push near max settings (in the case that it already does) when Cataclysm comes out.
I am doing a presentation for a class thingy in technology about new media and i'm trying to express how when macintosh youtubers started uploading video blogs when they switched to intel/intel made iMacs and about this media blah blah blah. In the pic attached is that a iMac G5 or intel. I see spot light on the top right so it's either running tiger or leopard. I thought I saw a apple remote magnetic thingy on the side. Did the iMac g5 have one?
Is there any easy way to tell whether I have a dead pixel or something under my screen? I have a small dot that shows up no matter what color I test the screen with (but is obviously harder to see with darker colors).
Love my MBA but couldn't resist the temptation to pick up an HP 10" netbook since the Amazon price was pretty cheap ($399). It's a nice little machine which I can throw in my briefcase. However, do a little bit of work on this ten incher and then open up the MBA, and suddenly my 13" MBA looks looks huge! Each machine clearly has it's role. The netbook is fine for my daily train trip to work and to shlep around. It would not accompany me on a trip or for times requiring a lot of work and certainly does not sit in the same universe of power as the MBA, but as Randy Jackson would say, "It's a'right". I think the MBA has won my heart.
I was wondering if there was maybe a screen filter or something of that sort that you can apply on the MBA to make it have a matte appearance? I don't like the glossy screen as there is a lot of reflection from light making it hard to see at times.
Ive been to the Apple Store and I cannot make the windows full screen like you can do on Windows. Is this something native on all Macs?Here are some pics
i have a 13 inch macbook pro, and i want to set the screen size bigger than 1280 * 800, to maybe 1600 * 1200 or something. obviously i cant fit more than 1280 * 800 pixels in the 13 inch MBP screen, but I want it to function as kind of a 'cropped' screen - so i'd have to move my trackpad around the corners of the screen to see more of the desktop. i know it will look like crap and be a bit cumbersome, but i don't really care about that. is there any way to do this?
by the way, i don't NEED the ability to use my trackpad to move around the screen. i don't plan on using my MBP like this permanently, this is just for experimental purposes.
I know there are lots of sites that sell those plastic skins people use to decorate their laptops, but has anyone see a black one to go around the new macbook air screen? I think this thing would look really sharp with a black bezel, and I don't want to risk painting it or anything myself. I've done a quick google search and not found anything, but I'm also not really familiar with the popular sites and companies people go to for this kind of thing. I know Techrestore has announced a service to replace your air's screen with a matte one and replace the bezel with a black one while they're at it...but right now I'm just looking for an inexpensive, reversible (in case I don't like it) option.
For some reason VLC starts very slowly and lags when playing some H264 in mkv anime. So I turn to Mplayer. Is there a way to make it full screen. I tried every button but none seems to work.
I need to make my screen lighter on my MacBook Pro. I used to use the F10 key on my keyboard to do this. It seems to be disabled. Recently I activated Spaces.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Mac was purchased in May 2005
I got a Matte screen 2010 MBP. It comes with higher res screen. I personally find the text to be a little bit too small for my liking. Is it possible to uniformly make everything bigger so the higher res only make image and text sharper and not smaller than original resolution?