I have an aluminum macbook and I just bought a monitor for it. I want to have the macbook closed on a vertical stand but I am concerned about heat problems. Does anyone use their macbook on the vertical stand most of the time and if so do you encounter any heat problems? and are there any stands out there that cool it as well so you don't have to worry about over heating?
I did a quick forum search and didn't come up with anything. I'm looking for a vertical stand for my Macbook to use while at home. I need to free up some desk space and that looks like the perfect solution. Alternatively I'm thinking of building a shelf under the desk to slide it in while I'm using the external monitor.
far I've found 2 options:- The insanely priced Balmuda (seriously, who buys this stuff?)- The much more reasonable PowerSupport stand..not sure if PS ship to UK though, have emailed to ask.Any other alternatives out there? Right now it's sitting on a box under the desk, not cool.
I'm considering buying/making a stand for my MBP but have limited desk space, so what I ideally want is a stand which will hold my laptop, fully opened, with its screen completely vertical against, say, the wall behind my desk. If this is hard to imagine, think of it this way: say you're looking at the laptop from the right hand side, in it's normal open position it makes a kind of '9-o-clock' shape with the screen perfectly vertical and the keys perfectly horizontal. I'm looking for more of a '7-o-clock' but where the screen is raised to eye level, whilst still perfectly vertical
I am looking for a stand for my Macbook Pro (particularly looking for an aesthetically pleasing one). On the Apple website there are 2 choices...the Griffin Elevator, the Rain Design mStand, and the Matias iFold. In your opinion is there one of these that's any better than the others? Which one would you go for?
I just purchased an 11" MacBook Air and I'm loving it! I'm using it with the 24" Apple cinema display and was wondering what some of you are using as a stand. There doesn't seem to be much available to accommodate the smaller size. I'm currently using an mStand that I had from owning my just recently sold MBP. I'm considering a TwelveSouth BookArc, but I'm not sure if it will fit the 11" Air. Can anyone confirm this?
I'm looking for something that's not only aesthetically pleasing, but also something with a smaller footprint that will free up some desk space. Please share your thoughts, ideas, opinions, and solutions!
How do ya'll "hold" your Airs when you're on the couch, etc? My last few years of Apple notebooks have all been 15"ers (PowerBooks/MBPs) and I've always used a 15" iLap vs. putting the warmer-than-I-like notebook directly on my lap. I'm reading that the Airs run cooler than the MBPs, so I'm wondering if I'll even need a 13" iLap for it. Just curious how everyone manages theirs.
Looking for a stand, and I have a certain one that I can't find anywhere on the internet anymore even though I remember seeing it. It's a stand for the MBP that looks almost identical to the iMac and 24'' ACD stand. Is there a link or anything?
i noticed it happens especially when is taken form down to up or up to down lik for instance form my lap to the desk, which is about 10cm change of hights. the screen goes black, and when I touch the track pad it goes on again and ask me for the login pasword. once in all the programs are on as they were before stand by..
I have checked the system report and i dont have any SAS device installed in the computer, so how does this happen?
I have a new 13" unibody MacBook. I am looking for a good stand / cooler combo that can sit sit on my desk. It would also be a bonus if it was portable and could also be used on my lap for when I'm sitting in the living room.
I am looking at the western digital 500 blue hard drive like on newegg, and i notice that there was two model names for the same drive. however i did not know what they represent exactly. my guess was that the wd5000bevtrtl meant retail and the the wd5000bevt was for system builders or bulk buyers. so is it that the only difference is that one comes in the package and the other does not. right. cause i saw one at besy buy and one is more expensive. now does this mean that the retail one is less likely to fail or do i run the same risk. i know this is a stupid question that may seem a little stupid but i just want to make sure.
I just bought Mac Air 11" three weeks ago. I noticed that the average standby time of the battery is only three hours. I need answer on this because it ain't normal at all.I have to recharge the battery 3-4 times in a day.
I was just rummaging through my cupboard looking for me certificates when I found it. And it fit's pretty alright. It will have to do for now. It a case for my Razer mousepad, the Destructor. It's hard on the surface and it'd do a nice job of protecting it over minor bumps but nothing major. What I like about it is that it's slim. When I first bought the Destructor mousepad couple of years ago, I remembered thinking the case would be a good case for laptops. Had a 15" HP that time and it wont fit. Not to mention, it was too thick. Well, I snapped a few pics. And oh, its a 13 MBA if anyone is wondering.
I am trying to find this [URL] stand in black, I got a white/black style on my room and really want something like that in black, does anybody knows where I can find that?
I've been having this problem for the last few weeks intermittently, and occurs whenever I bring my Macbook Pro (17 � 5,2 � 10.6.4) awake from sleep, or sometimes just when I switch it on.
It is a bit difficult to describe, so here is a picture:
I have to hard-reset the laptop to fix this each time...
Do I need to send it away for repairs or is this something that I could fix myself?
For the past few days, my screen has been going in and out of being entirely covered by 1px white lines that occasionally flicker blue or something. Like, when I'm typing (as I am now) if the window is positioned one pixel off, the blinking cursor won't appear (and on my black screensaver, it looks more like it's white/light grey because literally every other 1px line is white). Well, this morning it got weird again, but it hasn't gone back to normal!
I have a Mid-2007 Santa Rosa Macbook Pro, 2.4 Ghz Core 2 Duo- LED Screen, backlight works fine and if I turn it completely down ('off') the problem persists. I have Boot Camp installed, and the problem persists when booting into Windows as well.
I looked around and tried a few fixes to no avail (slept the screen, reset the PRAM, messed with the resolution a bit).
I took a screenshot and everything shows up normal. I had to finish a paper I was working on, and the screen was getting unbearable, so I tried plugging it into a mate's external lcd and the image came up completely fine, no vertical lines!
So, what could this be, and what could I do to fix it? Could this be the infamous problem with the Nvidia 8600GT M graphics card- so would I have to get the logic board repaired!? (UGH I hope not) Could it just be a connection issue? I did install a new hard drive, a new stick of memory, and Leopard, but that was months ago! Anything else I might be missing? and I hope this problem isn't too serious!
P.S.-on a side-note, has anybody done the upgrade to the latest firmware for the fans (SMC something)? Should I give that a try (or should I do it anyway, regardless of whether it could help)? When it was released, I heard of some bad experiences, so I stayed away.
So, my late 2008 aluminum Macbook has been giving me some issues. At first, the display basically conked out on me so I had to get that replaced. Then about a week after it got replaced, it looked like some sort of liquid had oozed out of the display. It was basically between the LCD screen and the glass display. I pressed on it a couple times with my thumb and it went away. Then yesterday, the liquid came back. Then late last night, this vertical line of static came up and it wont go away.
Here is a picture of the liquid stuff. It's not great because I can only see it when the screen is off because the vertical stripe is on top of the liquid stuff. Its kinda hard to see, but it looks like oil on the inside of the screen.
I have had my Laptop for over 3 years now and with really no significant problems. A couple of days ago though, my laptop display got 3 vertical black/white/black bars on the right third of the screen and I am just curious if it is dying. I am connected to an external display and it's been awhile like this, but it makes it impossible to use as a laptop anymore.