MacBook Pro :: Blown Speakers - Sound Extremely Static

Jun 16, 2007

I've had my MBP C2D for about 6-7 months now. Just recently both speakers seem to have blown. Any sound that comes out of it is extremely staticy. It happened the first time, but when I turned the sound off and back on again (with F3) it corrected itself. But now it's constant. I'm wondering if it's a hardware or a software issue. When I plug my iPod headphones into the side jack, I hear the same static. If it was just the speakers, wouldn't the headphones sound correct? Should I try to install the sound driver (can you do that in os x?), or do a reinstall of the OS? On a side note, I didn't buy the Apple Care package when I got my laptop.

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MacBook :: Speakers Making Static Sound

May 29, 2009

Whenever an application uses the internet, such as Opera, Safari or aMSNn the speakers create a static, crackling sound thats incredibly annoying. The only way to get rid of it is to shut down the app that makes it (usually aMSN or Safari) but it may start again soon. It must be an issue wtih the speakers as it doesn't have any effect on headphones.

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Power Mac :: Stream Of Static Sound Coming From Speakers

May 31, 2012

I have logitech speakers set up with my MacPro, and there is a steady stream of static noise coming from the computer. It's not the speakers because I have tested them with another device. It's definitely coming from my desktop. The strange thing is that if I restart my machine it goes away for a bit. But it starts back up as I open programs, browse the web, etc.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.66 GHz Quad-Core

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IMac :: Internal Speakers Blown Out?

Dec 27, 2009

Is there a way to tell if/how my speakers are damaged? I have 24" aluminum imac (bought December 2007, whichever model that is), and I was using the internal speakers (I don't normally do this). I was playing an avi file (xvid / mp3 encoding) on, and i struck the space bar to pause it. Instead of stopping, my comp emitted an extremely loud "beep" sound at around 400 Hz, and ever since the audio has been weird. At first it was sorta/really scratchy and broken and a little diminished in loudness, but now it is very quiet, playing sounds at around 1/4 the normal volume. What the hell happened to it?

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MacBook Pro :: Screen With Dust Underneath And Sound Blown?

Dec 13, 2009

I've had a few bad experiences with Apple in the past- namely, going to their Sydney Apple Store to get my logic board repaired, but came out with a scratched bottom case that the Genius couldn't replace. Anyway, six months have passed and my screen has dust underneath it. My speakers have 'blown', well, not really, but they sound very cheap now. My graphics card has also gone a bit wonky. Do you think they'll replace my Macbook Pro this time?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Update From 10.7.2 To 10.7.3 Blown / Time Machine Restore Blown

Feb 6, 2012

summary of events:Update form 10.7.02 to 10.7.3 went wrongAfter Time Machine Restore no more Recovery PartionLost about what to do On Saturday, I startet to update 10.7.2 to 10.7.3 on my MB Pro 15" (2007) Apples Software Update showed the combo update, and so I started download and installation. Just before that, I had run Time Machine on an external USB drive, so I was relaxed.After about 2 hours, the update was still running with no progress. After another hour, I forced a restart. Not very suprisingly, after the login, the wheel beneath the Apple logo kept on running.So I restarted from the Recovery Partition, selected my Time Machine-Backup from the external USB drive, selected my internal HD as target and clicked on "go".While the progress bar showed progress, I waited. Then it seemed to be complete and the MBP restarted. Now I got a folder with a question mark. My heart rate did not yet accelerate, since I had a back up, right? So I restarted again trying to boot from Recovery Partition - BUT, there was no longer a Recovery Partition. Or at least, nothing I could boot from. 

What options do I have? I could get my hands on a DVD that contains an Lion installation from the app store, but that is not the most recent version, as far as I can tell. If I would go that  way:Does the version of the Lion-app matter?Will it create a Recovery Partition?If not, how else could I restore a complete Time-Machine backup?

Naturally, I a am mad as **** at Apple. First, that they abandoned physical media for Mac OS distribution, and secondly that some not so bright lad thought it not necessary to secure the availability of the Recovery Partition under any circumstances short of phyical damage.

