MacBook :: Installed New Superdrive - Worked At First Now No Respond

Jul 6, 2009

So my regular cd-rom/burner died immediately after my warranty was up, so I went on ebay about bought this $65 superdrive:

I took my macbook apart, managed to crack the keyboard in the process (tack on another $50), and eventually swapped out the drive. Before I reassembled everything I booted it up and the drive took my cd and played it on itunes. So, I put it all back together, every little friggin screw, except like 4 and now the drive won't respond. I can hear it spinning when it boots, but when I log in there's nothing. There's a cd in it, and I can't eject it. When I hit eject, nothing happens, not even the little graphic that appears on the screen. I know its still connected because I hear it spin on start up.

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Intel Mac :: The Burn To The SuperDrive Drive Failed, The Disc Drive Didn’t Respond Properly

Jun 25, 2012

why I get this message when trying to burn photos on to high quality discs."The burn to the SuperDrive drive failed. The disc drive didn’t respond properly and can’t recover or retry." I have just managed to burn some others photos perfectly fine.

iPhoto '11, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Hardware :: Newly Installed Superdrive Not Recognized In IMac?

Oct 19, 2010

The old one crapped out on me, so I installed one from OWC on a iMac6,1, I have taken it apart many times to disconnect it and reconnect it. Could the ribbon be bad? If so, where can I get a part number? Or is it a generic ribbon for superdrives?

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MacBook :: Unable To Charge Battery - Reseting Smc Worked But Not Now

Oct 25, 2010

I have a macbook bought early 08 that just stopped charging. I've tried two chargers and neither work. This happened once before but reseting the smc worked, now neither reseting the smc or reseting the pram worked. Here's what system profile says under power: Quote:

Battery Information:

Model Information:
Serial Number:DP-ASMB016-3828-4e43
Device name:ASMB016
Pack Lot Code:0002
PCB Lot Code:0000
Firmware Version:0110
Hardware Revision:0500
Cell Revision:0102
Charge Information:
Charge remaining (mAh):0
Fully charged:No
Full charge capacity (mAh):0
Health Information:
Cycle count:436
Condition:Check Battery
Battery Installed:Yes
Amperage (mA):0
Voltage (mV):8889

System Power Settings:

AC Power:
System Sleep Timer (Minutes):10
Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes):10
Display Sleep Timer (Minutes):5
Automatic Restart On Power Loss:No
Wake On AC Change:No
Wake On Clamshell Open:Yes
Wake On LAN:Yes
Display Sleep Uses Dim:Yes
Battery Power:
System Sleep Timer (Minutes):5
Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes):10
Display Sleep Timer (Minutes):1
Wake On AC Change:No
Wake On Clamshell Open:Yes
Display Sleep Uses Dim:Yes
Reduce Brightness:Yes

Hardware Configuration:

UPS Installed:No

AC Charger Information:


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Safari :: Google Maps Has Worked Only 1% Of The Time On MacBook Pro?

Apr 10, 2012

why Google Maps has worked only 1% of the time on this MacBook Pro ("MBP")  - either before or after I have undertaken 'Empty Cache' and 'Reset Safari'?All I get is an empty Google maps screen with markers (if I had requested a search). This has been true ever since I had this MBP two years ago and IS UNACCEPTABLE Apple! So that means Google Maps has not worked properly the whole time I have had this MBP I assume this is an attempt by Apple to dissuade us from using Google services because they are a major threat to Apple. 

Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.8Ghz Intel, 4Gb DDR

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MacBook Air :: Slightly Ticker With Superdrive Or Slightly Thinner Without Superdrive?

Jul 27, 2008

I was thinking, for the next generation MacBook Air, would you want a slightly thicker (thickest part is 0.9in, tinnest is ~0.35in) laptop with a built in Superdrive, more ports, etc, or would you perfer that Apple moves away from this with a thinner computer (0.1in thinnest, 0.6in thickest), but with same limited ports.

I would actually perfer thicker with a superdrive, since I want an air but I want it to be like a MacBook but thinner. What do you think? Btw, this is assuming the regular MacBook does not change in size, since that would sway peoples opinions.

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OS X :: Simulator That Can Be Worked In Internet Explorer?

Mar 20, 2009

Am new to Mac OS, I need to work on simulator first before purchasing the MAC OS, any simulator of MAC version will work. The simulator that can be worked in Internet Explorer itself or is there anything that we have to download.

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OS X :: Mouse Worked For Little While But Then Just Stopped Working?

Sep 8, 2009

I have a Bamboo tablet and a wireless mighty mouse. The mouse worked for little while but then just stopped working. It still moves but I cant click on some things and it doesnt change the pointer when i go over text for example. Any one know why?

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OS X :: Snow Leopard - Third Install Worked

Sep 10, 2009

My road to Snow Leopard was a bumpy one. I was given all sorts of bad advice at many forums across the internet, mostly by snobby people. Finally found some helpful adults at the Apple discussions forum who suggested a total re-install of everything. Obviously my upgrade install never worked, as CS4, Quicktime, system dialog boxes were crashing, and MS Office 2004 never opened. Next I tried clean install and migration assistant. That didn't clear up any of the crashing problems either. The third time did work though, and if some of you are experiencing the same crashes, please take note.

