MacBook :: Broken Top Case Ribbon Cable (Keyboard And Trackpad)
Jun 2, 2010
Unfortunately I seem to have broken the cable to the top case (keyboard and trackpad) of my older black MacBook 4,1 A1181. A top case from another black MacBook works immediately on the machine, so I know the error is found and I need the top case fixed now. Do you know if it's possible to fix/replace that cable, or do I need to buy a whole new topcase with both keyboard and trackpad?
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Jan 16, 2010
I was doing an upgrade of the hard drive in a MBP and unfortunately when I removed the keyboard the ribbon cable attaching it to the MBP's Logic Board came off and I can't figure out how to reattach it. I know it there has to be a way to reattach it but I don't want to attach it wrong and have something short out. How would I go about reattaching it?
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Jan 16, 2010
I was doing an upgrade of the hard drive in a MBP and unfortunately when I removed the keyboard the ribbon cable attaching it to the MBP's Logic Board came off and I can't figure out how to reattach it. I know it there has to be a way to reattach it but I don't want to attach it wrong and have something short out. How would I go about reattaching it?
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Jan 16, 2010
I was doing an upgrade of the hard drive in a MBP and unfortunately when I removed the keyboard the ribbon cable attaching it to the MBP's Logic Board came off and I can't figure out how to reattach it. I know it there has to be a way to reattach it but I don't want to attach it wrong and have something short out. How would I go about reattaching it?
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Jan 7, 2011
I had a bit of an accident and dropped some coffee on my Macbook Pro 13" Unibody. It's been about a week, I didn't touch anything because I wanted it to dry but it seems something went wrong and the keyboard just won't work anymore. The backlight still works and the trackpad still works too, although it has gotten a bit sticky (like the keyboard). I didn't have AppleCare for this computer, and am still in my first year of warranty.
Is there any chance that I could work out a deal with Apple about buying AppleCare and them fixing this? Considering AppleCare would be 219.99 since I am a full-time student, this would be a way better deal for me then having to pay for the Uppercase (which, as it seems, is the only way to fix my keyboard) which starts at around 280$, plus labour (which I would do myself). Otherwise, does anyone know a good website for refurbished parts for Macbook Pro (in my case, the Upper case with keyboard and trackpad)?
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Nov 29, 2009
I want to start modding my macbook and had a few questions. When replacing the topcase, is it hard to re-apply the ribbon that connects the topcase to its connector? And how would I go about removing and re-attaching the screen bezel? Is it difficult?
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Jun 9, 2009
I just broke my mighty mouse today accidentally, I was just trying to fix the little ball inside of mouse. It was really HARD to open my mouse, I hate apple for making this product the wrong way. I notice once I finished cleaning the inside that I broke the ribbon off I don't know when it happened. Is there any way to fix this green ribbon strip its been cut in half? The green strip connects to the top part. The mouse does still work for 1 st left click but not right click or the sides. I wish I never done this in the first place. I have tried connecting the the ripped green strip by a piece of tape, but doesn't seem to work at all. Here is picture of the green strip my talking. This picture was found on the internet. [URL]
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May 29, 2008
I have a powerbook g4 15" 1.5Ghz. My VRAM is shot and my computer keeps on going into panic mode or gets hot and just stalls and I have too reboot manually. I just purchased another logic board off of ebay, yes I'm a very brave guy, I installed the new/used logic board and I now see that the ribbon cable recepticles for the keyboard and finger pad are not on the new logic board. Obviously I bought the wrong board. Is it possible to still use it somehow like buy a new top plate or buy an external keybord? The top plate I have now has the fat ribbon cable and also the small one. Can I just get the proper cables? If so which ones are they?
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Dec 4, 2009
I have a broken lower case near the cd super drive entrance. My macbook pro is a early 2008 Peryn one. I was wondering if you guys know what kind of product I could use to make it stick right there. Would you guys just leave it alone, not try to glue it or something? Here are some pictures: [URL]
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Jun 6, 2010
I just purchased a new 15inch Macbook Pro. Upon opening it, the first thing I did was drop my alarm clock on it. This put a little dent on the top front behind the screen. This made me realize that maybe I should pick up a hardshell case to prevent anymore dents. But, upon investigation, there are no hardshell cases that fit the magsafe cable.Or is this not true? Are there brands besides Speck and incase that would fit the new MBP?
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Nov 24, 2009
I've had my 13" unibody Macbook Pro for a few months now and I've loved it, until now. The delete key on my keyboard has almost completely broken. It doesn't pop like the other keys. It's muddy and now unresponsive, working only 1 out of 3 hits. Additionally, my track pad doesn't register every click now. It works at about the same rate, 1 out of 3 or so. Should I take it in to an Apple Store? The nearest one to me is about an hour and a half away.