Macbook Pro 15, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook Pro :: Getting Static Pop In Audio When Speakers Connected

Sep 26, 2007

Just got my 15 LED SR Macbook Pro. When I plug my bose speakers in at my desk and listen to itunes, I am getting a static pop sound. Should I take it back or is it fixable? By the way, LG panel and no yellow 1/3 of screen. Initially thought it was yellow, but I calibrated it, and now it only looks yellow if viewed from the side. Head on, white. One thing I have noticed, when I watch movies on it in the dark with the brightness turned down (cause this thing is a torch), I am getting quick flashes when a screen has high contrast light and dark. I am very sensative to LCD flat panel TVs that use a colorwheel. Like a JVC dilila, I see rainbows! Is that normal for an led flat panel to see "quick white flashes of light"?

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MacBook Pro :: Awful Static When Plugging Into Speakers

May 24, 2010

Just received my new 15" i7 Macbook Pro today, and I like it a lot, but I'm having one major issue. I get awful static when I plug it in to my speakers via the headphone jack. I had no issues with the speakers on my previous Macbook (from around 2007). I even used the speakers just this morning with the old MB. The static comes whenever a sound is played, whether iTunes, a system sound etc. If there is no sound for a few seconds, it goes away, but immediately comes back the next time there is a sound. The static is fainly present using my Sennheiser headphones, and also with the built-in speakers. But t he sound is horrendous with external speakers. I've seen a lot of people with similar issues while searching the web, but no real solutions. Does anybody know?

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MacBook Pro :: Random Static Noise Coming From Speakers

Oct 8, 2010

I have a Macbook Pro MC666ll/a. It is a core i7 15" with the AG screen. The issue I am experiencing is a random static noise coming from my speakers every now and then. If i have external speakers plugged in then the sound comes from the external speakers. Is this normal?

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IMac :: Extremely Loud Static Noise / System Crashes To Black Screen

Oct 13, 2009

Very occasionally the screen on my iMac (early 08 24") goes blank and it makes an incredibly loud static sound that's independent of the volume control setting. The power then needs disconnecting to restart the machine. Haven't been able to tie it to any specific program. Apple Care asked I leave it on logged in on a new user account (at the time I originally thought it only happened in sleep mode, but have since discovered this is not the case).

It's happened maybe 3 or 4 times in the same number of months. I've only found one similar case on the net, with someone suggesting it was Safari 4 beta, which I've found not to be the case with mine. It's on extended warranty. I think there's something seriously wrong with it (it's already had the hard drive and power supply replaced).

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Mac Mini :: Occasional Static Pop Comes Through Speakers

Mar 17, 2009

I have a new Mac Mini and occasionally (once every couple of hours) a static pop comes through the speakers. These are Logitech Z-2300s that worked fine without this issue on a Windows PC a couple days prior.

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MacBook Air :: Static / Crackling And No Sound

Aug 31, 2014

I've had a late 2010 Macbook Air for over 3 years (February 2011). About a week or two ago I started hearing a strange popping noise every now and then while I was using headphones. I thought it was a problem with the headphones but then discovered the same thing when I used different external speakers. Almost simultaneously the internal speakers started periodically having no sound at all, even though it wasn't on mute. This was previously fixed by restarting the computer, but now the problem is permanent. The popping noise when using headphones has also rapidly worsened, and now crackles constantly and sometimes there is even very loud white noise. This occurs with any program on my computer - web browsers, spotify, itunes etc. I'm using Mavericks but the problem started some time after I installed it. After doing some googling to try to fix it I've tried:

- Turning it off and on again

- Installing AntiPop

- PRAM reset

- SMC reset

- Disabling and reinstalling Adobe on google chrome

- Resetting the sound card with terminal

MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook Pro :: It Has Been Making A Static-y Sound From The Left Side?

Mar 20, 2012

I know this question or thread has been asked a lot, but I started noticing yesterday that my mbp has been making this weird ticking sound.  It was a light clicking sound, and it happened on and off.  However, it was bothering me so I went to best buy (where I bought my macbook) and told them about it; they said they couldn't do anything for me because it probably wasn't my hard drive. They told me to wait until my computer slows down and then bring it in. But today the sound got worse, it sounds like white noise from the tv or some static from a really bad connection.It usually happens when I turn it on and while I'm using it.  Some of my friends think it's over-heating but I doubt that's the case?

