MacBook :: Fans Spinning Fast And Non Stop
Jul 31, 2009
For the last couple of days my fans have been going crazy, spinning at 6200RPM non stop. I installed fan control last month but the issues just started. When I open up fan control it says my fan should be spinning at 4000RPM. I had smcFanControl installed before and its still installed. My bluetooth module over heated yesterday so I used SMC to rev up the fans. I don't know if that is the issue because it isn't running now. I'll try uninstalling that now.
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Aug 3, 2009
Anyone here know if the fans run less now? My Macbook 2.2Ghz fans run a lot and this things HOT a lot of times. Have the computers become cooler running now vs. then? I am interesting in upgrading, but my main concern is the heat. I just don't enjoy a private space heater here in the desert...
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Apr 26, 2009
I just picked up a G4 MDD off ebay. Everything seems to be working fine, and it passed tech tools tests for whatever that is worth. The only thing I noticed is that for about 2 or 3 seconds during boot the fans seem to rev up pretty high, then settle back to normal. Does anyone else with this computer have this issue or has anyone heard of it?
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Jul 28, 2009
The fans on my G5 Pro are running at close to 3000rpm most of the time. I have read other forums and do not think this is normal at all. I started looking into the fans because I am getting frequent kernel panics (black screen crashes) and thought it might be the machine over heating. My CPUs are at about 50C to 52C and the fans are constantly running that fast.
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Jun 6, 2010
I love my MBP half to death but for the past few days my fans have been going non stop. They are currently at 4965 rpm doing just web browsing. Should I get this checked out?
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Apr 10, 2010
So, I got a flashed ATI Radeon HD 4870 off eBay. It's running fine, but it revs for every little thing I do. Every time I scroll on a webpage...It's revving for every letter I type. The faster I type, the louder it gets. If I watch a video, it runs at high speed. The X1900 XT was quiet compared to this thing.It's like it's set to run the fan as high as it can for every little thing that happens. What do I do?
I also just tested it in WoW, and it was getting about 12FPS in Shattrath at full graphics. I think I remember my x1900 getting the same, if not better. Something's gotta be wrong. Now it's just constantly running its fans, and I'm not even doing anything. I'm on my Macbook. My Mac Pro is just sitting there, nothing but the Finder.I'm also not happy with the speed it renders video compared to my dinosaur x1900 XT. Not worth the upgrade. Could the ROM they flashed it with be bad?
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Sep 20, 2010
I just started a video chat on Skype and my MacBook fans started going and are now really loud. Just checked my processes and it said this: Fans are currently at 4550rpm but are now much quieter than when I started writing this.
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Jul 13, 2010
This problem just started happening on my 2005 Power Mac G5 Dual 2.3Ghz Processors.
I activate sleep, and it refuses to wake up again. Then after a few minutes the fans slowly increase in speed until the computer begins to sound like an aeroplane taking off, at which point I'm forced to perform a forced shutdown.
I've resetted the PMU and it doesn't seem to have worked. It is fully up-to-date in Software Update and is running the latest version of OS X Leopard.
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Jul 12, 2009
Ok, so I got a Mac Pro I believe it's a 2007 model or some where along those lines, it's 2.63 ghz quad core.None the less here is what happened.Came home one day to find my USB not working at all it would charge but not connect to the computer.
So I reboot still not working. I turn it off and take a look inside nothing, reseat the ram just to be sure. Ok, turn it on, nothing happens, no screen I hear the fans spinning and the hd spinning.So I take out each card and try one by one to see if any one them are causing a problem nope.As a side note the computer light comes on, but if I like the power button it just shuts right off. Also the computer power up when I put the plug in the back without pressing the on button.
today i took the computer apart to see if I could find any blown caps... hmm nope. Went to the local computer store but they don't test for anything mac so he said I could try out their power tester nothing would light up on the tester but it may have been wrong pins. CD drive showed all voltages but 3.3v.Now im not sure if it's the MOBO or the Power supply is there any way to test this out? or if I toast something else? I have no clue.
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Sep 7, 2010
I'm worried about too much heat and wearing out fans in both the card and my Mac.Below are the conditions, but first:
-Is it normal for this kind of card to run ALL the time? How do I know if it's acting correctly?
