Do the batteries on the unibody develop a memory like cell phones do if you keep charging them before the battery is drained completely or almost dead? I don't want to kill the battery life and was just curious if apple had maybe done something in the cpu to control that?
I am getting a very short battery life out of my "New" A1261 battery - we're talking 2.5 hours tops. I've recycled it a few times, but this is no where near the "7" hours that is quoted.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
We all know that you could never have enough memory in our computers, so I have a fairly simple question to ask. When OS 10.6.0 comes out a.k.a. Snow Leopard, will all the Intel Core 2 Duo machines have an increased ram capacity. It looks more and more everyday as if 4GB is becoming a standard in machines and all across the board (Dell,Hp,Apple) computer these days are handling 8GB of ram with ease. So does anybody know if when Snow Leopard comes out, will there be a potential for my MacBook to contain 8GB of ram.
I have a 15" MBP (2.66Ghz, late 2008), I usually don't have WiFi turned off, so I just wanted to know how long does it usually last with WiFi off and semi-high brightness setting for the display. The only activity is typing in Word and maybe a few non intensive Photoshop stuff.
I'd like to get an estimate because I have no power adapters where I'll be using it.
I did some google searches, but could not find anything that was exactly my issue. I have a 2008 MBP unibody. If the MBP is on battery only and I close the lid, the notebook shuts down completely. This is even when the battery is fully charged. However if while plugged in and I do the same, the computer "sleeps" as advertised. I have reset both the SMC and PRAM to no avail. The main thing that bothers me is it seems like when this happens on battery, its almost as if the computer is getting a hard shut down. The machine acts as if the battery was pulled while the lid was closed and this is obviously not good for the hardware or sofware.
I Have an October 2008 Macbook Unibody 13.3 and after installing Lion the CPU fan stays permanently on and the battery drains in 2 hours. What can I do to fix this?
Info: MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Just bought a new MBP Unibody and I'm loving it so far. My friend has the one with the single graphics card and he's claiming 6-7 hours of battery life on a single charge with the screen lit a little under half. I set mine the same way and I don't get as much battery life. I have the one with the dual video cards. Is that going to cause the battery to drain faster and if so, can I disable the second video card when I'm not doing intense graphics processing?
Just ordered 2 x 2GB memory for my MacBook.I did replace the hard drive when I bought it, but did not have the right screwdriver, so ended up ruining the screws.So can some one please tell me what screw drivers i need to succesfully do this upgrade?
I had water spilled on my macbook, now my battery will not charge. Everything else works fine except the battery will not accept a charge. When the AC power is plugged in for the first time after removing the battery it blinks green ONCE and then does not turn on again. When I remove the battery entirely the AC power steadily blinks green. If the battery is removed the macbook will not power on. I am hoping this has happened to someone else before, and does not mean I need to replace the logic board.
I have a macbook (A1278 2.4Ghz) that is having power issue.
This macbook will not charge and will not start without battery ( or battery without juice) but once start it works without any problem.
When connect to power source it shows battery "not charging" and change the power source to "power adaptor". (LED is showing very dim green)
The battery indicator is also not working.
Is there a way I can confirm which part is not working, i am looking at battery connector and battery indicator.(maybe magsafe dc-board or maybe logic board.)
I am seriously considering purchasing one of the new unibody MBP's with the new "7 hour" battery. Just a couple quick questions for you all: Do you get 7 hours when you turn wifi off, the screen down to 1/3 brightness, don't use the CD drive/etc, or does it actually last 6-7 hours in normal use (surfing web, screen really bright, backlit keyboard on)? Has anyone experienced a degradation in battery life after a bunch of cycles? I notice apple claims that the new battery will last 5 years, yet they don't warranty it for more than a year. That does not sound good to me. Opinions?
I just got a Early 2011 Macbook Pro 15" i7 that has a broken scissor for the "x" key (I still have the black "x" key itself. Would the scissors from an late 2007 Macbook Pro 15" be compatible (I've got an old dead keyboard for it that had coffee spilled on it)?
I have a Black MacBook (Early 2008). I think that I still have the factory standard RAM sticks (I bought the Mac used from a friend). I noticed today that I am running on only one gig of RAM even though I have two gigs of memory.
I have just completed rescuing a water damaged MB C2D which was originally a 2.16 and is now a 1.83. Fun project for a cold Sunday afternoon. 5 hrs I have one issue with the MB and that is the charging of the battery. The battery icon sometimes shows 'no battery' or if it shows a battery is recognized, it isn't charging. The LED on the mag-safe charger is always green. The battery is from the water damaged 2.16 and my thinking is that it may have suffered damage from being exposed to water. Original owner left the MB in the backyard and it started to rain!
I have a iMac DV G3/500 (Special Edition) from summer 2000. Anyway, I am using Mac OS 10.2.8. Recently, my start up disk's memory has gone done from 1.2 GB available free space to 668MB (currently). I haven't saved anything on this disk so I can not understand why this memory has dissappeared. I have also had icons on the start up menu disappear. Could someone please tell me how I can restore the missing memory?
My battery needed replacing for a couple of months before i dropped it from about knee level onto a sidewalk. After the drop I got the not charging icon. I thought maybe the battery had just finally died. so I did not panic about the no charge. The laptop works fine when plugged in to power with the old battery on or no battery at all. Not at all when unplugged.