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MacBook Pro :: Extremely Hot / Hissing Sound / Slow To Charge

Aug 21, 2014

My Macbook pro has recently (a few weeks now) been giving me trouble. When I connect my charger a few things happen.

1. The chargers "brick" is extremely hot. (Note: this can usually be solved by placing the brick on a hard surface rather than a soft one).
2. My computer becomes extremely hot (Note: placing on hard surface sometimes allows computer to cool down, but not for long).
3. The part of my charger that connects to the port on my macbook is ridiculously hot.
4. A light hissing sound comes from my my computer where the charger is connected 5. My computer is very slow to charge and sometimes doesn't charge at all  

All of this seemed like an easy fix: get a new charger. However, I've used other chargers (from people who have absolutely no issues of their own with them) and I still have the same problems

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook Air :: No Sound From Internal Speakers - How To Get Sound

Sep 26, 2010

For reasons unknown the internal sound option has disappeared from my MBA. The little speaker icon on the menu bar is grayed out and nothing comes from the jack. Internal speakers don't even show up as an option under sound output. I do use an Airport Express for external speakers but it's been playing happily with the internal speakers for months.

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PowerPC :: Mac G5 Dual-Core 2.3GHz - Sound Card Needed For 5.1 Surround Sound Speakers?

Jul 24, 2008

I'm pretty new here, though I posted over a year ago here with a few questions as a beginning switcher. My switch completed in Christmas of 2005 with a late '05 Power Mac G5 Dual-Core 2.3GHz with 1GB RAM and 250GB HDD. I decided to get another monitor and it is a Sony 19" LCD one. I also didn't get any speakers since I used headphones a lot at the time. I recently decided to start using speakers. So temporarily, I am using the Altec Lansing BX1120 2.0 Stereo speakers from Walmart for only $15. They sound great but I would like 5.1 surround sound to watch my DVDs (and to soon upgrade to BluRay & SACD/DVD-A; but that's for another thread later on). Before I go on, I would like to ask questions and provide facts with what my 'puter has. My specific products I'm looking for is at the bottom of this message.

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OS X :: Speakers Unable To Handle High Pitched Sound / Sound Gets Quite

May 1, 2008

I have a 24" aluminum iMac G5. I have never had a problem with sound before, and feel like this problem is isolated to a certain DVD but the DVD works on EVERY other player I own. Everything pretty much plays DVDs, so that's many!

So here's my problem: There's parts of this movie that have very high pitched sounds, like electronic sounds that are just sound effects in the movie. Whenever I get to those parts in this movie (maybe even other movies for all I know, I don't play many) and the sound goes quiet, like the speakers can't handle that high pitched sound.

I feel there must be something I can do about it, right? I just use the regular default DVD player application that pops up when I put a DVD in. I tried playing with that equalizer but nothing changed. Any ideas...?

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MacBook Pro :: No Sound From Internal Speakers?

Sep 6, 2009

I was watching a movie on the bus using my headphones earlier today, and when I got home just now, the internal speakers aren't working. There is a red light coming from the headphone port and the volume can not be adjusted. Is there a software fix, or do I have to take this thing to the genius bar? I restarted the computer, still no dice.

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MacBook Air :: Using Sky Go To TV And Surround Sound Speakers?

Apr 7, 2012

I have skygo, and want to watch it on my tv through HDMI cable, can I use logitech surround sound pc speakers too somehow?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Very Little Sound From External Speakers?

Apr 15, 2012

After upgrading to Lion, there seems to be very little sound coming from my external speakers. Speakers work with other devices but not so much with MacBook Pro.  In iTunes, the volumn slider is maxed out with the speaker volumn on the keyboard maxed out too.  Used to blast out the house, but not now. 

Don't know if it's as a result of the upgrade or not.  I did a PRAM reset but still nothing. 

Mac OS X (10.7.3), external speakers are harmon/kardon

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MacBook Pro :: No Sound From Built-in Speakers?

Apr 26, 2012

I have no sound from my built in speakers and no built-in audio device listed in my settings. They worked yesterday!!