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Jan 11, 2010
A while back, I spilt milk on my Macbook and the CD drive and click function of my trackpad stopped working. I think my warranty has expired and so I am wondering if there are any affordable solutions to fixing at least my CD Drive without buying the $100 MacBook Air External Drive.
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Nov 13, 2009
So my friend was using his MacBook and went to do something else. He came back and the screen was black, he hit space and nothing, tried the trackpad and nothing. He restarted by holding the Power button, and it go to the log-in screen, but he can't type anything, or use the trackpad. He has tired restarting several times and no luck. He also tried an external Keyboard/Mouse and that didn't work.
He did plug in a Flash drive and the light turned on, so the USB ports are at least getting power, but nothing is working.
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Jul 12, 2009
I went to the apple store the other day to see if the top case of my (late 2008) MacBook's top case could be replaced (due to some sort of discoloration in the metal). Anyway, they are replacing it free of charge, but i was just wondering if i could tell them to use the top case of the 2.4 GHz MacBook (I have the 2.0 GHz, doesn't include backlit keyboard). I realllllllly want this backlit keyboard, and a replacement by myself is totally out of the question. Please help, i really need a shiny keyboard
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Dec 18, 2009
I might be getting a mbp soon and I want to switch out the keyboard/top case. Is it hard to do? It's a unibody model.
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Jul 15, 2010
I am in the market for a keyboard skin for my 2010 13" MBP. I looked at the Moshi but apparently there is a heating issue. What keyboard skins, if any of you use it, do you guys recommend? And did Speck update their shell cases for the MBP yet?
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Sep 1, 2009
I thought it was my trackpad, but its doing it with my external mouse too. I used to be able to doubletap on the titlebar of an app and it would minimize. Genie effect is enabled, but it doesn't work...????
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Jun 25, 2012
Getting a new MacBookPro with high res anti-glare screen.I type with two fingers, and often look at the keyboard.
For eye comfort, and to prevent retinal after-images, I'd like all the aluminum dull black. I found tape and fabric to cover up most of the top case and the bezel, but the keyboard is a challenge. KBCovers does not produce a keyboard cover which will be black at the bases of the keys and clear over the keys, which would allow the backlit keyboard to transmit. So first choice is a keyboard cover which has black everywhere there's aluminum, and has clear for the keys. Second choice is an all clear keybooard cover and I'll adhere black to the aluminum around the keys (and top case).
Anyone aware of such keyboard covers ?
Anyone aware of such top case covers ?
(ColorWare voids a three year AppleCare, so ColorWare is not an option)
Never understood Apple's engineering design of making a screen anti-glare and anti-reflective, while making the remainder of the computer glaring and reflective and contrasting. Ye olde black MacBook is such an eye-pleasing and comfortable design.
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Feb 23, 2010
I have a mid-2007 Macbook Pro (A1226). I accidentally spilt soup on it, and now the "z, x, c" keys no longer work. The apple store said I need a keyboard replacement. However, do you think that if I take apart the keyboard and clean it with rubbing alcohol, it will fix it? Or if not rubbing alcohol, what kind of solution could I use?
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Jul 27, 2010
The weary saga of an unhappy Macbook Pro. I helped my mom buy a 2.2Ghz Santa Rosa MBP from a fellow I know who was upgrading. Decent shape, but apple care was expired: $500. All was good until she dropped it and cracked the display. She brought it with her to visit me and see about my replacing the screen. My daughter went in to say goodnight to her the other night and knocked a can of seltzer on it! Now the keyboard is not working. The computer boots up fine, runs applications fine, works with an external monitor and the trackpad works, but only a few keys work and those that do repeat.
So, the screen: replacing screen seems to be $200-250 in parts plus my labor (ifixit tutorial looks daunting! I'll replace a HD any old day, but this makes me a bit apprehensive) or $350 labor included from techrestore site. The keyboard: A replacement keyboard from ifixit is $87. Is there a way to tell if it's just the keyboard or a problem on the logic board other than taking mine apart and swapping out parts (I have the same model)? Is the screen replacement that difficult? I'm reasonably capable, but it looks daunting. Putting $3-450 into the computer seems to be still worth it since she can't afford a new computer (not even this really) and other than the replaceable broken parts it's still a solid machine.
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Feb 9, 2009
I recently changed the batteries on my wireless Apple Keyboard. When I turned the Mac back on the keyboard wouldn't connect. Confused, I went in to system preferences where I got this message. I've searched for the problem in Apple Support on their website but to no avail. I have Applecare. Is this something I need to take up with them? Should I take my Mac to a genius bar?
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Dec 25, 2008
I've got a black plastic MacBook running Leopard 10.5.6. My laptop was running sluggishly, but no real problems, so I restarted it, and now the keyboard and trackpad don't work at all. I've tried resetting the PRAM and SMC (the keyboard did work in letting me reset the PRAM, but nothing works once it boots to the login screen.)