You'll need to build up the system back from scratch. Yup, no upgrade, no migration assistant, you'll need to re-install everything with a brand new user account. That's how I finally got Snow Leopard to behave with all my apps, extensions, and utilities. Photoshop CS4 works properly now, MS Office 2004 opens, and no crashing on the system dialog boxes. Eye One Match calibrated my displays with no problems, despite its PPC nature. So now I'm a happy camper, my $29 didn't get wasted, but it wasn't an easy way to make OS X 10.6 work. I do wish Apple had put out some suggestions that a total re-install might clear up some of the bugs. So now I'll just get back to work, because everything works again!

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PowerPC :: G4 Wireless Never Worked - How To Enable

Apr 9, 2010

I'm looking for advice on how to (finally) get wireless internet on my powerbook g4. When I bought it in 2005 the wireless worked poorly. The Genius Bar guys told me that nothing was wrong so I just used an ethernet throughout college. But now I'm done with college and needed my wireless to work better. So I brought it back to the Genius Bar and they told me my wireless card wasn't working properly.

They won't replace is because I'm out of warranty (which is frustrating because they didn't diagnose it 5 years ago, but that's not the point). I replaced the wireless card using one from a friend's old Powerbook (same generation and size, 12"). But now the internet just doesn't work at all. Is there a product I can buy to put in the machine or in the USB Port to enable Wireless Connection.

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Software :: IMovie DVD Once Worked Perfectly Now Not Recognized

Mar 23, 2009

I made a DVD in iMovieHD, which I burned to DVD using Toast Titanium. The disk played and I watched it in different players. I made a copy for my son and he was able to view it on his PC. Now, neither disc is readable. I currently use iMovie 6. The computer does not recognize the disc at all and ejects it. The DVD was of our 2007 vacation to Yellowstone and I still have the still images and DV tape, but I really don't want to remake the video. How can it be possible that a DVD that once worked perfectly, is no longer recognized?

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Software :: Worked For Sometimes Then Display (Please Restart Screen)

May 12, 2009

I have a powermac g4 M5183 that was recently given to me, It worked for a while but then it started sending me to a screen that says "please restart" regardless of how many times I have restarted it. I was wondering if there was either a way to fix this or since I have no files that I'm concerned about saving if there was a way that I could just purchase the newest OS X program and restart everything.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Play Back A Film That Was Worked On VLC (.avi) On Mac

Apr 14, 2012

How can I play back a film that was worked on VLC (.avi) on my Mac?Someone made a Spanish subtitle on my docu-film and sent it to me from Mexico, so I downloaded VLC free download for Mac, but it's not opening on my computer. 

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MacBook Pro :: Why When Open An App (i.e. Word) Some Of The Files Previously Worked On Also Load/open

Feb 28, 2012

Why when I open an app (i.e. Word) some of the files I previously worked on also load/open? How do I prevent this from happening?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Windows On Mac :: Vista Upgrade DVD Worked Fine With BootCamp

Dec 20, 2007

I'm very shocked about what happened today. I convinced my friend to get a macbook pro since he could run windows and mac (and at the same time through vmware fusion) so he went out and got a 17" macbook pro (don't post about how he should have waited for the January update cause already told him and he didn't care). Well he bought a vista upgrade installation dvd through the university of texas and it worked fine with bootcamp.

He purchased it for $34 and had no previous version of xp or any other version of windows for that matter and the upgrade dvd worked fine with the boot camp installation. Is the upgrade version he got through ut different than the standard retail vista ultimate upgrade dvd? All we did was select clean install of windows operating system as the upgrade selection was grayed out since there was no previous version of windows. Then clicked on advanced, formatted bootcamp created disk, and installed

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Intel Mac :: Cannon Printer Worked In Snow Leopard But Not With Lion

Feb 27, 2012

My Mf 4350d printer does not work with lion Mac OS X Lion 10.7.2., it worked with Snow leopard no problem. How to do any changes carefully.

iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Open Files That Worked On In Windows And Be Able To Write Back To The Same Disk?

Feb 20, 2012

I would like to be able to open files that I've worked on in Windows and be able to write back to the same disk. Is this possible? What do I need to do to make this possible?

MacBook Pro 17, Mac OS X (10.6.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Firmware Update Causes It To Not Respond

Mar 24, 2012

I just ran the latest firmware update for my 2011 mac book pro and after it installed it now won't start up, only getting to the gray screen before freezing there. 