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Only Getting Sound From One Of Headphone Speakers?

May 23, 2012

I have a very new Mac Book Pro, but suddenly I only get sound in one of my headphone speakers. I've restarted it, but it didn't work. Also tried different headphones.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: While Connect To A Tv/sound Of The External Speakers Low?

Aug 5, 2007

I've just purchased a new sr macbook pro 2.4 ghz. when i plug the macbook pro to external speakers, the quality is really bad, no bass, just high tones. I allready checked the equalizer in Itunes and I turned the bass all the way up, but the sound was still horrible...

When I connect my macbook pro to a tv (via dvi to video adaptor) The sound of the external speakers goes even worse. The adapter causes like a weird tone in the bass...

does anyone know how to fix this?

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MacBook :: Speakers Click When The Sound Is Muted?

Aug 2, 2009

When the sound on my MacBook is muted, and there should be a sound playing (FOR EXAMPLE: EMPTY TRASH), the speakers click. It is almost like the sound wants to play, but does not, instead with a click. This happens every time.

EDIT: It also clicks before it plays a sound too. This happens only when the speakers are not used for a long time. Like a few hours.

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MacBook Air :: Cannot Get Sound From My External Speakers (Bose)

May 2, 2012

New MacBook Air...internal speakers work fine.  Have Bose speakers that I just tested on my Dell laptop, so I know they work.  When I plug them into the headphone jack I get no sound.  Volume is up and mute is not on. 

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: No Sound From Internal Or External Speakers?

May 2, 2012

There is no sound coming out of my speakers- internal or external. This problem just recently happened (I didn't get my MacBook Pro with this problem). I have checked and double-checked the sound preferences. Nothing is muted or anything and the correct "device for output" is selected.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: No Sound From Akai RPM3 Speakers?

May 23, 2012

I just got these Akai RPM3 speakers (USB Audio Interface) - but there's no sound. I'm on a MacBook Pro with Windows 7, Boot Camp and no OS X. The speakers work on regular PCs. According to Apple Software Update there's no need to update my Boot Camp (and I can't figure out what version is installed). For what it's worth, I've double-checked all the items in my Akai manual's troubleshooting section. I also have an external USB sound card (M-Audio Audiophile USB) which works just fine. 

MacBook Pro, Windows 7

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MacBook Pro :: Not Recognizing Internal Speakers; No Sound

May 29, 2012

My computer is not recognizing its internal speakers and has no sound. How do I get it to recognize?

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: No Sound Coming Out Of External Speakers?

Jun 28, 2014

where the external speakers i am running through my Focusrite Saffire 6 USB interface have ceased producing any sound at all when linked in to the Macbook Pro . I have plugged them in elsewhere and they are working fine , so that is not the issue .  

i had performed the software update on my Macbook pro to get  OSX 10.9.3 . I have gone in to sound settings and made certain that both input and output are set to the Saffire interface . A signal is certainly coming through and sound can be recorded , so input is fine . I have also done this in both Garageband and Logic , to no avail . However this issue is effecting ALL sound in the sense that nothing is coming out at all from any source . No sound is coming out headphones when plugged in to the interface. 

Thought it might be the interface but this literally happened as soon as i tried using my set up with the new OSX 10.9.3 software installed . Oh and i also get an error message whilst playing a track on garageband : "Error while trying to synchronize audio and midi...Sample rate  42212 recognized , check conflict between garage band and external device". Here's a reminder of gear used : 

-Macbook Pro OSX 10.9.3
-Focusrite Saffire 6 USB Interface
-Yamaha HS50's  

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MacBook :: Plug In Headphones Or External Speakers Won't Get Sound

Jul 12, 2008

I have a problem with the headphone jack of my macbook. When i plug in some headphones or external speakers, it wont get sound to them, just like the headphone jack isn't there and the sound come out from the macbook speakers. The only ones that seem to work are the ipod original ones, but not if insert them completely, they need to be strategically plug in, like half in and half out, and if i move it a bit more the sound goes back to the speakers again. Does anyone knows what this might be and how to fix it? I can't use the warranty, because the warranty time already passed.

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