MacBook :: Fans Going Loud When Websites Visited With Flash Video
Jan 20, 2009
Well, I am considering buying the new MacBook or the MacBook Pro. I currently have a whitebook and I would like to ask the alu MacBook users the following question. Is the alu MacBook fans going really laud when you visit web sites with flash videos or when you watch youtube videos. I am asking that because my whitebook is getting laud as hell then I perform the above actions and if the alubook is doing the same I am considering buying the Pro, which is match more quite.
A lot of times, when I close the flash intense web sites, my fans won't stop running until I go into activity monitor and force quit flash. This is very irritating and kills my battery life. I feel like I am constantly playing the sims 3 even if I am not doing anything. Also, are there varying levels of how much flash you're using? For example, if you're on youtube is that just as bad as being on macrumors and looking at flash based ad banners?
On websites that use flash player for video chat I just can't send my video stream trough my external usb Ligitech webcam.
The situation is: when opening the Adobe Flash Player settings menu-video-select I tend to send webcam video I only have the option of sending trough the "USB video class video": the isight built-in webcam of my MacBook and don't have my Logitech webcam on the list.
The fact is: I have an external usb webcam (Logitech and works with mac) and the Flash Player video options don't allow me to choose the Logitech webcam instead of the iSight buil-in webcam.
Do you have or know any solution/add on/software to my problem? I'm getting crazy with that! I just wanna tell to my MacBook to run always the Logitech webcam instead of the iSigth built-in webcam when I'm on websites that use Flash Player for video chat.
I'm a new Mac-user having used PC:s for 25 years. On my Windows Desktop it was easy to place new icons with shortcuts to websites I often visit. I have tried to do this on my Mac, creating Bookmarks, exporting them to Desktop. Iicons appear. But when clicked they don't connect with the webaddresses I have given.
I have read Q&A from someone who tried to give similar shortcuts to customers, but I did not understand the answers. I'm Swedish and Mac Keyboard and Desktop menues etc are in Swedish so the exact terms in English may be difficult to translate. My problem is different since it's only on my Mac I need the shortcuts/icons/links.
I use a Fortigate router and would like to track what sites are visited by the people using my network. Was told if you set up a syslog server we can dump the information from the fortigate to it.
I am using a MacMini server 10.6 and would like to know the best way of going about this. Is there a program out there I can use?
Anyone else experiencing this? My fans have been going pretty much nonstop audibly since the 10.6 install. The "normal" for the fans is about 2000rpm, and now they RARELY dip under 3000, and the "new norm" is a very audible 4000-5000rmps.
I have an early 2010 MBP (13 inch) whose RAM I upgraded to 8GB and the hard drive I upgraded to 750GB.Ever since I installed OSX Lion it takes ages to boot up (far slower than Snow Leopard which booted up almost instantly from turn on).Furthermore, when running, it gets very hot when running Windows virtualisation software inside OSX (VMWare Fusion 4/Parallels Desktop 6/7 - same results) and the fans turn on and become noticeabley loud.The machine is still under Applecare Warranty, is there anything I can do myself to resolve this, especially the heat/noisy fans?Is it due to having to work harder to virtualise Windows inside OSX and so run both systems concurrently, thus requiring more resources?
So I got my macbook pro yesterday and I've been doing some basic stuff on it. While I was installing World of Warcraft, the computer jumped up about 101 degrees celcius. I know I shouldn't trust istat pro 100% but still, my fans are running super loud and the computer is very hot to touch. I'm not running any heavy programs or doing any gaming. I had Aol Instant Messenger on, and WoW instaling in the background. I'd like to also add that when opening various programs I get the spinning beachball very often.
I notice that while streaming a movie, watching a dvd or playing a game my hard drive fan is so loud, its annoying. I have a 2008 White Macbook and i replaced the stock hard drive with a western digital 5400rpm 320gb and I only have 1gig of ram. I have no problem replacing the hard drive for a 7200 but i just need to know if its worth it. If i were to upgrade the ram to 2gigs would that solve the problem? Is it possible to install a 500gig drive into the white macbooks?
Today my Macbook has suddenly begun to act slow and the fans are running quite loud. I read online that I should try checking the activity moniter, and I did this, and a program is currently taking a large portion of my CPU. However, I am unable to quit it and I'm sure it is the problem. In one of the description fields it is lableled "root" and says "kernel_task".
