MacBook :: Necessary To Calibrate A Unibody Battery?
Jun 13, 2012is it necessary to calibrate the batter on my 2011 unibody Macbook Pro?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011)
is it necessary to calibrate the batter on my 2011 unibody Macbook Pro?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011)
I have a MBA 13'' coming in next week and I read battery calibration can play a big part in the performance of the battery so am just wondering if I could go through the calibration procedure right out of the box?
I see that on here Apple recommend to do this on first use of getting the computer, but I wanted to know how much it would really matter if I didn't?
View 16 Replies View RelatedShould I calibrate my MacBook's battery. If I don't what will happen?
View 5 Replies View RelatedApple site recommends calibrating the first time usage. Do you guys do that for your laptop? Sorry first Mac, just wanna get it right
Whats the deal with the batteries? I would normally just read through the instruction manuals, but I have heard there is a special way to calibrate the battery when you first receive the laptop hence I am anxious to even start up the new MBP yet.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHey guys just got a replacement battery from apple. It came with 35% charge and I am wondering if I am meant to calibrate it? Should I let it run down and then charge up or charge up straightaway?
I am soon to sell my 2008 white MacBook and I just want to know if I should calibrate the battery before or after wiping the HDD clean and reinstalling OS X Leopard, or if the wiping and reinstalling process effectively calibrates the battery anyway? I have calibrated fairly regularly since I bought the laptop, but haven't so for about the last three months.
I've been meaning to calibrate my computer for some time now, but it seems like a wee hassle. I ask you this: must I calibrate my battery? Will it in any way affect my battery life during one cycle? What about the overall life of the battery in terms of number of cycles?
I was under the impression that starting with the mid 2009 macbook pros you were not supposed to calibrate the built in battery when you bought it. In fact I looked in the 2010 macbook pro manual and unlike the previous macbook pros it does not say to calibrate the battery.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am getting a very short battery life out of my "New" A1261 battery - we're talking 2.5 hours tops. I've recycled it a few times, but this is no where near the "7" hours that is quoted.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I just got a macbook pro 13 and i was just wondering what it really means to calibrate your battery, and how do you do it? Would it help my battery also?
View 9 Replies View RelatedDo the batteries on the unibody develop a memory like cell phones do if you keep charging them before the battery is drained completely or almost dead? I don't want to kill the battery life and was just curious if apple had maybe done something in the cpu to control that?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a 15" MBP (2.66Ghz, late 2008), I usually don't have WiFi turned off, so I just wanted to know how long does it usually last with WiFi off and semi-high brightness setting for the display. The only activity is typing in Word and maybe a few non intensive Photoshop stuff.
I'd like to get an estimate because I have no power adapters where I'll be using it.
I did some google searches, but could not find anything that was exactly my issue. I have a 2008 MBP unibody. If the MBP is on battery only and I close the lid, the notebook shuts down completely. This is even when the battery is fully charged. However if while plugged in and I do the same, the computer "sleeps" as advertised. I have reset both the SMC and PRAM to no avail. The main thing that bothers me is it seems like when this happens on battery, its almost as if the computer is getting a hard shut down. The machine acts as if the battery was pulled while the lid was closed and this is obviously not good for the hardware or sofware.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I run the keyboard and screen at max-brightness, airport on, and 15 things open. I get 2 hours of battery life, I'd like another hour or so.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI Have an October 2008 Macbook Unibody 13.3 and after installing Lion the CPU fan stays permanently on and the battery drains in 2 hours. What can I do to fix this?
MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I've got MacBook Unibody 2GHz and if my charge ratio is 1 charge/1 day how long my battery will work - is it countable?
View 1 Replies View RelatedJust bought a new MBP Unibody and I'm loving it so far. My friend has the one with the single graphics card and he's claiming 6-7 hours of battery life on a single charge with the screen lit a little under half. I set mine the same way and I don't get as much battery life. I have the one with the dual video cards. Is that going to cause the battery to drain faster and if so, can I disable the second video card when I'm not doing intense graphics processing?
