OS X :: An App That Can Automatically Detect Song's Titles?
Aug 14, 2009
I have like 500 songs I've ripped into MP3's. Not albums, but just CD's I've collected and burned over years of my custom playlists but only had them on CD's.
So I ripped them to my PC but they all just say "Track01, Track02, etc."
Is there an application I can use to automatically detect and assign song titles artist album title etc.. to them? (if the app is free waaaaaaaaayyyy better)
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Mar 1, 2010
How do I do the above without having to re-enter all the ID3 tags?
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Sep 23, 2009
In Windows, if you ever want to change the Artist Name, title, genre, etc of a song, all you have to do is right click, go to properties, and there, you can change everything.
On Mac, I haven't been able to find anything that simple! Whenever I want to do that, I have to open it with iTunes, and change them in iTunes, and drag them out!
Is there a simpler solution like the one in Windows?
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Nov 8, 2009
Is there a way for iTunes to automatically detect that I've put something in my Music folder and then transfer that to iTunes?
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Dec 9, 2014
Suddenly I'm unable to click on an album and have it play in its entirety; there is a shuffle option but I don't want to shuffle. Why won't it automatically play the next song in order? It seems to play only one song at a time.
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Jun 22, 2014
I've got a pretty big collection of music on iTunes - almost 1000 albums - and I'm pretty anal about the way it's stored and managed and I regularly change the song and album information to suit my own "house style". All my music was stored on a Dell laptop and was fine - I had no problems with changing and editing the information. I recently bought a MacBook Pro and shifted all the music files from the old machine onto the new one (a lengthy and frustrating process) and since then, I've had a lot of hassle in terms of amending and organising my iTunes collection. A lot of the music I've purchased from the iTunes store has reverted back to its original state, no matter how many times I've changed it.Â
For example:Â
Lana Del Rey's Born to Die (Deluxe Version). I've removed the "Deluxe Version" from the title but I quit iTunes or sync it with my iPod, it automatically adds it back. I've changed the information in the song info, I've even changed it in the sort info just to be sure, but it always changes back.Â
The same with the Anthems Electronic 80s compilation. I want to call it Ministry of Sound: Electronic 80s and remove it from Various Artists (by deleting the album artist from the information). But after iTunes is quit or its been synced, the same thing happens. It appears as two albums on my iPod - a handful of tracks appear under the old title while the bulk of them appear under the new one.Â
It's happening across loads of albums, all ones I've downloaded (the stuff ripped from CDs seems to be okay). I've done as much as I can in terms of the song info but no matter what I do, it just reverts back when the programme's quit or I sync my iPod. I don't know if it's anything to do with the fact they're in the Cloud or they've been imported from a Dell laptop or there's an underlying problem with iTunes ...
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Jan 29, 2010
How do i turn this feature off?
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Apr 13, 2012
i bought a song on itunes the other day and i realized that only the beginning half of the song will play and then it will stop for the other half and no sound will be coming out but it will still be playiny. how do i get a refund or how can i redownload the song on itunes?
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Apr 28, 2009
I have song compilation albums in itunes. I prefer to seach by Artist, not album. Compilation albums often assign a different artist for each song. I don't like this, as I end up with thousands of artists, each with only one song! Here's an example:
I copy "Classical Chillout" compilation album to itunes. 30 songs show up, each with their own (new) artist name, song name, and all within the album "Classical Chillout.
Instead of having:
SONG Adagio for Strings
ARTIST Samuel Barber
ALBUM Classical Chillout
I want to batch rename all songs so that the Album name becomes the Artist and each "Artist" name is inserted into the "Song" name
SONG Samuel Barber- Adagio for Strings
ARTIST Classical Chillout
ALBUM Classical Chillout
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Dec 2, 2010
I know you can use iTunes dj to "play song next" or whatever but I don't like iTunes DJ for the fact that you don't have 100% control over what songs are playing if you want to pinpoint certain songs, etc..
Is there any way that I can line up a song to play after the current song without interrupting the current song and immediately playing the song I want next?
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Jun 21, 2012
When I download some of my music, it shows up in the User's download file in the Finder, can I delete file in the Finder folder without losing the music file on iTunes?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 4, 2014
why does music skip around & not play in order in library? since latest update is there a shuffle feature & if so how do i turn it off?
Mac mini (Late 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Apr 7, 2012
I purchased a song on itunes but only half the song downloaded. When I go to quick links and select purchase, I see the song as purchased but it wont download. It is behaving like a song you would listen to on itunes. It has the arrow with blue back round still. What can I do to get my song completely downloaded.
Mac mini
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May 31, 2012
This is SO frustrating. I bring in my new iMac for the techs to move my iTunes over, I bring it home and have not been able to listen to one song. I double click on it and it says "Cannot find file, locate?" I say yes, it brings me to the album artwork. I am not at all comfortable yet with the iMac environment so need step by step instructions!Â
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Jun 8, 2012
I cannot play a song on itunes by double clicking the song. I can only play a song by fast forwarding or fast backing from the original song played to the next song I want to play. I can then hit play and the song will play. what is my problem other than general ineptitude?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Dec 11, 2008
I have a decent size music library(40+gig) on my late MB and i find that iTunes is slow to load when I open it and sometimes when im clicking around songs there is a half second pause before the song is highlighted and then starts to play. Since the program is pulling the info off the HD im thinking that if i got a higher capacity 7200 rpm drive that this would help (currently my stock 150gig only has 50gigs left) with this stutter or would upgrading to 4gig ram?