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Jun 15, 2009
The other day my battery died on me and after I had plugged it in and restarted, I was unable to enter in my password at the login screen because the keyboard and trackpad wouldn't respond. I tried repairing the disk and permissions but I still can't get past the login screen. I know I can always reinstall leopard but there are a few files I haven't had the chance to backup. Any way to get back those files before I reinstall?
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Dec 24, 2009
i'm having problems with my keyboard and trackpad freezing at times. Sometimes it will freeze completely, no keys working except for the power button. other times it will freeze for just a few seconds then unfreeze itself. the first scenario is esp bad because if im working on a project or typing a paper and it freezes, im SOL. sometimes it'll even freeze u when i turn it on. when the main screen comes up i cant move the mouse and the aforementioned problem starts. sometimes i have to turn it on and off 3 or 4 times before i can use it again. also, my keys sometimes "stick", and by stick i mean they will repeat itself after i've stopped touching the key. it's not literally stuck down, but it keeps putting the same letter (or doing the same function) until i push a couple more buttons.
anyone have similar problems? i've tried everything i can think of. the only thing left is to reformat the hard drive. I want to use time machine afterwards but i'm afraid if its a software issue, i'll just put it back on my computer after the reformat.
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Jan 4, 2010
Yesterday i was chatting on Adium !! then the keyboard stopped "working" or typing anything the CAPS lock not responding ! tried to use the trackpad but it's not responding too ... i use my MBA every day .. So ... i found out the problem is not with the hardware it's in the software and the only way to solve this is by reinstalling the Osx or something like that ... but how the hell am suppose to run the Osx dvd without clicking the (Alt) or the (c) cuz the keyboard is not working .... ooh ya y usb is still working am typing this from my usb keyboard (yes i tried using it with the installation) but it's not working .
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Jun 22, 2012
My keyboard and trackpad have no response sometime in cold environment like winter. So I have to hold down the power button to shut the macbook. When restarted, everything will be fine. In winter if i leave the macbook sleep over a night , when i use it the next day this problem must appear.But in summer ,it never happens. And i also find when keyboard and trackpad have no response, the usb mouse can still work. So it is not a crash.
My laptop is macbook pro (373) 15' 2010 mid.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 26, 2014
I have a macbook air which trackpad and keyboard doesn't work.
I have searched the forums and tried the most. Here is a list SMC-ResetPRAM-resetCompletely Clean install of 10.9.3 (ongoing)Repaired permissionsChecked if trackpad settings were wrongClose-Open lid to see if that did the trick I have maybe forgotten something, but as you can see I have tried a lot.It all began after the computer being on for over 1 day.When in the login area the OS tells me that no keyboard was found after like 2-3 minutes. Other external devices works just fine. The funny thing is however, the keyboard works when starting up. It's possible to do commands, and if I hold option down to select a start disk the keyboard works here (I can use the arrows to select a startdisc), and when the computer is asleep I can wake it up by pressing the trackpad. So..
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Sep 12, 2014
MBA late 2013 mavericks
opened up my MBA and my trackpad and keyboard were unresponsive. However in recovery mode they are. Only when mavericks has booted.
reset pram with no luck.
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Sep 27, 2010
Just out of the blue, the trackpad stopped working tonight. I restarted but the problem remains. Plan Z would be to bring it into the Apple Repair Shop. Found this link, but not sure if it is the correct way to fix this.
17" MacBook Pro
OS X 10.5.8
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Oct 15, 2010
I've been having this problem with my Macbook Pro for quite some time now, and it's absolutely infuriating. So far, I've found no solution. As it is out of warranty, I am loathe to take it to the Apple store, but I am beginning to fear I will have no choice. I've got an early 2008 15" MBP with the NVIDIA 8600M GT 512. It spends most of its time in use as a desktop machine, with a keyboard, mouse, and monitor connected, so I don't notice the problem often. However, any time I take my Mac mobile, I am plagued by this issue. What happens is that, seemingly at random, the keyboard and trackpad will completely stop functioning. The only way to get around the problem is to connect a mouse and reboot, which returns things to normal for a few minutes, then it happens again. If I have no mouse, I have to force-shutdown, as the power key still works.
Sometimes the keyboard and trackpad will shut down all at once, and sometimes they will fluctuate for a while, with keystrokes not registering and trackpad motions not happening. Sometimes keys will stick (not physically) sending a character repeating across the screen until I hit another key. But, in the end, the result is the same: no input functionality, necessitating a reboot. Sometimes I am able to use my MBP for long periods without a problem. Sometimes it happens within minutes. It happens when it's hot, it happens when it's not. There seems to be no real consistency. For a long time I thought that it was a software issue as it never happened while booted into windows. But recently it has happened while booted into Windows 7, though it never happened in XP. The motherboard has been replaced recently, and the issue did not go away.
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