I have a MacPro 2.66 quad-core intel. 4gb ram. I have a hard-drive from my old Powermac that i upgraded to 10.5.5 for this computer. Everytime I put my computer to sleep, and then wake it back up. The fans spin up to maximum speed and all the fans are running really loud and then after about a minute all spin to normal speed.
I have a Power Mac G5 that turns on but there is no chime- a black screen and after 3-4 minutes the fans start running flat out and get loud. I have tried unplugging everything- plugging it all back up, starting and holding down command option P & R but nothing is helping. It has no apple care so they will not help troubleshoot it.I turned it on tonight and it powered up fine- Then as i was checking mail the screen went black.
I just received my new Mac Pro from apple on Saturday. This thing is a beast! I am planning on running apps from Final Cut Studio 3, Photoshop, After Effects, and others. 2.66 Quad/6GB RAM (OWC)/640GB HD/ATI 4870
I have a few questions. 1.) Is it normal for the Mac Pro's fans to make a lot of noise when you first start it up or wake it from sleep? My fans make a lot of noise for about 16 seconds or so. 2.) I am planning to put a second optical drive in it. Is there a way to eject only one tray at a time, or will it do both?
Now, I am selling my iMac for around $800 and I am looking at some upgrades: An additional 21.5" Acer LCD display A mini display port to dvi adapter A LG blu ray burner Two 1TB samsung internal HDs A blu ray player (I do not have one yet) Elgato Eye TV hybrid
I have a DP 2.7 G5 Tower and lately I come into my office to find it with dark screens (dual monitor setup), and I am unable to in any way control it by the mouse or keyboard. I imagine it's "hung?" The fans are on full blast and it sounds like it's planning to take off at any moment. I've awakened in the middle of the night by the sound of it and it's in that same state. What to do? I restart it at the power button. I then have to run Disk Utility to verify all the disks and RAID setups.
Anyway, I read about the coolant leaks issues. I started running a temperature monitoring program for the past few months, and its been doing about the same type of pattern since I started monitoring it. Doesn't appear to be unusual. Everything appears to be working fairly well, except for this issue. System is OS X.4.11, and checks out fine with Disk Utility. So far the hard reboots haven't done any damage to my disks, but it worries me greatly. Also the "liquid cooled" aspect worries me greatly.
Information: Multiple Macs iMac G5 & PowerMac G5 Mac OS X (10.4.10) Liquid Cooled
I was out of town so this description was second hand but the computer has been running a little weird for a while. When I have too many apps open or on a website that has a lot going on...the computer starts revving up until I quit out of everything and let it slow down. I guess while I was gone, this happened but nobody quit out the apps and it eventually turned the screen black. When I tried restarting it sounds like the computer is working but the screen is black so I can't see if it is booting up or not. I took the monitor into the apple store yesterday and it started up right away for them. It's a cinema 23" I think.
I've had problems with my Mac for a while now. First of all, it indicated ram problems with 2 beeps. I later fixed this by moving and changing around modules. It was solved, but now a new problem. The Mac seems to turn on, making its iconic sound for startup, but the screen remains black. After about a half to one minute, the fans go crazy and I have to shut it off. I've tried a few things like holding shift or alt, but that doesn't work as it doesn't even display a white screen.
I need to know what to do and I don't really have the time to buy new parts right now. I'm really a windows based pc fixer by the way so I'm new to fixing macs.
My powerbook started having trouble playing videos or loading websites with flash content. Then it started flickering like a strobe light whenever the screen was predominately white or similar light color. Within several days my screen went black! I assumed my screen had gone out on me. I hooked it up to a HP monitor which I am using right now. It displays fine on there. But I cannot stand being mobilized! I am going to buy a new Macbook or Macbook Pro. When they update. However, it would be amazing if I could use my Powerbook as a laptop, until then. That is when I discovered if I hold down the F2 key to make the screen light up it will light up for..... 2-3 seconds before flickering and fading to black. The fact its able to light up at all, leads me to believe the screen is not completely gone. Does this sound like the videocard to anyone else. I really don't want to buy one and find out its not it. And anything else to try and fix wouldn't be worth the money.