-Given the heat and fan speed info below, are my Mac and internal drives OK?
-Am I risking any breakdowns? Due to heat or fans running too much... or?
-Do all graphics cards cause the fans to run like this? Is there a cooler card out there?
-Suggestions to lessen the heat effects... or for another alternative?
MacPro Xeon / Dual 2.66 processor / 4 GB RAM
Radeon HD3870 Card in Bottom slot
E-Sata card in top slot.
No other cards installed
4 Terabyte Internal Drives
Temperatures (in fahrenheit): (via iStat widget)
HardDrives: 110 / 104 / 108 / 97
CPU A: 95
CPU B: 92
Expansion Slots: 95
Ambient: 76
Fan Speeds:
Exhaust: 599
CPU Fan: 499
Power Supply: 599
HD/Expansion: 501
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Jan 1, 2011
Sometimes when I put the display to sleep, my imac's fans will spin really fast until I restart the computer.
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Dec 16, 2008
Originally my iMac G5 (1.6 GHz 17 inch) was failing to boot up. It would get to the grey screen and the apple and it would just stay there and pretend to be a rocket ship with it's little fan whirring as fast as it could after five minutes. So I reset the SMU, fan stopped, still wouldn't boot. Booted it off the 10.5 install cd (which it was running fine until it wouldn't start up). It wouldn't see the Macintosh HD for a while unless you went to disc utility > partitions and changed it from current to one and instead of applying just let it sit there before switching it back to current. Took about 10 minutes of sitting there.
I did disk repair said there was no problem. Disk permission repair said there was a few problems and said it repaired them. To be safe I backed everything up using target disk mode (where the fan tried to play rocket again even though I reset the SMU), erased my hard drive and reinstalled. Now it shuts down randomly when it goes idle, and takes 10 minutes to start up past loading the dock to load the apple bar Mac HD icon and whatever is on the desktop (which is a single empty folder).
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May 25, 2009
I opened up my G5, to install more RAM, and saw that one of the hard drives was unplugged (I just got it used), and so I connected that, blew some compressed air into it, installed the RAM and closed 'er up. Then I tried to power on and it didn't work (No Chimes, just fans spinning, no video, not even the start up chime). So, I disconnected the hard drive, took out the RAM I put in, and closed it, and it still doesn't boot. Same thing. My keyboard is wireless, but the wireless dongle thing doesn't get any power when it is "powered on". The fans are spinning all the time. (Except when it's powered off, obviously)
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May 7, 2008
just received my new MP and noticed the same thing with the 08 Modell which is that the door sits slightly offset on the case meaning theres a little gap about 0,5mm between the closed door and the outer case.
Second my fans "boostA & boostB" are spinning at 1100rpm at idle I thought they should normally idle at around 800rpm? (I read at least)
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Sep 23, 2009
A lot of times, when I close the flash intense web sites, my fans won't stop running until I go into activity monitor and force quit flash. This is very irritating and kills my battery life. I feel like I am constantly playing the sims 3 even if I am not doing anything. Also, are there varying levels of how much flash you're using? For example, if you're on youtube is that just as bad as being on macrumors and looking at flash based ad banners?
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May 9, 2010
So my question is.....has anyone tried to dampen the sound of the hard drive from the inside? eg. putting some sort of cloth or tape on it. I can actually dampen the sound from the outside by covering the palm rest with my palm and pressing down. But I would like to get rid of the sound without doing this.
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Oct 2, 2006
I have a 1.8Ghz dual processor G5, 1GB Ram, 80GB HDD, with OS X 10.4.7 installed and all current updates, and today I was working on it and the fans on it slowly started speeding up, and then everything on the screen disappeared and a mesage appeared stating that a restart was required. After restarting everything seems to be working fine, but I'd like to know if this is a fluke or if I have a serious problem.