When I put the brand new battery on the lap top, the computer shuts down halfway through boot up. I tried holding the power button down through boot up reset, as well as removing all power (plug and battery) and holding down the power button for 10 seconds reset.
I calibrated my battery for the first time since Dec. When I plugged it in this morning, it took 3 hours to charge all the way, and now it's stuck on 99% full, 0:00 till completely charged, and I'm getting an error when I click on the battery in the menu bar that says "Service Battery". When I click on the error, it tells me that it may not be functioning properly and to take it to an authorized apple service retailer. Before I waste 2 hours by going to the Apple store and back, has anyone else had this problem, and is there a way to fix it without having it looked at?
I get the whole part about that I set my laptop to go to sleep in 5 minutes, and if I close the lid it'll go to sleep, and the little light at the bottom starts to pulse, etc. But in sleep mode, my battery seems to drain extremely fast!
For my old Gateway M275 laptop while in sleep mode, it would probably lose about 5-7% of it's battery in a day's duration. With my MacBook Air, I just came back to it tonight after a day's worth of sleeping, and my battery was down to 16% from 29%. And to check, it was indeed sleeping!
If you look at apple's battery life page it states the MBA battery is removable, I thought it wasn't supposed to be?Battery Lifespan For Apple notebooks with removable batteries ? such as the MacBook, MacBook Air, and 15-inch MacBook Pro ? a properly maintained battery is designed to retain up to 80% of its original capacity at 300 full charge and discharge cycles. You may choose to replace your battery when it no longer holds sufficient charge to meet your needs.
I have an early 2008 non-unibody MacBook Pro. For about a year now, the status of the battery has been "replace soon." I was still getting a pretty good amount of time off of one charge so I wasn't too worried. This past Saturday morning, I woke up, checked the battery indicator lights on my computer (it had been sleeping since the day before) and it said it had about 60% percent so I opened it. I was on the Internet for about 10 minutes before it shut off without warning.
It wouldn't turn back on when I pressed the power button, so I plugged it in and it turned back on. When I checked, the battery status was "replace now." After using it, I turned it back off and left for NYC for the weekend and didn't bring it with me. When I got home last night, I plugged it in and tried turning it on with no luck. The battery indicator light was flashing one light, so I just assumed it would need to charge for a bit before it would turn back on. After about two hours, when I went to bed, it still was flashing just one light. I kept it plugged in over night, and this morning when I checked it, the battery indicator lights showed that it was fully charged, but it still wouldn't turn on. I still kept it plugged in throughout the day just in case, but it still won't turn on even though all the lights are lit. Is the battery just showing me false information, or should I be worried about more than just the battery?
purchased a macbook Unibody back in October 2008 when they were released and use it heavily. The battery no longer holds a nice long charge - I get about 2 to 2.5 hours out of a full charge.
The battery has 149 cycles on it, which is obviously high (and correct, I use the hell out of it). With it still being in warranty, is it worth pursuing a replacement battery? Will Apple tell me to go take a hike with the high cycle counts?
i just ordered a late 2008 macbook pro 15 with the dual GPUs (9400m and 9600m GT) and I'm a little worried about the battery life.
-What can I expect if just doing normal every day stuff (web surfing mostly?)
-does watching a movie off of the hard disk use less battery than watching it off a DVD? Is there a big difference?
I'm not a big gamer but would like to have the horsepower to play a game should one come out that I want. I'm also not a big traveler so battery times are only of average importance.
Basically, I'm asking if I made a good purchase considering I have only average concerns for both battery and game performance. They had the new 7 hour battery 15" macbook pro for the same price but it doesn't have the dual GPUs.
been using my older MBP with windows 7 for a while and have never notice oddies with the battery until now. Then recently after replacing the failed HD and re-installing Snow Leopard on my 2007 MBP, the battery panel is telling me "Service Battery"; it's battery health according to coconutBattery is fair for it's age (50%).
the unit (battery) has been replaced previously due to being considered 'under performing'. Is Snow Leopard trying to encurate it's users to replace the battery more frequently? If not, does anyone know why this appears? I'm at lost, since it appears to work fine, if not charging completely.
I'm not sure if this is SL related, but I get the service battery warning when I click on the battery status. iStat reports it at 62% health. Rev B 1.6 just 6months old. Should I bring it to apple or is it just a bug of SL?
I have a MacbookPro mid 2009 and have some problems with my battery. This morning I noticed that the battery was empty through it was supposed to be in sleep mode during the night. My battery has 97 cycles and has 99% of its original capacity. What could be the cause of this problem ?
I just want to make sure nothing else is wrong with my Macbook..have never replaced the battery in 3+ years...Always says not charging and once the magsafe is removed Pro shuts completely dead battery the only problem..?
Battery Information:
Model Information: Serial Number:Sony-ASMB012-3856-4ebc Manufacturer:Sony Device name:ASMB012 Pack Lot Code:0000 PCB Lot Code:0000 Firmware Version:0110 Hardware Revision:0500 Cell Revision:0303 Charge Information: Charge remaining (mAh):0 Fully charged:Yes Charging:No Full charge capacity (mAh):0 Health Information: Cycle count:218 Condition:Check Battery Battery Installed:Yes Amperage (mA):0 Voltage (mV):10209