I've tried all the on line solutions I can find on Apple's site, but no luck.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Won't Respond After Software Update

May 16, 2012

I just downloaded the latest software update for my 2011 MBP, still using 10.6.8. My desktop loads, but nothing will open or otherwise respond to keyboard or trackpad inputs.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro Trackpad Won't Respond To First Tap At Times

Jun 3, 2012

I have a new late 2011 MBP purchased about a week ago. Everything was smooth until my trackpad stopped responding to the first tap. Have to tap it two times to click on some thing. Everything else including the gestures with the trackpad seems fine.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: IPhoto Opens And Then Does Not Respond

Jun 2, 2014

I have lots of pictures on my iPhoto and would not like to lose them

iPhoto '08

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MacBook Pro :: Will Not Turn On Or Respond To Power Button

Apr 17, 2012

My MacBook pro (15" unibody, non-removable battery) will not turn on. The battery claims to be fully charged. The computer will not respond to the power button in any way. I had turned it on previously by draining the battery completely of any charge (draining power, then pressing and holding down power button for 60 seconds). When this occurred the computer booted up and ran fine. However, when I closed the lid, it turned off immediately, never to return. I'm wondering if this is a problem with the battery, or if it's a problem with the logic board.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7)

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MacBook Air :: Punctuation And Comma Keys Do Not Respond?

May 13, 2012

Macbook Air 11" - 2012 running Lion.

The period and the comma keys appear to be "dead" - not responding, also not when shift or other keys pressed simultaneous.

All other keys appear to function as usual.There was no prior incident - they simply stopped working all of a sudden.

iMac G5, Mac OS X (10.4.7)

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MacBook Pro :: Program That Is Not Responding Ever Respond Without Quitting?

Jun 23, 2014

Working on a final draft and the program stopped responding, it's been about an hour, will it ever start responding again? Do I have to quit the program and lose everything or is there a way of saving this?

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MacBook Pro :: Keyboard Doesn't Respond - Back Light Still On?

Jan 2, 2011

So a friend spilled some liquids on his new macbook pro 13 5,5.Unibody The keyboard no longer worked, the hd was fried, so he gave it to me and switched to PC's . I replaced the HD, and connected an external keyboard.

Luckily nothing else was effected and it powered up. What I find strange is that the back light still works although NONE of the keys do. The power button and the trackpad still work as well.

I have accepted that I have to purchase a costly top case, but could i not just replace the keys?

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MacBook Air :: Bottom Edge Of Trackpad Not Respond Touch?

Jan 11, 2011

I searched the forum about this and found nothing. The bottom edge (a few mm) of the trackpad doesn't respond to touches. Is that normal and how it's supposed to be?

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MacBook :: Firmware Update - Keyboard / Mouse Not Respond

Dec 30, 2008

I recently installed the firmware update for my MacBook and when I restarted the keyboard and mouse were both unresponsive. Even my USB wireless mouse wouldn't work. I am probably going to take it into an Apple Store tomorrow. Oh, and also I booted Windows and my trackpad and keyboard are working fine (How I'm writing this now). Being the retard I am I guess I might have held the power button down. I tried taking the battery out and holding the power key for 10 secs - no use. I tried turning the MacBook on and holding down select+command+P+R (constant boot) - no use.

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MacBook Air :: MBA Keyboard Partial Failure / Wont Respond

Oct 20, 2009

A colleague of mine's MacBook Air (rev b) has suddenly started having an issue with its keyboard - the middle row of keys doesn't response. She has tried rebooting, etc, and the problem continues. No liquid has spilled on the keyboard, and there's no aesthetic reason.

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MacBook :: Won't Turn On No White IR Light And The Fan Doesn't Respond?

Mar 6, 2010

So this morning I woke up and went to press the power button of my Macbook, but nothing happened. I noticed that there is no white IR light and the fan doesn't respond. I checked the battery, it was at full. The power cable was also green when i plugged it into the Macbook. However, it still wouldn't turn on.

Just a general comment, I use the Macbook as a printer server and to browse the internet, so nothing intensive is forced onto the Macbook.So then I tried resetting the SMU, didn't work. I tried turning it on with only battery , and then with only power source, both didn't work either.I have never spilled anything on this macbook, never dropped it, smashed it, or abused it in any way. However, it is 2 years old and I never bought Applecare (Usually, if something is defective, it will show within the first 30 days). I assume it's a logic board failure, and it's going to cost around 700 to fix (which i'd rather just get a new macbook).

I was wondering if anybody know of a reason why the logic board broke, or if there is any remedies that i haven't tried yet?Also, I'm thinking of pawning it off on ebay and then save up and wait for the Macbook Pro refresh. Does anyone have an estimate on how much I can get for a broken Macbook (screen is fine, 4gb of ram (i might replace it w/ 2gb instead) 250 gb HD (might replace with 80gb HD instead), 2.0 ghz c2d (prbly useless cuz the logic board is fried)

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MacBook Pro :: After Upgrading To OS X Lion The Machine After Some Hours Do Not Respond At All?

May 1, 2012

After upgrading to OS X Lion the machine after som hours do not respond at all to either mouse, spacebar or any other keys on the keyboard. Moving the mouse creates a pattern on the display/screen, but no options appear. The machine appears to going to sleep, but is unable to wake up.The only way to make the machine react, is to use the power button.I have changed the settings so that the machine never goes to sleep, but this has no effect.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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