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Feb 16, 2012
Exactly the same issue on Macbook Air and new iMac both running Safari 5.1 and Lion 10.7.3
When I open Safari it does not open a page, it just shows a spinning beach ball and shortly after the fans kick in and the activity monitor shows 1 webprocess at 99 - 100% or sometimes 2 web processes at 50/50% all coming from the User. When I inspect the process it says it's "Parent Process (Safari 450)"
When I quit safari the web processes stay at 100% and will only stop when I quit them in activity monitor. I have reset Safari but no joy. Firefox etc works fine. The only update I ran was a 1Password update but they say it's not them.
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Mar 20, 2012
How do I stop the wheel of death in Word?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 4, 2009
My parents have an older 20-inch white Intel iMac that has run great through the years. But about a week ago it just started spinning the CPU fans up to 3500-4000 RPMs and it won't bring them back down. Istat shows that the CPU temp is around 90 degrees and the computer remains cool to the touch.
So it isn't overheating. My parents keep it off most of the time because they don't want to ruin it, but they're planning on using it in their business they're trying to start up. We've done some web searches and nothing seems to fix it.
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Mar 27, 2009
Brand new 2009 octo, with the 2.2x ghz CPUs. Turn it on, start NO apps. Let it sit idle. Within a few minutes the fans ramp up to FULL jet engine speed. I can't hear people on the telephone. And never stop. Let me reiterate that I am running NO apps. My load averages are in the zeros.
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Feb 15, 2010
I was wondering if anyone has had this problem or would be able to help me out.I've installed Windows 7 on my 2006 mac pro (mac pro is still in Leopard 10.5 and have'nt used any bootcamp drivers). Everything installed fine and seems to work ok but after about 30mins or so all the fans appear to shut down which can't be a good thing. Should I've installed it with Snow Leopard?
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Oct 14, 2006
I have an external 300gb seagate firewire drive, and I like to keep it attached, and on at all times, as it holds my media files. The problem is, it's constantly spinning down (which I don't mind... I don't like HD failure), the problem is when I attempt certain actions (for instance, putting the computer to sleep (there are many more, I just can't name them all)), my computer has to wait for the ext. hard drive to spin up adding several seconds to whatever action I am attempting to do.
So I guess my question is rather than stop the hard drive from spinning down, is there anything I can do to eradicate the time it takes for it to spin up again?
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Feb 8, 2012
Help! My internal fans speed up on boot (sounds like a jet engine!) and don't ever stop! My machine doesn't get past this phase, either. I have reset the SMC, and was cleaning the system for dust, etc, just before this situation occurred. After the cleaning, I was able to boot up fine. Then I had to re-open the machine and adjust something. I put the panel back on, rebooted, and the fans churned up like a Blackhawk helicopter, and didn't stop! So, I unplugged the power supply, waited ten minutes, then reconnected the power supply and powered the machine on. The same result! The fans just don't stop.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Jun 17, 2012
What to do when wheel won't stop spinning
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Jan 6, 2011
Whenever I wake up my 27" iMac from its sleep mode, it awakes with the spinning ball.
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Feb 24, 2010
I replaced my superdisk with a 500 Gb Seagate drive in an optibay enclosure (unibody MBP running 10.6.2). The drive mounts fine on startup, and has not exhibited any unpredictable behavior in the file system, but it frequently ejects and provides me with this unhelpful message:The disk was not ejected properly. If possible, always eject a disk before unplugging it or turning it off. To eject a disk, select it in the Finder and choose File . Eject. The next time you connect the disk, Mac OS X will attempt to repair any damage to the information on the disk.
Once the drive ejects it is not visible in disk utility. I can hear it spinning continuously, but cannot access the drive. Moreover, I cannot access the drive unless I fully shut down the system and then reboot. A restart is often not sufficient to get the drive back up, but a full shutdown has worked every time so far.
The behavior seems to happen when the computer sleeps. I noticed that it would also happen sometimes if I handled the computer roughly by setting it down jarringly, so I took the whole thing apart, and reseated the drive within the enclosure, but the drive still ejects frequently, about once per day.
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Mar 8, 2012
the spinning wheel will not stop on iMovie
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Mar 29, 2012
How to stop the spinning ball after trying to install V10.7.3?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2), The JPG Format worked on my last OS
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May 11, 2012
how to stop the spinning rainbow in imovie
Info:iMovie '08, iOS 5.1.1
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