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Jun 17, 2012
When selecting a song to play from iTunes library, I continually get an error message indicating the original file could not be found. Then asks, would you like to locate it?I'm not even able to play the songs I purchased due to this error message.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8), iTunes Error Message
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Sep 29, 2010
One thing I miss from Windows is the ability to glance at the task bar on the bottom and read truncated title descriptors on the task bar buttons of each open window. It's a way of knowing and locating what (and where) each window is by just looking, without having to do anything -- like mouse over an icon, or clicking, or using Expose.
Is there anything I can do to make all open windows have titles or descriptors -- whether it's a file name, or Safari window name, etc. -- in Mac OS? Is there any third party utility app?
I find Snow Leopard to be more application centric, rather than window centric.
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Sep 15, 2010
Running 10.6.4 on mini and using iphoto 8.1.2
Is it possible to have the titles and desrition of the photos stay with the photos out of Iphoto for example dragging to the desk top or into another app.
Seems like it should be easy, but when I move my photos they lose the title and description and just have the jpeg number.
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Dec 3, 2014
Suddenly, if I insert a cd to rip, all I get is Track 1, 2 etc. If I try to manually look up the cd, nothing happens. Internet connection is fine.Â
I have a huge stack of cd's to rip.
OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Jun 13, 2012
I have downloaded a song and when I go to play it...it bounces off of the song and will not play. I have iTunes 10.6.1......Apple charged me for the song already. I went to Support but could not find a solution specific to my issue. I have downloaded over 2500 songs and this has not happened before. This song was one of nine other songs I downloaded that evening...all others came through successfully.
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Jan 28, 2008
I'm trying to get rid of an offending "TipsSmart" (no spaces, I hate that) in the title. I can bring up the info window, and I can change the Album name, which does in fact change the name of the relevant directory in the iTunes library. Unfortunately, when I go back to look at my iTunes subscriptions the name of the podcast doesn't change. In fact, the name of the podcast is comprised of text that's not contained in any file in my iTunes library. I can't figure out where it gets the name so I can edit it.
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Mar 9, 2008
Ok, I having problems with iMovie HD and titles. On every movie I make the titles are really blurry. Regardless if they are in iMovie itself or exported as a .dv played in quicktime.
I'm thinking I may have some setting messed up, but I can't seem to figure it out.
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Jan 18, 2009
I'm new to mac and using imovie and I've got a problem which I can't find an answer to when searching. I'm using the titles function and I've noticed that when you apply one they either are placed in the bottom of the screen or in the middle. There isn't a title that is placed at the top.
Is there any way to move the title to the top of the image or alternatively is there a way to add text to an image in imovie. I can't believe that made the titles so limited in function and adaptability.
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Mar 13, 2010
i want to do some subtitles in imovie hd or 09
but i have this teeny tiny problem with the subtitles..when i add the sub and finish it i see in the preview that the text is fading(like a ghost of you know what i mean)but i don't want it to fade i want it to be a normal text to despair normally(like movies or anime subtitles)
so is their a way to remove the fading?i looked every where and couldn't find it
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Dec 27, 2009
I'm running an oldish version (5.02) of iMovie on my aging iMac (G5, OSX 10.4.11). I got a matching mini-DV camera this year, and am trying to use iMovie to edit the video.
iMovie allows to create titles (button in the icon dock at lower right). I can create one, and even get a preview. However, I do not manage to actually get it onto or between my fragments. The on-line manual tells (in translation) to "when the title is ready, drag it to the fragment or to the time bar viewer." However, I find nothing to drag and drop. When I click in the little window at the upper right I can only drag the position of the title. Also I do not see any button to click on to tell I'm finished. There is a button to (in translation) "complete", but it is and remains grayed out and unselectable.
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Feb 14, 2012
i am importing a store bought CD but the song titles and artist info is not coming over. It only lists the songs a track 1, track 2, etc.
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Apr 26, 2012
When saving jpegs from email to iPhoto, how do I keep the titles with the image?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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May 17, 2012
Safari does not read Chinese in the email titles. It provides a series of question mark. When you open the email it reads the Chinese in the text fine??????? It is important as we receive lots of email in Chinese as well as English, makes sorting through messages impossible.
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 31, 2012
Using itunes 10.6.1 and burning a playlist to 3 cd's in audio format the finished cd's have no song totles just track #'s. Thought I might have set preferences wrong, checked and seemed right but a second burn turned out the same. Last year I burned 12 cd;s in audio format to fill my auto cd cartridge and all had track names and artist. Is this just another feature or lack of in the newest version of I tunes? They are random songs so I can't even look up the album. The songs are to be used at a retirement party so they need a list of which song goes with a little skit.
iMac (24-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.8 ghz core 2 duo
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