I was watching Apple's event on quicktime , and the whole 1:30 hour show streamed with no pre-downloading on my slow internet connection(512kbs at best) while youtube videos of 5 and 10 min will take very long time to load, actually they won't stream ever, all the time they will need to be downloaded at first, this goes for html5 AND flash. what is this technology apple is using to stream video? Why can't other websites utilize it as it is much more convenient? can you benefit using it on your own personal website?
I am so used to using my MBA with no noise at all. Mostly my fan is around 2000 rpm.. MBA is very quiet. However when I do video chat in skype. Fan goes as high as 5500 rpm...and I hear the fan noise. Is there anyway to video chat without the fan noise?
Are others experiencing this? I'm having issue getting a good solid answer after googling for quite a while. Some of the threads I have read also lead to no end result.
When I watch any videos, no matter what it is, after about 2 minutes my black macbook heats up and then run at fan speeds of 3600-4800rpm and it's super annoying and hot. As soon as I turn off the video, it cools down back to 1800 RPM and runs at 62 degrees. Sooooo odd.
I went to the genius bar and the guy there said that it is probably due to the fact that Snow Leopard takes advantage of the dual-core processor. I don't understand why it needs to utilize this processor where as it never had an issue on leopard before I upgraded.
I've also read that reloading the OS doesn't seem to help. Is this a common issue? Should I go back to Leopard?
I've only noticed that expose` is a little bit fancier on SL but other than that, I do not notice much of anything that is different.
Just purchased a MacBook Pro Retina, refurbished (because why not - the same product for a cheaper price) around a month ago. It's the 13 inch and is the model before the most recent one came out (4GB of RAM instead of 8GB - late 2013). From the very first day, playing a full-screen video on any site (be it YouTube, Facebook, etc) just makes the fan much louder than usual (so loud that you can almost hear it more over the video itself). Thought it may have been just a thing with Flash Player being buggy, but the problem has persisted for a while now. I'm not even pushing the CPU to any limits - literally playing a full-screen video on Facebook (not even in HD) makes the fan go crazy.
Just last night I tried installing Borderlands 2 and it was the same thing - FPS rate was fine, no lag, just the fan was so loud that I actually got scared for my computer and turned it off. After closing the app and checking out the fan temperature, it was at 91c.
Never happens when browsing/surfing or doing my usual work.
Should I go give it back to Apple? The thing is I start university in less than a week (and hence will be traveling), so not sure if I can afford to give my laptop in to them for a long period of time (I know it should be free though since mine is a refurb item). May it just be an issue that is quickly repairable or is this worse?
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Refurbished
I am new here but have been using Mac machines since 5 years however the problem I am having these days is driving me crazy and I can't seem to find a solution.
Basically every time I try to watch a Flash related streaming website [URL] my computer crashes (I have read of browsers crashing before but not an actual crash by the entire Computer, scary) and I must reboot pressing the Power button.
I am almost sure it is a Flash issue because of three things: first, I thought this could have been some sort of Virus and decided to format my Computer (late 2006, iMac Power PC, version OS X 10.4.11, 2.16 GHZ Intel Core Duo) only to later find out that the problem was still there, second because when viewing the actual stream I have opened Activity Monitor and noticed how the % of CPU was absolutely above any acceptable average for the browser I was viewing the live stream with (touched 94% on [URL] and [URL]) and was still very high but not high enough to cause the crash for YouTube (about 45%) and last but not least when I uninstalled Flash my Computer was going very well and showed no sign of problem.
This happens with both Safari and Firefox and I have no idea on how to solve it.
I watch Baseball games and live streams very often and this is causing me a serious headache! I have tried to downgrade to Flash Version 9 but [URL] requires Version 10 and for other websites the issue was still there.
I want to create a simple flash movie (I don't yet own or know how to use Adobe Flash). Pretty flowers in the background, inspirational music, passages from the Bible or something fading in an out... you know the schtick. Maybe convert it to a screen saver.
I just bought my MacBook Pro last week. When I power it up, it makes a loud noise for about a second and a half. I think it's the hard drive starting up or the disc drive. I'm not sure which one, but it's pretty loud, so I was just wondering if anyone else noticed this and if it is normal.
I recently purchased a Mac Book Pro. I have had a PC for years. I've discovered that Apple doesn't allow flash player and I have membership in two greeting card websites. Now that I've already paid a yearly membership in both, I'm out of the money and I can't send cards.