First time poster, long time reader.
After taking the back plate off to add ram, replace hardrive etc.. it appears it wont fit snuggly or level with the rest of the back any more.
The battery is almost like a spring when I release the catch, Im not sure it use to be like that.
I had water spilled on my macbook, now my battery will not charge. Everything else works fine except the battery will not accept a charge. When the AC power is plugged in for the first time after removing the battery it blinks green ONCE and then does not turn on again. When I remove the battery entirely the AC power steadily blinks green. If the battery is removed the macbook will not power on. I am hoping this has happened to someone else before, and does not mean I need to replace the logic board.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a macbook (A1278 2.4Ghz) that is having power issue.
This macbook will not charge and will not start without battery ( or battery without juice) but once start it works without any problem.
When connect to power source it shows battery "not charging" and change the power source to "power adaptor". (LED is showing very dim green)
The battery indicator is also not working.
Is there a way I can confirm which part is not working, i am looking at battery connector and battery indicator.(maybe magsafe dc-board or maybe logic board.)
I am seriously considering purchasing one of the new unibody MBP's with the new "7 hour" battery. Just a couple quick questions for you all: Do you get 7 hours when you turn wifi off, the screen down to 1/3 brightness, don't use the CD drive/etc, or does it actually last 6-7 hours in normal use (surfing web, screen really bright, backlit keyboard on)? Has anyone experienced a degradation in battery life after a bunch of cycles? I notice apple claims that the new battery will last 5 years, yet they don't warranty it for more than a year. That does not sound good to me. Opinions?
View 16 Replies View RelatedI just got a Early 2011 Macbook Pro 15" i7 that has a broken scissor for the "x" key (I still have the black "x" key itself. Would the scissors from an late 2007 Macbook Pro 15" be compatible (I've got an old dead keyboard for it that had coffee spilled on it)?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've got a MBP and hooked up another 23" monitor to it (LG LED) and I'm using the Spyder2express to calibrate. How do I calibrate the second monitor? My MBP is just a few months old if that makes a difference.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just set it up and been using it for about 10 mins. Should I stop and charge it to full? It's currently at 75% right now.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a Macbook Pro and have recently bought a Samsung P2370 monitor so that I have a larger monitor to work on photos in Photoshop. I've got the monitor working the problem is I can't calibrate it. I have a Huey MEU101 calibrator and it's allowing me to calibrate the macbook monitor, but not the external monitor, I assume because the computer sees the 2 monitors as one combined one. As I specifically got it to work with images on the larger monitor, this is a problem.
Does anyone know how to solve this? I don't mind if it involves temporarily disabling the macbook monitor and only working with the external monitor in Photoshop (though the dual monitors are pretty useful). I've read various forums that seem to suggest that I might need 2 graphics cards, or that it might be that the software on the Huey doesn't support dual monitors and I need the pro version.
I am having a few issues with downloading office and getting the Speak function to calibrate?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat spyder and what software would you suggest to calibrate the retina display of the new MacBook Pros?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI work on the macbook between 90min-2 hours throughout the day. At home, I hook up to a twenty-four inch monitor that I had calibrated through a Windows based system and complete my work. Now the files that I am working on are being processed through the macbook but viewed on the external monitor. I don't really care about the calibration of the macbook because the work that I am doing on it without the external monitor is really not color related i.e. removing scabs off of children, removing hair off of the face ect, but I need the final image to be accurate before it is sent off to the lab.
So, what do I need to do? Calibrate the macbook and the monitor or just the monitor and if just the monitor can anyone walk me through this? I know I could "search" but switching over from windows has been an experience and honestly, I am tired of "searching". Speaking of searching, I am still trying to figure out a way to sync my Dell x50v to the macbook, anyone? I know the x50v is old but it is the most solid piece of windows hardware I have ever owned and it still "just works".